Sony has revealed the DualSense Edge — an official PS5 Pro controller that's highly customisable. As you'd expect of a Pro pad, you can tune the device to suit your needs. Inputs can be reconfigured, deactivated, and you can tweak things like stick dead zones. You can also save multiple control profiles and swap between them.
Indeed, this pad sounds highly customisable. The PS Blog explains that "each trigger is adjustable with options to tailor travel distance and dead zones to your preference" meaning "you can manually reduce travel distance of the triggers for faster inputs in competitive FPS games or reduce the dead zone for precise throttle control in racing games". As mentioned above, you'll be able to toggle between all of your pre-configured settings on the fly.
In addition, a dedicated Function button will allow you to quickly alter to the settings to your tastes. This includes being able to "adjust game volume and chat balance and access the controller profile settings menu to set up and test new control iterations while in game". Pretty neat!
One thing that's worth adding is that the controller will come with three different swappable stick caps (standard, high dome, and low dome), but you'll be able to replace the entire analogue stick module as well. This means, if you do experience any analogue stick drift, you'll be able to change the entire compartment — meaning you won't need to replace the controller!
The pad will also include rear paddles, which you'll be able to assign to any button you please. Much like the analogue sticks, you'll also be able to swap out the components here, with the two configurations bundled in the box spanning half-dome and lever.
As for the controller's more physical aspects, it'll come with a carrying case and a braided USB-C cable for charging. You're probably wondering how much this thing is going to cost, but Sony isn't sharing that information yet. It says it'll have a release date "in the months ahead". Safe to assume this pad will either be launching in the holidays, or in 2023.
What do you make of the DualSense Edge? Try to guess the price in the comments section below.
Comments 112
This will be expensive!
Think 129-149€
We'll update this with actual information as soon as we can. Sony being classic Sony and not updating the blog on time!
It’ll have the same drift issues because they’ll use the same potentiometers….
Hall effect analogs please.
... Edgy. I'm betting $150.
Wow this controller combines two of my favourite pass times
Nice one, let’s kick off a recession with a bang
The look is nice. But the 4 new buttons? Nah. Really don't need more.
I saw ps5 pro and I shuddered
Well, I accidentally kicked one of mine across the floor and broke the R2 spring, so if it isn’t significantly more expensive and has paddles that are mappable I’d consider it. Can’t think of any other way to improve the controller though. Not sure what all these people are talking about with “drift”, this isn’t a Switch. Don’t see how those weird underside trigger things will be useful.
Edit: looks like paddle type things now we have the back view(?). Wouldn’t pay more than £80 max though, not unless it also had a much bigger battery than base, which it doesn’t mention.
Would only be worth for me if its anti drifting
Exactly what I was hoping for, hopefully we don't have to wait too long for an all black version!
I'm happy to finally see this but just wow the trailer could have been so much better and it really needed to show more of what this controller can do, unfortunately this just looked rushed.
I have an Elite2 for the Series X. I had to buy as part of a bundle through GameStop. While it’s really cool, they aren’t worth the lofty price tags. Granted, I do love the battery. I only have to charge mine once a month.
Just my personal preference wish they had offset the thumb sticks.
Just find using my Xbox and Switch pro controllers better than my PS5 controller as they have offset thumb sticks.
Updated it with all the info we have.
The ability to replace individual stick modules is pretty cool, I'll probably pick one of these up.
About bloody time. Imma pre-order one as soon as possible.
So you can replace analogue sticks wonder how much they will be to replace because I know to do it know if you know how, they basically cost nothing.
Looks like it won't have that more premium feel, indeed potentially more rickety.
It will cost more than a tank of fuel but less than your monthly utility bill.
No more cheetos sticks. Got jam on them? Swap 'em. What a sale.
£150 I bet. I don't need 1 But I will probably get 1
Wonder if this one will make that horrible clicky sound when moving the analog sticks left to right slowly.
@kyleforrester87 18% inflation by next year. At this rate we’ll be paying for this controller with 500 billion Zimbabwean dollars.
How you forget the d-pad in a pro/elite controller? I expected a mechanical d-pad maybe. The d-pad sucks in DualSense(due to the overall shape of the controller and the d-pad itself. Even is you couldn’t do anything about the overall shape of the controller, you could have at least addressed the d-pad on its own.) The d-pad is fine for most things but my problem with it surfaces when it comes to fighting games. It's terrible in that department so im sadden that didn't at least make it mechanical.
Is there 4 back buttons/pedals or 2 back buttons/pedals?
A braided usb type c? You can buy them in abundance on Amazon? I don't care about these pro controllers lolz 😆🤣😆
@Mega-Gazz the controllers that came out this year, 2022, have far less drift issues, if any, than the original white. So hopefully these will be even better.
@Carl-G and you wonder why Sony get sued smdh 😤😤 lol
People are expecting to change the whole of the sticks not just the stick caps, hope it's that way Sony. And we implore them to not make the base controllers worse just because of these pro ones
@Enigk cost of living! But hey a pro controller is our priority 😑😑😑
Bad waste 😔😔 hah
@Smiffy01 That horrible clicky sound makes rumble device inside. It is real pain in the ass and so annoying...
It looks they returned to DS4 design, especially in holding areas. That only confirms DSense handles are bad. After 2 hours of gaming I'm suffering serious pain in palms... and I'm not alone.
@nessisonett ahh. It won’t get to 18. I mean, if it does, I’m done for. But it won’t. It can’t.
Will be a day 1 purchase, helps loads with shooters.
Probably going to cost way more than I'm willing to spend on a controller but good to see Sony finally offer its own 'Pro' option.
@kyleforrester87 Best I can do is 17 and a quarter.
Looks cool! Though I'm not sure how I feel about the paddle placement.
@Octane careful, you’ll go to prison for that.
@djlard I read they used a different housing for the analog sticks used in the launch white ds5's than the newer ds5's (all the diff coloured ones) The new housing in later ds5's is used to apparently reduce stick drift.
Missed opportunity for the controller to be able to switch modules back and forth between the D-pad with the left stick in case someone prefers the Xbox/Switch layout.
This has Elite pad written all over it. Ie it will have stick drift and refuse to take power after about a week of use.
Playstation go at Xbox elite 2 controller.
Looks great though at last back triggers + can adjust the pull rate of the back trigger buttons much like the Elite 2.
@Dezzy70 I think a lot of studies have been done and worldwide, symmetrical sticks are preferred. I generally can adapt to both, but definitely prefer symmetrical sticks. Either way, it will be a customized option if Sony even released a controller that way, the standard PS controller is symmetrical.
Everyone has their preference that’s good.
I have played console games for decades and all the consoles day one with controllers and prefer
Offset thumb sticks.
Glad for the underside buttons luke the addon for ds4, practical in some cases, like in bike games with analog clutch on the stick, you could shift with the underside so you have free thumb and index.
If it still has the trash battery life & twig analog sticks that get stick drift just from simply using the controller , then its worthless . sorry for being so negative , but if sony could at least just bring the freaking colors back to the controller i'd have a different outlook honestly . seriously, whats the reason for them not having colored buttons anymore ?
want a official wired controller myself
@Smiffy01 and that creaky feel through the stick. Typical Sony quality
@nessisonett mad isn’t it
Finally! SOLD!!!
Not for me but I appreciate all the comments about "drift", my character won't stop running forward in Fortnite using my red controller. The old original red I bought before I had the PS5, not one of the later colored ones.
Getting this day one, been waiting for PS to come out with one, love my Microsoft Elite 2
@uptownsoul Give it time and these same people will be saying Jim caused the recession.
I'm a huge fan of the XB Elite, and I assume this will be priced similarly. Although, it's really hard to see in this footage if it would really feel very different from a standard DS5 or if it's all just about the customizability/extra buttons.
I wanted this so badly last gen for PS4, but, at the moment I'm not playing enough games on PS5 to justify a premium controller on it.
@Omnistalgic What studies, though? I think a lot of people worldwide have just been used to symmetrical and therefore would chose that on a survey. Switch may have changed that now that PS is the only symmetrical stick platform.
I've always preferred asymmetrical, however, on DS5 (and previously the wired Razer Raiju on PS4), somehow the stance width of the sticks makes me equally comfortable on symmetrical for the most part.
Meh, not for me personally. Looks ugly as heck and I can’t making use of any of the customisations. I’m sure there’s plenty of folks who’ll love it though.
I think it looks nice, as the touch pad being black with the symbols on it is pretty cool. The only way I'd buy it though is if the controller had significantly better battery life like the Xbox Elite controller does, but I doubt Sony will have done anything with that. That would be too practical, and Sony rarely does anything practical these days. I'm not expecting some huge 30-40 hour battery life like the Switch Pro or the Xbox Elite controllers have, but putting it a bigger/better battery would help justify the likely high price tag (the Elite controllers are really expensive too).
I don't care about pro controllers but I give this one a little bit of credit for having the sticks in the right position.... It's crazy how many controllers labeled as pro have them in the wrong position
I’m not impressed with the PS5 controller’s durability. My first controller has drift in both sticks already and I expect the second one to have similar problems.
I just want silver & gold DualSense controllers 😭😭😭 what’s a guy gotta do to play with fancy colored controllers?!?!
Does it come in black?🤔
@NotTelevision I had a type of drift where right stick would nudge left some after releasing it. It’s probably the primary reason for this controller, the sticks being prone to failure long before anything else
reminder: better stick technology exists but they want you to keep paying
@commentlife i hope sony keeps getting sued then .
The controller that came with the system had issues with the left analog stick 15 days after the warranty expired. Bought a black one that was creaky as hell. Returned it for a white one that has been fine...for now.
I'm hoping the Edge will be worth it at least longevity wise
This will probably be out of my price range.
I’m just not a competitive player anymore. I would have ate this sort of stuff up back when I was playing Halo 3 online.
Now I’m more of a casual online player. I already have two Dualsenses that work fine. One of them needs a battery replacement but I’ll get around to ordering one at some point (I repair my own controllers; I’ve had to replace trigger springs in both of mine twice).
Yeah that plastic creak is plaguing a lot of Sony products these days.
I bought a Pulse headset a month ago and it’s had a creak since day one. The buttons that control game versus voice audio are also weird. The bottom button doesn’t feel like it’s fitted just right.
I’ve got a one year warranty through GameStop so I’m gonna go back and swap them out when I get around to it.
I am exceedingly happy with my standard DualSense, but this looks like a neat option if I ever need to replace it.
@NEStalgia just surveys of what you prefer, yea. I think the other layout may be a tad better for camera movement but I can play all genres with symmetrical. For example, I cannot play Street Fighter or Devil May Cry on Xbox/Switch Pro controller. Regardless I think Sony changing is about as likely as them changing the symbols of the face buttons.
Shame you can't swap the d-pad and left stick
It looks really nice but how will it perform compared to a custom Battle Beaver? That will be the deciding factor for me.
🥳 This would be my 3'rd controller.. I'm tired of fixing them every now then and taking parts of one to replace another.. Unless it's rediculously priced and it's cheaper to buy 3 regular controller to last for another 2 years or so.. and it may also be as horrible "quality wise" as the regular ones. We'll see.
And Thank God for normal colors they pick.
I was really hoping for a more modular design. Being able to swap the dpad with the left stick would've been a game changer imo. The paddle setup is weird too...why only two? The price of the controller and it's replacement sticks is going to be the deciding factor for me.
I'm still not sold on getting a PS5 just yet (even though I'm definitely getting it at some stage) but this will be a perfect piece of current gen PlayStation hardware for me to get to go with the PC. I currently have an Elite Series 2 controller but I'm missing the PlayStation controller layout as of late.
Behold, CHADow the BASEDhog's (Shadow the Hedgehog) favourite controller!
But…does it come in Black?
@huyi You can buy a original controller cant you in not rich but im not going to complain about more options either.
I wonder if it will work with the official Sony charging station. 🤔
Good thing I waited getting a second controller, I’ll wait and get this one instead!
@Omnistalgic Technically they did change the symbols of the face buttons with switching X and O in Japan to match the West. Why not match Nintendo/MS with the sticks next 😂
The thing with the dual shock layout is that it's kind of an accident rather than intent and it just kind of stuck. They retrofitted analogs to the original dpad based ps1 controller and the only place to add the sticks without interfering with games using it as it was designed at launch with only a dpad was just mount them below the original controls like a secondary input set. The design just kind of stuck, but if they designed from scratch rather than having to add sticks to an existing controller, I wonder if they'd have used asymmetrical first back then?
I can't play FG without a fight stick so all the controllers suck to be there, though 😆 DMC isn't an issue to me though, and Bayonetta, obviously there's not much choice either way (I'm not looking forward to joy con pain with that one...)
@GuardianOfTime I think yes.. I was wondering the same so I watched the video on youtube on slow motion @ 0:13 and I saw the charging metals on the sides of the headset jack👍
@DualWielding I have the same issue with that nonsense thats why i never bought a Pro controller.
I'm perfectly content with the default PS5 controller, hard pass.
I am happy for my gamer buds willing to spend the extra dough to customize though, more power to them.
Since they haven't given a price yet, I think they're going for 200 euro per piece...
No thanks. I've paid too much already on a bunch of controllers in the last couple of gens because of faults. Not spending 2.5 times the price of a regular controller for one that probably has the same build quality.
Other than this controller can be reconfigured, customized etc, i dont see how is so much more premium than the original like Xbox elite is. Guess we have to see more of it
Some of these features should have been part of the Dual Sense from the start.
It looks good but I'm more likely to buy another normal dualsense with different colours rather than this. Unless this dualsense has way more battery.
I assume everyone who bought a PS5 with a dualsense that can't even handle Astros Playroom's insane vibrations will be getting one of these for free? And another one for those with stick drift?
Oh well :/
As the original Elite controller was released in October 2015, you could say it's taken $on¥ just under 7 years to release something similar.
I suppose sometimes they're so sluggish to respond to their competitors you could also call them Slow-ny.
Perhaps they should sell it bundled with a couple of right and left analogue sticks just to combat the drift that seems to blight so many next gen consoles?
Given the amount of replaceable parts, I get the impression that they don't have high hopes for reliability?
Maybe wishful thinking but if Sony keep this at around the £100 mark I'm definitely in. You can pick up the Elite V2 pads for around that now and any higher than £120 you're entering Scuf territory. Looks really interesting though - never had any drift issues from either of my Dualsense controllers, one of which is 20 months old and has seen a lot of Elden Ring deaths haha
That might be the laziest pro controller design I’ve ever seen. The black/white colour scheme is still fugly AF too. Grade: F - See me after class Sony.
@Dezzy70 Whilst myself and many like me hate offset sticks. Delighted they've stuck to a proper design.
I barely play switch these days so cant comment, but I certainly cant stand Xbox controllers and my wife gets physical pains playing with them for any longer than 30 minutes. I certainly don't get pains (thank god), but I hate xbox controllers, despite having 5 of them, especially the standard series X one which feels like it came in a plastic egg. The forza special editions are better, but being better than the worst is still a sorry design compared with the standard PS5 controller. The fact there's not even a gyro in xbox designs shows you how backwards these old designs are.
I'm not personally looking for an update on PS5 as I like what we have so much, but I can see that some that need a competitive edge (the pun on words is not lost on me), might get something from this, and choice is good!
Always thought it was strange people get excited for these sort of things
Surely it should just come as standard with the ps5 also the Xbox pro controller should be the standard Xbox controller
Just another way for company’s to fleece money out of loyal consumers.
Just having the analog pieces swappable is worth it......I'm not playing my ps4 now because I refuse to buy a 5th controller
I've owned Scuf controllers in the past but moved on to eBay remap paddle kits and Extremerate products since. Incredibly cheaper and can move across controllers when the inevitable drift and other issues kicks in. I'm bummed Sony haven't done a back attachment like they did for the DS4, one of the best products they've ever put out
@CWill97 Spray paint 🤣🤣🤣
Same here. I had the elite Xbox one that came packed with an elite controller and hybrid hdd. It is not worth it. In fact the 'heavy metal elite stick's' cause spring back in the opposite direction, if you let go of them. Waste of money.
@kyleforrester87 this made me proper laugh
same triggers, same analog sticks. what is pro about this controller?? bac buttons??? its cheap plastick that breaks and analog sticks that get stick drift. ever since dualshock v2, the stick drift is so horrible after a couple months. ps5 controller is even worse. i have 3 controllers and 2 of them have stick drift. i own a xbox series x and never had any drift. and bougth xbox elite, and i have NEVER had such a good controller, ever.
I think it is just a matter of personal preference really. I find the duel sense not as good to hold and prefer the offset thumb sticks and the triggers on the Xbox controller.
It’s a close call but small preferences.
@-Sigma- DualSense design is like a gift from God over the craptastic Xbox controllers for baby size hands. Feels 100x more comfortable, no cramping after 15 minutes, aligned sticks are tons better than the weird offset ones, and the d-pad is leaps and bounds better. That constant click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click from the stupid tactile on the Series controllers drives me up the effing wall... as well as anyone else in the room or in the next room trying to sleep. To each their own. Just stating why I personally feel the DualSense is superior in nearly every way.
@Smiffy01 I have 4 controllers (white, black, wine red and pink) and all of them feels same. around 100 hours on all of them and no drift, scratchy ticking from rumble device, palm pain after hour or so and only white DS5 sometimes stuck square button.
@D34DL1N3R That constant click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click is like walkie talkie switch. 😀 and if you try to play quietly with low sound to not disturb sleeping family, this is that fu(king thing you wanted whole life.
@tinCAT-zero I have to admit that it is a really cool controller. But unless $$$ is not an issue, it’s hard to recommend. The customization is bad ass, but I am such a casual gamer, I won’t use most of it. I like how you can change the tension in the sticks and the battery is very impressive tho. Only way I get the PS version is if I stumble upon one deeply discounted
It sounds cool changing the tension in the sticks. You could do that in the first Elite. Unless I knew nothing about it.
@thefourfoldroot1 All sticks can drift. I believe dreamcast was one of the last major consoles to come with hall effect sticks which have much less drift than potentiometer based sticks.
@D34DL1N3R I have never had a cramp using either controllers. I dislike the fact the PS5 buttons are all soft and mushy and not tactile. I stand by the fact that the vita dpad and buttons are the best sony has ever made. Never was a fan of the PS2/PS3 dpad PS4 was a good middle ground.
Also offset sticks are practically made for shooters. Symmetrical sticks are outdated, thumbs are too close together.
Yes they can, technically. But going by my own experience (small sample size obviously) I’ve only ever had it happen on (3!) Switches. I’ve had every Sony controller since PS1 (as well as all Ninty consoles up to Wii, Sega up to Dreamcast, and all MS consoles up to Xbone) and never had stock drift on any of them.
@thefourfoldroot1 I only had it on PS4 (after dropping the controllers) and Wii U gamepad (heavily used for years) so not bad at all. Switch joycons too but that's probably because of the contacts
@Lolcat I didn't say you had cramping. I said I have cramping. So do plenty of other people with larger hands, as there are posts all over about it. Caused from the intentionally child-sized Series X|S controllers.
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