Update #2: As was increasingly looking to be the case as the weekend progressed, Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered failed to attract as many concurrent players on Steam during its launch weekend as God of War. Insomniac Games’ superhero sandbox topped out at 66,436, while Kratos and Atreus managed 73,529.
Like we mentioned in the original article, we’re in the peak of summer with fewer lockdown restrictions right now, which will be affecting engagement statistics. In addition, Sony’s charging a pretty high price for Spider-Man on PC, despite the game being four years old now. All of this will have contributed to the slightly lower than expected numbers.
Update #1: Unless it has a big Sunday in store, it looks like Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered will fall short of God of War’s first weekend concurrent record of almost 75,000 players. The game was pushing 65,000 players on Saturday, which is still hugely successful, but may now struggle to hit the same figures as Kratos’ inaugural Norse outing.
Original Story: Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered looks like another PC success story for Sony – although this one was never really in doubt, was it? Steam data shows that Insomniac Games superhero smash hit – ported perfectly by Dutch developer Nixxes – reached peak player numbers of 60,000 on launch day. This will likely increase over the weekend, closely following the trajectory of God of War’s PC port earlier in the year.
While many may have expected bigger numbers from a brand as popular as Spider-Man, it’s important to remember that we’re in the thick of the summer now, so player numbers are generally down across the board – especially now lockdowns have largely been lifted. At $59.99/£49.99, Sony is also milking this port for all it’s worth – you can pick this title up pretty cheap on PS4 these days, and it’s even included with All PS Plus Games.
Still, Sony’s emerging PC strategy is clearly becoming a nice earner for the firm. Earlier in the year, the company said that its Marvel’s Spider-Man series had sold 33 million units to date – expect that number to continue to grow over the coming months.
[source steamdb.info]
Comments 127
So after Steams cut that’ll be £2.1 million at launch. However with the cost of the port I’d imagine their launch day profits are probably somewhere between £1.5-£1.8million.
It might be ‘free’ money but if this makes PC gamers think: ‘I’ll wait for the PC release for PS games’ this really is a short term gain considering Spider-Man is easily a £100million game.
The numbers for totals probably be over 40 million total sales once miles releases later this year
@Fight_Teza_Fight Strictly PC gamers aren't going to buy a console for exclusives. Everyone who thinks that way already has a console. Myself included. So this will be a long term gain for Sony. An almost 5 yr old game is gaining such sale numbers is a great thing.
@Fight_Teza_Fight What if they love it so much they get a PS5 to play Spider-Man 2 at launch? This game will sell for years on Steam anyway, it's just extra money for Sony in the long-run.
@get2sammyb I mean we now know that Sony ports everything to PC within maybe a year of Launch or so in the future. Players who are PC only so far will just wait
@get2sammyb exactly, as it seems it'll be at least 2 years before they hop onto PC, so anyone not wanting to wait that long can buy a console.
@theMEGAniggle And there in lies my issue with TLOU remastered remastered. PC gamers will get the best version of it eventually which would most likely be a better version than what the PS5 can do.
@Fight_Teza_Fight @get2sammyb While there might be some I doubt many people will spend an extra $500 so they can play a $70 game earlier. That's a huge price leap that people who aren't into a console's ecosystem won't have any reason to jump into.
The move to pc is more align to tapping a market in the long term. Consumers like me who have zero desire to buy a PS5 are giving the company zero revenue right now. Releasing these games on PC ensures the capability of getting some money from us and keeping us interested in their products, especially if their plan is to grow their online catalog of games. It's going to take time but getting into the pc market will give them another avenue of income and hopefully keep player counts up when they inevitably release more multiplayer games.
@uptownsoul Indeed, can't wait either but I hope they don't put the spideyverse costume in the next one. All my gamer eyes saw in the dlc was lag and I had to change the costume within 2 mins of swinging.
@uptownsoul Haha I guessed it was deliberate but my eyes did not like one bit
@Fight_Teza_Fight it's 60k simultaneously playing, that's way more than 60k sales.
God of war all time peak is about 75k and it sold 980k in 2 months officially, and close to 2m now using 3rd party tracking sites.
@z0d15g0d every game that has released on PC is a superior version to the PS4 / PS5 releases. Thats the nature of PCs. They're very capable.
@theMEGAniggle We're seeing a decrease in the gap between PS release and PC release. HZD was 3 years which is quite lengthy but now we've got Miles Morales which is 2 years, the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection which'll be slightly less than a year and TLoU Part 1 which Sony seems to suggest will probably be a few months maximum.
At this current rate and with Sony's expectations for PC, I think 2023 will begin day 1 PS5 + PC (e.g. Factions 2) meanwhile ports of 2017-2022 1st party games get released in the gaps between these releases.
@theMEGAniggle Agreed, but now you got companies saying "this is the best you we can do on console" then a year or more later a superior version comes out on PC. If this trend continues I will end up avoiding the console exclusive releases and wait for the final PC version. Lots of my friends are of the same mind so we can't be the only ones who think that way. Remasters should be left to at least 2 gens of a console then it would be at the PC's level.
@z0d15g0d It's the biggest reason I don't own an Xbox. I have a pretty decent gaming PC and they almost always are available there. Can't say the same thing for PS exclusives. This isn't knocking the Xbox, it's definitely a good console, especially if you don't own a gaming PC.
@tselliot Yea same. I've got a decent rig and got the game pass for £1 when back for blood came out. Streaming and PC is most likely the way forward.
@ChrisDeku probably at or over 2 million then considering the margin of error on those tracking sites. Pretty decent sales.
To all the PC elitists. I tried PC for about 2 years, but I am not loaded with money to upgrade my cpu, mb, gpu, ran, ssd every 2 years, so I sold it and returned to console. I prefer spending my money on games, rather than on PC parts to keep up with the newest graphical settings. I suffer from big FOMO, if I spend big money, I want to see all ultra settings ticked.
@IonMagi "I mean we now know that Sony ports everything to PC within maybe a year of Launch or so in the future."
R.I.P., facts. Your love for Sony never ceases to amaze us. Keep it up.
@z0d15g0d no doubt, but that is expected when a game releases on PC. I myself am not all that sold on console gaming anymore, there's not a big reason to own one if PC get the same games, near the same time as consoles, at a better quality (albeit a greater price for the powerful PC itself).
In this case, it's really just the hardware that allows the game to perform better. Whether the PC release is on the same day as console or 2 years after the console release, generally the performance and visuals will always have the higher ceiling on a PC than on console. That's due to PCs having superior hardware.
@Grumblevolcano "At this current rate and with Sony's expectations for PC, I think 2023 will begin day 1 PS5 + PC"
I've been hearing this for years, yet it hasn't happened and won't any time soon. There is no way that games like God of War 2 or Spiderman 2 will come out day 1 on PC.
@Grumblevolcano So Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy came out last year? No. They were released in 2016 & 17 right? So that is a 6 & 5 year wait for the PC release. Spider-Man was a 4 year wait. HZD 3 years. Miles Morales 2 years, Days Gone 2 years. Returnal will be 2 years. The clear pattern is 2 years.
The only one that is concerningly short is TLOU Part 1, looks like PC release will be within a year. It is a remake so is that really an appropriate blueprint of what PS releases will be like on PC? I don't think so. I think the PC releases of Miles Morales, Returnal, GOT and GOW will be the blueprint of future PS releases on PC. Which is around 2 years after the initial release.
@z0d15g0d Only if Comcrap gets rid of these stupid data caps. Although, it’s not much more to go unlimited. Just the off contract subscription costs are astronomical.
@get2sammyb if PC gamers waited this long for the games to port over to PC there's no way they're going to buy a whole console NOW for games they KNOW will be ported over to PC with an ever decreasing time delay.
@theMEGAniggle Only if you have the very best system setup, which costs many times more than the cost of a PS5.
A 500 dollar PC doesn't even hold a candle to the PS5.
@TrickyDicky99 They will all attempt to do their own versions of steam and epic stores. Ms even doing a collaboration with samsung to stream xbox games directly through their TV's. Sony will probably do the same with their own brand. The need for consoles is fast approaching it's end.
@tseliot There are ISP's that offer unlimited here in the UK with GB speeds so things on the up and up
@GreatAuk I already stated that its at a much greater price for a powerful PC, yes. Powerful GPU costing the same as a whole console 🥴
@theMEGAniggle Yea the older I get the less I care about day 1 releases. I've been through enough of that waiting for patches and fixes that there really isn't a point to getting most of them right away. Plus with a massive games backlog that's still accumulating over the years I will always have more than enough titles to keep me busy till the "perfected" versions come out on PC. So long as you can avoid spoilers there's no reason not to wait for the best.
@z0d15g0d really don't think consoles are going anywhere any time soon. Got close to another decade on the PS5 with possible refresh. And with them selling as fast as they can be stocked not sure why Sony would just be like "Nah" on a PS6. So tack on another decade at least. That's what, 2040?
Even in a streaming only age (I shudder at the thought) a console is almost always going to be the more convenient option. Streamlined model options. Gaming-centric hardware and interface. Infrequent OS updates. Day one exclusives for those that care about that, which is probably most. Not to mention cost.
@z0d15g0d exactly! Buying day 1 is really just stupid, there are too many disadvantages to it, but I will do it for a game I want to support, as that is the best way to support new releases.
Sometimes the PC ports are terrible though! I wouldn't worry about PS PC releases because Nixxes are really on their game but it can be hit and miss with others.
Cracked day one again lol
@z0d15g0d yep , it’s only a matter of time til nintendo releases their first game on PC . PC is the future and has the best longevity, the switch does too for simply being a handheld but i don’t think consoles will be in a good spot in the coming future - which is fine with me . an integrated xbox/PS ecosystem on a PC is a pipe dream ….for now
@nomither6 Lol, Nintendo will never publish a First Party Game on PC. They sell 20-40 Million copies of their quite Low Budget (in comparsion to Sony) big franchises and even Millions of their lazy Sports Games. They literally dont need to
@zupertramp It’s just that the scales are gonna be tipped in PC favor in the future , PC is becoming easier and more affordable and the freedom , versatility, quirky and unique games not on console , mods , exclusives , and upgrade over console is hard to ignore . couple the fact that it’s y’know - a computer & that’ll make consoles just be the new nintendo , i.e relegated to an exclusive machine …
Also I SHUDDER the thought of streaming on console 🤣
@IonMagi if they do it though , it’ll literally be detrimental to them and they’d have to go the way of sega 😂 their hardware is rough too so playing nintendo games on better hardware would be jackpot
@naruball he loves his facts..dont you remember tlou,god of war and horizon zero dawn all launched on pc within a year or so on the pc..jesus what rock have you been under naruball..keep up pettle..🤣
@theMEGAniggle I'm on about the PS5 versions. People keep saying these PS5 versions of 1st party PS4 games (or PS3 that got a PS4 remaster in the case of TLoU) are cash grabs but I think they only exist because of bringing the games to PC.
@uptownsoul Switch is still selling 300k a week after over 5,5 years and on its way to overturn the PS4. They will never have a bad Gen again as long as they do a Hybrid Handheld again. They are literally the richest company in Japan
Is Spider-Man Remastered available to buy on PS5 separately from Miles Morales?
@nomither6 I think when you're well-versed in all things PCs, that freedom and versatility is a plus. But when you're on the outside of that, which is a far greater amount than I think the PC crowd realizes because their knowledge encases them in something of a bubble, that freedom and versatility can just become a headache. The possibilities become too endless and thus overwhelming. The average person hates shopping for a new computer for this very reason. There's a dozen or more different brands and an almost infinite amount of configurations. No one but enthusiasts get into that.
With consoles there's like 3 choices. You buy one. You buy a game. You play it. No driver concerns. No hardware spec concerns. No waiting for Windows to suddenly do one of its twice weekly updates that may or may not break one program or another. No worries about your tech becoming obsolete in two years or less.
PC is always going to be superior in terms of performance but that'll always come at a cost most people aren't willing to pay.
@Grumblevolcano yes! I said this a while ago that its disappointing that they're funding TLOU Part 1 solely for the PC community, but profit right?
@Northern_munkey hahhaha. Man, I love your replies. Never fail to crack me up!
@naruball 🤣
@skaarj217 no. The closest you can get is if you have PS+ Extra (e.g. free trial) you can download Miles Morales at no extra cost in order to buy Spider Man Remastered.
I'm not sure if i'm suppose to be impressed by this. These numbers don't tell me how much it sold and I wasn't impressed by the numbers GOW pulled in.
@uptownsoul It is tho and same for 2021:
And they have way higher profits than Sony every year, even of their revenue is lower. Nintendo has aquired a Fanbase so hardcore that even completly lazy Sport Games and Remasters sell Millions lol
And it was cracked day one. And probably will be if not already more illegal downloads than paying customers.
I still prefer a console. Especially as a father with 3 children, the convenience of a Playstation or an Xbox is great. I think a PC is too much trouble. Costs a lot more money than a console. I'd rather spend that money on games or a nice holiday with my wife and daughters. I also want to be able to keep an eye on my children at all times. And when I'm behind a PC, it's more difficult than behind a Playstation. No hassle with upgrades, video cards, error messages. Just buy the game, download it and play it with a beer at my side when i,m alone in the evening. I love that convenience. And that's why I'm pretty sure consoles will never go away, and Sony knows that. A few years ago, PC was on the brink of death. So it's not that great anymore. And with a big 4K TV of €4000 and a PS5 I conjure up very beautiful things. And the best part is that that TV is a one-time investment that I can use for a long time
@TommyNL 👍
@uptownsoul You know that Nintendo is extremly undervalued and being worth x amount is not relevant if a competitor (Nintendo) has way more assets, Cash, Profits and way less debt than your whole company? Sony wasnt even in the Top 10 for the richest Japanese companies btw.
Nintendo shares are worth 420€ atm btw while Sonys price dropped to...84€
@zupertramp I don't think so. Consoles are defo on their way out. If anything the current crisis with not being able to meet demands due to human stupidity or other has hurt Sony's sales forecasts big time. They have the funds but cant get the resources to build the consoles (First the Taiwan issue with chip shortage then pandemic). That's almost 2 years they could not meet consumer demands through no fault of their own. The next play would be to look for an alternative which will be streaming. Yes still in its infancy but rapidly building steam due to mostly social media platforms. They save money in the long run and make further profits from their exclusive titles. PS6 will probably be the last. The next will be a hybrid then fully online probably integrated with their next TV.
@nomither6 Lol most science facts started as fiction so the harder we wish it the more likely it will manifest. I'm all for a universal platform as long as monopolies are kept to a minimum and competition/ innovation are consistently encouraged and rewarded.
Im glad that sony is finally releasing games on PC. While I do have a PS5 which I bought mainly for it exclusive... I just simply don't play it. People who are buying a PS5 just for exclusives aren't doing Sony any favors cause they aren't playing fortnite and buying a ton of mtx which like many people say is where Sony actually makes their money.
It's actually a good thing that these ports have been so good so sony can make more money to make more games. The trade off is that PS5 players don't need to spend 2-3k on a PC and deal with Windows.
@z0d15g0d I'm not sure what relevance the current crisis has on the future viability of consoles honestly, especially when considering said future tvs are probably going to need comparable components that are, under the right circumstances, prone to scarcity.
But I mean it's fine to doom monger, I just don't see anything on the demand side that would lead me to believe interest in consoles is on the wane. That's why GPUs were hard to get for a minute there, yeah, but nothing like what's still kinda going on with the PS5.
@zupertramp You are correct in your understanding that under the right circumstances the required components would be scarce. The issues with GPU's started with scalpers and crypto farms then the Taiwan issue which affected most electronic companies as that's where they get a lot of their integral components from. The issue is still on going by the way. As a company, if a provider with a stable flow materials is no longer stable you look for an alternate source (Congo) or you go in a different direction. Just as Nintendo didn't want to spend so much on R&D for a graphics war they knew they might not win, If the cost of acquiring the components is no longer financially viable they will need to shift their approach. The current China wanting Taiwan back (if successful) will mean an obvious change in the way they do business internationally. Hopefully for the better but you never know. So it's not "Doom mongering" to speculate on the future of the industry based on whats happening in the world now. In fact such forecasting is an integral part of most games design courses called "Design Futures". With regards to demand as I stated earlier, streaming is not there yet but once there is a viable option to get a TV combined with a console with lag free streaming that will be the norm and consoles will die out. Ms is doing a multi billion colab with samsung on this at the moment so we will see how that turns out. Might be a gimmick to you but people smarter than you and I think it's the way forward.
@TheDaddyOtaku Agreed. I hope the fact that these exclusives are making money on PC lets Sony give the developers more time on whatever they are working on as they are still making returns on their investments. Haha over half the planet uses some form of windows. They get their monees either way. Saving up for a gaming rig is defo worth it and nowadays there are plenty of buyers looking for a used rig.
@TommyNL Wouldn't your life and child watching be even easier if it was all integrated with your brand new sony 8k tv. No additional console or disks lower energy bills and just controllers beneath the tv.
Many third party games come on console and PC at the same time or sooner than later. Sony porting games to PC is still kind of a new thing. How much are Sony PC ports supposed to cost if not full price?
@z0d15g0d kinda feel like I got a lesson in both conflict minerals and supply chains for no reason there but okay. And with regard to demand I maintain, again, consoles are seeming a safe bet in the immediate future. Will that be true 20-30 years from now? Maybe not but then, that doesn't exactly sound like a "fast approaching end" to me is all. This could just be a matter of your definition vs my definition on that front.
@TheDaddyOtaku you don't need a 2-3k pc to play these games they run on the steam deck I downloaded it on my 10 year old pc & it t runs it fine on medium settings lol
@get2sammyb No they won't cause majority of gamers I have seen or met are investing in builiding a pc rather buying a ps5 knowing that spider-man 2 or future games will come to pc sooner or later. JIm Ryan and his greed have begun killing the PS as a console just for few millions of dollars.
@Vergil7 "JIm Ryan and his greed have begun killing the PS as a console just for few millions of dollars"
Absolutely zero evidence to support such a baseless claim. At least wait for sales to start declining to make a point.
@naruball In the future of course it will and majority of my friends are started investing on pc instead of buying a PS5 saying it's not worth buying a ps anymore if majority of their games coming to pc and Spider-man is rank no 1 as the most pirated game, I doubt they are gonna buy this game where they can play for free.
PC ports for Sony is gravy. All the development costs came with the PS version, porting is much cheaper than development. Almost all gravy.
If what you say was accurate then the Xbox would already be dead as all of it's games come out day and date on Steam and have done for a few years now. And yet Xbox Series S and X are doing better than ever for Microsoft.
@GADG3Tx87 I have seen xbox sales figures its still horrible compare to 360 era. Microsoft (a trillion dollar company) don't care about xbox as a console they care about game pass they want monopolized and total control on games.
I'm happy for all of my PC mates that will finally get to try out this game.
@Vergil7 "In the future of course it will"
Nice crystal ball you got there. Again, completely baseless.
Then why is the Series X always sold out the minute new stock drops? As is the PS5? why has Phil said that the Series consoles are their fastest selling generation of all time? And the Xbox consoles are their primary driver for GamePass subscriptions. The PC numbers for GamePass are nowhere near the users on console.
Sorry dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Consoles are as healthy as ever.
@naruball Tell me how its baseless I already told people I know are already invested in pc gaming than ps5.
@z0d15g0d haha one can only dream
@GADG3Tx87 Phil says anything to be in the competition to make xbox fanboys happy. He always try to mix up sales numbers to consumers to retailers.
So 15 million units at last report despite shortages is bad? Almost 20 million PS5's at last count despite shortages is bad?
And you apparently know more people invested in PC gaming? You know over 17 million people? Wow, you must have one hell of a social circle dude. I'm glad I'm not as popular as you, it must be a headache.
I switched from PC myself in my teen years to console for convenience and couldn't be happier.
@Vergil7 Do you understand the concept of anecdotal evidence and why it's problematic to draw any conclusions based on it? If not, I'd suggest you look it up. A simple google search will help you get a better grasp of it.
@naruball Better to conclude now then its too late. Don't act like you don't see this coming or people warned about it. I don't need google to understand what's going on, I go outside participate gaming competitions and ask people about game console preferences.
@Vergil7 "I don't need google to understand what's going on"
Of course you don't.
@GADG3Tx87 I live in South-Asia where pc gaming is bigger than console. People buy PS for Jrpg and exclusives games now its coming to pc so here saying they are not interested.
@naruball Then google for me than!
@Vergil7 https://mlelawfirm.com/blog/anecdotal-v-empirical-evidence/ there you go. Put as simply as it gets.
That's where you're wrong because the Nintendo Switch is bigger than anything in Asian territories and broken all records.
Hey, those 17 million people you know, is one of them Michael Pachter? Because he's been saying 'the last console generation' since the launch of PS3 and it's only gotten stronger than each gen.
Just give up dude. You're clinging to your narrative and you know you're wrong. You're desperately trying to portray the death of consoles that are still going strong. Do you think the millions of casuals who just play yearly CoD and FIFA are going to build a PC for that? Nope. Consoles aren't going anywhere because those people won't invest in that expense for it and the MTX's and inevitable NFT's they bring in are too sweet for the platform holders' storefront to ignore their 30% profits.
@naruball so the people who I talked to who said they prefer pc gaming then ps5 are wrong then? Your Telling me I am lying to you?
@GADG3Tx87 I am talking about South-Asia not East like Japan. Nintendo is ofcourse popular and second PS and you can make cheap pc rig to play fifa and cod don't act like its expensive to build pc.
@Vergil7 R.I.P., reading comprehension.
Never said you're lying or that they are wrong. What I did say is that the sample you're using is too small to draw any general conclusions.
@naruball If it gets bigger and bigger? Every problem starts with small and tends to go big.
@Vergil7 until it does to the point that it is reflected in official numbers, it's meaningless.
E.g. I have 10 gaming friends. 8 of them have stopped gaming as much as they used to. Does that mean that gaming is dying? No.
Not when the switch, xbsx, and ps5 are still selling so well. If they start showing declines, then we can start talking.
And are casual players really going to bother gathering parts and building a PC when they can just pick up a box from a shelf? Of course not because they're not enthusiasts and don't care, they just want their simple entry point to play that yearly crap.
The casuals make up the majority of hardware sales, just like the billions of phone users who spend fortunes on MTX's, they just want a pick up and go fix.
South Asia is one territory, not the whole world, and if that's all you're talking about South Asia isn't about to become the world dominant voice of gaming where the US is a major market for Xbox and Europe is dominated by PlayStation and East Asia for Nintendo.
Again, just give up dude, it's not going to happen. Consoles will eventually evolve into a small service streaming box under a TV as much as I hate services. They'll still be here in some form.
@GADG3Tx87 You don't need to bother just go to a website and pick ready made pc and buy. This is'nt early 2000s where you have to buy every parts. You buy a pc for only 350 dollars cheaper than ps5.
"Consoles will eventually evolve into a small service streaming box"
That's what I am afraid of.
Dude you're not going to be able to buy a ready made PC for £350 that can match a PS5 in performance. It'll barely do low settings on the most modern titles. A laptop with a mobile GTX3050 sets you back £800 and higher.
And I would know, I've worked in the tech industry as a Cisco Certified Network Engineer and seen more hardware than you can imagine. It's one of the reasons why I don't game on PC. Coming home to one just felt like work, not chill out time.
I don't want streaming/service boxes to take over either, but they will because the majority are casual gamers. PC is an enthsiast area.
And when everything goes service based I won't go back to PC gaming, I'll just go back to retro gamings' golden days. Heck do you know what I was playing yesterday? GTA San Andreas on my PS2 because with a RetroTink hooked up it runs better than the so called "Definitive Collection".
@GADG3Tx87 @naruball you're wasting your time arguing with this guy..had a brief tussle with him the other day and he is just too narrow minded to see sense..its nice outside so i'm off to the golf course later on..enjoy your day and dont give this joker anymore attention 👍
@GADG3Tx87 As long as people can play at solid 30fps on pc and 60fps on competitive games its ok. You act like majority pc gamers are performance and graphics hungry.
@Northern_munkey Ya I know you your that guy who acted like an ***** to me when I said PS games should be PS call me elitist whatever.
And yet every post from PC players I ever see claim 30fps is 'unplayable' '60fps minimum or no buy'. I see it all the time. Again, casuals are not going through the headache of PC gaming and compatibility and settings and parts and errors and graphical glitches and Nvidia drivers. And most of them don't even understand any of that.
Do you know how many people I've met during my years in the working industry who literally claim they don't even know how to turn it on? No, I'm not joking.
I've long been bitter since PS exclusives started going to PC but there's no stopping it now, that doesn't mean consoles are going to die, it just means they're not as special to people like me who saw the value in that. For casuals, they won't and don't care about any of that.
Edit. And for the record the main reason I feel bitter is because with the amount of begging that goes on they get pirated day one and eventually the piracy outweighs the sales, that's why I feel if you're going to moan 'exclusives are anti-consumer' then buy them when you get what you asked for.
@GADG3Tx87 I am talking about todays gamers. They learn pretty fast thanks to YouTube. I am more worried about piracy going rampant. You are seeing 60000 con current players on steam where they are millions pc gamers out there playing pirated version of spider-man and they don't have to pay. This is why I am against PS games coming to pc.
I just said that in my edited last post. It doesn't mean consoles are going to die. Does it hurt the brand? Absolutely. Too late now though.
My point still stands with me though. I've even known folks who build a PC thinking it's better after listening to the very vocal so-called PCMR only to regret it and go back to consoles. Then they tell me they regret paying all that money for the fancy parts.
For myself, it's not worth primarily going back. I no longer care about better fidelity and am fine with frame rates. I just can't be bothered with the headaches. I bought my newest laptop customised last month for £930 just because I needed an upgrade for some work from my aging 4th Gen Haswell CPU. Maybe I'll run a little emulation here and there, (old consoles only, I'm not a thief if a game is currently licenced and available) but it's mainly a tool for work and I'll stick primarily with my consoles both old and new until services take over. Despite being a little bitter over exclusivity Vs stealing.
@Vergil7 nope i asked a question you couldnt answer..
@Northern_munkey Which question? You told me I got elitist mindset for saying ps games should be ps console.
@Vergil7 "@Vergil7 so the developer gets no royaltys at all? Nothing? And bragging (which i wasnt) about gaming should be kept to just youtube and twitter? Your comment is silly..." that one. You see the "?" That means you should at least try and offer a response but you didnt..because you couldnt..
@Vergil7 the way i remember things was i made a comment and you tried to get all superior with your tone..you instigated the demise of my discussion with you but somehow its my fault?
@Northern_munkey Developers do not get royalty for their games selling on pc unless you work at ps and say this. You told me I got elitist mindset for saying ps games should be ps console? I said If you love gaming as a whole so much brag on twitter or YouTube this is a ps blog for ps fans. Is there something wrong here?
@Vergil7 i think things are getting lost in translation here..you are from japan so i'm assuming english is not your primary language (although its pretty good) so the way you have phrased your comments can be percieved as a bit hostile and argumentative..if it was not how you meant yourself to be percieved then i appologise but you certainly are not helping yourself out here .i'm well aware this is a playstation site not a pc one so theres no need to remind me but thanks anyway. Maybe in future you should think about how you are phrasing your comments so we dont end up down this avenue again..agreed? Enjoy the rest of your weekend 👍
PS5 sales are starting to improve so i expect way more focus on the system going on..some pc ports are an easy moneygrab for sony to ignore..PC gamers have an opportunity to try some quality gaming at last. For me pc gaming is a thing of the past..steam is more expensive than retail, hackers and cheaters everywhere, HDR is still a mess..huge list of cons..
@Northern_munkey Apology accepted it's true English is not my primary language. Many here think I comment harshly all I want is PlayStation to be the very best and dominate in terms of games and console. It's only best place to play.
PC only peeps are just as excited to play this game as we were when it first released on the PS4. I know the "Master Race" talk can get old, but there are people out there that are genuinely happy Sony is bringing a lot of these games to PC.
I'm even happy for them, they get to experience great first party titles.
If it maintains the quality of these games and they keep pushing the boundaries (unlike gamepass day 1 games), I'm all up for it.
Nowhere as much as I excepted for a platform with such a massive user base.
Then again, I heard it was cracked almost instantly.
Eneba has(had?) Spiderman remastered steam key for pc, with code SPIDEY7, for $45.
@Ichiban roughly how many sales do you think that translates to? What numbers were you expecting?
I still believe they will stagger the releases to PC. More so because they dont want to burden the developing team to make the port, as well as ensure the port is of higher quality by giving to nixus or a different team. But for their being billions of PCs in the world sales are still extremely small
@Rmg0731 Again, are they? What number of concurrent players at launch did you expect exactly?
As for those billions of PCs, the real questions are, how many are being used for gaming, how many of those are only used for Minecraft/Fortnite, LoL, etc, and how many can even run the game?
@naruball it was hyperbole. Ik it wont sell that much simply whenever pc games talk they always say billions of players but i have a laptop that cant run anything new
@GADG3Tx87 might be sold out where you are but both consoles are always in stock over here
...& 1 million+ illegal downloads probably :-/ +It gets a bit annoying as a PlayStation owner that PC gamers get to play PlayStation games that I helped to fund with my money for free. Oh well.
@naruball Why do you care so much? Perhaps go outside & get some fresh air?
@Rmg0731 I see. Thanks.
@Ichiban Perhaps take your own advice? You make a comment, I ask a simple question and this is how you react. It says more about you than about me, but it's the internet, so of course you must be better than the other person.
Just wish we could earn trophies on the PC versions ,like we do with achievements on PC gamepass
Tbh SM pc port is a good sign that SM2 might actually release on PS5 next year. Just like GOW port on PC is followed by GOWR on PS.
I really don’t mind SM you can get for dirt cheap on PS4 is ported 4 years later by a specialised port studio. That doesn’t take any focus from the creators of SM2.
@palmab Yeah. Sony need to hurry up and allow gamers to sign into their PSN account and earn trophies just like Microsoft is allowing even through games on steam, not just through the PC Xbox App.
@AverageGamer spider man has psn account linking capabilities in its code so it's deffo coming and hopefully trophies too
@Fight_Teza_Fight concurrent players is not the same as total players.
Hi man. Nobody knows the future but I suggest you ask your friends their feeling when Spider-Man 2 and then Wolverine release on PS5.
I guess it’s a matter of priority if you like an high end PC to play games when they are dirt cheap on ps console after a few years.
How many people have got it for free
@naruball agghhh you beat me to it...i want his crystal ball that predicts the future for him..
@JJ2 When I lived in China for a year, most of my students told me that they played League of Legends and nothing else. It wouldn't surprise me if large groups of people had no interest in Spiderman or Wolverine, since all their friends are playing x game. And that would give them the impression that all anyone cared about was LoL. That's why it's important to look at numbers, instead of asking friends, who are likely to me like-minded.
@Northern_munkey plenty of internet people seem to have one
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