To be honest, we’re not sure Naughty Dog is doing itself many favours uploading these short, heavily compressed The Last of Us: Part I comparisons to social media. Take this scene, where Joel treks across a dusty abandoned track on horseback. The animations, foliage, and lighting take a clear step forward – but the improvements would be difficult to appreciate without the strict side-by-side.
Now it’s clear that the developer has put a lot of work into this project, and the real differences will be more evident when we have the final product in our hands. But the replies to the video are largely what you’d expect: fans don’t believe this kind of remake warrants a $70 fee. With a month until launch, the developer still has some serious convincing to do, then.
Comments 143
Hopefully this flops, charging 80€ for this is just way too greedy
>fans don’t believe this kind of remake warrants a $70 upgrade fee
Good. Cause it doesn't. No excuse for the ridiculous price other than pure greed.
It’s not a £70 upgrade fee. It’s a £70 game. If you own the original, nobody is pretending this is for you necessarily.
Saw it on Instagram and thought the colorful clip was the remake at first. I don’t know why they have such a bad take on marketing this game…
I'm not buying it but I also don't get all the noise. Best way to get your point across is with your wallet.
The chance to convince the skeptics this was a good use of resources/worth $70 came and went with that 10 minute presentation after the leaked footage. I think everyone has a pretty good idea where they stand at this point.
I remember before the PS3 version came out the internet mocked it because the original design for Ellie looked a lot like Ellen Page, who was in Beyond Two Souls around that time.
When they changed the design people late to the party continued to mock it for the same reason, after her face had been changed.
I can still remember a guy in college pointing at the final design and having a laugh because they ripped off Ellen Page, when at that point she looked more like Ashley Johnson.
TLDR, people see what they want to see.
Someone who is excited for this will see the improvements and be happy.
Someone who doesn't care either won't see the improvements or won't see them as worth the money.
I'll get this for sure. I'm a sucker for a remake, and I'll be saving Hogwarts and God of War for Christmas anyway.
@thefourfoldroot1 Fair, I've removed the word "upgrade".
£70 tho
PS really is making alot of excuses for this unneeded re remaster
The biggest shame is that TLOU is worthy of a remake, but this is way too soon. Now this will prevent a truly massive upgrade from being made in the future.
Will be on PS Plus Extra one day no doubt. Unless you are really that desperate to play day one then do it otherwise just ask for it for Christmas/Birthday or just wait till it's dirt cheap.
$70 for a graphics patch
My feelings on this: I want to play tLoU again, I could pretty much play that game on repeat. I don’t want to pay £70 to play it again when the only change they’ve made is to make it look prettier.
I get that I don’t have to buy it, it’s just that I’m a fan, I WANT to play it because why the hell wouldn’t I want to play the “definitive” version of one of the best games of all time? But they want me to pay £70 for it when the gameplay experience (as far as I can tell) is actually identical. I just can’t get my head around it, it’s so disappointing. Not the game, the game will still be great, the pricing is just ridiculous.
And I also get that Naughty Dog is a business, and that a lot of the players are going to be new to the series and so on, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth for existing fans. 70 quid is not nothing these days. It’s difficult to explain the full thought process for why this is disappointing really but it is 🤷♂️
I don't understand the point of this article, the spin put on it or the reason why it has negative connotations.
Looking at the comments it seems to me the majority of them are positive and focus on their excitement for the game/work being done. That's rational. There's a few that question the £70 price. That's rational albeit reactionary because with some thought it's not an issue.
ND doesn't need to convince anyone of anything. Why is this narrative still being perpetuated? Nobody has to buy the game and its blatantly obvious that anyone who's already invested in the game on PS3/PS4 is not necessarily the target audience.
The game is a passion project and the people who will buy it for £70 are PS5 owners who have never played TLoU before and people who have and love the game so much they want it on PS5 with all the extra bells and whistles.
Just looking at rhe comments here proves that there is a demand for it from people who have played it before and are willing to buy it when it's on sale so who cares if its £70 at launch. Anyone who's played it before is going to suffer zero hardship waiting for the price to drop matter how long it takes. What isn't rationale is saying you've played it before but you want to buy this game but won't on principal because its £70, as if you are obliged to spend £70 when all you have to do is wait for a price drop.
I really don't understand how the media is reporting on this game in general.
People complain about game but still dont understand you are not main target for this.
New players and pc players are.
If they did a new version for pc you would complain.
You can still play old game instead of this so please move on to another article instead of complaining about it for 10 articles.
Anyone else find that Twitter video appears like almost like a low bit rate sub 720p?
Never understood why you would want to show off your game like that... then realised maybe it's just me.
@WadeIsInsane 😊👍 I'll just add one more to that
bad press = internet traffic = good press
And people actually want this game to flop?! How shortsighted is that! Sony spend millions on original IP, release more 1st party titles than all the other platform holders put together, TLoU is the jewel I'm the crown, Sony spend a small fortune remastering it for PS5 and people want that investment to fail because the price of the game AT LAUNCH is too high for them. That's not rational.
Now, Sony upping their costs for all 1st party games to £70 is one issue that can be debated but having this game flop would be terrible.
Someone remind me why this remake is necessary as opposed to an entirely new game / IP, especially at the price they’re charging??
Not worth $70. I wouldn't pay a dime less than $80 for this.
I don't caaaaaare, I can afford it and I'm getting it. TLOU are my favorite games. Call me "a part of the problem" all you want.
This looks absolutely amazing btw
Because no matter what, the game does not warrant it's 80€ price point. It's not rocket science.
I've held out this long to play TLoU, what's another year to wait for this version to get a heavy discount, right?
@uptownsoul that's pretty much every conversation I have with the missus when she goes shopping.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap exactly.
This is a joke for the money
If it was 20 quid if own the original (that’s after you bought the ps3 then the ps4) version. The price and difference clearly is a joke
@Styledvinny79 I'd pay 20 squids
@uptownsoul To be completely fair - I get that people can be concerned that this doing well would make Sony lower their efforts for future releases or something. That makes sense. I don't believe they would but I don't blame people for thinking that. I'm already tired of this specific conversation around this game though.
All I see is a curated clip, we will find out by the reviews if this was worth $70.
At this point, I'm convinced this has to be a test from Sony to see how much they can truly get away with while still having the diehards defend them.
I hate rooting against an incredible game like this, but you gotta hope this struggles and sends Big Jim & Hermen a message to quit trying to take advantage of us.
Not sure why everybody gets so upset over this.
Don’t buy it, then they won’t invest the time and money to do it again.
The only bug I have with this, is it takes internal resource away from making new games, which has always been my complaint with remasters and remakes. I would rather something new.
any time someone says "remake"... that's a cash grab. In no way is it not lol... I mean come on let's get real.
@Shredderlovespizza ? It will get ported to PC anyway lol. But good luck with selling a Game on PC for 80€. "Time and effort" while also re-using the Voice Acting, OST, script and everything. So theres absolutely no reason for it to be 20€ more expensive than the original release 🙂
@IonMagi We want it to flop but it probably won't, sadly we're in the minority as you can see in Diablo Immortal which is an insulting cash grab sucking vacuum yet is still making millions of dollars 🤷🤦
From what I read this isn't taking away from anything Naughty Dog is working on. They have 3 projects a new ip, factions and then this. The same ppl would be upset if this was released on PC only. I look at it as a tie in for the HBO series sell it high now and have it discounted when the series premiere so ppl think they getting a good deal. I know I'll be buying it regardless of price I'm a fan of everything Naughty Dog does.
@STOBO it sure is hurting their reputation.
@thefourfoldroot1 fairly healthy way to look at it imo. So expect some pushback.
@Shredderlovespizza Literally no one cares
This is being targeted towards PS5 owners who have come from other formats and have never played it.
Is it a cash grab? To an extent as they know those who have never owned ps3/4 probably would take a punt.
But those of us who have played it cant get in too much of a tizzy over it, we just dont buy it.
Ill grab it on the turkish psn store day 1 for £40, theres more than 1 way to hit back 😁
@thefourfoldroot1 Amen to that. I can't stand this useless discussion, and the fact that Push Square (still my favorite Playstation site) are fueling it.
You know what. Now we’ve finally managed to get absolutely rubbish discussion even for the first game and that is truly a shame. No I’m not calling it part one it’s bs.
As far as I’m concerned I’m not bothered if I see an expensive cake in a shop while I have the same at home for free just without the cherry.
‘How dare they force me buy it?’ lalala
PS gamers Don’t need it. Full stop. Even for £1
PC gamers sure.
This has turned into a continuous and media encouraged fake outrage because why not. 🎻
With a month till launch pushsquare has some serious click bait milking to do..
Removed - inappropriate
@Shredderlovespizza When I read your comment it immediately reminded me of that guy that spent 100k on Diablo Immortal, well is your money so spend it on what makes you guys happy I happy.
Price will go down, look at Horizon Forbidden West, $70 launch this past February, now 6 months later on sale for $50, this holiday probably half off $35. Eventually a Playstation Hits for $20 with $10 sales.
Also I feel that TLOU Part 1 is absolutely headed for PS Plus Extra/Premium, probably sooner than we think, maybe Spring?
Some will get it day one, some 6 months or a year later. I think you can almost pay what you want as long as you are willing to wait.
@Enuo You forgot about the crybabies that cry about people moaning about a video game on a website that's about people sharing their opinions on video games 🙂
There's an ignore button! use it now on everyone in this page you see complaining, refresh and there a moan free Push Square experience!
Because there’s a TV show coming out. Meaning new people interested in the game who’ve never played it before. ND and Sony want them to want the best version, experience the game the best it can be, and buy a PS5.
One of the few Games I'll buy before the years out. Hopefully the ones making the noise aren't too offended by what I spend a small amount of my hard earned money on other than Mortgage/Energy/council tax/car/insurance/diesel and so on!
No one is forcing them to buy it. I happily bought the Digital Deluxe edition and will love the hell out of it. And who are fans to say what warrants $70 and doesn't? They didn't make it. They didn't put the time into it.
Just don't buy it, that will show them who is boss.
I understand if there's $10 or $20 upgrade path for ps4 users that already have the ps4 remaster, but charging $70 for this remake which didn't even have multiplayer is just too greedy.
Yah they definitely aren't doing themselves any favors posting these videos. They merely continue to reaffirm why this was repackaged and resold. To make as much money as possible with as little financial cost and effort to do so. SONY and ND literally made the decision to do this because of that and documentation from over a year ago shows it.
At this point you are either going to condone a negative industry trend and willingly be taken advantage of individually by purchasing this at full price if you've already played the remaster, or you are going understand what this is and not get played out of paying full retail price for what amounts to a minor ps5 upgrade of the remaster, along the lines of which was free or 15 dollars at most with other major titles....
@Shredderlovespizza I might download it free when it releases on pc just for the sake of it lol
@Shredderlovespizza Bro, you literally defend a Billion Dollar company who make awful decisions. They dont care about you lmao
I think it's ok to sell it full price on PC, PS5 If you don't own the PS4 remaster (let's leave out the Plus things)... But really... Asking for 70usd for some upgrades, mmm. Of course nobody forces you to buy it, but makes it look greedy as hell.
£70? well you can't blame them for trying! lol l shall play it because it is one of my all time favourite games, but it will be when it's reduced to a tenner! I've got so many other games to play what with gamepass and ps plus premium so it'll be fine 😉
@Hundred_Hand_Slap have you never played the first game before? Yet it’s not worth £70 to you?
Everybody mad at a $70 game but happy to drop $20 on a skin in a game that will go offline someday.
Literally just ignoring what other people think about this game.
Other people are weird and dumb.
I thought I was looking at the PS5 remaster until it swiped, and this keeps happening to me. It gets me Everytime.
"This is being targeted towards PS5 owners who have come from other formats and have never played it."
Don't k ow why people keep saying this. The PS4 sold nearly 120m consoles. Everybody owned a PS4, and the PS4 remaster is right there for the handful of people didn't play it. Don't know why we're trying to lie to ourselves. This version is 100% aimed at those that already purchased part 1 twice before.
@frankmcma Part II was on PS Now I think around 18 months after release. So Part I may be similar, or maybe 1 year, as I can see it being a game they want to add for an October update (Part II was also an October Now update).
The problem isn’t the remaster itself, although it is stupid and a cash grab, it’s the price point at £70.
You can all spend your money on what you want but if you buy this at full price you’re part of the problem. Imagine if Microsoft ‘remastered’ Gears Ultimate Edition and charged £70. They’d be the worlds worst.
Yeah the crying comes off as 'gamer whining' which is an infinite resource that can never be over mined.
I guess the constant media on it doesn't help but whatever. Postcount ++ I guess.
Looks like a ps3 game with a graphical filter on it. Because that's exactly what it is. In a time of financial crisis, naughty dog charging 70 pound for a game that came out in 2013 and has had virtually no changes, is just plain taking the utter piss. I hope this flops and they go bankrupt. I don't even care if it means no more Naughty Dog. They dug their own grave with their greed.
@Boucho11 Nope, haven't played it. I always wait for stuff to go on sale. Makes arguing about pricing moot. Plus it gives the devs time to polish the game for me.
Im playing tlou remastered NOW on my new 4k...
Its gross! The blatent transitions to combat animations, the ps3 textures sharpened up for ps4. It is in dire need of a remake!!!
Still very playable though, but not something you would want new customers to experience.
My £70 is ready and i will give it thankfully!
Started playing the original few months back..story felt good at first...but gameplay was pretty meh....have the last of us 2 but yet to install it..I will rent this and give it a go before playing number 2...that's the plan anyway...lots of ps exclusives have been meh(horizon)....but I am currently playing Ghost of Tsunami...and quite liking it and Death Stranding was good
Hope god of war isn't a let down like horizon
@StylesT halo infinite was meh
Everyone saying, "your not the target audience. It's for new players", is just making excuses for Sony/Naughty Dog. Sony can charge $70 for new players, while giving existing owners an upgrade path. Dozens of studios, from indie to triple A have done this. Sony is simply being greedy.
I honestly prefer the more colourful looking PS4 version on this clip.
It turns out that charging an exorbitant sum for a slightly upgraded version of a game that released around a decade ago in the midst of a cost of living crisis puts people into a bit of a sour mood.
@Would_you_kindly Thanks for sharing...that totally unrelated opinion comment wasn't meant to hurt you flower..sorry
@frabbit what would happen if you were to wait a year and play it when it's much cheaper or even free on ps+?
What I struggle to understand is how it seems like 'part II' still looks better... is my mind playing tricks on me? Is it just a case of bad video quality or are they perhaps trying not to outshine part II to keep them as a two-part story that looks very similar?
The only thing worse than this "remake" (it's not; it's really just another remaster) is the amount of people defending this "remake". Yes, you are entitled to spend your own money on whichever product happens to catch your eye, but others are just as entitled to judge you for shilling on behalf of corporate greed.
One guy above even said "this is a passion project". What absolute nonsense. This is nothing but a cash cow designed to draw in media victims who are willing to spend £60 on a game that was released literally ten years ago. Yet again, it is their money, but I have a right to be annoyed when these sorts of practices have been ramped up all across the board in recent years. Lootboxes, microtransactions, cosmetic DLC and now full-price graphical upgrades with no changes to gameplay? Hurrah!
This affects all of us, because companies will see people lap this slop up and then produce more. But hey, don't ask questions. Just consume product and then get ready for new products.
I’ll happily buy the digital version and the Firefly edition off ebay since it was in such short supply!!!
@Resi32 "hope they go bankrupt"
Typical internet reaction
@Richnj more like 101%. Why stop at 100 if you're gonna come up with any numbers you want?
Still looks about the same. You would have to be some kind of special to pay that 70 dollars for this 9 year old game.
NO remake deserves a 70 dollar price tag. None. This has nothing to do with The Last Of Us.
So much of the work has already been done when doing a remake that there will never be a time where a remake will warrant the same price tag as an original AAA game.
The vast majority of the responses in the tweet are positive. This article is so disingenuous.
The issue is more complex than, "if you don't like it, don't buy it."
Because if enough people do in fact pay $70 for this, you can expect this practice to proliferate and therefore divert resources from other projects.
That's what worries me the most.
@naruball Because that's figurative language. That's why.
If we're going to take everything literally, then it would be impossible to be 101%. 100% is the most any one thing can be. And I sure as hell have no idea what's going on with those sports peoples giving 110%. If they had spent a bit more time in maths and a little less time in PE, they'd know this.
@BartoxTharglod I'm going to need you to elaborate if you level such an accusation regarding my understanding of democracy.
EDIT: I see you elaborated. You can vote however which way you want with your wallet. Just don't pretend like the results of said vote don't have far reaching ramifications on the rest of us and the industry as a whole.
@Richnj I guess they could be targeting all the Wii owners that missed the PS3 version who then played Candy Crush for years on their phones and missed the PS4 version but then decided to buy a $500 console you have to monitor twitter alerts to even know you have 1 hour to buy one a few times a year and are looking for a version of the game that cost more than what it cost while they were playing around waggling their Wii less than a decade go.
That definitely sounds like the target customer for this to me.
@get2sammyb @thefourfoldroot1 It's a PS5-only upgrade to a game that's free for every Plus subscriber that owns a PS5 which is the staggering majority of PS 5 owners. Pretty sure it's a $70 upgrade fee for the majority of people that own the machine required to run it.
@BartoxTharglod When the number of gullible fools outnumber the number of sensible people and outvote them, things tend to go badly. (Source: 10,000 years of human history. )
Just showed the clip to my wife who is a total non-gamer. She genuinely had no clue as to which version was PS4 or PS5 and just commented that they were saturated differently.
This game exists purely for fanboys to give Sony more money.
@BartoxTharglod We're talking about consumer economics and industry pricing practices. If we were talking about video games we'd be talking about how the geometry LOD in the clip shared by ND is abhorrent for a game they "built from the ground up."
@Ken_Kaniff special enough to have disposable income? Im happy with that.
So, it’s an upgrade fee only because the game was given “free” in the collection? OK. I find it hard to pile on the criticism for that though. Plus the game isn’t actually “owned” through the collection whereas this would be. I take your point though.
For a game that "wasn't needed", lots of people sure do want the opportunity to play it at a cheaper price.
Please, please don't turn into overzealous Nintendo fans, my dear, dear fellow humans. We all love video games and are united by that hobby ...but let's not forget they're really just a bunch of overpriced, one- purpose computer software at the end of the day, not a holy religion.
I love you all. Thank you and have a good night.
@uptownsoul Let me rephrase: It's not surprising to me that people feel that way - regardless of how rational or not it is
This would all be so much better if SONY was honest about why this remake exists.
It's not because ND wanted to make it, but because the SONY Service Group VASG started making it on their own. SONY then took it away from them and gave the project to ND.
Not suggesting ND isn't in charge of these decisions from after the point they took over, but strange that they're so hush hush about this. Pretending they always wanted/intended to remake TLOU and greenlit the project internally like this is very strange when there's an actual reason to point to.
Anyways - Worth a good read:
Why release some super low-res video on twitter to compare the differences between the new version and the one on PS4? I wouldn't have been able to even pick out which one was the updated version without Sony explicitly telling me.
@Loftimus Well your money would be better spent elsewhere. Only a sucker would pay full price for this though. Itll be 50% off in a month.
@StylesT horizon forbidden west isn't related to this game yet you felt the need to mention it again.
@Ken_Kaniff my money goes where I say it goes, thankyou very much. and who are you to judge how much sombody elses work is worth, without experiencing it first hand?
If they had remade the design of the level layout, added dodging, diving, going to prone, and jumping along with the AI enhancements, and destructible enviroments this would be a no brainer for me. I'd buy it. That's definitely worth 70 bucks.
This really isn't. It'll be on sale or free soon enough.
I think it looks great! Now, will it have a refreshed trophy list??
@Loftimus "and who are you to judge how much sombody elses work is worth... "
Well it certainly can't be worth the same as another AAA game where they didn't already have the entire script created, the entire world built out, all the voice acting completed, all the motion capture already on file, etc.
This is what the issue is here. How can ANY remake be worth the same as another AAA game that had to be built from scratch?
If they had priced this at $30 or even $40 there would be zero arguments happening about this remake.
@GreatAuk fair point, but the ps3's limitations hid most of it away. Did anybody moan when the last of remastered released at full price? A lot less work was done to that and it stayed at full price for years, yet no moaning...
Maybe the moaners weren't allowed on the internet back then?
The real tragedy here is that Naughty Dog haven't released a new IP since the PS3 era. One of the biggest benefits of being a PS fan used to be the excitement of new IP each gen. Now they just seem kinda safe & boring, like Nintendo & MS.
@Loftimus to be fair to the PS4 remaster, it was released for a new console only a year after the PS3 release.
There are games in the PlayStation store that are still selling at full retail price one year later, so I don't think it's egregious for the PS4 remaster to have sold at full retail when it was only a year old and for a new system and the fact that it was a remaster (which is not much but still something.)
I think Sony lost a lot of good will by pricing this at $70. And I am one of their biggest defenders regarding the general price jump from $60 to $70.
@thefourfoldroot1 Oh, I know. And I get it. I used to work in Marketing. The question was more rhetorical 😉 I don’t fault anyone who wants to spend their money on it (to each their own) but I just feel like there are enough versions of it out, and recently (the PS4 remaster) that time, energy, money and resources would be better invested on something new. Naughty Dog are a talented studio and I think they’d be able to come up with a great new IP that would likely generate more revenue and interest than this. That’s all.
@GreatAuk but again all of mo cap work from the og game has been remade from scratch with 4k assets. All of the areas have been remade with 4k assets. Its taken them 2 years to re develop so how is it not worth the £70?
@Loftimus It should be cheaper because so much of the production had already been completed for them.
That goes for any remake. Using your example, they remade assets from scratch, but how did they know what those assets should be and what they should look like?
Artists had already developed those assets for them from the original version. That's a big leg up in producing a game when you already know what everything should look like.
That's just one example. I listed some others such as the voice acting, script, etc.
@Shepherd_Tallon well she still kinda looks like Ellen Page in Part 1
@GreatAuk they have remade everythingfrom the ground up. The design of the asset is done during creativity, so the developer is no better or worse off. They still have to develop what the creatives have designed. The naughty dog development team (not the creatives) have done as much work on this as any other game. So, again why is that not worth £70
Keep crying guys. There's a terrible drought everwhere right now.
To Push Square: you are one more ridiculously clickbaity post away from me leaving this site for good.
It is irrational to condemn anything you have not tried or played. $70 is a fair amount of money, however you may not buy a pair of Nikes because they are over priced. Do you gripe to the shoe manufacturer or do you just not buy the shoes?
If this was releasing at a lower price then nobody would have an issue with it but I'm not paying £70 for a glorified remaster of a game that's already available on the same console.
@naruball 😂 fair. But what if I DIE in the meantime?
@Would_you_kindly dw I'm not here to hurt your precious box
It's disgusting to charge $70 for a basic remaster. Its a real shame how awful Sony have become this generation, and what a waste of the talent at ND. Don't buy this or you are letting Sony know its OK to pump out more lazy cashgrabs like this in the future. As if directors cuts weren't bad enough...
@Voltan Go right ahead they will soon hang you out to dry with microtransactions sooner or later. And you can buy part 2 on PS6 when it releases.
@Sakai I can't see why the fan boys are so hyped to play it. Same game looks a little better, nothing changed, only a part of a 40 dollar game originally. They probably own every copy plus the ps4 remaster. I could see if they added new content or secrets in it. Or even if they were trying to promote the tv series but at 70 or 80 bucks people should see that as a slap in the face. Because all they are working on is The Last of us as far as ip goes. Idk to me this is what western gaming is going to, so they can milk the remaster, mobile and microtransactions markets. Thats why Herman and big Jim keep talking up more multiplayer online ip's. From what I heard factions is all about being online, but Red dead online and many others are dead because theres already enough on the games they are playing already.
@Loftimus Hey waste your money on whatever you want bud. Doesn't bother me, just some friendly advice. Its the reason Sony still thinks it can charge full price for a remake of a remaster thats only 9 years old.
@Suda51ueda Not me I don't condone any greed. I want game content not extra fluffs or in game items or a graphical upgrade. Nuaggatty dohhgs have kind of play out most of their ideals. One of the main reason your seeing remakes of their best over and over. Gta 5 version 20!
@GreatAuk you make a very solid point. I have read through alot of the comments and there are pros and cons, most of the pros are like " well you don't have to buy it its not for you!" The simple fact is that naughty troll has the AUDACITY to charge that much for this, or not give any upgrades or cheaper prices. THIS is the problem.. Those who haven't played TLOU for ps3/ps4 generation are probably not that interested in the game at all. If they haven't played it for free with the several times it has been in the PS library, or on the ps4 as the remastered when it was given as a bundle with the PS4 or who are that inept that they haven't played the game, when it's been offered digitally for 9.99 then I don't know what to say.. I would ask Naughytroll "WHO specifically is your demographics for this game? Who are you trying to market it to?"
This is just bad PR and bad company management, i don't care what ANY one says...
Wait until they make an UNCHARTED 4 REMASTER!! dont worry its probably on the table to do it. I want to vomit at these companies and their blatant laziness and wasting all the energy when they could be developing the next new IP....
@BartoxTharglod You've invested way too much time and emotion in this thread to suddenly pull the "it's just vidoegames" argument. Also, the "entitlement" argument should just be an instant lose the debate argument. People are absolutely entitled to their opinion and dismissing their opinion as childish or whining is insulting and immature.
You want to spend $70 on a graphical upgrade that does nothing to update the game play of a 10 year old game? Have at it. But don't insult or degrade people for having the opinion that the amount of work doesn't justify the price. Their point is absolutely valid especially when you can see the amount of work that goes into updating older games at a similar price point (Demon's Souls).
The point that supporting this game may send a message to developers that they can just make an old game a bit prettier and ship for full price is also valid. One thing about the videogame industry is that it will always gravitate to any practice that makes the most money for the least amount of work. Gamers that care are entitled to express their opinion when they see the industry doing something they don't like. Message boards are for discussions and debates. In the adult world people might not always agree with you and using words like "whining" and "tirade" to dismiss a person's opinion marks you as the child in the room.
And not to hit the point too hard, but the "just videogames" argument? You are aware that the "just videogame" industry is worth more than the movie and music industry combined, right? This hobby is worth more than the GDP of many countries.
Voting with the wallet is absolutely essential when people have a grievance with an industry. But just like a political election, one vote isn't enough. You need to build a voting block. You need a large enough chunk of voters to have an effect. Just like a political election, you create a movement by repeating a message over and over. I understand your tired of seeing the same message over and over, but rendless repetition is the only way to be heard.
I loved TLoU when I played it one the PS3. I enjoyed it again when I played it upgraded on my PS4 and...I don't think I'll be playing through it a third time. I may have given it a spin had there been an upgrade path option, but I just view this as an opportunity for users new to the PS ecosystem. I don't necessarily see it as a wise business decision on Sony/ND's end, but I'm sure they've got plenty of analytics to back up their choice.
@Shepherd_Tallon I 'member. Do you 'membeeeer?
Hahaha, jokes aside, Beyod Two Souls was released in October that Year, TLOU in June... but way before that time, it was during first released trailers that it became absolutely apparent that they took liberty with basing Ellie's look on that then actress' (now actor) appearance . After that said actress (then) expressed her dissatisfaction with the situation Naughty Dog rushed into changing face vertices positioning for Ellie's 3D model. The original reveal for TLOU can still be found on youtube as well as IGN's reporting.
@Ken_Kaniff i will, thanks mate!
Will get it used. Plat it and resell it.
They can try package it however they want, this is a blatant cash grab.
A remaster of a remaster of a PS3 game that isn't even 9 years old yet.
I'm honestly over all the remakes. I bought the ps5 for new and exciting games, but there has been many games that have been "redone" for the ps5. Of course, these are popular games that most of us have played. Just make new games first and worry about the others ...never.
Yet another reason of why I am refusing to buy this day one, will be waiting for the game to hit $20 or cheaper during a big sale.
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@riceNpea ....the movie and books media are professionally critical half of the movies that break box office records and have high viewership are mostly not highly praised critically in the movies and the books that hit best seller must really be a hit with readets are they are critically acclaim but the gaming media has become like musi industry when people pay dj's and radio stations to have their songs on charts. Gaminh journalism is exactly like that. The pinnacle of game journalism ended during the 5th and 6th gen i.e. PS1/N64 and PS2/Dreamcast/Gamecube/Xbox era. From the PS3 era it went into the pits anf became garbage equal to tabloid journalism. I mean IGN went on a lie companign that actual fully brained thinking gamers believed with the ND/AMMY HENNING lies that everyone in the gaming paraded as truth even this publication Push Square and no media has ever apologised to ND, AMY HANNING NOR JIEL DRUCKMANN. Now that aweful lie has went on to cloud TLOU11 which affected sales of thar game badly and its reputation.
And then you have Push Square peddling the nonsese for clicks as thry know for sure which subject are flamely and will result in traffic and they never refrain from publishing this fan flaming articles
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@frabbit ........ but u are not a fan just a customer who got into the hype of the original game cause it was vogue at the time.
Fans don't question but buy without hestitation and asking ......the 20million + people who buy FIFA, COD and who play Fortnight are fans. The people constantly buy the super over prices Iphone release each year are fans, people who spend $5000 + on A Pc are PC gaming fans. Man u fans are still with Man u even in their ***** state.
Customers on the other hand are always right and they are the once to first nit pick anything they have to shell out money for cause think they money is special when its paper and transaction.
So its understandable the fake outrage as thats what consumers or customers behave always in an outrage because they are always feeling like they are being cheated of their hard earned cash.
@DETfaninATL ........Rockstar are a talented team too and yet the have really worked on 1 game for 15 years and sold it on 6 consoles + 3 generations of PC architecture releases and are still milking it today so wht can ND milk their game as much as they want, there are over 10000 in the wilr playable on any device u choose to play so why are u and everybody on ND's and Sony's case
@themightyant ....... As Hugo from Lost used to say : 'YEAH ITS ONLY YOU DUDE'.
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@GREGORIAN Nah, I’m a fan. Cool? Cool.
"But the replies to the video are largely what you’d expect: fans don’t believe this kind of remake warrants a $70 fee."
Is that really what "fans" are saying? I'll mention it again, but the Venn Diagram between people who hated on the last game and the people hating on this remake is probably close to being a circle.
@MakersMark they already did that in January this year, technically.
Though that was only £10 to get if you had a PS4 copy already.
Not paying £70 for a graphical upgrade I've read they haven't even included the dodge from part 2 and maybe just a few more explorable areas at the most, ill maybe get it if its on sale for like £20 at some point but PS exclusives take forever to come down Miles Morales is STILL £55 and it's not even a full game.
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