Update: Assassin's Creed Valhalla update 1.061 is available to download now. It weighs in at just over 1.6GB on PS5. You can find the full patch notes below.
Original Story: Ubisoft has detailed the next update for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which will release on the 27th September (that's tomorrow at the time of writing!). The patch has two headline acts: the introduction of new facility called the Rune Forge, and the second part of the Tombs of the Fallen storyline. It also sets the stage for the upcoming Oskoreia Festival — another of the game's seasonal events.
It's quite a meaty update then, and it'll likely be one of the last big slices of support that Valhalla will receive.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.061 Patch Notes
New Settlement Building: Rune Forge
The Rune Forge can be built once Ravensthorpe has been upgraded to Level 4. With the Forge, you can turn the perks of your currently owned gear into new runes in exchange for silver. Explore the world of Valhalla to find more gear and turn their perks into valuable runes!
Tombs of the Fallen Pack 2
The journey of Tombs of the Fallen comes to an epic conclusion in this all-new addition. Find your way through three mysterious tombs rigged with ancient traps and complex puzzles. Only the most dedicated adventurers will discover buried secrets from a fallen civilization.
Observe and explore deep waters, molten lava, and Isu teachings to solve ancient puzzles and acquire lost treasures.
Oskoreia Festival
The veil of Oskoreia covers Ravensthorpe one more time. This October, take on the Wild Hunt of the Oskoreia Festival by defending your settlement from the threat of harmful spirits and prove the strength of the Raven Clan. In this free, limited-time event, you’ll find new activities, quests, and a wealth of new exclusive rewards. The Oskoreia Festival will be available from October 20 to November 10.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
The Forgotten Saga
- Equipping the Death Jarl helmet will remove Eivor's beard customization.
- Sometimes Odin can get stuck in a pillar when assassinating enemies.
- After the battle with Systir and his tamer in Nidheim, the barrier will not go away.
- Everold's store re-stocks with already purchased items.
The Siege of Paris
- Unique Siege of Paris runes purchased through Pierre's shop can be sold, but cannot be bought back.
Wrath of the Druids
- Finishing Balor with a stun-attack can cause the encounter to get stuck.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Main Quests, World Events, Activities
- Order Medallions missing after defeating members of the order.
- The quest Going Deeper cannot be received if the plants have already been collected.
- Crashes while loading a save file during Finding Fritjof quest.
- Player stats are not tracking as intended for the Core Challenge Eivor's Saga.
- When climbing the tree near the Druid cottage in Glowecestrescire, Eivor can get stuck under the platform.
- Unable to interact with Rollo within the brothel.
- Unable to enter a house in Picheringa because of a blocked window and barred door.
Oskoreia Festival
- Various fixes for the returning Oskoreia festival event.
Armory and Inventory
- Weapons being duplicated through unintended means.
- Duplicated Dwarven customization options in inventory.
- Two-Handed Axes can appear on both sides of the Armory mannequin if the player changes hands while using the weapon.
- Flails appear upside down in the Armory when equipped with a loadout.
- Isu tattoo duplicates in inventory after purchase and replaces other tattoos that can no longer be selected.
- Some weapons appear in Vagn's shop when they've already been acquired.
- The VFX for the charge attack persists on the weapon after it has been used.
- Twilight pack previews do not load when trying to view them in the in-game store.
- Unintended echo effect on Reda's speech audio.
- Cargo hold during River Raids caps at 200 even if capacity is upgraded.
- Eivor spawns drunk when loading into the game.
- Jord Scarecrow settlement cosmetic tile in Norvid's store doesn't show the item.
Will you be diving back into Assassin's Creed Valhalla for this new update? Let us know if you're ready for spooky season in the comments section below.
[source ubisoft.com]
Comments 14
I wish Origins and Odyssey got this much love. I think both are much better games.
I must say, this game is now far too big for me to start. I’d have to sacrifice playing 3 other good sized games and I can’t say giving up that type of variety is appealing. Have been tempted to try origins though, given I have it on Extra as well as this. Publishers need to stop chasing continual engagement.
Eivor spawns drunk when loading into the game.
This bug appears I swear everytime they do a festival which includes the round of brawls where you get more and more drunk.
Glad they addressed it, but they will need to address it again after the festival 😂
It has knocked my trophy list down to 98%. lol. Just one new trophy to unlock and all we have to do is complete all tombs
I’m rushing through all DLCs on PC right now (1 month free Ubisoft+). If I can stomach more Valhalla content after that I’ll hit this up on PS5.
Ubisoft’s cross-save/progression is actually really good.
@PenguinLtd mediocre or not its free and yet you complain, if they charged you'd complain also no doubt, what exactly is it you want ?
@thefourfoldroot1 I think they do this to keep you targeted to the store to buy things with real money, nothing else will change and I'm not going to download a huge game over again for something so simple, 😑😑
@PenguinLtd yeah I re read after I posted didn't mean it to sound against you specifically, I agree paid dlc is good if its sizable, and sadly these days when do we ever a game shipped fully dine, there's a few exceptions, like God of war etc but sadly few and far between
I like the Love they put inside this game! I hate that they never finished the main story, even almost 2 years after release.
Does anyone know if the base game gets more challenging combat? I'm a bit over-levelled, but in the middle of the Lunden arc. Everything gets quite literally stomped on after one parry, and it's taking a lot of the fun out of it when I'm not taking much damage even if I get hit plenty.
EDIT: Playing through PS Plus, so I have none of the paid DLC.
@mazzel The main story is finished and an epilogue of sorts tying up Eivor's end is coming free at the end of the year.
@Craggis19 Go to difficulty settings, they added a bunch of settings to crank up the difficulty though i will say its still pretty easy even at the hardest settings.
@WallyWest That's probably a different understanding of "finished". As I mentioned in another comment section, for me, the location of Eivors remains was somehow the connecting ties between the times (past and present) and this part of the story is definitely not finished. therefore, for me, this is an unfinished game (which I enjoyed a lot until the end).
@WallyWest Good to know, thank you!
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