Sony is, as we know, porting some of its first-party games over to PC, with the next being Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection in October. The question of which game is next to make the leap is up in the air; there are some titles like Ghost of Tsushima yet to be announced, and both Returnal and Sackboy: A Big Adventure have leaked in the past. The latter of these, though, could be next.
A SteamDB listing was spotted a while back, but if you visit it now, you can find an icon that features the burlap hero himself. In the History section, you can see the icon among the most recent changes. This is definitely a Steam listing for Sackboy.
Sony has yet to officially announce the game for Steam or other PC storefronts, but it's now just a matter of time. Would you like to play Sackboy: A Big Adventure on your computer? Collect some bubbles in the comments section below.
[source steamdb.info, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 42
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Sackboy is a very under-appreciated game. I hope more people give it a chance on PC.
@IonMagi yeah they are porting a fair few of the good games over to the pc and we still have more current gen titles than you have on your xbox 🤣
@IonMagi lmfao
@Northern_munkey "More" is really just 1 more Game after 2 years lol. Not counting Tlou Part 1 Remake since it could easily run on PS4
@IonMagi serious question. Why are you still here then? Do you get some sense of satisfaction from attacking Sony in every single post? Genuinely curious.
Surely got to be Playstation Showcase. It's all seeming to add up with PC Ports, PSVR2 release date, GoW Ragnarok deep dive, FF16 trailer, Sony leaking a game on their twitter page, etc.
Perhaps the choice not to do one in September was to give TLoU Part 1 PS5 version breathing room.
I think these PC ports will turn out to be a mistake for Sony in the long run, but this one is pretty harmless.
@naruball serious question, why do you still comment on my comments when you are clearly offended by me stating my option? Lol
@naruball I think such websites are not fanboys-only. And their comment is actually a valid, if exaggerated critic on SIE‘s policy.
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@naruball Because I like stating my opinion to stuff on the Internet. Live with it or just block me
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@IonMagi but when it is all the time negative about one company and positive about the rest, that makes no sense to me. It's like me going to Nintendolife and attacking Nintendo in every single post. If I don't like what they're doing, I'll simply visit a site of things I actually like.
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We seem to be straying quite off topic now! Please can I remind you to keep our community guidelines in mind when posting here thank you https://www.pushsquare.com/rules
I hope it has crossplay!
I see someone woke the troll up again, what a waste of space.
Sack boy is a real gem. Easy to over-look, as its nothing we haven't seen before and it takes a while before the elements arrive that allow for interesting design.
Top for couch co op play (I've played 3 player lots).
At this point, its a great game that should be shared with more people so releasing on PC is a win win, and I hope our PC brothers and sisters like it as much as we did!
@ThomasHL. I agree with you playa.to me thats the dumbest move sony ever did.porting basically almost all your first party.its ridiculous.word up son
@Titntin sorry my bad..i couldnt resist 🤣
Gotta say, I honestly thought Sony would be focusing more on porting PS4 games over, but looks like interests have shifted and they're now fully committed to ensuring the PS5 does not build up an exclusive library of its own (not that Sackboy was PS5 exclusive, but it was nevertheless touted as a high-profile game for it)
That just tells me that the window is just gonna keep shrinking until it eventually becomes non-existent.
I played this with my brother a year ago. We played about 3 worlds, and we just absolutely hated it. The game didn't do anything BADLY per se, but it's really slow, incredibly easy, and any charm the game had ran out very quickly. They just sort of plop you in quite big open spaces, with a limited movement system and very little of interest to collect. It was a shame because we were looking for a great coop experience, but this wasn't it for us. I'm glad some people above have clearly enjoyed it though!
@Northern_munkey lol. NP bud..
@IonMagi I agree though, TLOUPT1 can run on PS4 if PT2 can.
DJ Khaled ... Another one lol
@Titntin Its IonMagi no one here is surprised.
@art_of_the_kill There isn't really much else left worth porting over from PS4... They've already hit most of the big notes (God of War, Uncharted 4, TLoU, HZD, Spider-Man). The only thing maybe left is Ghost of Tsushima. Killzone Shadow fall and Second Son wouldn't be worth the time and energy considering how old they are, and no one wants Knack.
@RBMango it is a great game to play as a family. We enjoyed it a lot with our 8 year old!
Swear I just read TLOU remake can run on ps4 🤣🤣 man you can tell who actually plays these games or not.
PlayStation bringing their older games to pc that aren't selling anymore is a good business decision, brings more attention to their IP's and brings in more sales and money to further make more games for playstation. And the fact they wait two years means that any true fan of these games aren't waiting.
hmm ok. so what is left then? gran turismo 7 is just a matter of time... not so sure ratchet and clank will make it over unless they re-develop it to work without a fast ssd (which is doubtful) since that would be a pr nightmare. rerturnal? sure. i suppose ghost of tsushima and last of us 1 rumours for 2023 are likely as well. question is, how long will sony wait for pc releases going forward AFTER the ps release? 12 months? 18 months? 0 months?!
It shouldn’t happen but I hope Sony keeps moving toward a simultaneous release for their game releases for PlayStation and PC.
I hope the PS5 is the last PlayStation I had to buy. It would be nice to just buy a PC and be done with it.
PlayStation for well over a decade has been enough for me not including a Nintendo, but recently, with Sony focusing more and more on things that don’t interest me, I’ve bought a Series X and Steamdeck to fill in the gap. Not to mention it takes so much more time for games to release and then that gap is even longer when they release games I don’t really care about like TLoU Remake.
I literally just started playing this game today and so far I cannot believe what a Mario clone it is. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game but it really does seem like they've completely lifted things straight from Odyssey/3D World.
Am we get an Nvidoa leak every few years please. Basically let’s us know exactly what to expect. Lol
My poor beloved PS4...just because I want all your games on SteamDeck doesn't mean I don't love ya.
You'll always be my Bloodborne💗
Interesting comments section for a port of a child-friendly platformer. I might actually pick this up now because I skipped it at PS5 launch because the trophy list required multiplayer.
This just reminds me that I wouldn't mind seeing Infamous or Killzone get a new lease on life on PC, and I'm not talking about the PS4 games either
I wish sony port gravity rush 1 & 2 to steam so I can play it at 60 fps (for the second game).
Damn.... someone has been hyperactive with the delete button...
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