Whatever The Witcher 4 turns out to be, there's one thing we know for sure: it'll be the start of a new saga for the video game series. Announced earlier in the year, the next entry in the franchise is some way off, but will no doubt wow us with its Unreal Engine 5-fuelled visuals. More recently, CD Projekt RED has confirmed the next title will launch a saga that spans several games.
Comments made during the company's latest earnings call indicate the studio is lining up multiple Witcher adventures for the future. "We said that there will be a new saga," said CEO Adam Kiciński. He continued: "Of course, now we are pre-producing the first game of this saga. But we have in mind more than one. The first saga was three games, so now we're thinking about more than one game. But we are in pre-production on the first game from the second Witcher saga."
It's easy to assume this new story will take place over a trilogy, but it sounds like the number of games isn't set in stone yet. There's speculation among fans the new saga will include the School of the Lynx, though of course no official details are currently known. Plenty to look forward to, then.
[source youtube.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 45
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this. I'm definitely not excited yet, I've grown to hate announcements like this. (I think Cyberpunk 2077's hype has left a bad taste in my mouth despite having enjoyed the game.) But overall, CDPR have a lot of work to do. I do hope for Ciri to be the protagonist if this is taking place in the same time-frame, though.
I get the IP is a treasure trove gold mine after the third game, but CDPR shouldn't full of themselves after how disastrous Cyberpunk's launch was.
Don't forget that this was likely targeted towards investors, so they know that CDPR is going to be producing a lot more Witcher games, which is their biggest IP and earns the most money.
Yeah, let's get a solid game out before 2030 CDPR, then you can talk about potential sequels.
I played Gwent: rogue mage this summer and it was a great card game, although brief. I enjoyed listening to Alzur's arrogant character a lot and I still play a few matches sometimes. Anything witcher related I'll be there day 1.
So its confirmed we are done with geralt as main character?
If nothing else, I hope they sort Geralt's animation so he doesn't look like he's got troublesome piles...
Wow look at them learning nothing and announcing multiple games years before they’re even fully conceptualised. Sounds like Cyberpunk 2077 all over again
@XOF The trouble with Ciri as the protagonist is she is just so over powered. There's nothing in the world she can't destroy in a heartbeat now she has control of her powers.
Enemies are going to need some serious plot armour / kryptonite to hold her off.
Not completely against the idea but would need to be well written.
For goodness sake CDPR, is it wise to announce several games when you have a history of not even releasing a game in a fit state when you announce them one at a time? For the love of Keanu, please just concentrate on doing that first!
Stop trying to gangbang the golden goose you savages! Look at you all high-fiving each other as you line up to take your turn!
Idiots have learnt nothing.
My first time experiencing a CD Projekt Red game was PS4 Cyberpunk lol so I don't highly praise them like so many do and dunno how much better the PS5 version is these days. I Did grab the complete edition of Witcher 3 very cheaply last year and now waiting for the free PS5 version to play it for the first time so my current not impressed with CDPR could change overtime
@themightyant You actually make a great point. I'd never looked at it that way. Thinking back, even the small sections where you play as her in The Witcher 3 were pretty damn fast-paced for how OP she was. That would definitely be a great challenge for the devs. (On a different note, I wouldn't mind it if they allow us to make our own Witcher like V. Is it too obvious that I just want a female Witcher? lol)
@XOF a female Witcher makes literal sense too.
@XOF It's the Superman problem, if someone is too strong how do you make engaging gameplay against mobs without making them feel underpowered. Bosses are fine.
It was my #1 criticism with Marvel's Avengers, here were Super-heroes fighting waves of humans, human-looking synths and robots but rarely did I feel like a superhero. It felt like I was attacking with a wet noodle. Completely killed the power fantasy.
Contrast that with something like God of War (2018) where every hit felt meaty and visceral. Made me feel like a God.
I consider Witcher 3 to be one of the best games of the PS4 generation. If they can keep the quality then I'm all for it.
That sounds very ambitious. Thank goodness CDPR is a company that never gets out over their skis…
I love the Witcher 3 but are enough key people still working at the company to make it as good as it needs to be.
Cyberpunk was such a disillusion that it's hard for me to get excited. I'll wait until trusted reviews are in (ACG) and the game is out for the general public before I consider to buy it.
I’ll play it for sure… but I’m really hoping that they move away from the Arkham style combat.
@themightyant To echo @XOF, you make an excellent point. It takes some real heavy lifting to make an overpowered character compelling. It’s so much easier to relate to protagonists who are relatively weak compared to what they struggle against. Still, Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, and plenty of others have managed to make near omnipotence very engaging over the years.
@themightyant maybe a mage will steal Ciri's powers and she'll have to get through with her bare bones Witcher skills to get them back. So basically what Samus goes through in every Metroid sequel.
Wow, I love how you geniuses recall cdpr very recent history and immediately make out a repeating pattern and feel the need to point it out here with a raised finger of warning. So clever!
@Amnesiac I think it's much easier in books and comics than in a game where you need a gameplay loop. But certainly not impossible.
@tameshiyaku It can definitely be done through plot devices but it is so prevalent I think we need a specific term for this. An equivalent to plot armour but where you lose all your powers in order to start the progression again. Any proposals? Perhaps "Samus Returns" was aptly named
Let's see if Seedy Projekt Red can actually pull this off..
@tameshiyaku we have every right to be concerned because the last time many gamers spent £60 on a CDPR game it was garbage. Nobody likes spending £60 on garbage. Recent concerns are justified
After the Cyberpunk fiasco, I really have no interest in anything further from CDPR. An outsourced Anime looks better than anything done in game.
Not a lot of preorders I guess for their next game…me, I will wait for sure !
isnt no witcher game without geralt of rivia as lead protagonist, i cannot wait to see the more adventures of the white wolf.
i will snag the disc day one!
thank you cdprojecktred
ive the witcher on gog and steam, have it on xbox and playstation consoles just muck abouts , the real gaming is on pc my save from the 1st game progression to the 3rd game.
For me a Witcher game needs to be about Geralt, if it’s not it may well lose me.
@tameshiyaku maybe those of us with a longer memory remember Witcher 3 wasn’t in the best condition at launch. Or Witcher 2 launch was a bit of a train wreck. I didn’t have the first from launch but believe it took the enhanced edition to get it decent. Don’t get me wrong they’ve always made it right in the end but don’t have the best track record.
@themightyant Perhaps "sequel nerfing" or "xp amnesia" ? 😅
@Beerheadgamer82 then don't pre-order something that isn't a limited good, especially if you count in digital purchases there's little to no reason to buy something before reviews come in.
Not saying how the game released was alright, rather just forgive and move on. What is all the hammering on cdpr at this point still good for?
@tameshiyaku I'd agree with you about not pre ordering the game if we wasn't lied to. If everyone knew Cyberpunk was going to release like it did on last gen then hardly anyone would have pre ordered it to begin with. The fact CDPR fully knew it wasn't great on last gen but still releases it anyway. Also it remains the only big triple A release to ever be pulled from PS store so early after release, says it all really doesn't it
The more Witcher, the better IMO. Please no customizable character. Im not the biggest fan of them, despite me liking many games with them featured. It’d be cool if they went the Mass Effect route and had choices carry over throughout the console’s life cycle or whatever. I want choices to matter in the trilogy beyond the base game
I hope this doesn’t mean they’ll abandon the Cyberpunk IP. I dunno if their studio is big enough to develop two games at a time, but I’d love a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 one day.
Loved The Witcher 3 and it remains one of my fave games of all time but I'd much prefer another Cyberpunk game.
Shhh. Don't say that. It's blasphemy, don't you know?
I do agree, though 😁
I hope they do not use first person perspective, melee in these games does not work as good as third person (at least for me). In Cyberpunk melee combat is a disaster to say the least. I love the series and hope they decide to do something in the past (comparing with the period of the other games), in the time when witchers were at their peak in activity (more monsters and competition between schools). The Netflix anime movie with Vesemir is great for instance.
For me The Witcher 3 is hands down the best game of the PS4 Era. So, I'm positive eager to see what comes next!!
from the biggest love to CDPR to now saying, mehhh, dont believe or trust anything you guys are saying... whatevez, cant even get excited for one of the most loved games before.. puck cdpr
@riceNpea I think you’re getting a little carried away. They announced that they plan on having a story arc that spans multiple games. If developers didn’t think that far ahead we would never have sequels. I’d rather they formed the story with multiple games in mind instead of a hacked on sequel with a thrown together story. They know the Witcher 4 is going to be a massive success so why not create a massive, deep story arc that can be told across multiple games?
@Niktaw fine, make plans, absolutely, but why announce a raft of games? Every single time they struggle just to release just 1 that isn't a buggy mess at launch. Concentrate on 1 and get it right! 😁
@riceNpea well it was an investor earnings call not an IGN feature. They have to come off like they have big plans to make tons of cash.
@Niktaw was it? Ahhh fair enough. I misinterpreted the article and took it as an announcement.
I'm looking forward to seeing it one day. But I hope they learnt their lessons after Cyberpunk. Hope consumers have learnt their lessons too and not rush to pre-order. Wait until there the console gameplay videos & reviews are out at the least.
I'm sure they will do a good job as they have plenty of experiences with Witcher games before so it should have a smoother development than Cyberpunk which was brand new. But they shouldn't let that Witcher 3 success get to their heads as if they are invincible and just focus on making a great working game. Repair the damage Cyberpunk has caused and don't be showing it off too early either or they will see angry fans. Delays should be expected too
@tameshiyaku Haha! I like "sequel nerfing" or "sequel nerf". Lets go with that. It's a contagious condition!
New saga sounds like fun! Still waiting for them to work on remakes of Witcher 1 & 2 though...
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