Cyberpunk 2077 has been enjoying a significant revival since the release of the Edgerunners anime, and the large game update that tied into it. But that all happened back in September, so why are we still writing about it? Well, as it turns out, the open world RPG is still feeling the effects of a soaring player count, as the title has now registered 1 million users every single day for four weeks in a row.
That's a crazy statistic for a single-player game, and just goes to show that with the correct level of support, even a much maligned title can win back a lot of favour. Another big update is expected before, or alongside, the release of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, so we'll no doubt see the game get another popularity boost in the relatively near future.
As you'd expect, all of this positive word of mouth seems to have impacted 2077's sales numbers as well. It was previously reported that the game has now sold over 20 million copies.
What do you make of all this? Have you been back to Night City since the advent of Edgerunners? Pick up a new gig in the comments section below.
Comments 17
As it should be…
I want to like it but its way more first person shooter than RPG. Similar to what happened after New Vegas and Fallout 4.
The game is very good, regardless of the launch being a bit of a farce.
After the PS5 version launched (which should have been the stability of the launched product) the game proved itself.
I love 2077, one of my favourite PS5 games,.
Not gonna lie, I booted it Up and finally finished it oN PS5. It was more stable for sure but I stand by my assertions on this mess years ago: the reality that it's an unfinished game with a lifeless city that didn't deliver on the product we were told was produced. If you take away the very few decent story missions that there are it's a very very repetitive gameplay Loop.
It really is such a shame too because I I caught myself several times moving about the city and just kind of marveling at it's structural foundation. just the general layout and structures and variability in some of them there was mass potential here.
However it released unfinished and the filler content and copy and pasted dressing they threw all over that foundation is still as sad as it was day one.
I think it just taken as a hold the fact that it took years to just fix the technical problems not really add any of the clearly missing features this game was abandoned right on the offset once they made their giant cash grab from the fraudulent lie they just got it to a technically stable State and moved on and they're already doing the same thing again.... over promising for potential investment money.
I genuinely don't want another iteration of this game I think it would just be a nightmare because a company like cdpr you can tell how much the. Leadership is willing to risk for quick money. I assume they will likely use the same gameplay foundation and it's a s***** Foundation on that front within a gamethey did not finish. I don't want some iteration on that. The player count uotick is the only reason they announced they would do a sequel.
It's a bit of a slap in the face to all those that invested pre release in the game, that they saw potential new dollars to be had due to a resurgence of players and now have decided to repeat history rather than truly ever actually finish the game they lied about and released it as it did...
I recently downloaded the native ps5 version for a platinum run but seeing as the dlc is incoming I’ll hold off for now. Cannot wait to get my teeth into this game though. Glad I’ve waited by all accounts
The flip in public perception for this game is just nuts. They really turned it around. I thought the game was fun to a large extent but it had nothing on The Witcher. Also wasn’t a huge fan of the FPS nature of the game and the overwhelming and infinite loot drops, but on the whole it’s a solid game.
The Anime is fantastic and I love the game. The combat is great, especially the moonwire. That coupled with the cyberware that slows down time really makes you feel like you're in the Anime.
I like that they added David's jacket to it too, nice touch.
For a sequel it would be cool if you could go into more buildings and it was more interactive. I love walking around the more densely packed bits, on multiple levels with people going about their business, but there aren't too many buildings you can enter. The megabuilding is pretty cool though and it still feels more interactive than a lot of open world games.
I really like the game, its technically far from perfect even after the patches but the current gen version is absolutely playable. Happy that more people play the game. High hope for the sequel!
I had the PS4 version in my hand in the library on Friday but put it back on the shelf after texting my kid who said he was currently too busy. I probably would have played it by now but I really don't like first person view in games. Maybe next trip when I'm done w/ Miles Morales. Though I'll need to clear out space on my PS5 SSD first, game was on 2 discs. 😱
They need to remove the level cap for me to go through it again. I should be allowed to max out all stats and be a cyber god.
@KundaliniRising333 This is one sequel that needs to happen Would love to see this game finished,with MP and without old gen hardware hogging dev time it would be awesome to see this reach it's full potential and launch alongside GTA5.
@jrt87 After updating the game, was CDPR nominated for a "tradesman of the year" award equivalent?
Hardly. People are just rediscovering it because of a well-time anime used to market the game now that the game is in solid shape.
You can still praise the game for what it is and simultaneously recognize the poor state it was in when released.
These two things are not mutually exclusive, and your average player isn't going to be a negative, axe-grinding Nancy about the game's release for infinite.
I hate to say it, after the company drama and lying and all, but currently on PS5 this is an AMAZING game. Fantastic visuals, huge open world, engaging storylines and great characters I am STILL thinking about after the campaign.
Before I got sucked into playing Disney Dreamlight Valley daily, it was my main game, I have 85 hours (so far) into Cyberpunk 2077 and still have much to do post-campaign.
It's a safe bet it will be on sale on PSN for $25 this holiday season and I can't think of an easier recommendation if you love RPGs.
@KundaliniRising333 You have a point. But it truly is only half of the story. As I’ve being saying, the Cyberpunk genre and good story are bigger than what was promised or gameplay or GTA or whatever.
It sucks that a portion of the pre-order group did not get what they want but as this situation demonstrates, it wasn’t the main features that the vocal pundits thought everyone else had (outside performance) at launch were angry about. It isn’t disputable at this point. Just look at the steam numbers, which other single player games is or has been doing that well?
The narrative elements and world building done fantastically enough will sell another game. Let us hope the people on your side of the fence come back over if they nail the mechanics next round.
@jrt87 For a lot of people it's your same roof analogy, but then they got a refund, and had them do that same job, but right this time, for half the price.
I'll get around to playing this eventually, as soon as the Phantom Liberty DLC is released.
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