Many have criticised the extended period of cross-gen releases we’ve seen on PS5, but slowly we’re beginning to see more new-gen exclusive titles. Gotham Knights is one such game: originally scheduled to release on PS4 as well, developer Warner Bros Montreal ultimately scrapped the last-gen version in order to realise its vision. Unfortunately, that vision is restricted to 30 frames-per-second on Sony’s latest console.
After heavy speculation on the subject, executive producer Fleur Marty confirmed on Discord that there’ll be no performance option in the upcoming game. “Due to the types of features we have in our game, like providing a fully untethered co-op experience in our highly detailed open world, it’s not as straightforward as lowering the resolution and getting a higher frames-per-second,” she wrote. “For this reason, our game does not have a performance/quality toggle option and will run at 30fps on consoles.”
Obviously, we’re not developers so can’t fully appreciate the challenges involved here, but what we do know is that 60fps has become an expected standard on PS5 this generation, and it’s actually now rare for it not to be an option. Hopefully it’s something that the developer can look at post-release. Of course, in the here and now, we just hope it’s been able to deliver a smooth and steady 30fps, as combat-heavy titles like this really benefit from a responsive framerate.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 132
Most unfortunate. Hard pass on console version. I’m sure they’ll cave and fix it down the line but I really wanted to play this day one, so PC it is.
If I wasn't already skipping it before, I definitely am now.
I mean, it kind of is as simple as reducing resolution (and reducing the number/quality of other assets being streamed). Devs have been doing exactly that for 30 years now. Unless what they’re saying is they’re already doing those things just to make co-op playable. If not, then it’s probably just not ready for launch and we’ll see a performance mode later on.
With that said, 60 fps is great, but I’ve been playing a lot of older games lately and I’m finding it easier and easier to get used to 30, so not super worried about this.
Gotham Shights
“our highly detailed open world”
Arkham Knight from 7 years ago has more detail.
Are you telling me low spec cpu's on pc won't be running this at 60fps.Lower the resolution same as you would on pc to get it running at 60fps.Im not buying it till its got a 60fps mode because I want to support games what have the features I want
Bit of a bummer but i'm still getting it..i'd love 60fps but i'll take 30fps and i'll just have to get used to it..i'm hoping they will patch it further down the line..
Anyone white knighting for 30fps can get in the bin. Anything less than 60fps on current gen is embarrassing.
@Northern_munkey why? It looks like garbage and now we know it runs like garbage too. If people stopped giving these mediocre developers money and maybe they’ll stop making mediocre games.
There’s already a ton of mixed reception on the game from its recent preview, and now the information about 30 fps is only going to make the already negative hype enhance. And I’ve never been one to complain about fps much, but after spending tons of time with 60 fps and then suddenly going back to 30 - it’s very jarring. I really want this game to be good. If the reviews are 7-8 or “Recommended” then I probably will, but the outlook is not looking too good.
Removed - inappropriate
That is shocking really. They will get a blacklash and have to add it later. U dont buy a Ps5 that recently priced increased for 30fps on a game that even ditched the last gen version
@ROTTIEMAN16 That’s the thing. Minimum PC requirements for 1080p low 60 fps is a Core i5/GTX 1660 Ti. And WB telling us they can’t lower the resolution to achieve 60 fps on console... That just doesn’t sit right with me.
Disappointing. The gameplay they've shown looks very fast and frantic, and would clearly benefit from 60fps.
It could be argued that if they couldn't realise their vision at 60fps on PS5, then they should have dialled the graphics back a bit until they could. (I know I'm simplifying things, but a game like this should be built with 60fps in mind IMO.)
Ugh, I was already on the fence with this, but they can get in the bin now with 30fps in 2022. Might give it a shot if it's ever on Game Pass on PC.
Im glad I saw this before I pre order might pick up if they add 60fps down the line on sale. Very disappointing
Would have been 10fps on ps4 though, or something like the crappy cyberpunk day one release
@Kairu while i would agree on last gen, this gen 60 should be the standard these days. That said youd get people arguing that it should be in triple digits.
Was going to order day 1, but 30fps means it just went to never buy. Shame.
This is why we don’t preorder
Curious how they waited till just before the release to say this. Got all the preorder money. I won't play any game that is sub 60fps. Get with the times.
@xx_PharsydeChemist_x why? I'm not sure why i have to justify myself to you?
We're probably going to see this a lot more often as we move out of the crossgen period towards current gen only releases.
Big letdown! Next gen needs to be 60 fps (unless it isn’t a fast paced/action game then maybe 30 fps … maybe). If the game is good, PC players will be happy
@Kairu After playing current Gen 60fps games anything less looks and feels choppy. Like when I played Demons Souls remake and the Sekerio, following that was Bloodborne and it felt like they were moving through water and skipping frames with awkward animations. Sub 60 fps is simply not excusable.
@get2sammyb i'd love 60fps even if it meant a lower res say 1800p even 1080p but if the games as good as it looks i'll take the trade off..it is a bit of a let down but i've been looking forwards to this for so long now i've gotta play it even at 30fps..
@get2sammyb the minimum specs on PC for 60fps are a 1660ti and a Ryzen 5 3600 which is clearly a weaker combination than the PS5. I suspect this is more a development time constraint than a technical one
It doesn't bother me it's only 30 fps i wasnt going to play it or buy it anyway but I'm quite annoyed they left it so late to tell ppl this after most ppl have prob pre ordered that's not very consumer friendly
Some people can barely notice the difference between 60fps and 30fps. My eyes absolutely can. I refuse to play a game like this in 30fps.
Will wait for a patch. Thank you.
If Horizon Forbidden West, looking how it does can run in 60fps, this can definitely run in 60 too.
I think this might be a time issue, a few more months programming and they could have got it in with launch but I reckon it'll be patched in later.
Yah that seals it for me. Passing on this one. It's pretty obvious from the honest previews that there are already concerns with the game including a very empty and lifeless Gotham without amtmosohere . This game doesn't even look native current gen.
I genuinely believe e we will here about this game being rushed out the door and unfinished post release at some point. As it looks more like they didn't take the time for optimization and implementation on the console end to get a performance on consoles complete.
Especially considering many have no intention of playing this Co op.
An offline option with better performance should have been considered. While I suspect this game was already going to be underwhelming, I certainly am not interested in playing it with its already apparent shortcomings, at 30fps.
I’m sorry, but this is inexcusable when you have gorgeous open world games like Horizon Forbidden West running at 60 fps on the PS5. This game doesn’t even come close to the level of detail and graphics that Arkham Knight was able to achieve and that was on last gen consoles. There is absolutely no good reason for this.
so no 60fps.
empty world compared to previous arkham games.
poor previews.
main spoiler released.
characters are weak and hit weak.
2player campaign is weird too.
is there any positives? it is currently a very mediocre title.
needs something exciting around it
@IrrelevantDrone jeez, someone woke up pissy didnt they
@Kairu Maybe because 60 fps helps games like this play better and people being used to 60 on current gen systems makes this into a big deal.
That lady is full of *****. There's no challenge here. Just plain lazyness or incomptence. I'm going with the latter.
@Northern_munkey don’t then. Enjoy mediocrity.
@IrrelevantDrone thanks for the wake up call..i was hoping for an intervention 👍
@xx_PharsydeChemist_x 👍
Overwatch 2 can hit 120fps during online multiplayer. The fact this can’t is embarrassing.
This is nothing but developer incompetence. They spent the last 9 years (!?) developing this PS3 looking game and they still can't manage to achieve 60fps on current gen hardware when almost every game released so far has at least offered a frame rate priority mode in their games.
According to their Steam page, all that's required on PC to achieve 1080p/60fps is a GTX 1660 Ti, which is far weaker than what these current gen consoles have.
@Al3 I don’t care about 4K but fps should be 60 no matter what.
I'd like to also point out demon slayer came out at 30 fps across the board. But the developer promised 60 fps down the line and they gave it to us. Her with all this nonsense when they made a game that runs on pc with a variety of different hardware that will fluctuate different framerate just shows you how full of crap she is. To me this screams red flags as I remember cyberpunk having similar issues. They don't even say "Hey 60 fps will come later" Just straight up 30fps mode. Take it or leave it.
This is disappointing, especially as I feel kinda spoilt by all the games this gen that do have a 60fps/performance mode. Some games do 30fps really well, Forza Horizon 5 and Horizon forbidden West are two examples, but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Just hope GK falls into this category.
I'm officially not interested. I've become a 60 FPS snob.
When they announced they were cutting ps4/XBO, I stated I was concerned they had simply decided not to optimize this game at all (or had trouble optimizing it at all) and seems that I was right. 30fps is not acceptable this gen.
There were already people like me thinking (from what they have shown) that Arkham Knight has better graphics, more detail, better gameplay and it can only match Arkham Knight's FPS despite that coming out at the beginning of the PS4 and this having all of the power of PS5 available?
It blows my mind that they didn't prioritize 60fps on a game that's entirely fast paced, a Persona 5 at 30fps and Gotham Knights at 30fps are two entirely different things despite both having the same framerate.
There may very well be legitimate technical reasons for limiting performance to 30fps. That they’d wait this close to release to bother mentioning this speaks to how much they recognize he importance of this feature. I was likely waiting on a discount down the line - $120 CDN for the “complete experience” is a disincentive to purchase at launch to begin with. This confirmation just cements that choice.
Theres a lot of chatter on twitter that's its the series S that's holding this game back, fueled by a few comments from some developers as well.
@Relygon It's co op and most games that do that aren't running at high frame rates and high resolution. Even on PC.
I don't give a F about the FPS. But will still wait for reviews to see if the game itself is good.
That is fairly disappointing, one of my favorite things about this generation is that most games run at a solid 60 fps, I am not a graphics snob but knowing this game doesn't makes me a little less likely to want to play it and I say that as someone who plays a lot of games on Switch.
Hopefully the game itself is solid though.
@Dpishere smh. CO OP games are hard on CPU and GPU that's always been an issue. You aren't going to have a game like this running 4k 60fps with co op at least not saying they couldn't do it but why do you think cod games run at a lower frame rate split screen co op. There's a reason 4 player split screens don't happen anymore. Don't buy the game. I for one am getting it. People always complain all the time. At least it's not 1080p. You shouldn't care about this after you admitted you play games on switch. A lot are 1080p games or maybe 1440p.
Wow, no wonder they had to ditch PS4 and XBone as the probably incompetent coding only allows 30fps on tub o' lard and bin with top ashtray consoles?
@Don_Corleone I think it's fair to have different expectations for a game running on Switch vs PS5.
I know if I dropped half a grand on a brand new PS5, I'd be more than a little irritated by a major AAA release like this only running at 30fps. Particularly considering how visually basic it seems to begin with (for a PS5 release).
A lot will come down to the talent of the development team. I personally am fine with dynamic 4K 60fps if native is going to mean playing at 30fps. It's hard to look back with action games. They look stuttery and it's off-putting. I just started Forbidden West and the latest patches have the performance mode almost matching graphical for fidelity. No one expects consoles to keep up with PC but with the right developers and graphics options continuing the way they have been with most games, we should be in for a good generation of lovely looking games. RE Gotham Knights - this just looks like an amateur and rushed cash grab on the whole comic popularity thing.
@Ralizah You still don't get the point are co op games taxing the GPU and CPU. It's irrelevant of how much the ps5 costs. You aren't going to find that even on PC. I think maybe they will patch it but I heard the Xbox series S and PS4 held it back. I mean would you want the game to look and run terrible trying for 60fps? It's graphically intense. Race tracing if it has that also there's no way it's going to be native 4k 60fps race tracing and Co op. No technology for that yet. Maybe a future console sure.
@Shstrick That really depends on the way a game is built and utilises the hardware. Some games may well be very GPU limited so reducing the workload by reducing resolution and/or graphical features/settings may well reduce the time to deliver a frame enough to double the frame rate. However, some games are much more CPU intensive and no matter what you do to reduce the GPU workload, the CPU is the limiting factor.
An example of that can be seen with some PS4 Pro/XB1X versions. The fact that those consoles were designed to increase the GPU processing capability, enabling devs to increase the graphical presentation without impacting the frame rate. In some cases, you get a 4x resolution jump to 4k but then can't hit a 'locked' 60fps at the standard 1080p because the CPU can't work 'twice' as fast.
Depending on how the game is built, the CPU is generally used for AI, Physics, calculating movement and telling the GPU what to draw, where objects, particles etc should be etc. Those things aren't affected by 'resolution' - if there are 10 enemies on screen, each with their AI, Physics, hit detection etc - that doesn't change the workload on the CPU whether its at 540p or 4k.
Everything has to be 'completed' in 16.6ms (that's 1/60th of a second or 0.0166s) and that means the CPU has to do everything and tell the GPU what to draw and where, the GPU has to render everything and pull in all the assets from RAM/SSD, and process everything to send it to your TV in such a short time. If for any reason, the CPU or GPU cannot complete everything they need to do in 16.6ms or less, you cannot hit 60fps. If the CPU, at best is taking 17ms to keep track of everything in the Open World, all the AI, Physics, Movement etc, then no matter what you do to reduce the workload on the GPU, you will never get below the 16.6ms needed for 60fps.
I don't know how they have developed this game, but I bet its going to be more CPU intensive than other games that may well offer 60fps modes. It wouldn't be the first and I doubt it will be the last too...
@Kairu If you scrap the PS4 version its kind of a bummer though the game does not evenlook that fantastic. I think the Demon Souls remake looks way better even in performance mode.
@Ralizah Im really interested if this would even run on a Switch at 720P i think the game was not using a really optimised engine the Demon Souls looked remake better in performance mode.
All you hypocrites complaining about this are just gonna buy the game day one anyway.
Seems like this will flop hillariously.
@Don_Corleone "You still don't get the point are co op games taxing the GPU and CPU"
Why are you saying it like it has 4 player couch coop which we all agree is incredibly taxing when that's not the case? Gotham Knights just has regular online coop. Borderlands 3 supported 4 player couch coop and online at the same time!
To not mince words the problem is that WB Montreal is just not that talented compared to other studios. I'm sure everyone there has a love and passion for making games but if they were purchased no one is exactly going to pay millions to keep the talent there like Sony did with Bungie.
And for that reason... I'm out.
@Milktastrophe It was never a release day buy for me. Too many other games I'm playing through and my next day one game is GOWR.
@Milktastrophe I will buy it day one, yes, just not on console as was the plan initially.
Ouch. That's unfortunate. I'm fine with 30 fps in some games but combat heavy games like this feel much better at 60. This is one of the nice things about cross-gen games. You can almost guarantee it will run very well on the more powerful hardware.
Though now I'm really curious what the PS4 version was going to be. 😵💫
Considering my 1660 TI can only run this on low settings, this game better look fing good since I can run Cyberpunk on High/Ultra.
Still can't wait to play it this Friday!!
Every new game on PS5 should have a VRR option. I'll be perfectly ok with 2 modes : stable 30 fps, unlocked VRR 30fps+
Wasn't this the point of VRR (beside 60fps+ modes which are not for every game)?
And I'll join a lot of users here by saying this game is full of red flags and will end up in the deep sales bin in 2 months max.
@Olmaz While I don't know the ins and outs of how exactly VRR works on PS5, everything I've seen says it only kicks in between 48-120fps, so don't think it would be any help for 30fps games.
30fps is no deal-breaker, but the downgraded visual fidelity compared to Arkham Knight is baffling.
I think it just boils down to art style, but I don't care for the slick overly colorful style.
Hideki's getting absolutely roasted on his twitter 😂
@DrClayman Not exactly.
Frame multiplication can start when under 48fps if the console output is high enough.
So with a 120Hz output, 35 fps could be multiplied by 2 (70fps) or 3 (105fps) to get within the 48-120fps VRR range.
This is what is called LFC (Low Frame Compensation).
But of course you need a 120Hz output, since for example you can't multiply 35fps to make it fit within the 48-120fps range if your output is limited to 60Hz.
This is why Sony has to very quickly allow constant 120Hz on PS5 (like the Xbox Series X does) to make the VRR experience better.
@Olmaz Not gonna lie, a lot of this is going over my head lol, but what I think you mean is that the hardware is capable of using VRR at lower than 48fps, but it's a software limit on the PS5 that doesn't allow it?
Appreciate you explaining though regardless of me being a bit thick lol
That is ridiculous, hard pass .
“Due to the types of features we have in our game, like providing a fully untethered co-op experience in our highly detailed open world, it’s not as straightforward as lowering the resolution and getting a higher frames-per-second,” people that only like playing single player really got screwed then lol
@Dr_Luigi this game is far from ground breaking though
@BAMozzy Great points all around. They might be doing some crazy stuff we haven’t seen before for all we know, hoping that’s the case!
@DrClayman You got it.
Although the "issue" is either a firmware one (Sony could enable 120Hz directly from the PS5,) or a software one (every game could have a 120Hz VRR mode).
The idea is to get the 120Hz output so that you can multiply frames when the framerate is under 48fps, so the results still lands between 48-120fps. You need a 120Hz output for that.
As for why Sony hasn't made a permanent 120Hz output available on PS5, I have absolutely no idea.
Was cautiously optimistic about this game, but I've removed it from my wishlist. I didn't spend $500 + tax to play in 30fps
@DrClayman that's the point, if an unlocked mode can run the game at a 45-60 range then VRR would run the game at an almost stable 60fps. Only them know right now at what the game can run unlocked. Look at Elden Ring, no next gen versions run at a steady 60FPS (beside running the PS4 PRO version on PS5) but VRR helps a lot to smooth out the framerate. It's not perfect but at least you have a choice.
Horizon Forbidden West plays in dynamic 4K at 60fps, the scope of this game looks far more reserved, sorry that doesnt wash with me at all. Lets even compare Miles Morales which seems more similarly matched in scope, offers a Performance RT mode! These guys are having a laugh not to be too vitriolic and I was somewhat interested in this game...
The PS5 is kind of a let down, rushed/botched release IMHO. The gap between PC is too large even at launch, and titles aiming for both are going to be severely kneecapped on PS5.
I will wait for an update that gives us 60 fps. Too many other things to play. Don’t understand how it’s not there at launch.
The only visual effects that should be expensive enough to totally disqualify 60fps on current gen would be extensive baked in ray tracing effects. If it has those, which I kinda doubt it does, then I get it. I played Guardians of the Galaxy at 30fps because native 4K/Ray Traced Reflections was worth the trade off, the ray tracing effects transformed that game. Sometimes the trade off in Quality/Performance is worth it on console, sometimes it isn't.
@Shakybeeves after patches maybe, go look at the digital foundry launch video about HFW to see why they recommended playing in the 30fps Quality mode at launch. Sony games, built for that specific hardware are always going to be better optimized than any third party multiplat game. You coulda made the same point but using Sony exclusive games as examples is kinda silly.
What is the actual point of this current gen if 60fps is not the minimum standard??? The PS5 and Xbox X|S are literally looking like last gen with an SSD. This is the least exciting move to a new generation ever. Pretty much everything that could be done is being done on a decade old hardware. It's pathetic.
People that choose whether to buy games based on FPS are cringeworthy.
@Arnna It's fair to assume that 60fps would be an option at this point. Especially with a 70 dollar price tag. What about this game makes it "next-gen"?
So? Why has 60 fps randomly been decided as the standard?
@RainbowGazelle So at the beginning of the PS3 era I assume you were saying "why has 30 fps randomly been decided as the standard?"
We have new machines that allow devs (apparently only talented devs) to set a new standard of 60fps which we did have prior to the introduction of HD. For PS6 ray-tracing and 120 fps will probably be the standards, WB Montreal is moving backwards.
Like many others I have cancelled my pre order!
@Juanalf No, I've never given a toss about frame rates. I mean, yeah, I can see the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps. 60 fps is definitely nicer on the eye, but as long as it isn't stuttering around wildy, I don't see a problem with a lower frame rate. I've survived with lower until now and most of my favourite games of all time don't run at 60 fps. I'm much more interested in the story, gameplay, music, art, world, fun factor, etc. Basing my purchases on the frame rate as the number one deciding factor makes no sense to me.
I don't understand this decision but I'll see what it plays like at release. The more I see of this game I find myself saying "Please remake Arkham Knight with full 4k HDR with VRR. I love the Arkham games, hell I'd be happy if the did another remake of the whole series including Origins. I really hope Gotham Knights is good but I'm worried they won't be able to step out from the huge Batman shaped shadow.
@__jamiie this . and you have people really defending this and criticizing people who have a problem with it . there’s a big difference between 30 and 60 , and it impacts gameplay and the experience .
get2sammyb wrote:
While this it is true it would benefit from 60fps and it IS disappointing, at the same time did anyone have an issue playing Arkham Asylum/City/Origins/Knight at 30fps on console? Why is this suddenly seen as awful, and according to many of the comments unplayable?
Of course it’s ridiculous this game, which looks graphically worse than Arkham Knight, is running at 30fps, but at the same time the responses are blowing it WAY out of proportion.
__jamiie wrote:
There’s a little truth in this, but I’d push back with 4 points.
1) don’t discount the SSD, or the CPU, THESE are the generational changes that are night and day. Virtually instant load times versus over a minute on many AAA titles. It is revolutionary. As are the things that are possible on the modern CPU’s vs Jaguar.
2) Meanwhile graphics are at a point of diminishing returns. Only a small select few games with truly massive budgets and talented devs can look much better. In short stop fixating on graphical fidelity.
3) it always seemed likely some games would go back to 30fps this gen, especially when UE5 and others are being used… although this title shouldn’t be one of them.
4) to build games they REALLY take advantage of the new tech takes time. Often the best looking games from the last gen, which devs had spent years getting the most out of, look better than the early games on the next gen in the first few years. Look at God of War 2, The Last of Us 1&2, etc. this is nothing new, give it time for games built from the ground up for next gen to be built and for devs to get used to the system to get the most out of it.
This becoming a trend? People reporting Plague Tale: Requiem is also coming with nothing but 30 fps. Lovely. Hope it’s a false alarm.
@themightyant this and your previous comment 👍..i also get disgruntled with the old pc is better argument but i get accused of being an advertisement billboard for everything sony 🤣..and i've got to be honest i dont think arkham knight is that more detailed well not as much as is being made out anyway..people want to knock sony as much as people want to say they are happy..
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah, that statement came from a concept artist at Rocksteady, so 1) he's not actually a dev, and 2) he hasn't been involved with the game. Wouldn't have put much stock into any statement from him.
I've also heard now he's come out again and now said he doesn't know for real if it is the Series S to blame for 30fps only. Chatter is the studio were just too lazy to implement a 60fps feature for launch. I'll echo the sentiments of a few on here and hope it's something we see in a future patch.
@Relygon Apparently a false alarm. It's still aiming for 60fps on consoles.Twistedvoxel.com states this has been confirmed by other people who have early access to it.
Edit: Apparently the 60fps though isn't stable, and this is supposedly with a day 1 patch installed. Remains to be seen then how good day 1 performance is for the rest of us.
@nomither6 Absolutely. And we shouldn't be even having this debate in 2022.
Someone skip the optimization class....
From a sub par team.
The PS5 and Series X could easily do this game at 1440p to 1800p at 60fps.
Let's be real the PS5 is weak by todays standards. I don't expect 60fps in as many game moving forward due to the TFLOP limitation. Get above 15TFLOPs then you are talking for high end games in 2022.
It’s not weak at all. Sure it’s no Uber rig but for 550 bucks show me a PC build for that price that matches its performance
This is a case of a lazy developer not willing to optimize.
Also TLOPs are a useless measurement of hardware power for games.
Because developers are wasting time chasing the “4K dream.”
Native 4K is a waste of resources. Always has been. Especially on consoles where the average gamer is running a large screen tv and sitting far away from the screen.
The focus should be on 1440p to 1800p with TAA at 60fps.
Why devs are still locking framerates at all in 2022 is beyond me. IMO every game should have an unlocked framerate.
@OrtadragoonX That's exacly my argument though, it's great value but you can't expect games to run the same as they would do on a $1500 PC. I do agree some developers are lazy, but a lot of the time it's the game engine they box themselves into and the lack of flex it really has. Even that ureal engine 5 game could only run at 30fps due to the hardware limitations. From the looks of it GN is using a lot of internal PS5 memory to support the co-op rarther than push it to a server like typical online games. Even features like Xbox quick resume run off of a cloud sever due to RAM restrictions. I am guessing the GN team had to choose bettween a smoother co-op exp or the higher frames and I guess they chose co-op
@ArcticSin I don't know unlocked frames mess with my eyes without any v-sync
And you guys crap on the ps vita for being 30fps like @rjejr for example. Lol
There is so much discourse about this game being held back by the PS5 or the XSS or PC. I think the devs made a conscious choice to lock it at 30 cause they did not want to put the resources into it to get it to 60.
@OrtadragoonX dont even start rattling this cage mate..i've been saying this for over a year now and not one person i've challenged has managed to produce a rig that performs exactly the same for £500..
@Foram I only owned a Vita for 1 day, returned it the next b/c it was nothing like the PS3 as it was promoted as you could only have 1 account and I wanted to share it w/ my 2 kids, so I don't think I've ever talked about the Vita in regards to anything, certainly not it's FPS, b/c I feel like I never owned it.
I haven't even commented in this thread b/c I don't really care about FPS, I'm old w/ horrible vision and not even sure I could tell the difference if I wanted to. As long as it's stable, I can tell when games drop to single digits, but a stable 30 or 60 really means nothing to me.
Okay keep telling yourself that @rjejr who hates Sony portables 🤣
I can tell you aren't a true gamer who can't own them all.
Also have fun missing out when you can remote play ps4 games in the sony handheld and it's mandatory to keep it that way in many more years to come.
@Foram Did you create an account a week ago just to harass me? Go away.
I like to discuss games just like you @rjejr but can't help to remember your name when it come to topics like this. Remember, I'm a person too!
The Matrix Awakens was a demo that was thrown together in about six months by a team of about 20 guys. That was actually the entire point of the demo; UE5 is significantly easier to work with than UE4 and they were showing how it could be leveraged to create great looking game worlds much faster in terms of dev time versus UE4.
There wasn’t a lot of time for optimization. Could such a game run at 60fps at 1440p like the demo was? Absolutely not. But I’m fairly confident they could get a 60fps solution running a base resolution of 1080p and then using TAA to upscale.
According to one article I read it wasn’t even heavy on the CPU; it was heavy on the GPU but it wasn’t an optimized build. So that implies that the demo wasn’t optimized at all really. And the framerate was all over the place; high 20s at its lowest and 50fps at its highest.
Dialing back a few settings, dropping base resolution to 1080p, and then using TAA to make up the difference in clarity I’m almost positive they could crack a stable 60fps on PS5 and Series X.
There is no way I’m getting this at 30fps. Big skip
Absolutely not. Unacceptable in 2022. Not a chance I'm playing this now.
Im starting to believe the PS5 is just a 4K version of the PS4.
Comment section is prime example of why the gaming community has such negative stereotypes. The developer tries to make the consumers understand, and all you get are self-entitled complaints.
First, when did console gamers start obsessing over 60 fps. Games have always generally been 30 fps, if you want 60 or above, you always bought a pc.
And, second, you guys are not developers, how would you know 'they should be able to do it'. Very self-entitled behaviour, and one of the reasons why I consider gaming community to be excessively toxic, and always complaining.
Go on communities like goodreads, and they never have this self-entitled behavior that you regularly have (e.g why so many microtransactions while buying them, why battlefield not balanced while buying it, why cyberpunk glitchy while buying it and a million others). Respectfully speaking to you guys, this shows the difference of patience, and un-childlike behavior!
And that's after I consider pushsquare to be better than some pc gaming communities! Again, I'm not surprised gaming has such negative stereotypes. To the always vocal people in this community, please try to be thankful and kind to the developers once in a while! They spend their lives to earn a living and make you all happy!
I think this is a lot of people getting worked up one way or the other what will essentially be irrelevant. Either the game is going to be fun to play or it isn’t. My bet based on what I’ve seen and read is, it will be. I’ll chime in on that next weekend after I’ve played it for a while.
@rjejr What’s up with Foram? That guy have some beef with you? That account was just started October 8, but he talks like you have been badmouthing Sony portables for ages. What did you do?
@rjejr @Stevemalkpus the problem is rjejr speaks his mind and dosn't seem to care if his point of view is popular or not..some people just dont like people being honest about things or pointing out untruths etc..i'm not saying that another user has created an alternate account just to troll another user but i had a rather childish and abusive comment thrown at me from @irrelevantdrone who just happened to make an account a mere 25 secs before said comment was posted and then instantly hit ignore..very strange indeed..point is there seems to be some cowardly toxic behaviour going on from people who cant discuss things properly..
I preordered it and i still want to play so im good but as anyone else i can understand that we rather see 60FPS.
@Kairu agree. pre-ordered . can't wait to play. i played all the Arkham games on 30fps anyway(replaying Arkham Asylum now) . Gotham Knight looks like a smooth 30fps . Horizon Forbidden West 30fps for some reason was really choppy and unplayable.
@Northern_munkey What you said. Also, "irrelevantdrone" is a pretty good troll name. 😂
@Stevemalkpus Don't ask me. I'd guess someone I've had a beef w/ in the past who made a new account? 🤷♂️ A decade ago I may have bothered to find out but I really don't care anymore.
Funny thing is, for about 2 years I was saying Sony SHOULD make a new portable b/c that's where the market is in Japan, but Sony just gave Japan to Nintendo and headed west instead. So I have no idea what that person was even talking about.
5 years ago, post #5. It's long so I don't expect anyone to read it, but I was on board. I and I only.
Damn shame, I'll skip buying it until they add a 60 fps patch/update.
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