Well that was a bit of a blunder, wasn't it? In its renewed efforts to milk everything Final Fantasy VII following the success of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Square Enix went full-on parody with the launch of Final Fantasy VII: The First Solider in November 2021 — a battle royale title exclusive to mobile devices.
Surprise surprise, the game is already on its last legs. The publisher has confirmed that The First Soldier will be shut down on the 11th January, 2023 — just over a year after its initial release.
If Square Enix had decided to put this thing on other platforms, would it have done any better? It's hard to say. The general opinion seems to be that The First Solider was just okay at best, and, let's face it, it feels like the battle royale bubble has long since burst outside of firmly established games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Warzone.
Did you ever play The First Solider? Are you sad to see it go? Tell Square Enix you saw this one coming a mile away in the comments section below.
Comments 28
Oh no not the battle royale game......😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I didn't even know it was a thing....
If it was on consoles I might have given it a go. Are there any sucess stories of games like this going mobile only?
These mobile only games that are designed like console games are very strange. Like I get Warzone and Fortnite do well on mobile, but they got their start on console/PC. With that said being Ever Crisis to console when it comes out please!
Nothing screams "multi-player" more than FF7
Kept meaning to have a go a least, anyone know if it’s even got a story mode to blast through?
Good, what a waste of dev time and money.
Yet another example of live service being a bad idea. You'd think Square Enix would learn from their mistakes and have FFXIV as their only live service game?
The saddest part is that it wasn't terrible. But it was inevitable because for a live service game to survive it needs a) an audience and b) The Secret Sauce and First Soldier had neither.
FF7 is so popular, it definitely would still be running if they released on console. Hell, FF15's multiplayer is still running even (although that's probably P2P).
I really liked this game! Played it while holed-up when my place got flooded. Really fun and different take on Battle Royale, with some cool gear and skins. The use of magic and abilities was really fun. Too bad it's gone.
No loss. It was a bad game.
There was a battle royale FF7 game?
I was actually hoping this would hit consoles/PC because it wasn't half bad for a BR. Mobile constraints didn't do it any favors unfortunately.
Would have loved to have this on the PS5. Looked like a fun game, but then again I buy everything from FFVII.
They turned FF7 into a battle royale? At this point I wouldn't be surprised they made a battle royale out of the Andy Griffith Show. If your character is Barney Fife you start out with only one bullet.
I believe the players who enjoy grand, sweeping narrative odysseys like mainline Final Fantasy games are not really the same target audience as those who enjoy bite-size battle royale games.
This game wasn’t bad and it actually had a lot of potential to be honest. It’s just not something that can survive with mobile players alone. The other games that have mobile versions are super well established and carry that weight for the mobile shortcomings.
Didn’t know about this, but, like others have said, what were they thinking avoiding the console market with this? I would’ve at least tried it on console, at least, and I know I’m not the only one.
these crappy games were never intended to withstand the test of time. they likely turned a juicy profit after just a few months and everything after that was gravy on top. average lifespan of money grab mobile games is likely less than a year anyways.
I forgot this was a thing tbh, but overall no loss (except for S-E, lol).
Well I'm a big FF fan and I totally forgot this existed after the initial announcement.
Now I worry about Ever Crisis. Hope they wise up and have console and PC versions.
@Mintie why is the secret sauce part so funny but true at the same time? It’s spot on.
@bindiana I guess COD Mobile, if you’d really even count it. Can’t think of any others 😅
I'm still excited about Ever Crisis if Square dont f up with the P2P model and make chapters very expensive. This was dead on arrival like Pikmin and Harry Potter "VR" games... Maybe Square should give more attention to detail and remake all legacy FF for touch devices
Never played. Wasn't interested. I like ff7, but I don't like BR or shooters. I like swinging swords, casting spells and shooting arrows. Just guns, I don't like.
@dimi @AstraeaV @Jayslow I will be severely disappointed if Ever Crisis is locked behind mobile forever.
Especially since this will be the first time that Advent Children is being adapted into a playable video game.
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