The release of Gotham Knights is almost upon us, and while a lot has been written about the game's technical performance in recent days, the gameplay that is the core experience continues to look pretty awesome. Today we learned more about the title as a whole in a new overview trailer.
The heart of Gotham Knights is its characters, each attempting to fill the void created by the death of Batman, and each goes about this in different ways when out on patrol. Nightwing's acrobatic upbringing and his years of service as the Dark Knight's first protege show in his powerful melee combat style. Similarly, Batgirl brings her technical prowess to bear, able to hack enemy electronics on the fly. Red Hood is an exciting mix of ranged DPS, magical powers, and tanky stamina, acting as a bulwark against foes. Finally, Robin continues Batman's legacy as the stealth predator, using technology to amplify his fearsome aspect.
Gotham Knights is set to launch on PS5 on October 21, and we can't wait to dive in. Are you still excited by the prospect, or does the whole 30fps on PS5 thing sour you on this one? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Comments 28
"Are you still excited by the prospect, or does the whole 30fps on PS5 thing sour you on this one?" I dont think that needed asking again given the last 2 comments sections started to get a bit naughty..if you guys couldnt pick up on the general consensus then there is something wrong..(cue sarcastic/ironic music)i'm still buying it because i like to encourage this disgusting behaviour by developers to charge us £70 (for those who cant be bothered to shop around) and keep us locked in to 30fps when the ps5 should only be offering 4k@60fps ffs...seriously though i'm buying it for sub £60 because i really like the look of it and i've made my peace with the admittedly underwhelming 30fps.. Arkham knight played well so alls good👍
This game developer is lazy and 30 fps is just insincere
not gonna lie , im giving them a chance because I LOVE ORIGINS , but this looks mid. this looks too much like spider-man ps4's gameplay , stealth , and combat, instead of an improved version of the combat/stealth of the batman games. personally the combat of the arkham games ***** on the combat in spiderman because it was more challenging and rewarding; maintaining the free-flow without missing a hit or, getting hit , and getting high enough of a combo for special attacks , & the variety of stealth approaches was insane.
i know the game isn't out yet , but the entire time up until this point of seeing gameplay teasers, im not impressed , but more weary .
@dasd2 yeah theres no way it can't be optimized for 60fps.
@nomither6 @dasd2 i have to agree with both of you..given the time its taken to bring this to the table plus the fact last gen was given the boot there really should have been the option for a performance mode and i agree the combat in the arkham games are pretty much the best combat mechanics in any game period..roll on friday..
@Northern_munkey I'm genuinely fascinated to see if 30fps truly is a deal breaker for the audience at large. Like, it is for me, and I'll pick this one up on PC. But I legitimately don't know if that matters to a more casual gamer, someone who just loves Batman and doesn't often read gaming websites. Hopefully, we get some sales numbers and find out!
@Northern_munkey roll on friday indeed
@Khayl 👍
@racinggamefanatic it’s very noticeable , not only can you see it but you can feel it through gameplay .
frames per second directly impacts gameplay. a game with frame rate issues is a game that stutters when multiple enemies or objects are on screen for example . imagine watching a youtube video that buffers every 1 or 2 seconds
Try playing any game that has the option on 60fps even for just a few minutes, and then swap to a 30fps mode. You'll notice instantly.
I played both Spider-Man games in 30 fps Fidelity mode and they looked and played great. To each their own, but it really doesn't mean anything to me. And didn't they say it had more to do with keeping it stable for online coop? Calling them lazy just seems like an uninformed, easy go-to.
I get the hate and I agree to some of it but dang it, I'm really looking forward to it and am ready to play it after work this Friday.
I’ve got the deluxe edition preordered so I’m ready to go. I’m eating this week with Plague Tale,New Tales of the Borderlands,MW 2 and this not to mention playing some awesome bc titles on my new series x.
@BrettAwesome of course you would but after a few minutes your eyes adjust and then it’s nothing noticeable unless frames are dropping
@nomither6 yeah can’t agree that it craps on Spider-Man gameplay like at all. Spider-Man took the Arkham combat and refined it even more and on the higher difficulty setting using all your moves and gadgets at your disposal is absolute zen.
Has the video been slowed down or is that just the framerate it runs at lol
At least 40 fps should be possible with a lower res and probably slightly decreased details.
Hopefully this will be implemented later.
@nomither6 agreed with this. 60FPS should be a benchmark on current gen consoles. Would have been a day one purchase for me, but I can’t support the 30FPS nonsense.
@dark_knightmare2 haven’t played spider-man in years , but what makes arkham’s combat better is that it takes way more skill to be like spider-man’s combat . people think spider-man’s combat is better for two reasons - because it’s easier & flashier , not knowing that arkham’s combat is just as flashy but you have to earn it by chaining attacks and not getting hit to perform special attacks , on top of that arkhams combat had environmental attacks and takedowns . spider-man’s combat is a joke , you can run away from enemies and float in the air and avoid so much ***** without trying , it’s pretty cheesy
& funny you didn’t mention stealth because you already know the answer 😂😂
i recommend you watch this video of arkham knights combat :
@Sequel yes, I know. A further 60 fps mode would be even better!
I just meant that the jump from 30 to 40 should be relatively easy doable for the dev team.
I'm NOT into what this is for many reasons, and limitation to 30fps is not the biggest. Pathetic when this is new gen only.
The art style for this and the world they have created is so far short of what Arkham knights delivered, its hard to believe this has had 7 years of tech advancement to deliver something so visually inferior.
Add to the above the combat, which looks a little janky to me and its not a title I'm interested in. Its does remind me that Arkham knights is well worth a reply though.
The Devs calling the Series S a 'potato' whilst trying to defend their poor code is also not gonna help, even if its as funny af!
I'm honestly thinking about canceling my pre-order after hearing about the game being locked to 60 fps.
Hopefully by Christmas 2022 or Early 2023 they will release a patch that gives us 60 fps on consoles.
Yah you would be nuts to keep your pre order on this one.
If you even set the BS 30 frames per second aside the fact that this game has no information about when the review embargo is up which means it's likely the night before or the day of. This almost always not always but almost always indicates that this game is not going to review well
.... except for the financially influenced reviews of course which many many many sites put out on a game by game basis. Or they do even more ridiculous and suspect stuff like just neglect to mention technical issues until the release day or after and pre-orders can't be canceled and then release an article saying/back pedaling something along the lines of "Oh just to be clear all of the issues with the game that we neglected to mention in our review that you're hearing about all over the net and from players on more honest forums and platforms,.. well we experienced them too in this game that we rated and eight or nine" lmfao.
"Oh and just forget the last game that we rated a five or six because of its similar technical issues you see they didn't give us enough money or we don't have enough financial incentive to BS our review on that one" .... Lmfao OK end rant
Definitely interested but waiting on reviews first. Love the idea of an open world Gotham (actually populated for once) and hoping for a quality narrative to go with it.
@nomither6 nah on the hardest difficulty Spider-Man is absolutely not easy you have to use everything you have and not get hit to get those instant takedowns just like Arkham. I feel with Spider-Man it makes sense to have the combat the way it is but with Batman it just looks goofy most of the time lol which kills me to say because he’s my favorite hero
Just go play Avengers...same drivel, just a reskin, less characters, and sold as a DC game....LMFAO! TRASH!
@dark_knightmare2 i beat the game on hardest years ago & don’t remember it having anything similar to a free-flow system of keeping a streak without getting hit for finishers and specials ..i thought it was just waiting out until your gadget cooldowns reset ??
and yes , it MOSTLY makes sense for spider-man’s combat to be what it is , but you’re seriously ok with how floaty it is and cheesing how long you’re in the air ?
and how does batman’s combat look goofy to you ? only thing i can think of is how he zooms across the screen to attack enemies far apart from eachother and that’s only when you enter free flow , but other than that ?
and that’s ironic batman is your favorite super hero , because spider-man is my favorite . crazy .
@nomither6 yeah in Spider-Man the more you fight without getting hit it builds up a takedown meter just like Batman for instant cool looking takedowns. I mean you can cheese any game but I never floated and swung fighting I just acrobatically kicked butt using my moves,gadgets,takedowns and suit specials. That is crazy about our favorite heroes lol.
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