Gotham Knights’ Trophy list has emerged ahead of the game’s release later in the month, and while it looks achievable – well, expect to be spending a lot of time on the titular city’s drizzly streets. You’ll unlock a chunk of gongs simply for playing through the campaign, but there are several collectibles to locate, including Bruce Wayne audio recordings, lost Batarangs, and missing pages from the mythical Historia Strigidae.
The game will also task you with preventing 250 crimes in order to unlock that all-important, prestigious Platinum. As a co-op focused live service game, it makes sense that the Trophies are designed to keep you in Gotham City for as long as possible – and while there doesn’t appear to be anything too difficult here, we suspect it’ll take quite a bit of time to complete. Still, we like the sound of those Batcycle time trials!
Assuming the game doesn’t get too repetitive, this could be a fun set of Trophies to complete.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 105
I actually pre-ordered it this morning on seeing the trophy list as it looks like my cup of tea. Lots of collectibles.
The sorce link to the trophy list contains spoilers. Best to steer clear if you want to go in fresh.
No coop trophies. Happy with that but waiting on reviews. May pick it up in Christmas Sales
Sounds pretty uninspiring. Disappointing how, after all these years, many devs still don’t know how to get the best from the trophy system. Basically just story and collectibles.
Hated the batmobile trials in AK, they'll be equally as disliked in this.
Pre-Ordered the Deluxe version earlier this week, i'm very excited.
its getting a few weak previews that ive seen, so not expecting much
Sounds good to me. I really enjoyed the grind in Arkham Knight so this seems like more of a slow burn. Really need something like this to plug away at and soon.
I’m so out of games to play that I’ll probably get this and platinum it
"As a co-op focused live service game, it makes sense that the Trophies are designed to keep you in Gotham City for as long as possible"
Avengers is a live service multi-player game. This is not. It is a multi-player focused game. The devs have been super clear about this.
It's clear this game is going to be a critically divisive semi flop.
When you have a game with a much less atmospheric and more empty open world, with combat that got boring and stealth was extremely dumbed down and terrible for a great many during 2 hour previews sessions, it doesn't bode well. Coupled that with Live service game UI and loot elements, it's just not looking great. It sounds like mediocrity.
The story would have to be a massive draw to draw in other than those that like vicariously playing as a superhero.
As a massive Batman fan, and done a little vigilante. Work myself 😉. Perhaps the secret society storyline will be good enough to draw me in on sale.
@Anke you pre ordered solely on the trophy list?? Strange...
@Anke i'm going to hazard a guess you were thinking about getting this game and seeing the trophy list just cemented the decision..i pre ordered this as soon as it was avalible to months ago as i've liked the look of it right from the first time i saw it at the ps5 reveal at what seems like an eon ago..going to be a very busy winter period for me..
@torne no come on mate..everything co-op these days especially if its co-op online has to be labled as live service..its the new buzz word to get the sabers rattling..
@Northern_munkey right I forgot. Anything that isn't pure single player is automatically live service. How stupid of me... haha
Sounds quite easy to be fair. I'll probably give this at least 9 play throughs.
@OMGitsLiamT trophy lists give you an indication of what kinds of things and how many things to do in the game. You can usually tell from a trophy list whether a game has a good amount of content.
@Milktastrophe it can give an indication of content yes, but your reply doesn't correspond to my comment. My comment was in regards to pre ordering a game based on a trophy list. There are many examples of great games, unimaginative trophy lists (all current ps5 exclusives) and also great sounding trophy lists but the games crap (Just Cause in my opinion).
I'll be adding this platinum to my slew of others fairly easily I suspect. I'm no fan of time trials in games but I don't expect to have too much trouble with it. I just hope all the collectibles are as fun to get as the Riddler trophies were in the Arkham games.
"busy?" No doubt the Battle pass will keep hold of you and keep playing this garbage forever, what a nasty game smdh, far better games out there that don't lock you in to entice you to pay money for "boosters" or lootboxes, I'm fed up of hearing about these games but the youth today are addicted to this stuff, nasty 😤😤
@huyi That's not what this game is. Like, at all.
@huyi this game doesn't have a battle pass... its not live service... its VERY clear you don't know anything about this game so maybe do some research before spouting off.
@huyi not quite sure what you are on about here but it's not gotham knights thats for sure..
All the Arkham games had filler content that bloated the platinum time. I loved the games a lot but the 100’s of redundant Riddler challenges were not fun. Cut it to 30 and make them challenging and I’d be pumped.
I hope Gotham Knights can approve upon the Arkham games in that sense but I doubt it.
@Northern_munkey isn't it just grinding non stop forever? There is nothing enjoyable about this game?
@CWill97 so you have an idea what I'm talking about, why would anyone play this life drain sucker for willingly?
@huyi if you don't think you are going to enjoy it then don't buy it. But don't sit in here pretending you know what this game is when you sit here and call it a "life drain" with a battle pass.
It doesn't have a battle pass, it's not live service. It's an action game, with light rpg elements.
Get over yourself and troll elsewhere.
@torne I've heard way more bad info about this game on MSM and it's live services to know that this is horible, paying retail price for something like this you must be mentally challenged or you basically don't have any life to waste your life away playing something that is bleeding you dry, I don't care about this game but I will announce my personal opinion about it, the way these games target young kids and bleed them dry for their money, it's injust and unfair, I don't know what else to say but at least I'm posting my opinion across about how much I detest games like this.
@huyi so you have played it then?
@torne sure... Right, I don't want to get involved in your addictive behaviour, you keep on doing what you want, I can play many meaningful indie games in the meantime while you waste your life on some stupid game that will suck you in for 1000s of hours, good luck, this is my last post, enjoy your game and take your freedom away
Removed - trolling/baiting
Can the platinum be attained in single player
@DualWielding hahahaha, no dam way.... Run away while you still can....
@huyi congrats, you resorted to attacking me personally because you got called out for spouting BS.
Best way to tell if someone has no clue, is to wait for them to resort to personal attacks.
@torne you feel challenged because you feel that this game is justified, slow clap well done! Go buy your game and do nothing with your life! It's your territory, I feel agressive behaviour from you men because of this addictive behaviour, I can't do this anymore, I have a social life, a boyfriend and friends I don't need this rubbish, THIS IS MY LAST POST, I will not reply again, I'm done with this rubbish, I've made my point and my opinion and leave it at that, THE END!
@huyi wow somebody got fed a sh*t biscuit this morning..i have a full time job,a wife who has a full time job and is running her art business too which gives me time to waste playing my games..you are perfectly entitled to your opinion but i'm just not sure why you have so much vitriol towards something you have not played or why you are even bothering to post comments on something that obviously makes you feel so bad...i generally ignore those topics unless you just really need the attention that much..
@huyi yea... you said it was your last post 3 posts ago...
I also have a full time job, and am married, and have other hobbies, and yet I have no issues with this game because again... THE DEVS have point blank said... THIS IS NOT A LIVE SERVICE GAME... geeze get over yourself...
@Northern_munkey they are just out here trying to cause a fight and it's not working. They can play the "I feel attacked card" all they want but they know they are the ones that are wrong.
@torne i dont think they do to be honest mate..some people just love to be unhappy about anything...everything..
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@huyi actually i support my wife 100% in her endeavors..i dont expect her to do the cooking,cleaning,shopping etc..if i'm at the golf course or playing..sorry wasting my life away on mind numbling,soul destroying grindathons and that gives her the precious time she needs to keep her art going then i think its a sacrifice worth giving..we have been married for 21 years..21 very happy years and 5 years prior to getting married..dont judge me or even try to comprehend my relationship..seriously get a grip love..
@torne you keep giving me a reason to keep on replying and it's fustrating, I'm playing my game late hours and enjoying it, I don't need to hear from fanboys of this modern gaming, idc and want move on, stop posting and bothering me, let me play my game in peace, I've said what needs to be said and that's it, don't stretch this out than it needs to, just leave it at that.
@huyi i'm not attacking you or your life style..i didnt bring your personal life into this as i know nothing about it but you should step back and look at how you are communicating yourself because you sound irrational..you are coming across as being much more aggressive towards myself and torne and theres no need for it..i've had conversations with you in the past and we generally get along ok so i'm not quite sure why you are so angry..apologies if i insulted you but seriously lighten up its only a game after all.👍
Removed - trolling/baiting
@huyi thought that was your last post?
You are the one coming in here attacking everyone and bragging about your personal life...
I've been married for 8 years now AND have spent every weekend of the past year with my best friends and yet still have time to play a game I think I'm going to enjoy.
If you hate this game so much the GTF away and stop posting. Clearly all you are here for is to try and cause a fight and you aren't going to get it from me.
Since you are so hung up on this being a "live service game" here is a quote explaining why it's not...
"Gotham Knights will deliver a rich story to fans with a lot of gameplay elements that have been borrowed from live-service games. However, it will not be a live-service game itself. Players will be able to level up their characters, alter their equipment, and utilize drop-in/drop-out co-op. That is where the similarities stop, however. There will be no battle passes, and no extra currency. Gamers can play the game offline if they choose."
Now just go away and go back to your boyfriend who you apparently love so much you can't be bothered to play a game, but can spend HOURS on here arguing about said game...
@torne "I'm trying to play nioh" not a grindy game at all nor does it have any similar "live service" type elements to its co-op structure either..go figure.!
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Northern_munkey right?
Some people just want to watch the world burn...
I was really hoping that one of those times they said it was going to be their "last post" that it would prove to be true.
@torne don't rub it in, you are going too far, you keep messaging me, this is on you
@huyi your whole past comment screams antagonistic and attacking...
Go play your precious Nioh and stop coming here and trying to spout nonsense just for the sake of trying to ruin a game for others.
Spoiler alert... all games have endings. There are these things called post game that people are free to choose to continue on with should they feel they want to.
This is a story based game that has a beginning, a middle, and... you guessed it... an end...
So please follow up on your promises and make these be your last posts... nobody wants to hear you go on any more...
@get2sammyb this whole troll in the comments section could have been avoided had you not mentioned the words "live service" for a game that IS NOT live service...
You gotta do better when you are reporting on stuff...
@huyi oh come on now..did you read anything i said? I give my wife the time she requires to pursue her love of her art..that is what she wants more than anything to achieve the success she is having. If i was so selfish and demanded she spent her time washing,cooking etc she would not have secured her position with derwent pencils as one of their ambassadors and featured artists that specializes in her field? Go on derwents website..see that portrait of the queen for her diamond jubilee? That was drawn by my wife and would not have been possible if i was the monster you are making me out to be..we are really happy and have a lot of time when we need it..so long as my wifes happy thats all that matters to me..i extended an olive branch to you but you refused it...enjoy wallowing in your self pity.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@huyi Jesus christ just GO AWAY...
I SAID MARRIED FOR 8 YEARS... not that it's any of your damn business. I've been with my spouse for 16. We both enjoy video games, we both do things for ourselves. Stop coming to a video game site and acting like you have the best life in the world. You are SCREAMING desperation and affirmation right now.
You tell others to go do something with their lives, maybe you should take your own advice and get off the internet for a bit. Cause if ANYONE here needs to spend time away from games, it seems to be you...
You are the one who can't handle that people want to play this game.
You are the one coming in here and talking down to everyone and telling them they don't spend their own time the way they should be.
Just do EVERYONE a favor and actually back up your words and stop posting.
You don't need to bother responding to me anymore because that ignore button is getting used tonight.
Bye Felicia!
@Northern_munkey why do we keep bothering with this joker?
@torne well to be honest this is a little out of character for her..she can be a bit quirky at times but i've never known her to be this full bore...i dont want to fall out with anybody on here but sometimes its not easy..
@huyi https://blog.derwentart.com/2022/01/21/adding-coloursoft-to-pyrography-drawings-by-samantha-norbury/ i'm not trying to promote her but she would never have produced this if i monopolised her free time to create things like this..i cant explain to you how happy i am when i see these creations and i feel really blessed because i get to see them take form from the first pencil stroke..yeah my life and my wifes is unbearable..
@ Everyone on this thread: hyui is CLEARLY a troll, has not played this game and thus has NO CLUE what they’re talking about. DON’T FEED THE TROLL. 👍🏽😉
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Northern_munkey I'm sorry... your wife created that picture?
Absolutely stunning! She has insane talent and you are absolutely right to be proud of her!
@DETfaninATL I know they haven't played the game. I could tell from their first post they had no idea what they were talking about.
They are the ones that started taking personal attacks on people.
@huyi it's spelled "loser".
You're welcome!
@torne that is one of many,many drawings she has created over the years..she has had requests from all over the world asking for portraits..she was personally asked by derwent to produce a portrait of the queen for her golden jubilee (i said diamond before sorry.) I want to make it clear to pushsquare that i am not promoting her for publicity reasons..I was trying to prove a point here..
Removed - trolling/baiting
WTF happened to these comments? Why was this troll not shut down? This is bad form, PS.
@MFTWrecks well i've mentioned this in another thread elsewhere that some people can rant like mad men (or women) and not have their comments removed whereas some people can be quite restrained in their replies and be shut down instantly..it can be a very inconsistant site some times..
@huyi you know NOTHING about me. Just like you know nothing about this game. Take your own advice and be more loving and less hateful. It will serve you well. I will not respond further to you so don’t bother replying.
@Northern_munkey @MFTWrecks I've also mentioned the same things and then promptly had my comment removed.
The irony in this situation is that this all stemmed from the game being incorrectly labeled as a live service game in this article.
@Northern_munkey i think its more pushsquare barely do weekends. (usually few articles) need a weekend staffer.
however all 3 of you are adults, so im sure you could all just stop yourselves??
@stvevan fair point, but I think only 2 of us are adults in this exchange.
But you are right, it didn't necessarily need to keep going as far as it did.
@stvevan yeah i suppose we could have but in all fairness myself and torne were talking like adults and not behaving like a crazy person..i'm sure you've had similar encounters in the past not necessarily on here but encountered somebody thats totally irrational and unreasonable..
@torne all i see is 4hours of a wasted Saturday night thats going to get deleted.
id recommendalcohol and let the trouble drift away
@stvevan well hopefully they at least read some of it before it gets deleted and the PS Staff learn not to label things incorrectly, and be better with their reporting to prevent things like this in the future.
@Northern_munkey totally, but id get bored. fair play on the staying power.
also id suggest reading a few game previews. may not be worth the preorder. potentially a soon on sale. not being well received that ive read.
lmao i should've gotten popcorn for this comment section. huyi was certainly something else. Haven't laughed like that in a hot minute
@stvevan i at least tried to reason with her and apologised as well. I also stated that i thought it was a bit out of character for her to act this way too..not sure i could have responded in a better way to be honest..
@stvevan i generally like to make my own mind up about games. I find reviews to be helpful but in the end they are based on one persons view..it looks as though it ticks all the right boxes for me.
Sorry guys but this week i've been suffering with insomnia..not had a lot of sleep this week at all..apologies if i seem a bit snarky but i am dead on my feet and just cant shut down..
@Northern_munkey I've been there before. It's terrible. I don't think you were snarky in the least. But that's just my opinion.
@torne thanks..if you are planning on getting gotham knights and require a co-op partner then add me on psn..just remember the time difference between the uk and canada not that i'm sleeping much at the mo lol..👍
@Northern_munkey I just might do that!
Not sure if you've tried this, but sometimes when I can't sleep, I go for a run, or do a high cardio workout to drain myself just a little bit more. It usually helps.
@torne i'll take the dog out for a walk in a short while..the japanese grand prix is on around 5 am...if that dosnt send me to sleep nothing will..
@OMGitsLiamT except that it does. Look back to the comment you originally replied to. That person pre-ordered because the trophy list revealed content they like, i.e. lots of collectibles.
@OMGitsLiamT I did indeed, I probably wouldn't have purchased it if it was filled with multiplayer/co-op trophies.
@Northern_munkey pretty much yeah I was on the fence just waiting to see the list in case it was filled with too many multiplayer trophies.
I hope you enjoy it after such a long wait
@Anke @Northern_munkey who are you guys looking to play as? I can't decide between Nightwing and Robin.
@torne probably Batgirl for me but will give them all a go. I do like stealth play so maybe I'll give Robin a go for a bit as I hear he's the stealthy option.
I definitely plan on attempting the platinum, will get my money's worth lol.
@torne i'm not too sure..all of them eventually..i like red hood..
@OMGitsLiamT amazing 😂😂
@stvevan @Northern_munkey @torne You guys were arguing with someone at midnight on a Saturday. We can’t be monitoring comments sections at all hours in the night, especially at the weekend. Remember this is our job, not our entire lives.
Please report comments instead of engaging with them. This has always been what we recommend. None of us want to monitor comments on a Saturday night. Please use some common sense instead of complaining about us. We were in bed asleep!
I don’t know why Sammy called it a live service game when it’s not, but this argument didn’t need to happen, or at least go as long as it did.
@LiamCroft i removed my original response to you as on reflection you are correct and this did not need to go on as long as it did. I have been up nearly all week suffering with insomnia so i've not been too approachable if i'm going to be honest and i'm not using that as an excuse..however it may have been late here in the uk but torne is from canada so it was probably early evening there. I've seen much worse,longer drawn out arguments on these pages without any staff member jumping in so my comment about the inconsistent handling of discussions stands..i'll try and refrain from engaging with certain people in future discussions..
@Northern_munkey No worries, thanks for that. I appreciate and do recognise we get users from all over the world, so it could be considered a normal time to be awake for some but not for others. Everyone on the Push Square editorial team is UK based, so we just can't be on at all hours of the day.
Rinse and repeat action X, in this case 250, times really sounds uninspired to be honest, it's never fun.
is it right that its 2 player co op not 4 ?
this comment section is golden 🍿😂😂
as for the game, i don’t care about trophies , but i’d be lying if i said i’d be ok if the game didn’t have them so .
@Northern_munkey that's pretty nice looking mate.
@FindMeCampin man I had one good hard laugh on one of her comments as well.
But yeah most of all, a day later and it's still not edited, do better sammy & ps.
@LiamCroft while I recognize and appreciate that this is your job and not your life and you can't monitor 24/7, my point still stands that the whole thing could have been avoided had the game not been labeled incorrectly.
I try not to get too involved in discussions and originally my plan was to just correct the wrong information and leave it be. Unfortunately that didn't go as planned so for that I apologize.
@Cherip-the-Ripper thanks..she really puts everything she has into her art..i really should not have had to justify it to anybody but i'm glad i did..thanks again..👍
@huyi You really need to get a better understanding of the word “stalking”. Your mentality is the same as someone claiming they are being bullied simply because someone disagrees with you. You keep saying you don’t have time to waste on some of these commenters, yet you’re replying to them. You clearly feed off of it. Your comments are so contradictory and irrational. And then you call men who game “gross.” What kind of logic is that? You’re putting all men in a box and that makes you look very judgmental. Honestly, from your entire comments I’ve read, I hope you seek help. Mental health is a serious thing. And your toxic behavior only solidifies that. Best of luck to you.
I couldn't work out why an article about a trophy list had 101 comments... until I dived in. Top quality Sunday night entertainment.
Personally on the fence having seen a few preview vids (complaints about combat feeling lightweight, mainly) but I genuinely hope this game lands well.
@torne Yep you are right they were really clear about it not being a liveservice game.
@torne Batgirl i always liked the character and Oracle the original one from the comics that is.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think I am leaning towards nightwing. I've always been a huge fan of him, but also I am actually trained in how to use his weapons (escrima sticks) so thats kinda drawing me to him too.
@torne I guess its cool we have a few options now something else besides Batman.
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