It turns out actress Chloe Grace Moretz is a closet PSP fan! The actress, perhaps best known for her role as Mindy McCready in Kick-Ass, took to Twitter to ponder why PlayStation hadn’t made another handheld. “That thing was so fun,” she exclaimed. Depressingly, many replies pointed to the disastrous performance of the PS Vita as Sony’s reason for abandoning the portable market.
Some followers suggested the Steam Deck as an alternative, which she thinks “looks incredible”. Others offered to send her their PSP for free – if you still need one, Chloe, we’ll chuck in a copy of Pursuit Force to keep you occupied. Let us know, yeah?
Moretz has taken a keen interest in gaming lately, and recently quizzed her followers for help building a PC. Incidentally, earlier this evening, she tweeted that she’ll be playing Warzone 2 on her new machine at “400fps in 4K”. Presumably she means Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or the original Warzone, as the Battle Royale sequel isn’t out for a couple more weeks.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 67
In before the obligatory "who?" comments.
Who's gonna tell her?
She's been tweeting gaming related stuff quite a lot lately. Reminds of of Ice-T and his "GAMER TALK" tweets
wow this feel like an article from 2010 lol.
She has great taste.
@jdv95 My favourite kind of article!
She tweets quite a lot about this sort of stuff. It’s almost as if actresses have hobbies!
Does she not know about the vita?
I also wish sony would go back to making an handheld console but without the touchscreens and stupid memory cards, would be more successful than the PSVR2 which is way more niche.
What a coincidence, I'm just watching an episode of The Peripheral. And if you don't know who Chloe is you've missed some really good films. Kiss Ass 1 and 2 goes without saying. Loved the way Nicholas Cage taught her to be a tough girl by putting a 12 year old in a bullet proof vest and shouting her multiple times. That's parenting! I really liked her in The Equaliser with Denzel Washingston too.
I'm not surprised she's taken an interest in gaming given who she plays in The Perihperal. If you're a William Gibson fan the show is a decent adaptation.
It's all been said. I appreciate her enthusiasm but yeah... Sony just needs to stay out of the handheld market.
Yes I want a new psp
I always love when people go "who" in comments as if the answer isn't a 5 second Google away.
@PegasusActual93 5 seconds? Are you still using dial-up internet? 😊
@Luminous117 There's always one! 😂
your cellphone is the new psp . i love psp don’t get me wrong but i rather play games on TVs all the time now and any extras i used to do on the psp i just use my phone now . i don’t think the psp would last nowadays
You have to still skim through the results do you not?
@riceNpea Yeah she was great in the Equalizer - for anyone reading who hasn't seen it, really worth a watch.
She also played young Emily Kaldwin in the first Dishonored.
There's no point. For all intents and purposes, with Sony porting their games to PC, the Steam Deck might as well be a next-gen Sony portable.
I guess you could say that PSP and Vita enjoyed first-party exclusives that didn't go to the home consoles at the time, but Sony can barely manage to support their current gen home console with first-party releases as is. They're certainly not going to develop exclusives for yet another HD console.
And if someone wants something smaller and cheaper, they can always opt for a Switch Lite.
Even if the Vita hadn't performed abysmally, there's not really a market for that sort of device any more.
That PSP in the image looks fake (I like the image though).
The PSP was Kick Ass
@PegasusActual93 type Chloe's name into Google and you only need the first hit surely. Anyway, I was joking
👉 Steam Deck 👈
Zero risk (just a bonus for making PC games) and the Decima engine runs great on it.
@thetraditional Thanks for the information! I had never seen that one before. The one I have and still play is the 3000 model, absolutely one of the best handheld systems ever.
@GKT and the PS Vita was Kiss Ass 2 😊
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@Gloamin I watched that movie with my GF... We also got another movie called The Craft: Legacy that same night.
Needless to say, movie night was ruined. We can't decide which movie is worse in all honesty.
@Agramonte Someone was actually playing a steam deck at my school today. It’s not as massive as it looks, I kinda want one myself now
My friend here in Poland Jacek who is a dog-catcher is sendind sms'es to Sony to make a new IP
@get2sammyb "In before the obligatory "who?" comments."
Tweet, I mean comment, of the day.👍
As I was reading the article I was thinking you must have enjoyed this, TS had an entire new album release and you hadn't even fit it into a story yet.😉
You Photoshop her into the PSP? Came out nice.
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Really? What a great detail, I never knew this. One of my favorite games ever.
Wait, wasn't she like 4 years old when the PSP was freshly out?
Oh, wait my bad 7, got it That makes more sense
@ApostateMage Whaaaat, nice bit of trivia!
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I used to be all over her few years back, tho I never watched any of her movies or know much about her at all. I do know that we feel mutual about PSP.
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@Foram Wow, you're hostile. 🙄
FYI, I bought my PSV at launch with Uncharted GA. I still have the paperweight only going back to it to replay Uncharted. As for the Switch, I use it exclusively on the TV.
If I want some handheld gaming fun, I'll bust out my Sega Game Gear which has a far superior library than PSV. 😏
@Gloamin Shadow in the Clouds was such a dumb movie. That part where she got exploded BACK into the plane was so hilariously bad we had to rewind it to watch it over again.
Whoever made that movie is an idiot, or they think their audience are idiots. Thanks for the condolences, and reminding me of that plane wreck of a movie. 🤣
She's as relevant as the PSP.
@riceNpea So she's the girl who played the main character in both Kick-Ass films? That's cool!
I'll def have to check out The Peripheral now.
Watched the first 2 episodes of the peripheral on amazon and its really good apart from her..she over acts and pouts all over the place and her southern drawl is one of the worst accents i've heard apart from jason stathams god awful attempt at a new yoiker in that movie the one with jet li..apart from that its really good and its about a really good video game player so could her tweets be coincidently timed to draw attention to her new show?
the proprietary memory card wasnt fun. this steam deck im really thinking about getting one!
I agree so much
"Others offered to send her their PSP for free"
Simps 🤷♂️😂
While there is Switch, there is no need for another handheld.
Aren't we all? I still get mine out every now and again... But mostly to play PS1 games on it.
We really could use a new portable PlayStation. One that Sony actually promotes and makes good games for that run well. I mean, back in 2012-2013 Sony were selling of bits of themselves to stay afloat, so maybe there's more money to spend these days.
She should get a "life".
Actually, we do need a PSP 2 (or would that be 3?)
While she seems to have missed the Vita, i'll take anybody reminding Sony we need a PS4 portable as a plus.
Imagine all your PS4 library playable on the go, saves synced to your PS4/PS5 elegantly over the cloud so you can pick up where you left off.
On one hand i do use my NS alot and like handhelds in general (busy lifestyle, kids, not much time to sit in front of TV, but being able to take out a handheld anywhere allows me to play whenever i can spare few mins) and I really loved by PSV. On the other, Sony did so many mistakes with what they wanted to do with PSV - they abandonned it very early, did not push on nearly enough western AAA titles, pushed onto unique expensive storage (it was great JRPG machine in the end, with game prices being very low <3). So I don't know just how viable it would be. If they released a handheld I'd probably would postpone purchase and see for few months how it's doing and what Sony intends to really do with it.
Not everyone has the desire to know though.
Urgh, she's totally clueless, she can't even build a pc by herself, I did, and she thinks the latest portable from Sony is a psp, couldn't help laughing at that one 🤣🤣🤣
Perhaps someone should tell her to simply get PS Plus Premium. To play that extensive 5 game library Toy Story 3 on PSP FTW!
(I'm not hurt Sony! Still paid you the £100 annual renewal yesterday xD)
All jokes aside. I agree PSP should make a return! That console was so next gen back in 2005. I still have mine to this day and occasionally boot up the demo UMD with Natasha Bedingfield's "These Words" and the "Spider-Man 2" trailer for that 00s nostalgia.
I mean, just get a Switch?
She should get a Switch and/or a Steam Deck, the latter is currently as close to a "ideal" portable PS successor as we will get.
@TeapotBuddha There's actually a surprising amount of big names that did voice work in Dishonored.
Michael Madsen, Susan Sarandon, Carrie Fisher (RIP), Rosario Dawson, Lena Headey. Crazy!
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I think the Switch is the issue now.
It’s basically the third incarnation of what the PSP tried to accomplish. Console gaming on the go.
They did. It was called the Vita.
Because you can't beat Nintendo at thier own game. Nintendo will always be king of handhelds. Sony the king of consoles.
@Gloamin yeah I've seen that, thanks for reminding me , I particularly loved the part where she falls out of a plane,and then gets blown back into the plane ,by another exploding plane,other that I dont know what went on,some weird gremlin thing ,cant even remember where she was going ,her english accent is quite good though I suppose
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