Horror fans be feastin’! This week will see the long-awaited return of Silent Hill, when Konami hosts a livestream dedicated to the future of the iconic franchise. Then, a whisker over 24 hours later, Capcom will follow-up with the latest instalment of its Resident Evil Showcase series, revealing more information about Resident Evil Village’s expansion – and the hotly anticipated Resident Evil 4.
You’ll be able to tune in from 3PM PDT / 11PM BST on 20th October, but we’ve included a handy table below so you can see exactly when this will unfold in your timezone:
- North America: 3pm PDT / 4pm MDT / 5pm CDT / 6pm EDT
- UK/Ire: 11pm BST
- Europe: 12am (Fri) CEST / 1am (Fri) EEST
- Asia/Oceania: 7am (Fri) JST / 6am (Fri) AWST / 9am (Fri) AEDT
- Your Local Time:
For as much as we’re anticipating the next phase of Resident Evil Village’s story, we absolutely can’t wait to be reacquainted with Leon S. Kennedy and those pesky Ganados. This should be a good one, then! Scream vamos in the comments section below.
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[source twitter.com]
Comments 39
Given Sony has the marketing for RE4 Remake, this does seem to give a bit of credibility to that rumour about the cancelled PS Showcase.
This game needed to exist almost as much as the Last of Us 1 remake.
I read it as “A Wesker over 24 hours” which would’ve been DANG PERFECT.
Exciting times!
Well this is exciting!
Hoping they'll announce they've got a code Veronica remake in the works aswell I doubt it though
I appreciate the times zone table!
@Grumblevolcano yeah looks like it. Sony leadership really sucks now.
@Would_you_kindly eventually hopefully
@Uncharted2007 I think if they just updated the controls it would have been just fine.
@Uncharted2007 Are we eating good this week or what?
I sort of agree with you, but I also like that it’s coming. It’s a full generation older. I hope that it’s the last REmake unless Code Veronica’s coming next. 5 and 6 really don’t deserve it.
@Uncharted2007 this is a ps2 / gamecube game , and you don't think it needs a remake? lol what? did you forget re4 is that old.
Its horror video games heaven with the callisto protocol.dead space remake.resident evil 4 remake.alone in the dark.silent hill news this Wednesday.etc.word up son
@somnambulance re4 was a few generations ago , it came out on the gamecube and ps2.
back to back silent hill and resident evil show cases, i'm excited to both of them.
@Americansamurai1 should've really been before 4
Silent Hill and Resident Evil news in one week? I must have done something good to deserve this.
@Would_you_kindly agree
@Uncharted2007 There's a massively larger amount of room for improvement in RE4 (which is effectively a PS2 game) than there was with TLOU. Especially if, as trailer footage success, this remake trades the cheesy action movie atmosphere of the original for something darker and more atmospheric.
As everyone else is saying, I too would love a CODE: Veronica remake because that game was bad at release, has aged as well as spoiled milk, and the one entry in desperate need of a remake...but it's almost certainly never happening. Outside of the re-release on PS3/360, Capcom has really gone out of their way to avoid ever mentioning CV over the last 10+ years. They rereleased RE0, the one game most RE fans universally agree is one of the weakest entries, on everything and CV is the single mainline "modern" entry to never get a PC port. They want to bury it.
@BeerIsAwesome Likely just weird timing, but it's Konami, so f**k 'em.
A RE4 remake does sound pretty unnecessary honestly. If we're going to fix what ain't broke i guess good luck with that. I suppose next they'll wanna fix what is broke since RE 5 and 6 are largely considered the worst screw ups in the series history. Heck they are three generations ago so why not? RE 5 strips the horror completely and RE 6 I'm not really sure why it's so hated. I had a decent time with it. At least Leon isn't super buff and punching boulders.
Is it because it's close to Halloween, d'you reckon?
@twitchtvpat Exactly. A full generation before TLOU. However, 4 will also be a legitimate remake as well.
That said, it’s definitely still one of the best looking and playing games of that era, and largely holds up today. RE4 didn’t need to be remade, but I’m looking forward to it anyway. Not just because RE4 is excellent in the first place, but because RE since 7 has been utterly amazing. REmake 2 and 3 are stellar improvements over their originals. I can only imagine how they improved 4.
@twitchtvpat Dude... I'm 40 years old. I was there at launch. I bought it on Gamecube day 1. The game looks fine on the launch systems. RE4 and up don't really need any remake treatment. You know which one does? Code Veronica... and they skipped it like morons.
I'm happy with this remake. A lot of people haven't played this game yet including myself. And I don't want to play it on PS2 or even the "remaster" on PS4 which doesn't look much better then the PS2 version... Personally I am very excited to play this.
@somnambulance I’ll give them credit I remember playing it at launch on the GameCube and it was an impressive looking game at the time.
Sure I'll buy RE4 ONE more time... GC, PS4, Quest... and I'm not being sarcastic, I'll buy it.
Thank you and thank you.
Now all that's left is Parasite Eve.
@Uncharted2007 Uh no? Re4 is MUCH older than last of us and they are changing things. It'ss not 1:1 like last of us. Need to do some research.
Hopefully code veronica is next. It's the worst of the re games in terms of mainline entries. Definitley needs a remake. But I'm super excited for re4 and how they'll incorporate features from everything they learned from re8/re2.
@RedRiot193 The only research that needs to be done is if a demo releases. If it impresses me, I may get the game when it's discounted. If not, it stays on my "don't bother" list and I'll stick to the PS4 remaster.
@Uncharted2007 That's fine. I don't care if you like it or if you're buying it or not. My point was it has more purpose than the last of us remake.
@Americansamurai1 @Grumblevolcano Yeah that PS Showcase delay rumor def seems more likely now.
@Uncharted2007 @GeneJacket @somnambulance @Would_you_kindly @RedRiot193 I will be shocked if their next remake isn't Code: Veronica.
That's the only main plot game left that needs the RE Engine remake treatment, besides maybe RE0 and 1 (I dislike the GameCube versions that were ported onto PS4).
@playstation1995 Not to mention we also just got Plague Tale 2 today, and will soon have The Chant, Dark Pictures: Devil in Me, Evil West, Dead Island 2, and Wanted: Dead.
@EvilSilentFrame @twitchtvpat Horror fans are definitely "eating good" this week for sure!
What do you two expect will be revealed tomorrow and Thursday?
@KidBoruto I don't fully agree with re1 re-remake not that I'm against it. But re0 could def use one. Really the main issue with that game is no box. And they should make billy and rebeccas stories seperate more like re2 where they still meet up but are never together at all times.
I want a Code: Veronica remake.
@KidBoruto with Resident Evil, I think it will mostly be on 4 and the DLC for Village. We already know about both and they’ve shown them off. There is an advertisement for this event and they mention those two games and “more.” I don’t know what the more is. Maybe it’s another show or movie. Maybe they are working on Code Veronica remake…. I don’t know yet but I’m excited for the event.
With SH, it’s been rumored that there are three games in the works. I don’t think they’ll announce all three, but I do think we will hear something on at least one. I think they’ll also do something stupid like a tv show or another pachinko machine. Maybe we will also hear about that SH: The Short Message if it really is a demo and when it’s coming out. I’m more excited for the SH event because it’s been too long since our last game from them, but I think the RE games will be better in the long run.
@RedRiot193 that’s an interesting way to remake RE0. I never thought of separating Billy and Rebecca, but that might actually make the game better. Fingers crossed we will eventually get a remake of that one in time.
@KidBoruto I'd be more surprised is we even get another remake after RE4. With the exception of CV, we're all caught up to modern RE, and even if you don't like the GC remake you have to recognize you're in the most absolute minority on that. I can't see them ever talking about or touching RE0 again, and while I'd be happy to see another RE1 remake in the RE Engine to bring it up to parity with the 2/3 remakes, it's entirely unnecessary.
@RedRiot193 Fair point! It would still be nice to have both games be updated with the RE Engine though.
@EvilSilentFrame Code Veronica remake announcement would be a great way to end the RE showcase...
Also the SH rumors were right, we got 3 game announcements, a movie, and some live interactive experience.
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