After the PC port of the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection set the record for the lowest player count of any Sony game at launch, Sackboy: A Big Adventure has come along and beat it by an alarming margin. Across its first weekend on sale, the highest number of players it had at any one time was just 610. Compare this to the 10,851 peak the Nathan Drake remasters recorded and it's immediately clear how unpopular Sackboy has proven on PC.
Of course, player counts do not necessarily translate into hard sales, but SteamDB has Sackboy: A Big Adventure tagged as the 121st best-selling game on the platform. Significantly older ports like Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone all have thousands more active users recorded over the past 24 hours and appear higher in Steam's best-selling charts.
As of 31st October 2022, Sony's PC ports have recorded the following highest concurrent number of players:
- God of War — 73,529 (10 months ago)
- Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered — 66,436 (three months ago)
- Horizon Zero Dawn — 56,557 (two years ago)
- Days Gone — 27,450 (two years ago)
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection — 10,851 (eight days ago)
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure — 610 (15 hours ago)
Unless games are handed big price cuts — or experience a sudden surge in popularity like Cyberpunk 2077 — then these record concurrent player counts generally don't get beat outside of the opening week. As such, it's a sorry sight for Sackboy: A Big Adventure. The lack of marketing for Sony's most recent PC ports has been suggested as one reason for the general disinterest, with both Uncharted and Sackboy rumoured for a long time but never officially announced.
A PC port or Returnal is also all but confirmed, with a video of its settings menus uploaded to the internet. It should at least prove more popular than Sackboy whenever it eventually arrives, but it appears Sony's PC ports aren't setting the Steam charts alight anymore. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source steamdb.info]
Comments 178
Yes this need to keep happening for Sony to stop with the pc releases.
This game would probably sell well on the Switch.
Probably didn't help that like Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, they released it in the crowded month of October, pretty stupid decision really.
@Exerion76 Sony have undermined their brand for the sake of a few scraps from PC gamers.
You care about all gamers do you? Oh good. When are the PC exclusives coming to PS5?
PlayStation didn't even tweet about the game on it's launch until late in the day, for the UK anyway and it had total lack of marketing.
What's point in making people work on these games if they aren't even going to promote them?
Shame as its a really fun and polished platformer - definitely deserves more love
Releasing Uncharted, Sackboy and Miles Morales so close together means people are more likely to prioritize the bigger games. But the fact they chose that path gives the impression 2023 will be massively packed with PC ports of Playstation Studios games, like an average of at least 1 a month so spreading the lineup out more wouldn't be possible (kind of like what's happening with Square Enix recently).
Maybe the wrong choice of PC port this one. Can't see it being the type of game PC players would be mad keen on. Don't understand why nobody is playing the Uncharted collection though, it's superb on PC.
@4kgk2 Of course Sony won't stop releasing their games for PC.
One PC port of a game that did not sell that much even for PlayStation is certainly not the reason to do it.
Hulst literally said that PlayStation console market is just not big enough which says it all...
Removed - flaming/arguing
It's a console game at heart. Playing this on PC is like buy a PS5 to play Total War on.
As stated, it received very little marketing. I wasn't even aware of it's release on PC until I saw Lirik streaming it on Twitch yesterday.
I'll never understand these ridiculous comments about not releasing games on PC though. What is your motivation for that, why wouldn't you want a wider audience to experience some of the great games that get released on PlayStation. Is it purely spite, or just fanboyism and a lack of maturity?
Apparently PS games are not so special for PC players anymore.
That’s so sad Sackboy is a great game but pc gamers are mostly into survival games and other niche stuff so it doesn’t surprise me
Great game, but didn't think it would sale much on PC. I think it's going to be added to ps plus extra either in November or December.
@Dr_Luigi yeah no there’s nothing average about it. It’s one of the best platformers of the last few years
Couch and co-op games aren't a good fit for PC.
Weird time to release it right in the middle of the Steam Halloween sales. Maybe it they had marketed it with some Halloween costumes (I'm guessing the game has some) it might have done better? Well, marketed it at all, really...
So sad. Excellent game, and I've loved the franchise since first LBP. Hopefully it finds audience down the line :/
Had no idea it was on pc. Also, I wonder how well platformers sell on PC?
It always seemed like an odd fit. Sackboy is perfect for local MP, which isn't a PC strength. It boggles the mind why Sony chose it to port rather than, oh I don't know... just thinking off the top of my head... BLOODY BLOODBORNE!!
I'm not sure the marketing for this was very good?
Either way, its not a genre that PC players are typically looking for, so I'm not hugely suprised.
Personally I loved the game, once you get into it you can see some superb design and great ideas, but mascot led platformers are not the staple diet of a PC player..
Seriously, Sony. Enough with the PC releases.
Very good idea. Bring it to Switch.
@Exerion76 that's not true at all. When you buy a game for a console, you know it will work on that particular console. When you buy a game for pc, it may or may not work for a thousand reasons. The graphics hasn't been updated, the sound doesn't work, the game won't even launch because of x reason and the list goes on. I used to game on PC for years, but now I prefer the peace of mind that consoles offer.
I vividly remember buying Skyrim on steam and being unable to play it, looking up the issue and finding out that it was very common. Yeah, no thanks.
@Intr1n5ic " Is it purely spite, or just fanboyism and a lack of maturity?"
Am I right, absolutely right, or completely right? Because I'm definitely right and there is no other option possible. Now feel free to choose from the options I provided for you.
Maybe Sony could port Media Molecule's newest game Dreams to PC with cross-platform support. Also, A PS5 version would be nice.
That’s a shame. I thought it was the best LBP game by a long way - even better than Media Molecule’s LBP games.
@naruball Thank you for confirming the last point of my query.
pearls for swine
One thing people need to understand about PC games is that sales curves don’t look like console games largely. They tend to sell very steadily overtime, especially the big steam sales. All these Sony games will generate revenue forever.
@naruball would you have been in a better spot if you had bought skyrim on a PS3?!
If they wanted this one to sell, they should have discounted it and leaned hard into the "works great on a steamdeck angle". I wonder how much marketing muscle miles morales or the returnal port gets. They seem like games that should do really well on PC.
Funnily enough, I feel like a classic LittleBigPlanet would be massive on PC. The community and creation aspects seem tailor made for the platform.
It was a Niche off-genre title for the brand in the first place. Very similar to Super Mario 3d World. I enjoyed it, but no lie the performance on PC isn't terrific.
@Thumper I think the problem is that any pc gamers that wanted these games bad enough just bought a PlayStation to play them. Sony’s release schedule is the biggest issue here. 1-3 years is a long time in gaming and most will just forget about the game by then or buy it on the original system it released on instead.
@Exerion76 yes I do know that, sure sure you're mansplaining that. What I meant was that Sackboy is a game better suited to the console ownership demographic than PC which is clearly being evidenced by the player numbers.
Should’ve been $40 at release instead of $60, if anything. Probably wouldn’t mean there would be thousands of more buyers, but I’m sure it would be at least a bit more appealing.
@4kgk2 game feels great on PC and I can't wait until Ragnarok is on PC next year.
@Thumper When the developers decide they want those games on PS5. LOL
Has it sold well in comparison on PlayStation? I doubt that. Nobody even talks about the game.
Removed - flaming/arguing
It is not unpopular, it is Sony that didn't market the game properly. At the day of the game's release on Steam Sony was talking about Call of Duty on Twitter.
Sony aren't releasing games that are currently selling well (if at all) on Consoles and not really selling Hardware either - people aren't buying a PS5 today to play Sackboy, but they will to play God of War: Ragnarok or Spider-Man 2 for example.
These are games that have run their course on Playstation in general and not really contributing to their Profits anymore. By releasing on PC, it has multiple benefits for Sony - first off, they get money from a 'dead' game from people who wouldn't buy a Playstation and that game and by promoting it, it could 'generate' more sales and interest in Playstation Consoles. Instead of buying on PC, maybe buy a PS5 and play these PS games when they release and anybody that owns a Playstation, remember to buy these 'old' games you missed...
Its a 'bump' in sales, a bump in PR and a bump in their Profits for 'little' effort...
@Thumper Crusader Kings 3, Rimworld, Football Manager, Mount and Blade 2, Anno 1800… the PS5 has had loads of PC ports already.
@BAMozzy I think you're right. And I also think that even games like God of War Ragnarok or Spiderman 2, as good as they can be, will not be enough for some people to go out and buy a PS5 for this particular game, considering Sony strategy to release games on PC at a later date some players might just as well wait for those big games to show up on steam.
PC is the only platform that will remain relevant 5,10,15 etc years from now so porting every game is the right thing to do even if you ignore the business aspect.
You will be able to play your favorite games easily at 8k 200hz a decade from now without having to beg Sony for ports or having to dust off your old PS5.
@R1spam yes. Absolutely. I wouldn't have gotten a black screen two second seconds after I launched the game.
@Exerion76 define "forever". The sound didn't work at all for one of the games I tried to play and apparently, I had to install an earlier version of a driver. That would never happen with a console.
@Intr1n5ic gotta love the irony. Thanks for the laugh.
I wish they'd just release a PlayStation Launcher for PC and be done with the experimenting. I'm not a PC gamer but it makes too much sense.
Just add Sackboy to PS+ already!
What's a PC exclusive? Some RTS in some dusty corner? Some 4x4 or whatever those games are?
@BAMozzy actually, the Spider-man games are still selling well on consoles, yet they were both released on PC.
@naruball When you grow older and more mature you will appreciate the existence of Steam versions of these games that won't ever become outdated, cost 70 bucks for no apparent reason and will even receive mods from the gaming community.
Sony should consider if it has to port every game to pc and make PS players angry for those low sales on pc
Honestly, I feel like the only reason it did well on Playstation was because it was an early release. On PC it has SOOO much more competition.
Crowded period to launch in...albeit I still wonder how something like a Little Big Planet 1&2 remaster,(with accompanying PS4/5 versions too), might’ve fared with their level/creation tools. That could've tapped into a modding community & had an audience to build upon.🤔
@Darth_Stofi Making games specifically for one system is not a smart move. You should always make sure that you can easily maintain the code base.
Rockstar made that mistake with RDR and now that game is locked to old hardware and they sadly have no desire to remaster it because it would cost too much and the potential payoff doesn't seem enticing enough. The same thing could happen to any future Sony game.
@thebizniznizbiz I guess if you're a PC only player then it's the 4th game in a series you've never had the opportunity to play games 1-3 in. I'm quite surprised they didn't release the original trilogy pack first.
@eduscxbox I'm sure there will be some that will happy wait a year or more to play their games on the Platform they prefer. Its not that different from waiting a year to play Deathloop or Ghostwire on Xbox/Game Pass but Sony are counting on you wanting to be 'hyped' for their games, hyped to play them day 1, hyped to spend £/$70 on to be amongst the first to experience their Story before its 'spoilt'.
Those people that will wait for it to come to PC aren't really likely to buy a PS and 'games'. Maybe pick-up a used console and some used exclusives towards the latter life span when there are 'enough' exclusives to warrant buying. If Steam is your 'main' platform, then they aren't buying 'multi-platform' PS5 versions, not spending time and money in the PS ecosystem regularly - if at all.
Its more about giving those games a '2nd' marketing cycle after they have basically faded into 'sales' obscurity. For a game that's no longer selling, no longer making Sony money, the Marketing has generated 'sales' on PC and on console, renewed interest in buying a Playstation as it reminds them what 'games' they can play today, don't need to wait until GoW:R or SM2 to release...
Its a 'win/win' for Sony and their devs who see a 'bump' in sales, interest and money coming in from very little work. The fact that people are talking about Sackboy will see a 'bump' in sales and engagement on Playstation too. People that have moved on/forgotten about it will now be playing, now be interested - especially with fans coming out and saying how much they enjoyed it.
So for very little effort, they basically have 2 marketing cycles per game which not only pushes more sales of said game, even though its now on PC, it also helps 'boost' their console sales and/or PS+ service if those games are on that service...
@jrt87 good for you. My point still stands. It's one thing for a game to crash. It's another to not launch at all and for you to need to figure out why.
@naruball yeah um games not being compatible with a sound card is not a thing.
@PCGamerInDisguise "When you grow older and more mature you will appreciate the existence of Steam versions of these games that won't ever become outdated, cost 70 bucks for no apparent reason and will even receive mods from the gaming community."
Gotta love people who think they're better than others. An actual mature person would tell you your wants/needs =/= everyone else's.
1. I won't appreciate them, because by then I will move on to newer and better games. I still have original NES games that I haven't touched in decades. I have some of them on Steam, yet I'd rather play God of War Ragnarok than Duke Nukem. It was fun back then. A vastly inferior game now. *for me
2. Couldn't care less about mods. I like to play the game the way it was intended.
@dcgcolts edited that part. The sound wasn't working and I had to look up the issue and fix it myself. Many had the same issue at the time.
Defend PC gaming all you want. I know what my experience was compared to a console, as I've had both. I prefer peace of mind. If it has a bug, it's the same for all ps5 owners, not just my problem and something that I need to fix myself.
@KaijuKaiser the brand was fine without exclusive games being released on PC. They were nowhere near to dying. Subscription services are an evolution. Releasing games on other platforms hasn't been very profitable so far. Had they been struggling and found success on PC, I would be right there with you.
@naruball Literally everything you say makes 0 business sense. It's almost as if you are trolling. Almost.
You are allowed to have your fun arguing with people online tough.
@PCGamerInDisguise strong argument right here.
@naruball The arguments have already been made many times. It's common sense. You say incredibly shortsighted things.
One day you will learn. Or maybe you are bored and trolling.
@BAMozzy. I’m not sure if you know how quotation marks work.
Imagine advocating against utilizing superior technology because of your one dimensional world view.
@naruball Spider-Man wasn't selling that well - not even in the top 20games for July. Miles Morales was the 10th best selling Playstation game (Minecraft was 5th) which jumped up to 7th in August, (minecraft was 8th) the month it released on PC, before dropping out of the top 10.
Spider-man itself wasn't even in the top 20 best selling games in July across all formats, but was the 3rd best selling game in August, dropping down to 12th for September.
What this clearly shows is that there is a definite 'jump' in sales of 'Spider-man' (or Miles Morales on PS) during the month of August. It wasn't even in the top 20 for July but ended up being the 3rd biggest selling game of August. Spider-Man itself probably wasn't selling that well on Playstation after 3yrs with more interest in Miles Morales but that still saw a jump up the sales chart. I used 'Minecraft' as an 'old' game with no major updates to illustrate the relative difference and Minecraft is perhaps more consistent with monthly sales (although I still wonder how it still keeps selling as you'd think that everyone that wanted it, would own it by now...)
Spider-man released 3yrs ago on PS4 and isn't really selling anymore - maybe it counts if you buy Miles Morales special edition to get the PS5 'upgrade' of Spider-Man, but in general, its not selling hardware or games but definitely helped 'boost' it on Console with the PC marketing
@KaijuKaiser yes, growth, but due to what, exactly? PC gaming or something else?
@Stevemalkpus I'm not using 'quotation' marks - quotation marks are " not '. As I am NOT quoting anyone, I use apostrophes instead of trying to format text with italics, bold, underscore to add emphasis.
Therefore, I am sure you don't know what Quotation marks are to even criticise someone on how they 'work'!!
@jrt87 "No it doesn't. The more people who can play Sony titles the better. Grow up."
When are the Xbox ports coming of these great games? Those are 70+ million potential people that could play Sony titles and make lots of money for Sony!
if you're pushing for Sony titles to release on PC for easy money you should be pushing for Xbox console ports for easy money unless you think they are somehow less deserving of playing these great games.
@BAMozzy not making the top 10 or 20 doesn't mean a game isn't selling well. Spider-man and Miles Morales have had longer legs than most first party Sony games. Yet they were released on PC. So your initial argument was partly flawed.
@naruball I've had like one game that has had no sound and it was fixed with a free upgrade to a remaster. The sound card part which I'm not letting go is hilarious and an insta fail for you.
PC gaming has become A LOT easier to work with. I have friends with almost zero knowledge doing just fine.
@Tecton217 insults thrown left and right. R.I.P., civilized discussions.
@Tecinthebrain Xbox is a direct competitor to sony. Steam/valve is not. That's the difference.
@RedRiot193 you do you. Never let it go. Win all the internet points you want. I don't need any anyway. As for your friends, good for them. Other are still looking up why x y and z isn't working properly while trying to enjoy the game they bought:
Endless examples, but there is no need. They will be dismissed anyway.
@naruball Going based off this whole stream of comments. You couldn't win any even if you tried lol
@naruball I hope you don't need any exclusives for your console as well
Am I missing something? 121st best selling game on steam is really good. There's tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of games on steam.
@RedRiot193 well, since I value your opinion very much, this means a great deal to me.
@PCGamerInDisguise not sure what you mean.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Exerion76 So you are the 1 of the 610 people playing it.
@naruball I am obviously implying that you are on the wrong side of history and Sony will port all of their games to PC
@PCGamerInDisguise well, not sure what wrong side of history even means in this context. For one thing, I never said they wouldn't. I just disagree with the principle. If they were very successful on PC and helped the PS brand, I'd be for it. With results like this, I think they're just devaluing the brand. That's all.
@Tecton217 just pick anything negative and feel better about your vast superiority.
@naruball When millions of people play a game on pc there's going to be a lot of bigger chances of finiding bugs and issues. You think the same isn't apparent on console?
What's funny is that video you sent has only 5k views and 16 likes compared to how many people actually play the game.
Skyrim is old. There's 3 versions on pc and has had issues since the ps3/360 days just like ANY bethesda game lol. You can even swap back to older versions if you're having problems.
I'll dismiss any game you want. There are games that come out with problems on pc. But what people are pointing out is a great deal of them launch and work right out the gate. Especially modern games.
I do value my opinion. What people don't value is someone who lacks any valid opinion on anything, using tired old arguments, and not wanting people to play "their precious exclusives" on pc. Hence why someone told you to grow up.
Seems like no true pc supportfrom that community, time to not focus on that community. From a fan stand point and business model stand point, I don't see it working. Unless you're preparing for some day 1, gated release to include pc, which is possible, maybe it's time to just abandon that market.
@naruball so NPC. Fun game by the way, bought it on PS5.
1. Are you really trying to say that Sony games are mid and people only buy them because of console wars? Wow. You sound like Xbox360 fanboys from back in the day
2. How can releasing games to more platforms and especially a platform that will never become outdated hurt Sony? How??
@RedRiot193 "When millions of people play a game on pc there's going to be a lot of bigger chances of finiding bugs and issues. You think the same isn't apparent on console?"
R.I.P., reading comprehension. My argument wasn't about bugs, but a game not working on your platform and you needing to figure out why. It's one thing to encounter a bug, another to get a black screen and not be able to play a game at all.
"What's funny is that video you sent has only 5k views and 16 likes compared to how many people actually play the game."
You do understand the concept of an example, right?
"Skyrim is old. There's 3 versions on pc and has had issues since the ps3/360 days just like ANY bethesda game lol. You can even swap back to older versions if you're having problems."
Again. Bugs =/= black screen
"I'll dismiss any game you want. There are games that come out with problems on pc. But what people are pointing out is a great deal of them launch and work right out the gate. Especially modern games."
Yes, many if not most work right out of the gate. But when you launch a game on PC, you don't know if it will work on your setup. It may or may not.
"I do value my opinion. What people don't value is someone who lacks any valid opinion on anything, using tired old arguments, and not wanting people to play "their precious exclusives" on pc. Hence why someone told you to grow up."
Fantastic to hear. Don't you just hate it when people don't value their own opinion? Happens all too often.
@naruball But considering you don't need to sell many copies to get in the top 10, which is why Minecraft for example is still number 5 for July for example. By not not selling, I mean its not exactly flying off the stores at a consistent rate and these type of games tend to drop to a 'small' trickle of sales.
However, with a second release on PC and that marketing, the sales 'jump' up - hence Spider-Man returns to the top 20 from seemingly 'nowhere' after 3yrs, Miles Morales suddenly jumps up in sales that month too so from having at best, a 'trickle' of sales through the month, bringing in very little additional money, they had the 3rd best selling game of the Month and a jump up in sales of Miles Morales too giving them a 'big' boost in the 'profit' on this game.
@PCGamerInDisguise Dudes here are somehow convinced that a low profile game like sackboy is such a huge reason for sony to turn away from pc gaming lol
1. I'm not. Not sure what gave you that idea, but perhaps try sticking to what I'm actually saying?
2. The same way xbox is perceived as the console with no exclusives for making their games available on PC.
@BAMozzy that is a good point and I think ultimately that was Sony's hope/strategy with these PC releases. I simply disagreed with the notion that they have only released games PC that weren't selling anymore. For Sony first party standards, those two games were evergreen as it gets (as opposed to Returnal, Sackboy, etc).
The PC port people are waiting for is Bloodeborne, not Sad Sack.
@KaijuKaiser I don't think PC sales have contributed that much, but perhaps we'll get a better idea if/when they eventually release some more specific numbers.
"R.I.P., reading comprehension. My argument wasn't about bugs, but a game not working on your platform and you needing to figure out why. It's one thing to encounter a bug, another to get a black screen and not be able to play a game at all."
I read it perfectly fine. What's ironic is if you actually ready my comment I addressed this already. RIP reading comprehension and hell RIP logic since bugs and a game not working are one in the same.
"You do understand the concept of an example, right?"
You do understand the concept of a lot of people finding problems regardless of what platform you are on yes?
"Again. Bugs =/= black screen"
Again skyrim is an old game and to make matters worse a bethesda game.
"Yes, many if not most work right out of the gate. But when you launch a game on PC, you don't know if it will work on your setup. It may or may not."
I've had zero issues with games not launching. Same with my friends, and same with the people who report issues, all report bugs that happen are after the game has started.
Even if lets say a game doesn't start. You have 2 weeks and 2 hours of playtime limit to issue a refund. That is something sony doesn't offer. There's no buyer safety on console. You always have to wrestle with them to prove a game doesn't work. And that's assuming you bought it digitally. Steam is no questions asked. So if those games you claim exist in this day and age. There's no worry when you could just simply refund it. PC is easy now.
@RedRiot193 "RIP logic since bugs and a game not working are one in the same"
Thanks for the laugh, man. I give up.
1. What’s the difference between “devalue the brand” and “people only get hard for these games because they like logos and that will soon go away”? You are basically admitting that Sony games are overrated.
2. Playstation is the 500$ system that will allow you to play games that the only other 500$ system can’t. People who can’t afford a PC or live in complete tech ignorance will still buy consoles.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@naruball Not selling and only selling a 'trickle' of games each month is pretty much the same thing. Spider-Man is a 3yr old game and all the PC releases were generally games that sell incredibly well for the first few months and then fade away into obscurity - a trickle at best, nothing at worse and that's the same month after month after month...
These are not games that are going to impact the sale of hardware now, they are already on PS and been available for a long time - plenty of opportunity to 'buy' if people really wanted. People aren't buying hardware to play that game specifically - like they will to play a 'brand new' release like GoW:R, SM2 etc.
Its NOT harming sales of the game on Console and not harming platform sales. It gives Sony a second window to promote the game, which also promotes their hardware too so you see a 'bump' in sales on Console too - something they would NOT of had without a second release on PC. If you loved God of War on PC, you maybe tempted to buy a PS5 to play GoW:R at its most hyped, at its most popular, before the story is spoilt and its streamed all over the internet.
All those on Playstation who haven't bought these games - and if you look at sales data of hardware and games, its clear that 4 out of 5 PS gamers didn't play these games, in some cases, it could 19 out of 20 PS owners didn't buy. 20m sales is less 1/6th of the PS4 user base - those may decide to buy based on the resurgence of marketing and publicity around these. Its 'easy' to always be looking ahead at the 'next' big new release but often forget to look back at the games you decided to wait to buy - things like this remind you that these games are still available and now probably cheaper too...
@PCGamerInDisguise "You are basically admitting that Sony games are overrated."
You're still misinterpreting what I'm saying. Please stick to what I'm saying and not what you'd like me to say. You're just arguing against yourself at this point.
I consider most first party Sony games great. I just think that them becoming available elsewhere makes playstation consoles (not the games themselves) less desirable. Many people on this site have said they will abandon playstation because there's no point to it if everything will come one day to PC. While I, personally, don't feel that way (I prefer consoles for the aforementioned reasons), I believe it devalues playstation the same way PC releases eventually hurt xbox.
Never disagreed with the second point. I just think there is an overlap. People who can afford a decent PC can simply stick to PC and enjoy PC, Sony, and MS games.
@RedRiot193 yes. According to you, you're right and I'm wrong. Thanks for letting me know.
I hope Sony pushes for day/date PC releases in the future. Waiting a year or more means people will move on and that is a lost potential sale.
@BAMozzy "These are not games that are going to impact the sale of hardware now, they are already on PS and been available for a long time - plenty of opportunity to 'buy' if people really wanted. People aren't buying hardware to play that game specifically - like they will to play a 'brand new' release like GoW:R, SM2 etc."
Here's the thing. Before Spider-man came out on PC, we thought it was an exclusive. When Spider-man 2 comes out, we know it will not be a ps exclusive for long. Whether or not it will have a negative impact on Spider-man 2's and ps5's sales remains to be seen. I hope it ends up increasing sales and me being wrong. Always happy to be the case.
@naruball According to everybody here. Not just me. Yes you are very wrong.
@RedRiot193 In other words, if everybody somewhere is saying something and someone disagrees, that one person must be wrong. Got it.
@naruball You can be sarcastic as much as you want. Doesn't make anything we've said wrong in the least.
Sackboy deserves better
Such a nice game, I loved it.
@naruball no one and I mean NO ONE cares about the plastic box in your house as much as you do.
Companies want as many people as possible to consume their products and Sony is doing everything they can to sell as many games as possible(by porting them to other platforms and offering cloud streaming) and they want to sell as many consoles as possible(by not releasing as many games as possible on the only competing platform : xbox)
Your points make 0 business sense.
Returnal will crush it on pc sales…. It’s ps5 exclusive that caters to a large base of pc players. Wouldn’t be shocked if ends up #2 on Sony’s pc sales
I love LittleBigPlanet series and even Tearaway was great but Sackboy is the worst in IMHO I didn't even finish it.
@PCGamerInDisguise So why investing in so many console generations and peripherals? Maybe sony will abandon their ps store and that sweet 30% profit in every transaction? No they still need to sell their console by huge numbers cause that is the golden goose for them.
I am not surprised at all because I have 'ZERO' interest in PC games as well so if a(BORING, most are) PC Exclusive came to PlayStation I wouldn't play it at all Hopefully this STUPID PS Exclusives to PC experiment will FAIL big time over time to :-/ KEEP PS EXCLUSIVES EXCLUSIVE I say + Sackboy was a LOVELY game to & I LOVED it
@naruball There will be some PC gamers that will perhaps think twice now before buying a Console for 'exclusives', but there will ALWAYS be gamers that want to play the 'latest' games at the time of release, not a year or more down the road when it 'finally' comes to their preferred Platform.
That's also why Sony will happily pay for a 'year' or more of Exclusivity on multi-platform developed games, paying to keep them off of their rivals so that gamers buy PS to play the 'latest' games instead of waiting for an old release to come to their Platform.
There will be plenty of people that will want to play Spider-Man 2 at or around the first few months of release and the ONLY platform that offers that will be Playstation. They are not releasing their games 'day and date' on PC - like Xbox - which seems to still be selling better than its predecessor despite that fact. PC gamers can't guarantee that SM2 will release exactly 1yr after - it could be 18mnths, 2yrs later if Sony decide that SM2 is still selling Hardware and games on Playstation and would be detrimental to those.
As Xbox proves, releasing PC versions day and date doesn't necessarily have a 'detrimental' impact. Before the launch of the Series hardware, there was a portion of the internet who were adamant that no-one would buy these because all those games are on PC and/or on last gen hardware too - yet its their 'best' selling hardware in the same time frame - despite stock related issues too.
For many people, a console is their preferred platform - whether PC could provide a 'better' experience or not - its the 'right' balance between cost, performance, ease of use, lifestyle etc. No need to 'optimise', no need to worry about shader compilation, no need to worry about drivers or some hackers/modders ruining your experience etc etc. It suits them better than PC so regardless of whether a game comes to PC or not, they will still play on console.
Sony want you playing ALL your games, not just the 1 or 2 exclusives a year you can't play elsewhere. They want their 'cut' of game sales as platform/trademark holder from those 3rd Party devs/publishers, want you spending money in their store to get their 30% retailer profit. Those PC gamers will play on PC, only buying consoles for 'exclusives' and may end up buying 'used' so no-money goes to Sony anyway...
Exclusives matter most at time of release as that is when they sell the most copies of games and sell hardware to play it on. The 'back catalogue' whether still all exclusive or not, are still available on Playstation so still count but its the attraction of playing Sony's games on/around release whilst at their highest hype level not a year later when everyone is looking forward to the 'next' big Exclusive...
Sackboy had no PC presence before this game, did he? Little Big Planet was a Playstation exclusive, and Sackboy is as well. There's no existing market - it's all new IP to the PC world.
There was almost no marketing, as has been pointed out.
Put those two together, and it could be the best game ever, but it would take time for anyone to notice.
And while it's a fun game with a few particularly awesome levels (and better on a PS5 where it benefits from the DualSense controller), it's more fun with couch multiplayer than it is by yourself or online. It's really an experience that's best for console and doesn't translate as well for the traditional PC setup.
Then again, even poor sales will probably make Sony and the developers at least some profit, right?
@zebric21 All of their peripherals can be also used on PC.
Sony is investing into console generations because there is still money to be made in the console market. Their only competitor in that market is the XBOX and they trying to stop even third part games like FF7 from releasing on there.
Having more customers is better than gauging your existing customers for more money.
@Thumper which pc exclusives would you like to see on PS5?
@PCGamerInDisguise No it's not "money to be made"...It's more than 90% of their total revenue.
@zebric21 I said the same exact thing. There is money to be made in the console market and their only competitor in that market is the xbox
I think it just needs a good sale. Sony has been pricing some of these ports really high for their age, granted Sackboy isn’t that old but it definitely needs more exposure
I mean not technically. If games continue to underperforming then no, Sony likely won't continue to spend resources porting games. Wether that dude likes it or not, Sony's a business and they'll follow the money like businesses do.
@TrickyDicky99 What are you trying to say? You only enjoyed Sony published games because they were exclusive?
Only 610 players? Boy, That's a real kick in the Sack!
I will not buy any PS game on PS5 that has a pc port.
I'm enjoying my time with the game, but it not worth $60... and it definitely wasn't worth the $70 on consoles. Managed to find a steam key for $40.
@daveofduncan A PS launcher would kill the few sales they get.
If it ain't steam, it ain't on PC.
@AverageGamer I didn't like it much until I played it with my girlfriend. It went from being kind of disappointing to better than Super Mario 3d World for me. Almost like the flow, level design, character speed ect. was built prioritizing more than one player
@Moto5 Ah... I'm playing the game solo cause I'm an anti social pleb who locks themselves away in their bedroom all day. Plus none of my PC friends bought the game cause like all PC gamers... They're super budget conscientious and don't buy stuff day 1. They'll wait till a sale and for patches to come out. Unlike me who is a console gamer at heart and will throw money at companies no matter what.
@Exerion76 to be fair there are a lot more gamers on consoles than pc. But I’m not sure if I’ve read the context of your comment correctly lol. Correct me if I haven’t
@TrickyDicky99 So you are admitting that you enjoyed Sony published games only because they were exclusive?
I've been having a ton of fun with it on PS4. I like it a bit more than Mario 3D World on Wii U, for some reason. I got the disc new on sale $20 last year. Couldn't beat that.
There's platformer fans on PC. It'll just take a good sale and word of mouth for it to get around.
As said from the beginning, the PC is the downfall of the PlayStation. and you can already see that it's not worth it at all.
but that won't stop PC fanboys from claiming that day and date is the only right choice.
@TrickyDicky99 You don't know anything about game development then
If this plays on the steamdeck I’m in. Really fun game and would be great handheld
@4kgk2 Cope seethe dilate. Ports will keep on happening regardless of Sony botching a PC port's launch or two.
@TrickyDicky99 The reduction in game sales probably has to do with the price increase not the fact its on PC a few months later.
This won't have any effect on Sony's plans, now if it was a bigger IP only having 600 maybe but not Sackboy.
Honestly I'd be more than happy for them to confirm every game going forward will come to PC within a year.
@Carl-G Name me 5 PC exclusives you think look boring
Great points about PC gaming! I moved to PC a few days ago and I'm still gaming from my couch using a lapboard and an Xbox gamepad. Feels great really and no issues whatsoever.
As for the topic: when will people realise that fewer and fewer gamers buy games at launch these days? There is a crisis and games are not on top of anybody's list. I'm buying Days Gone and Horizon tomorrow for a total of around $20 bucks. I'll buy Uncharted in a few months when it drops in price a bit. Keep those exclusives coming Sony. I'll defo be buying Returnal on PC. Sackboy, not my cup of tea.
@eduscxbox lies people dont buy ps5 cuz they cant buy one (stock issues no need to argue)
proof? its the best selling console this past few months (its a fact no need to reply to me)
and what upcoming pc game that will want people buy a pc that is better than gow or spidey2?
none (yes its true besides mostly all of those stupid looking pc games will have a console port)
p.s. dont reply to me already stated a fact here
@arra1213 What are you talking about?!
Who's talking about a game being better or worse? We talking about people waiting for spider 2 and gow come to PC and play there. For real, try to read a little bit.
"games like God of War Ragnarok or Spiderman 2, as good as they can be, will not be enough for some people to go out and buy a PS5 for this particular game"
ps5 already been the been the best selling console this past months (even w stock issues) they dont even need this particular games like gowr or spider2 to make it on top
"...will not be enough for some people..." (key here is some people)
I'm not talking about the PS fans or God of War fans buying a PS5, that's obvious.
I'm talking about people whose main platform is PC.
I'm not talking about absolute sales of the PS5, I'm talking of PC-only players buying a PS5 just to play a single game when they know a couple years from now they will have the game on PC.
By the way, I've finished both God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn on steam.
I had a PS4 back then, don't have a PS right now, and if sony will keep their games on PC than I gladly wait for them on PC. That's my point, PS5 absolute sales have nothing to-do what I am talking about.
@eduscxbox lmao gow and spidey not enough to buy a less expensive ps5
then what upcoming pc games that make people buy an expensive pc?
dont tell me those $1 million budget indie games that plays the same but sold nearly half the price of big budget games
those games your waitin for your expensive pc eventually ported to ps5 or release the same day
You really don't read, do you?!
"I'm talking about people whose main platform is PC."
I'm not talking about buying a PC, I'm talking about people who Already Own a good gaming PC. They don't have to buy anything, just the game.
For real, it can't be that hard to understand what I'm talking about.
@Al3 " playstation market alone isn't simply enough anymore to cover development costs"
What are you basing this on?
@Exerion76 i mean , thats how its been for me so far and im new to pc gaming. are u telling me that i can just plug my desktop into my tv with an hdmi and use a ps5 controller on it like a console ?
wouldnt i have to get up and change games with the mouse and keyboard too? im curious because i hate keyboard and mouse and staring at a monitor
@gollumb82 hows your setup ? do you have your desktop connected to your tv ?
I've always known that platform games are the most unsuccessful genre on PC because they don't speak to PC gamers and they're not the right target audience, plus this high price Sony put on the game doesn't help sales either and this is the result. I hope that Sony will learn from today not to distribute platform games at a high price for the computer because even the computer players are less interested in platformers and the high price they put on the game prevented it from being a success.
But the price Sony put on the game doesn't make sense for a platform game, it is a game that I would like to receive a lot of love without a doubt, but the situation is that the computer players are less when it comes to platformers and in addition to the price.
Yes, you can just plug your desktop into your tv/monitor and use a gamepad of choice (most people use the Xbox controller, but Dual Sense is fully supported on Steam). I'm using a 32 inch 4K MSI monitor that I mounted on the wall, so it's pretty much like a tv. I sit about 1,5 metre from it so the size is fine.
To answer your questions that your asked Exerion- yes, it's still a PC and you have to launch a game with a keyboard and mouse, but Steam usually launches alongside Windows and you can launch it in the Big Picture Mode that makes it looks pretty much like a console dashboard. And, you can use a gamepad to operate it instead of m+k. To still have a gaming from the couch experience you can get a wireless keyboard on the cheap or look for a lapboard (much better option). If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I asked a ton of those to a friendly soul before I switched so I can relate. One last point, it's a good time to get a gaming PC because GPU prices are hovering closer to the MSRP than in the last year or two.
@Intr1n5ic I agree with you
@videoman190 It can be amazing, DREAMS can be like ROBLOX and even more, because this game lets you do everything from the beginning to the end result compared to Roblox which will have limited tools. It's a game that can really catch on for PC and I would also love to see the creative minds of PC players like I saw in the last Spider-Man game.
@naruball ' I used to game on PC for years, but now I prefer the peace of mind that consoles offer' Good for you, maybe time you moved on/let go and leave the people who enjoy the flexibility PC gaming offers - to it. It's great that Sony are offering PC players who only use PC's, the chance to enjoy these games.
@TrickyDicky99 Games are designed with maintainability in mind so they can be sold on many platforms including future ones. Red Dead Redemption is a game that is still locked to xbox360/ps3 and if you want to play it on a modern system you have to emulate it on pc.
Actually, you can play RDR1 on Xbox Series X in 4K and it looks glorious. Just an FYI 😉
It didn't prove popular on PlayStation. I buy most 1st party games day one, no matter what it is. But this thing is still priced too high, 2 years later..... and it's just a spin off by a hired in 3rd party developer.
Why did they waste resources on a version that won't even do 10% the sales of the measly PS4 and PS5 sales numbers lol? Jim and PlayStation have gone insane in throwing away money.
I would've bought it. But I'm not spending 60 bones on a 2 year old game.
@Thumper they do all the time.
To be fair, I didn't even know it had released already. Compared to the other releases, this was not marketed at all.
It needs an LBP 4 to refresh the franchise.
@thebizniznizbiz what do you mean leave them to it? Where did I speak about anyone other than myself?
I just find it surprising because I am sure it is a fine game but .... no level editor? That's like the whole point of Little Big Planet! I am sure if they bring down the price and release LBP 1, 2 or 3 or better yet, all of them in a package, the sales would be far better.
I want an extensive level editor game like LBP or Dreams on PC. This game is fine but it is not enough.
Also the total lack of marketing is strange. I didn't even know either of these released yet. Not even on the Steam front page and I am on Steam every day.
I think it is becouse there are alot more games out there that i would rather spend 50 quid to expensive for a game that old.
@Exerion76 oh so that’s what it’s for . thanks
@gollumb82 thanks for the info , i already got a beefy enough PC & graphics card (3070) but would like the new 4090 for the hell of it lol
pc is definitely gonna take some getting used to for the mere fact that i’m a multiplayer person but this still helps a lot .
@TrickyDicky99 lmfao imagine stopping buying something simply because others can play it on pc now. And lol what reduction in game sales on console? This is a post about pc sales. I've legitimately never seen someone hate on ps as hard as you do. And I've yet to see a single person other than you decide not to buy a game simply because it's on ps4 or pc as well
Now we're talking! So you've got what I've got then (a 3070). I'd buy a 4090 but it costs more or less the same money as my whole setup (including the monitor and lapboard). If you can afford it buy a lapboard like Razer Turret (I've got it) or Corsair K63. It does take a while to get used to but it's worth it IMO. As for multiplayer, it's free on PC but there are cheaters in many games.
Unfortunate news to hear, hopefully more players will discover the game!
Blood... borne...blood...borne
@gollumb82 yeah , but i’m also gonna be using a controller for all my games including FPS . i’m not gonna use KB&M unless i really have to
@PCGamerInDisguise Since HW in new consoles are basically the same as PC the code is not so different and porting is easier. That was'n my point. Point is that they have built PS brand on quality exclusive content and they are erasing this advantage. I want the reason to buy PS and moving games from PS to PC slowly deletes this reason while those games even prove unpopular on PC
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