If it feels like we've been waiting on more information and — gasp! — a release date for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition for way too long, it's because we have. Last we heard, the enhanced PS5 version of the beloved RPG is still scheduled for a 2022 release, but CD Projekt Red has been super secretive on the subject — perhaps frustratingly so.
That said, it finally sounds like we're getting something soon. And by soon, we mean "soon" — because that's what the official Witcher Twitter account has just posted. In response to a fan's query on the current-gen ports, it replied: "Soon ". And if that doesn't mean soon, we don't know what does!
No but seriously, the fact that the account took the time to reply to this question — complete with a cheeky wink — does suggest that plans are in motion. And since CDPR just announced The Witcher Remake, we could be in for a full The Witcher 3 PS5 reveal in the very near future.
We'll be keeping our Witcher's eyes peeled.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 34
I read 9 Dec elsewhere, via a leak from Game UK
If true, a month after Ragnarok suits me just fine
@Atreus97 I'd take 9th December for sure, great timing. If it came out tomorrow, I'd be screwed!
Yes, it is very "frustrtaingly"
Will this be a new purchase or a free enhancement to the existing one any of us have on the PS5? - just checked. Most sites say its a free upgrade.
@Shaunholio I was so frustrated I just mashed the keyboard. Thanks for pointing it out!
this is a free upgrade yes?
so if you dont own tw3 its in the store sale
@nathanSF CDPR said ages ago when it was first announced that it'll be a free upgrade for anyone who owns the original.
@ShogunRok Yes. Thanks. Luckily I bought it for a couple of quid when it was last heavily discounted on the PS store.
Waiting for the upgrade before I get started on it. The upgrade for Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 didn't carry over the trophies.
What are the odds that they throw in the DLC..? I’ve got the base PS4 version and though I hear the DLC is remarkable I have held off so I can have even more reason to get stuck into the PS5 upgrade. If I didn’t have to pay for said DLC that would be extra sweet… though I’ll be buying it regardless if needs be.
The problem with "Soon" is it could literally mean any amount of time. I've seen devs post "soon" and then a year later they show a trailer.
@Gloamin @frabbit Yeah, it'll include both of the expansions as far as we know.
Problem is that soon release a lot of games like Bayo3, GoWR, Sonic Frontiers, Pokemon SV + also P5R that released on other plattforms last friday and is a long game
Sadly not to much time for me the replay TW3 at the moment
I have had a bit of an itch to go back to Witcher 3 but I don't have the time! Next dry spell of game releases maybe!
; )
Edit: "Hmm, is that it? Can you think of something more to say?"
@LIMA hate that prompt
Jesus, how late is this friggin update at this point?!
To those that haven’t yet bought this excellent game, it’s now reduced (again!) to £6.99 for the “Game of the year edition” in the “November savings” sale. The GOTY edition includes both expansions (also excellent). Not forgetting the PS5 version will be a free upgrade!
@KundaliniRising333 was just about to say this. This new version was announced in September 2020. Before Cyberpunk came out. Absolutely ridiculous.
Looking forward to my first playthrough 🤘
Seeing how cyberpunk was welcomed with open arms its no surprise this took so long as they have had to sort that out first 🤣 so i'm hoping that after all this time it actually plays fine for once..
I played the Witcher 3 during lockdown on the Nintendo Switch, of all consoles (it ran remarkably well), however I cannot wait to revisit this on the current gen hardware!
Itching to player this again, think I have a out 300 hours over 2 runs (pre and post DLC).
Been close to starting again a few times but waiting for the update.
@Dudditz09 that's me aswell really want to play it again but patiently waiting
@ShogunRok It will work on both versions? The regular and complete edition?
@freddquadros Yep, again, as far as we know. CDPR will probably clarify some things when it does have a date, but it's expected that the original PS4 release and the GOTY Edition both qualify for a free upgrade.
@KundaliniRising333 why do you care , you don't want to play enhanced PS4 games on your ps5 do you
@Uncharted2007 lol 😂
Please hurry. My favorite game of all time need a 4th playthrough.
I think I saw something online saying the first Witcher game is getting a UE5 remake, which could be cool
@Atreus97 December 9th sounds about right, we'll just have to wait and see though.
Yknow - I finally completed this game on about my FOURTH play through. I just fell off the first 3 time. Not because I didn’t like it. More because it sucked me in so hard I burned myself out with it. I finally managed it during the first lockdown!
I then didn’t progress onto the dlc cos I was burnt out with it (again). I might actually go back to this to play the DLC on ps5 and that will do me for seeing it upgraded to next gen. I DEFINITELY couldn’t even contemplate playing the whole game again! I loved it but Jesus - enough for one lifetime!
@Atreus97 will have to wait after Callisto P
Is it bad that I really really want to play this again on Ps5?
Been waiting for this before a replay.
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