Ubisoft has quietly confirmed that Assassin's Creed Valhalla will not receive a New Game+ mode. This news comes after roughly two years of the developer telling fans that the ability to replay the game with all of your character progression intact was under investigation. If you've been keeping up with Valhalla throughout this entire saga, then you'll probably agree that this feels like a bit of a bait and switch.
While New Game+ was never out-and-out promised, the fact that confirmation has finally arrived ahead of the title's final update is undeniably disappointing. The sentiment we're seeing on places like Reddit is that players could have at least been informed of this decision before now.
Of course, not everyone will want to play through such a huge open world RPG again — that's completely understandable. But the sheer size of the game also means that without a New Game+ option, there's no easy way to experience Eivor's story again. What's more, it takes a long time to build a truly unstoppable warrior in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and there are loads of powerful endgame weapons that serve next to no purpose because by the time you've acquired them, you've already finished the campaign. All in all, it's just a shame that dedicated players won't be able to carry their hard work over to a fresh run.
And it obviously doesn't help that the game's predecessors, Assassin's Creed Origins and Assassin's Creed Odyssey, both had extensive and very well implemented New Game+ options.
The development team writes: "Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has been built as a unique Assassin’s Creed experience, one that is very different from its predecessors in its structure, offering new ways of engaging with the world and its characters. When investigating the implementation of New Game+, we realized that the depth of the game gave us limited options to make replayability unique and rewarding."
"We understand this news will come as a disappointment; however, we hope that the new content released in the past months, including never-before-seen experiences like Forgotten Saga, has provided an exciting and challenging experience for those seeking more replayable content."
So there you have it: no New Game+ for Assassin's Creed Valhalla after all. Are you disappointed in this news? Were you actually planning on playing through Valhalla again? Ask what it was all for in the comments section below.
[source News: Assassin's Creed Valhalla DLC Ends in Free Final Chapter Next Month]
Comments 36
I really enjoy valhalla but its way too big for me to get around to finishing if i'm honest about it. A ng+ would be the last thing i'd want to embark upon..
I very rarely play NG+, as there is so many games and so little time. I don't mind a huge game like Valhalla not featuring it.
Sucks for the fans. How difficult could it be to implement ng+ though?
Find it hard to believe it would had been hard to make a new save file that included all skill unlocks and equipment. I feel this is more of a “we want anyone playing to grind again.”
@freddquadros that’s kinda the point, usually, of NG+, you get to replay the story without wasting time doing progression or unlocking gear. It’s a sort of super-easy mode. Tends to be ridiculously faster to go through the game story in NG+, for those that want to do so without heavy time investment.
I was bored to death by the end of the game and had no interest in playing more of it with the DLCs, let alone new game +.
Isn't every new AC basically 60$ ng+ for the previous one?
That's just bad. A basic implementation would be better. Or maybe don't let the game get so ridiculous with added story that it's goes off the rails and you can't implement what is now a basic feature.
I cared about all the new AC Story DLC. Not play old stuff over.
The more story content for my money the better. Bang for the dollar is crazy with AC.
@Tharsman I know, it's faster, but it takes some time anyway. I played The Witcher 3 NG+, uped to Hard dificulty and it lasted a long time too. But I understand some pople wantin it, re-experience the story without some of the fat.
NG+? Is it April fools already? Where does the time go...
@Tharsman Same here. I've always felt it was very hard to believe the difficulties they thought it would be to implement it. They've implemented it in countless other games, including the two previous AC open world games.
I never do New Game+ as a game has to be worth replaying from scratch for me to do so, but it still sucks for fans. It also seems that this developer is not as strong as the one that did Odyssey and then Immortals Fenyx Rising.
@Amusei depends on what people expect really, I mean just replay the same again with higher level enemy's, or replay same stuff again with higher level enemy's, gear, quests etc, so it could be difficult
I totally understand people saying they'd never play ACV again because it's already so long, but like the article says, this has been handled quite badly.
NG+ would have been the best way to experience the game's story again (which has some really good bits in it!). Starting from scratch is probably asking too much of even the game's biggest fans.
Plus, it's just a shame you can't take your character build and all your most powerful weapons into a new game.
Not sure I would have ever found the time to play ACV again, but it's disappointing that the devs apparently couldn't find a way to implement NG+ properly.
It's no big deal for myself. I rarely use new game plus in any big RPG I play. If I really want to play Valhalla again I'd likely just main quest only anyway. I would have liked a chapter select option though.
Really should have said this earlier. Doubt I would've had time for a second playthrough however most of my time in that game was 100% completing each area so the playtime would now be significantly shorter. That said I had the 2 most powerful weapons so combat would have been a breeze regardless lol
Odyssey was a full RPG with way more depth and that got a NG+ mode just fine. People don't care if Valhalla NG+ doesn't offer anything new we just want to replay the game with the gear and abilities we unlocked in NG.
Now that it's getting a final resolution in December , I might just pick it up off ebay for my PS4 Pro , or a discount key off the internet for my gaming laptop...just need to decide on which.
@Hindenburg no, you can't carry over your progression from previous Assassin's Creed games to new ones.
What is it with devs not adding in a basic feature such as NG+ to the game at launch? Hell why are western devs specifically having this issue? Capcom, Ryu Ga Gotoku, Atlus, Fromsoft all add NG+ at launch.
I don't really get the appeal of NG+ personally. You start with equipment and stats you shouldn't have yet which mess up the plot of many games (where you would acquire something later on), and from a gameplay perspective makes everything easier from the start... Also, building up a character is a core part of RPGs, which you won't do in NG+.
As for ACV though, I also don't think anyone can complain, Ubisoft delivered a lot of post-game content (much better use of limited resources IMO).
Is the game not big enough lol what kind of masochist wants to go through it twice 😁
So just one person is playing this game? Who is this fan?
@Torque the title is "fan disappointment" which is plural, not "fan disappointed" which would be singular.
Oh right. I miss read it as "disappointed", haha.
@RenanKJ Cause people like to use the gear they gained throughout the campaign and do it all over again with that same gear, especially when it is all about making your build such as Dark Souls, Borderlands, Destiny, and Cyberpunk. Not everyone wants to have their build become pointless cause you beat the game.
@RenanKJ @Danloaded @Korgon @KilloWertz @Agramonte @Northern_munkey @freddquadros Same opinion here! I tend to avoid New Game+ as much as possible, unless there's a trophy attached.
@ShogunRok i think some games actually warrant a ng+ mode (dark souls,elden ring etc) but games such as the assassins creed games dont really need it anyway as there is so much content added later on. If valhalla had been half the size then maybe i might have tried it but i just dont have the time for a game that i'll openly admit to being a great game just is not on my list of priorities to finish this decade lol..
Ubisoft games….
Christ. I enjoyed Valhalla for the first 30-40 hours, I rarely put it down but it’s just so long. It felt like I had another 100 hours to go and slowly I just lost interest I couldn’t imagine finishing the game and wanting a new game +
I wouldn't say I'm disappointed but I would have liked the game to have it. I've already invested a LOT of hours into it and have no intention of doing it again. If the game had a NG+, I would have had an easier time replaying the story. Without it I won't play the game anymore as I'm not doing that grind all over again
NG+ is overrated for me. Rarely do I replay a story. Even games I've loved.
Honestly I'm fine without NG+. Two years on I've still yet to finish the game other than completing the Irish DLC. While I've enjoyed my moments (80 hours into the game!) I don't fancy revisiting the game once I finish it.
Can't speak to Valhalla, but NG+ is wonderful in Elden Ring.
No one wants to start big open-world games over, from scratch.
NG+ is like a victory lap and a chance to use end-game gear.
I've only just beaten Oddysey and all the DLC, it's taken me 2 years (not of constantly playing - I've picked it up several times, got bored and picked it up again a few months later - around 200 hours play time in total), and have just started Valhalla. I might care about this sometime in 2025, but my thoughts will probably be "screw that, I don't want it" anyway
Irate Ubisoft refused to deliver fan expectations of Newgame+.
There is absolutely no reason why they couldn't do it. From the date of this article I've refused to play Valhalla ever again because it's not an investment of my time. Odyssey with ng+ has been quite the blast. All the added adventures Valhalla comes with is all the morr reason to have ng+.
So, effective immediately, I'm no longer going to invest/purchase any other AC game unless it has New Game+. Hopefully enough gamers will also boycott Ubisoft until they realise ng+ isn't the exception but the standard.
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