Demand for the PS5 hasn't been affected by the console's recent price increase, Sony has said. As part of the firm's Q2 2022 earnings call, chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki explained Sony will have enough stock to meet demand during the upcoming holiday season. "So far, due to the price increase, we have not seen any dampening of the demand but we have to monitor what will happen in the market going forward."
Sony increased the price of a PS5 system in late August by £30/€50/5,000 yen, but the price in the USA stayed the same. At the time, the company said the increase was "a necessity given the current global economic environment and its impact on SIE’s business". However, it also stressed it wanted to improve the PS5 Stock situation by having more units on the market.
As we approach Christmas, Sony says it has 6.5 million PS5 consoles already produced for the busy shopping season, but it still has a lot more work to do if it wants to hit its target of 18 million systems shipped during the current fiscal year.
[source tweaktown.com]
Comments 89
The fact they are monitoring it is good, I think if/when demand starts to slow down they will reduce the price back down or maybe lower than its original price.
"PS5 Price Increase Hasn't Affected High Demand"
I am pretty sure it won't ever.
@UltimateOtaku91 If you think the price is going to be reduced anytime soon, you've not been paying attention to Sony lately.
@pip_muzz I didn't say any time soon, I said when demand slows down. Demand at some point will slow to point where they have to act by reducing the price.
I think the reality is that the PS5 has been underpriced. We may not like to hear that, but given the way the supply went, they could have easily got away with charging $100 extra from launch and still would have probably got through all their available inventory.
In the UK they still selling almost as soon as they have stock.
Smyths toys had preorders for the GOWR console bundles they all went the same day. No longer available now.
They have the big AAA exclusive games and the FIFA and COD crowd so it’s like a double bang for sales.
@get2sammyb well the series X is being sold at a $200 loss so it would be safe to assume the PlayStation 5 was at launch as well or somewhere near it.
Unbelievable: I found ps5 ready to buy at a major local retailer in store for the first time since the console launch! Horizon bundle plus a forced second controller for the ultra low price of only 729€! I also took a photo because I think my friends won't believe me! I wanted a secondary cheaper only digital editions but I guess I may have to wait...
PS5 availability: vaporware
'the company said the increase was "a necessity given the current global economic environment' Is the US not part of the globe then lol
@UltimateOtaku91 correct, but, unlike Sony, Microsoft can afford selling them at a loss at full speed. Sony is trying not to sell too many before the price catches up with production costs.
@get2sammyb if that's true then why didn't they increase it in the US lol
@UltimateOtaku91 yet the same person said the console was being sold at a profit
@get2sammyb there has to be some Sony execs furious about missing out on tens of millions in profit cuz they priced the console too low
@MrDoug91 I'm sure there are, yes.
@Would_you_kindly Because the price change seems to be motivated by exchange rates, but it doesn't change the fact they could have ultimately charged more for the console worldwide.
not surprising. for many it was an understandable increase, due to global factors. the increase wasnt enough to deter many for something that will last 5+yrs.
i think Sony probably wanted uk price at 500 at release but MS forced their hand.
@Martsmall I think it was being sold at a loss to begin with until they made some part adjustments, there's not too much difference between the ps5 and series X so to say the ps5 is selling for a profit yet the X is selling a $200 loss something doesn't add up somewhere, especially considering the ps5 is bigger as well and more expensive SSD?
@get2sammyb i think the ps5 is superb value for money..its an awesome games console and a superb 4k bluray player to boot. Even with the slight price increase its still selling and is still great value. I dont understand those that pour scorn on it and criticize those that enjoy it..
I blame Microsoft because the Xbox series x is so unappealing right now when comes to exclusive games people are forced to buy a ps5 if they want a next gen console.
@Northern_munkey unfortunately with cost of living, some can no longer afford, and some take jealousy to this.
others just think people should only have xbox. and sony are evil etc.
all a bit silly
@get2sammyb I disagree about at launch, I think $599 PS5 would've made PS5 a repeat of the PS3 era with people moving over to Xbox in droves early on in the generation while using PS4 to play the crossgen PS4/PS5 exclusives.
But regarding the recent price increase not affecting demand, I think it's all about the games. As a Series X owner, I can safely say PS5 has had the more interesting lineup of the next gen consoles since launch.
The daft thing is that the majority of those whining and moaning about the price hike had probably already bought one anyway and it won't even effect them
Of course not, the king baby!
With Sony’s track record with their own games and best 3rd party support every Gen. There is no other option but to pay up.
If you're already commited to £450, then an extra £30 isnt likely to be that much of a deal breaker to be honest. Wasnt for me anyway.
At this point they still sell everything they make, xbox still isnt putting any games out to slow down demand of their own console.
@Would_you_kindly I completely agree. The reason they didn't do this in the US is because Xbox is a lot more competitive in that territory and they couldn't afford to lose face.
They also know that the extra money generated elsewhere around the world will counteract price freezes in America.
I can't believe people here are pleased that Sony is getting away with charging more for the PS5. Why?
The entire world is going through a cost of living crisis and people are struggling to make ends meet. So Sony increases their prices even though they're making record profits. Disgusting behaviour.
It's the series s that loses £200 per sale, Microsoft has been really cagey about the series X loss leader. Both are getting price bumped in January anyway.
@Would_you_kindly They didn't need to raise the price in the US because the market effectively did it for them. When the PS5 launched a $500 Console got them about 55,000 Yen, now the same console gets them 73,000 Yen.
@__jamiie nobody is happy at price increase. but many can understand the reasons why. we would all love to pay less.
@UltimateOtaku91 PS5's have been selling at a profit for a while now.
@ChrisDeku but the market didn't effectively raise it everywhere else Sony did themselves lol
@stvevan Sony, despite making record profits, decided to increase the price of the PS5. No consumer should be on the side of that.
They keep putting out quality AAA games demand won’t go away
@__jamiie Similarly Microsoft, despite attempting to spend insane amounts of money to acquire Activision are doing Xbox price increases after the holiday season.
@Grumblevolcano I agree to an extent. I think any hardware manufacturer increasing prices in this climate is completely unacceptable for consumers. I do think though, that Sony being the clear market leaders, should be the last ones to do so.
@__jamiie do you have a ps5?
@Northern_munkey Yes I do. Why?
@__jamiie just wondering really..do i agree with sony raising the price by £30? No i dont but its still great value for money..why get annoyed if sony raise the price if you have one? I thought maybe you were being a bit salty because you had not been able to procure one yet..
@__jamiie the main issue i have with sony is their digital pricing. Thats a disgusting way to treat their customers. Day one releases £70 upwards? If you have a physical unit its easy to find the latest games for £60 or less but if you have the digital ps5 you are being screwed..there is a lot that sony get right..thats not one of them.
@Northern_munkey It's not just Sony unfortunately. There's no reason in the world for platform holders to charge what they do for digital games. Unfortunately, people buy them and therefore they'll keep selling them at full price.
@__jamiie i agree..companys have to turn a profit but the pricing of new games is silly.
I'm waiting until the redesign has been revealed. Given the shrinking of the die size on some components on the 1200 series, might be that the redesign is cheaper.
Meantime, the old Pro is doing everything fine.
The 'components cost more' meant that the USA should have also had a price increase but didn't because Sony realised that the XBox over there could be a competitor so they decided to screw over Europe and Japan because they know people will pay for the next gen.
@Northern_munkey I own a PS5 (with lovely purple faceplates), a Series X and S and a Switch OLED and Switch Lite. Genuinely not bragging, just letting you know where my gaming opinions come from. I love games and I've been gaming since 1986. I hate when game companies rip people off. I hate when they get full of their own hype and use it to fleece their loyal customers. Just because I own a PS5 doesn't mean Sony aren't screwing over the people who want to buy one.
@UltimateOtaku91 Well the demand for the Switch has only just began to drop now almost 6 years after launch, so again, it’s gonna be a loooong while to have a price drop for PS5.
@get2sammyb Guess you’re going to defend every single questionable decision Sony makes as if we’re all investors instead of customers…
@4kgk2 cringe
@__jamiie video games are not a necessity if you're struggling games should be the last thing you think about.
@__jamiie MS definitely screwed you over too when they sold you that poo Series S
@Northern_munkey i agree completely. Digital games Should def be less expensive than physical! Physical games surely cost more to make, you have packaging, production of the actual disc, delivery costs, staff wages, etc. a digital game they simply stick it on PS store. This is why i bought the disc version PS5.
I'm hoping the higher price of the PSVR2 hurts them enough to drop the price.
But knowing Sony they'll drop support too.
This will spur Sony into charging more. Roll on £100 games 🙏🏻
@jordan1992 echo your words and digital is disgusting at £70 prices! But people pay and Sony will continue to charge more
@Would_you_kindly They increased the price in Japan and Europe because those currencies are relatively less valuable now, US dollar not so. What is so hard to understand?
The same dollar price gives more Yen, but Yen is now less useful (for a global company like Sony), therefore raising the price in yen is necessary to make a PS5 sold in Japan the same relative value as one in the USA. Similarly European currencies got relatively weaker but not as bad as the Yen.
If prices had remained the same then PS5s sold in the USA would be more profitable for Sony, so why would they even ship them anywhere else when they're guaranteed to sell out?
@ChrisDeku 'They increased the price in Japan and Europe because those currencies are relatively less valuable now' so they increased in the areas where people are struggling more but not the country where the currency is the strongest ... Very nice of them 😂
Thanks to very little precaution by anyone, especially Sony, it's still the scalpers buying every one in sight.
@UltimateOtaku91 Last generation with no competition and a cheaper console Sony didn't lower prices today the competition is formidable.
@Would_you_kindly they’re only struggling in this context if they’re using their currency in foreign markets, which is not what most consumers are struggling with. Exchange rates affect Sony as a Japanese country operating in foreign countries, that has no effect on the average consumer.
Changing the price in non-USA territories is just a simple economic choice.
@get2sammyb i agree. As i remember Xbox Series consoles revealed their prices first and i think Playstation felt they had to compete. Had Playstation released their price £100 more than Series X they’d have got a lot of flack for it but it would’ve still sold exactly the same. Most people choose Playstation over Xbox, it’s always been the way. Even when PS3 released some 18 month after the 360 PS still outsold Xbox.
Of course it's still selling well, it's a luxury item.
No one that could dump 500 on a gaming console is otherwise food insecure or can't pay their utility bills.
An extra 50 was never going to stop their consumer base from still purchasing it.
Of course if you raised it enough you might lose customers based on value vs cost.
@Would_you_kindly it's a luxury item. No one that is struggling should be purchasing this device.
Should we price a Rolex at 10 bucks for people in Somalia?
And once again let us remind everyone that US taxes are NOT included in the cost, where in every other country's price, it is.
So the cost is actually between 540 and 550 depending on state. I'm pretty sure we (US) still pay more than any other location just based on currency value and general cost despite not getting a cost increase.
Maybe some countries should reduce the 20% VAT they have built into the price of the PS5?
If anything, SONY is giving most places outside the US a discount!
@Doublecell Of course they're not a necessity. Does that mean that Sony are right to rip people off? Are you happy that they've increased the price of everything this gen?
@__jamiie If a company makes a non essential product then they can price it however they choose either you buy it or you don't. What I'm tired of is people complaining about the cost of living going up yet when you turn around their complaining about non essential products. As someone who grew up poor I can assure you the last thing on our minds was video games.
@Doublecell Why do you keep saying things that are blindingly obvious and acting like it's useful information?
Of course they can charge what the want. Does that mean their price increase is the right thing to do?
I'm so sorry that you're tired of people complaining about the cost of their hobby increasing. Thankfully you've pointed out what we are allowed to complain about. Only essential products. Thanks.
You being poor growing up and video games being the 'last thing on your minds' has nothing to do with anything. It has no relevance to this conversation.
@__jamiie @Doublecell actuallly his comment about growing up poor is very relevant..i grew up very poor and gaming as a hobby was difficult cost wise where cartridges cost £60 upwards. Even when i was gaming on my spectrum it was still hard on finances as a kid..it wasnt really until later on in my early 20's when i managed to have a job that afforded me the means to indulge in my hobbies properly that my gaming addiction took off. So to dismiss somebodys financial situation in what seems to be a rather blaise tone is not right..myself and probably quite a few others who frequent this site whilst certainly not being well off but lucky enough to be able to afford the things we want should be a bit more mindfull when posting comments about what we deem as "non essential" products..
captain obvious? whoever has a PS5 already has one so they are immune to the PS5 hike, there won't be a lot if people who will be buying a PS5 during cost of living anyways when their priorities are elsewhere
@Northern_munkey well said on that one! the fact that PS5 games are now around the same price as snes games were back then is effecting my ability to afford any game day 1, i hardly ever want to waste my time buying day one games anyways because of the bugs and glitchy mess, my backlog is too big so by the time i even have the time to play anything recent it will be cheap as chips, for example, 1st god of war game is on the plus gaming collection for free, 2nd game will be joining soon enough lol
@Northern_munkey It has no relevance because we all know that gaming is a non-essential cost.
I also grew up poor but I'm still allowed to be upset when Sony decide to increase their prices. The two things have no connection. If I grew up rich does that mean I wouldn't be allowed to question their pricing policies?
Why are so many PlayStation fanboys defending them shafting their fans??? Ridiculous behaviour.
@__jamiie really? You should read my comments about sonys pricing and what i think of it..we have already had that discussion so why you think i'm defending it is beyond me 🤦♂️
@huyi thankyou
@huyi You should get Game Pass.
@Northern_munkey Why are you defending someone defending Sony's price increases?
@__jamiie i'm not defending anyone per se..i'm simply saying that we should be a bit more considerate to others circumstances..why are you attacking those that defend the pricing? Are they not entitled to voice their oppinions as much as you or myself?
@Northern_munkey Anyone who applauds higher prices for PlayStations either works for Sony or is slightly insane.
@UltimateOtaku91 Fingers crossed this eventually does happen, regarding the price decreasing.
It's been 2 years almost since the PS5 released and I have yet to see any official price reductions, not even temporary sales.
@huyi Good for you but I'm not waiting 2 years for it to release on a pass. I just choose what I want most and most of the time I won't even need to bother. Plus if the €10 increase is the issue you probably would have a big problem getting it anyway. Gaming is expensive anyway or you could rent and rush true the game.
The same with the console if you can't pay €50 you probably wouldn't be able before the increase. For me €500 was a lot but managed to safe up and if it would have a €50 I would have gotten it just as well.
@KidBoruto You can wait for a long time i think the parts are expensive and there is a shortage.
@__jamiie If the everything gets more expensive why is it shafting your fans.
@__jamiie "I can't believe people here are pleased that Sony is getting away with charging more for the PS5. Why?
The entire world is going through a cost of living crisis and people are struggling to make ends meet. So Sony increases their prices even though they're making record profits. Disgusting behaviour."
Is this not what you just said ? You just threw around the whole cost of living thing so my comments about Me growing up are very relative to this topic. You used the inflation crisis as a way to say sony is wrong for raising prices at such a time and I'm telling you anyone who's actually affected by this is not worried about games.
The point I'm trying to make is if you're concerned about game prices in these tough times then times obviously aren't that tough for you, which makes the costs of living argument a mute point.
Don't get me wrong we're all disappointed that we have to spend more money on our favorite hobby. But I'm not gonna waste my time being mad about either, I'm gonna buy it or I'm not it's really that simple.
What is anyone even PLAYING on this daft console? It doesn't have anything!
I still can't get one do to lack of availability. I'm not all that interested mind you. I still have a lot of backlog to get through on my PS4 Pro so my only real interest in it is for PSVR2. I just picked up a Steam Deck so I could play anything on the go with my busy life. I'm sure I'm not the only one more interested in the Deck than the PS5, and who have picked one up because it's much more accessible and easy to get over the PS5..
Come to think of it.. ordering PS5s directly from Sony (like Valve does) would be a workable solution to scalpers reselling PS5s.
Sony's loss is Valve's gain, I suppose. After all these years, I am surprised Sony hasn't figured this stuff out.
@Flaming_Kaiser you are not getting the point, I have a ps5 already, it's the price of the games that I highlighted that is a cause of concern for people who cannot afford it, I'm not of the need to play it right now and I am more than patient enough to wait for a price drop by the time I'm finished with the games I'm currently playing, there is no point in buying day one anymore these days because of how much missing content and buggy the games release, by all means buy whatever you want to buy and I make my own consumer choices how I see fit, it's not how affordable it is, it's the principal
@__jamiie previously I already mentioned I have plus Extra, I already have and it's saved me time buying games I normally wouldn't get over time
@WadeIsInsane Thanks for mentioning that. I realized I wasn't really clear, in that it should be internationally ordered online as well as sufficient stock should be available for those that wish to buy. PS Direct is only available in some countries - case in point, I am in Canada which does not have PS Direct, although we share almost every other capability with the USA.
The title of this article is also comical re: the small price increase when scalpers are still charging 50% or more over retail - and are selling these through legitimate sites such as Walmart or Bestbuy.
There needs to be a new way to sell consoles to allow everyone to have an opportunity to get them at retail prices.
@huyi I'll buy certain games day one but that requires some reviewing what I want and what I need.
One thing I would like to see in reviews how big the day one patch is then we can see what we get into. Firstparty games of Sony are a blind first day 95% of the times.
And to be fair if money is a big issue then €10 a game isn't really going to keep me away from the game i really want. And gaming never has been a cheap hobby that for sure.
I still remember buying Donkey Kong Country on the SNES those where 169 gulden at the time and that was €77 and that was a lot for a young kid it also made me appriciate the games a lot more.
Now I buy more and play less somehow because it's not that special anymore. Every game takes more time even if it's not needed. More padding and less fun such a pity.
@Flaming_Kaiser Oh I already own a PS5, I was just talking generally.
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