Update: In a statement shared with Push Square, NIS America has confirmed Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana has wrongfully been removed from PS Plus Extra, and the company will now investigate.
Its statement reads: "Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA not appearing PS Plus Extra was not planned and we are currently looking into the details. We would not remove any titles from any platform without prior communication through our channels."
Original article: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana has been removed from PS Plus Extra after the JRPG's PS5 version released last week. The original PS4 edition had been made available on Sony's subscription service since its revamp this past summer, but it suddenly disappeared over the weekend. The game's removal wasn't communicated ahead of time; there wasn't even an expiry date attached to the title's PSN listing.
PS Plus Essential games and titles like GTA: Vice City - Definitive Edition have been communicating their expiry dates through listings on the PS5's hub page for the service, but Ys VIII never had one. It has left the service without a trace — both the PS4 and PS5 versions now have a £34.99/$39.99 price tag attached even if you're subscribed, and there's no free PS4 to PS5 upgrade available.
The move sets a concerning precedent for PS Plus: if games can be removed at will without an expiry date listed, then other PS5, PS4 titles could simply disappear overnight. Will the same thing happen when Ys IX: Monstrum Nox receives its PS5 version next year, which is currently still part of PS Plus Extra? We've contacted NIS America for more details.
Comments 48
Well, makes sense for the publisher I guess, but they should be required to give warning of at least one day per estimate hour of play to plat. So around 3 months in this case. Or a minimum per game of 2 months.
Feeling pleased I decided not to start VIII on Extra (put off by the level scaling). In a few years it’s likely both will be put back on Extra, so I’ll wait and see if I feel like it then.
Honestly the current setup sucks. No warning is woeful, imagine being half way through a long JRPG and you boot up your console and you can't continue. Be better Sony.
As a trophy hunter no warning is absolutely unacceptable. It makes me hesitant to play any long games on PS Plus Extra for fear for this. Also thanks for the he heads up on Ys IX. I probably was gonna start that sometime next year.
@themightyant And no discount if you decide to purchase like GamePass. I refuse to play any RPGs on Plus because of this.
No (ample) warning is totally unacceptable IMO, especially for long RPG’s, terrible precedent to set.
Well that's concerning...
Worrying for sure. This particular game didn't interest me, but it's only a matter of time before it happens with a game that does - maybe even while I'm playing it. Games coming and going is part of this type of service but the least they can do is let people know in advance.
@Deadhunter 100%. Though I believe Game Pass only offers a discount when a game is leaving the service, not after it has left, which wouldn't help here.
@Jayslow Completely agree. Have been putting of AC:Valhalla as there were other games I want to play more. But knowing they give no warning makes me highly unlikely to start such a long game, lest it disappear without warning. As @Gaia093 said it's only a matter of time before this happens on a game we are playing...
No warning is pretty bad and sets an awful precedent, but would be interested to see the numbers of the amount of people actually playing this.
Hmm still has the option to download on my Plus Extra (European), the PS5 version has a price but PS4 version still has option to download to console.
It still lets me download and play it. I’ve never bought it but maybe it was free on PS Plus at some point?
Can't be. I was playing it last night. Will check when I arrive home. It can be a bug.
@Angelus3K Never was. I think is a regional bug, like happened with The Outer Wilds.
Of course it's good that they have a bit of everything, including RPGs on the service, but I don't see myself getting the most of my investment by playing a single 60+ hour game over psplus extra/premium.
Rather purchase my RPGs and use plus for games that are <20 hours. Found stray on plus or plague tale requiem on game pass perfect fits for such a service.
@Deadhunter I think I'm going to have to have that same rule going forward. I'm playing Fallout 76 from the service now and I would be furious if they pulled this without warning. Nothing above 20-25hrs hours going forward.
@themightyant One thing with Assassin's Creed Valhalla is that it's on there because it's on Ubisoft+ Classics. Obviously I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think Ubisoft would remove it from their own service, so it shouldn't be removed from PS Plus Extra either.
This service keeps on improving its suckage. No wonder they've lost 2 million users. Hopefully they start getting fired for these things.
No exit warning no subscription.
It's worth buying!
@KilloWertz good to know. Thanks
This service has been such a disaster ever since release.
@themightyant could always just buy it if you're enjoying it that much lol
Checked here. The game is fully playable for those who have it installed, like me (played last night). If it was a removal, I wouldn't be able to boot the game now. So, it's a bug for sure, like what happened with The Outer Wilds when they were about to launch the PS5 version. Let's hope Sony adresses it fast. But if you are playing the game, it's safe for now.
This sort of thing is why I prefer buying my games. Even if snagging them all individually is more expensive overall, I can play them at my own pace.
This seems like an unwanted mistake. The PS Store was always a buggy mess with especially subscription and licensing stuff not working right, when new versions release. Of course that's no excuse, just a potential explanation. I highly doubt they deliberately would remove games without a heads-up when they can practically count on people pointing it out and make them look bad -.-'
Of course this is still vital to point out in news sites like this or else it would probably not get fixed xD
Well Nox is still available if you like JRPG with super powers, 8 was better with a much more difficult curve.
If this is a bug, which it seems to be from what others have said, Sony really needs to hire competent people and fix their online store and PSN for good. This is absolutely ridiculous that their are still bugs like this 2 years after launch. It'd be different if the PS5 had just launched or if these were new bugs created by an update, but they have been there for as long as I can remember.
I'm having flashbacks to the early PS3/X360 era when every PSN feature seemed like years behind the XBL equivalent.
This game was my first few games to play(and platted) since i joined subscription months ago, glad i did it first lol anyhow, game is still available to download from my app, so cant tell whats happening, ys ix is not included in catalog from my asia region lol damnit
If it was a mistake, they could just add the PS5 version to Extra as an apology. I’d have no issue with that.
@freddquadros Important information, thanks for sharing! And now devs have confirmed that it was a bug.
@awp69 That seems to be the only option for them to redeem themselves 😉
Oh man, and all these fools feeling vindicated in their prejudice with flaming comments like "This service keeps on improving its suckage. No wonder they've lost 2 million users." just prematurely sh** their nappies for nothing.
Probably weren't even remotely interested in playing this anyways.
But yeah Sony, learn and fix those psn bugs.
Once again, as expected.
@tameshiyaku my thoughts exactly. People are only interested in confirming their bias nowadays. Same with previous bugs and glitches.
So wait, I'm confused...is this a glitch? Or have Sony gotten into the habit of picking and choosing which games leave whenever they like?
I can only speculate because Sony has been absolutely terrible lately when it comes to communication.
guarantee it was human error when adding ps5 version.
maybe @pushsquare need the response before the article?
its happened a few times recently.
Can we mention on UK store if I search on the app for PS5 titles in the catalogue it only shows 21 titles, and most of the big ones just do not display. Miles Morales, Death Stranding, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ghost of Tsushima etc etc. These are all games I've claimed, but that's not the reason they aren't showing, as Skyrim is still displayed on the search.
And games like RDR2 feature in the standard extra catalogue listing too, but obviously you can't claim it as it's not on the service. It's riddled with bugs and no one is talking about it 🙃🙃🙃
Go to the website on the first page it has a picture of Death Stranding, click to the catalogue and go to "D" no Death Stranding, it has a massive picture of AC Valhalla there too, look under A, no AC Valhalla.
What am I missing here... 🤔
People jump the gun so fast... At the least from my experience, Ps Plus Extra is very very rewarding, the selection of games is huge and awesome. They are giving sometimes ENTIRE FRANCHISES for the price of one AAA game a year.
Glitchs happens in all sectors of technology. But in this case it's nothing to worry about, it happened with The Outer Wilds and soon they fixed it. ys is playable for those who have it installed, I played for hours last night, and booted it today normally.
There isn't "sudden removal".
@freddquadros Glitches happen, but glitches like this have been happening on PSN on the PS5 for far too long. There's no excuse at this point. Sony needs to hire people who actually know what they are doing and actually fix this for good. Not just keep putting a bandaid over the situation by fixing each individual game. This shouldn't keep happening, but they don't seem to care.
You are right about PS Plus Extra. If they had just done Essential and Extra, the narrative would be a lot different since the way they've handled Premium since the new PS Plus launched has been awful. These glitches are inexcusable though.
@KilloWertz It's not like it happens every week, or a "glitchfest" like a Bethesda launch game rsrs We don't have to overreact, that's my take. The service is still new, it will be refined.
As an example, I signed Disney+ the day it launched in my country, and it glitched a lot in the begining. We are talking about Disney, the greatest empire in media. Now it's better.
We need to tell them to notify us a month in advance of games leaving.
@freddquadros I wasn't just referencing the new PS Plus. Glitches with games on PSN have been happening for far longer than since the new PS Plus releasing. They had multiple issues with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and there's been others too, but I have to cut this comment short for now. In the end, they just fix each individual game rather than look into what causes this each time something happens. It's hard not to take it as Sony just simply doesn't care enough.
I don't like feeling rushed to finish games. So I basically use PS Plus Premium/Game Pass to try games I might be interested in and if I like em I buy a physical copy. Picked up a copy of YS 8 for PS5 so I can play it at my own pace. I'll do the same with YS 9 next year.
This is ridiculous. I bought PS Extra on Wednesday last week (which already pissed me off as the next day it was 25% off!!) and this is the first game I have stated playing from it. I'm half way through chapter 2 and I get a "your license is expired, please upgrade or buy the game" message. Absolutely livid.
I see it's not meant to have happened. But how long until it's fixed?
So, uodate on this, it appears the PS5 version has been removed but the PS4 version is still available.
If I download the PS4 version, will my save carry over?
@icecube No, the versions are separate, saves, trophies, nothing carries over.
@KilloWertz ... and AC: Valhalla is leaving in December.
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