It looks like Square Enix's Final Fantasy 'Pixel Remaster' games are coming to PS4 in the relatively near future. The remastered series, which refreshes Final Fantasy I through VI with updated visuals, is already available on PC and mobile, having first released back in 2021. Console ports have always seemed likely, and now, ESRB age ratings for all six titles have been discovered by Reddit user cefaluu.
Square Enix has yet to drop any official hints on an announcement, but with the 35th anniversary of Final Fantasy just around the corner — it's happening on the 18th December — an incoming reveal wouldn't be all that surprising.
Would you play through the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters? Feel free to get all nostalgic in the comments section below.
[source esrb.org, via reddit.com]
Comments 48
At last, would love to get them but knowing me I probably will barely play them lol
Finally! Maybe the chance to finally play FF IV (and maybe finish VI, that I couldn't because my PS3 died)...
Too late for me I bought and beat all of them again in my Steam Deck. I may get them and play them again in a possible future discount.
By the way we only miss the 13 trilogy for a complete main FF series experience in PS4
Are they gonna charge €100 for each?
I'd love to revisit III and IV (having first played them on the DS) alongside finally trying V and VI for the first time
@whizzkidd FF1 and 2 are €12 on Steam and the others €18 but if you buy them all together there was a small discount.
Yeah square enix probably get brought it took them forever to port theses games.
What about Final Fantasy Mystic Quest?
Finally! This has no joke been at the top of my wishlist for every e3/square/Sony presentation for the past 5 years. Them announcing this a couple years ago for Mobile only was the ultimate monkey paw situation.
I was wondering how long these were going to remain stranded on mobile and PC.
It's going to be crazy having all of these classics on modern console platforms (bar Xbox apparently, lol).
Will it be for Xbox too?
I am beyond excited for this! <3 Kind of hoping each game has it own trophy list too.
Bought this on PC, they’re good ports but quite expensive and as a first timer for all of these I think they’ve aged well. Only beat FF1 so far and was surprised that I enjoyed a game older than me!
@Hida They have individual achievement lists on steam so the same should apply for PlayStation.
@GorosBat Gosh I hope you are right! Only time will tell.
@belmont Yeah 13 trilogy needs modern ports as the best way to play them currently is on the Xbox one x or series x. A remaster collection with all dlc would be nice not to mention I hear the pc ports are atrocious.
Please!!! I love these games. I sure hope this is true. I will buy it and play it.
I don't have time to play this to be honest, but it'd be fantastic to see them all added to the PS Store.
This is exactly what I've wanted Capcom to do with their 90s RE trilogy but instead they seem to completely ignore the original classics that made RE so popular to begin with. All RE1(96), RE2(98), RE3(99) need is obviously HD which fully fits HD screens correctly and trophies that's it, how hard is that to do. Id easily pay 49.99 or 59.99 for that collection, would sell like hot cakes. Im aware Capcom doing a great job with the remakes (except for RE3 remake) and ive appriciated it but no need to completely ignore the true originals though. Fair play to Square for not ignoring their original classics
@GorosBat DF retro recent video focuses in all FF13 games. The Xbox versions run with BC is the best way to play the games but the PC ports are OK
As a more personal note I love FF13 the PC games play very well in my new laptop that uses last year technology but played in slow motion in my 2014 laptop. I haven't tried yet in the Steam Deck though. Since Pixel Remastered released I started replaying all FF games in the Deck but I am not there ... yet!!
I hope each of these six games has a platinum. I'll get them all. ALL OF THEM.
They finally did it, awesome. That means apart from the FF13 trilogy I can play all the FF games on PlayStation
As someone who's only played FF7R and FF7 this collection would appeal to me. I dabbled on some of the older ones (FF3 on DS for example) but nowhere near enough completing the games.
Wow a replay of the whole series barring 13 and the mmos, for multiple reasons lol, all on PS5 leading up to 16 would be in order once it shows up
@belmont Well I have 11 mainline FF games to get through before I revisit 13 again, it was my first FF game I ever played when I got my Xbox 360 in 2010 and I finally beat it in 2019 on a new play through in literally 3 12 hour sittings, the game was pure bliss for me.
A collection would hopefully get people to give this game another shot that it rightfully deserves, where in todays gaming climate people are starving for linear single player RPGs compared to when the game first launched and people wanted open world stuff. I heard that FF 13 and lightning returns were serviceable ports but 13-2 is the problem child. But I don’t know, maybe modern PCs have no issue running the game now or maybe it’s stutter compilation issues which I consider game breaking and ruin my enjoyment of a game.
These only been released on PC and mobile in the first place was a ridiculous decision amd I'd certainly play through a couple of them
@Snake_V5 The rating only mentions PS4 and Switch
@johncalmc They do on Steam; I have the plats for I-III & V (those for IV & VI have some heavily RNG-dependent trophies based on getting crazy-rare drops & the like).
@GorosBat The PC ports of XIII & XIII-2 have . . . issues, certainly . . . but are entirely playable even on my somewhat antiquated rig.
@Snake_V5 ESRB only lists Switch, PS4 & Windows PC.
Freakin' finally! Personally, I prefer the looks of the PSP versions of FFI and FFIV but this is still good.
@Beerheadgamer82 Yeah, I'd love if they did a similar thing with the original Tomb Raider Quintology.
@dancingstar93 So Xbox shunted once again.
Excellent. Been waiting for this to happen.
Will definitely add these to my library.
Yeees! So on my #XXX replay of FFV & VI I will get trophies lol 😂
I've bought enough old games at this point, that I know for a fact that if I were to buy any of these, they'd just sit in my backlog for ever. I'd be owning them purely for the sake of owning them for nostalgia value, not to actually play them (which to be fair is pretty much the arrangement I have with the Legacy of Kain series on PC as well, but at least I only paid around £1 per game for those )
wow haha.... too bad the pc community needed to mod these games to be respectable. i'll stick with those.
Xbox shafted by Square once again. It's a shame really, although I suppose one would argue that if you were a FF fan you would have been on Playstation from the start anyway
Yes, please. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Big FF fan, but I started my adventure with 10. Its been easy to go back to the PS1 entries of course, but beyond that is something that I have never had the chance to do.
@belmont I think it says a lot about the general reception of FF13 that is has never had an official re-release or remake when basically every other game in the series so far has.
For the record, whilst I don't agree that it's a bad game, there is no denying that the "Hallway Simulator 5000" is not what people wanted nor expected from their next-gen Final Fantasy game.
And that story. It makes sense the second time through, but the first time? I got so lost so quickly with all of the "L'Cie, Fal'Cie" stuff.
@LifeGirl there were rumours a few years ago of a ff13 trilogy remaster coming out, never amounted to anything though.
I'm sure it'll happen one day, square enix have done it to many other less high profile titles.
Whenever I see titles like this I think “would’ve been great on the vita”
@danlk1ng @get2sammyb @AdamNovice Same problem here heh. I know once I buy these, they'll just sit in my backlog forever until I run out of newer games to play (which will never happen RIP).
@Balosi @LifeGirl @dancingstar93 @Judal27 @Sam_ATLUS @GorosBat @belmont Fingers crossed that Square-Enix will eventually either remaster or remake the FF13 Trilogy!
15th Anniversary of the 1st game's release is coming December 2024, I could see them making an announcement sometime in 2023-2024 with a 2024-2025 release date.
@KidBoruto in general I'm liking the mostly digital era of video games. Even just counting games I "own" (in so much as you really "own" digital games - I just mean, excluding game libraries like PS plus extra's game catalogue), I have way more games than I ever could have physically fit in a room back when all my games were physical copies. But I do miss only having 20-30 games or so, and considering that a "decent collection". I must have at least 200 or so completely untouched at this point (although a lot of them are Humble Choice games that I never would have bought purely on their own merit anyway)
@danlk1ng I probably own around 400+ games by now, just between my PS4 and PS5 collection...
@KidBoruto stupid thing is, before 2020 my PC was barely capable of running games (turned out I'd been using an early 2000s graphics card that was more suited to 3D modelling than gaming - but again.. in the early 2000s. Thanks to my Dad salvaging his work stuff when building it ) and my PS3 was completely dead. I'd always been more of a physical game owner on PS3 anyway, I had a few digital but we're talking around 50 games between the physical and digital ones, over 10 years or so owning that console. But since 2020 I've embraced digital games more and my library has exploded - according to GOG (I love GOG galaxy as you can integrate it with your PSN and other games platform accounts, and see your whole library) I have 809 games to my name between PSN, GOG, Steam, Ubisoft and EA, not counting PS3 games that are attached to my PSN account in the aether somewhere, as they don't show up. Some of those will be PS Plus/Game catalogue games but the vast majority are just sitting in my library waiting for the attention that they're never going to get
Been waiting for a PS4 release for those! Just need 13 next. It was the first I played properly that I could remember playing that brought me into the series.
@KidBoruto really hope so it's one I really want to play no matter how bad reception was lol. Plus just having the whole series plus multiple spin offs all on one console would be amazing
@Judal27 For sure! Just a shame some of the spinoffs are still stuck on older consoles or handhelds. I've included a list.
Personally I'd love to see them remaster Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII next, especially since we should be seeing Vincent in Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth (PS5).
Nintendo DS
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wing
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
Sony PlayStation 2
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Sony PlayStation Portable
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Agito
Confirmed: https://store.eu.square-enix-games.com/en_EU/product/810834/final-fantasy-i-vi-collection-ps4
Edit: Looks like it's already sold out and on ebay.
Thanks, scalpers.
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