Fortnite is one of the cleanest looking games on PS5 as it is, but with Epic Games at the helm, you can always bank on further improvements. Alongside the release of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, the developer has taken the opportunity to integrate some of the next-gen features unlocked by Unreal Engine 5, so you can expect the reformed Fortnite Island to look better than ever.
Among the improvements is the addition of Nanite, which increases the overall architectural geometry. “Specifically, buildings are rendered from millions of polygons in real time, and each brick, stone, wood plank, and wall trim is modelled,” the firm said. This is accompanied by Lumen, providing ray-traced reflections and real-time global illumination at 60 frames-per-second.
This new lighting is further enhanced with improved shadow quality, while Temporal Super Resolution promises “high-quality visuals at a high framerate”. Remember, all of these improvements are only available on PS5, so you won’t see them in the PS4 Pro or PS4 versions of the game. Nevertheless, it’s all looking stunning in our opinion.
[source epicgames.com]
Comments 53
This looks gorgeous, its about time that Fortnite uses next gen graphical features after like two years without them
Is this the first Unreal Engine 5 game on PS5? Do anyone know if there are others?
@Olmaz technically no if you count The Matrix Awakens
The event was terrible but the new map is amazing. I really like the season pass too.
Those screenshots do look very nice.
I continuously have that sitting on my drive to show off whenever guests are over.
@PegasusActual93 i refuse to delete it in case i need it to get my next gen graphics fix of the day
That sounds absolutely Epic
@Jackpaza0508 I wouldn't call The Matrix Awakens a "game", but you're technically right.
I'm still baffled at the lack of noise around these knew "technologies" in gaming. The way games for PS5 will look and feel "next-gen" is not due to raw power (as the increment since last-gen is pretty small, all things considered), but the fact games will use Unreal Engine 5, FSR2.1 and VRR. Combine all these and you can make a game look like no PS4 game could, while maintaining a good performance.
Almost 2 years after launch, the lack of support for these technologies should be a big focus of any discussion about the PS5, but I see them mentioned only in passing (like for the Cyberpunk 2077 FSR2.1 update, or this article about Fortnite).
@Olmaz I agree. The focus still on cross gen titles should be the main reason for this.
I hope this will further improve in 2023 with more current gen only titles showing up.
Next gen? So PS6 level visuals?
Nanite was recently enabled for foliage, too. I don't know if this particular update enables that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's soon to come.
I just got a ps5 and a Samsung Q70A (my first 4k).. and I thought Fortnite already looked current gen.. I’ve kinda fell off Fortnite the past 5 months but now I’m excited to boot it up today! Do I have to redownload it or anything for the graphical improvements?
@ItsBritneyB_tch "The event was terrible but the new map is amazing. I really like the season pass too."
Pretty much this, except I thought the entire last season was pretty lame. 😝
Impressed by the new engine this morning. Landed in the northwest ice area, felt like I was playing HZD on PS4, a noticeable improvement over the previous map. Driving a truck on the ice felt like slippery ice physics, though it may have just been my imagination due to the sound of cracking ice and no background music. Second match I drove a motorcycle, which looks and sounds like Steve McQueen in "The Great escape", and on the beach it even kicks up sand as it slides around. The potion bottles like 3D and like they contain a liquid, and the flowers in fields again look like HZD. The whole "renfaire" vibe is very much to my liking.
For those looking forward to Geralt, you have 60 days before he arrives, so no rush.
Anyway, if you can hear this picture, that's my take on the new engine improvements.

Wait. 60fps Ue5 with Lumen? I am confused. That would be a significant advancement if true.
Do people still play that crap? Sounds so last year.
The ps4 and switch ports also got massive graphical upgrades. Seems like ch4 s1 truly uses unreal 5.
@Olmaz @Jackpaza0508 Actually Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 used UE 5 in December last year, just before Matrix Awakens demo. Chapter 4 uses UE 5.1
Ps6 graphics on ps5? Nice!
@naruball More like, finally PS5 graphics on PS5
Fortnite isn't exactly the most demanding of games to run to begin with, pretty much any cheap graphics card from like post 2012 can achieve running it at 60 fps with the right settings tweaks, so adding some fancy effects on top of it I doubt is really that taxing on PS5 hardware.
Yeah it looks really nice. New map is great.
@Angelus3K no, didn't you hear? It's supposed to have next-gen graphics
@Gamer_Guy uh , yeah , that’s how multiplayer games work . but i guess boring ass people need to cope since they have nothing to do after beating their lonelyplayer - i mean singleplayer, one-and-done remasters , and umpteenth sequels , that were last year while they wait til next year for something else from last year to be remastered again .
@nomither6 wow got a chip on your shoulder much haha
I've always said, the art style and direction always looks great in Fortnite.
@koffing @koffing Yeah. The latest version of Unreal Engine (5.1) allows for that. A major step forward.
@darkswabber UE5.1 on Ps4 and xbone is trash LOL watching my lil bro on a ps4 slim never hits a solid 60 drops between 40-50.... anyone saying it working on last gen ur lying LOL
Never been a fan of fortnites art style don't like how so many other games try to copy it either
@koffing I think it's the art style , if they were going for realism I doubt they'd get 60fps
@Jackpaza0508 technically a demo, not a game mate
@Olmaz your sort of right but you have to take into consideration that unreal.engine 5 has only just released.
fortnite is the first true game to use the engine but they have really only copy and pasted the game over into the engine and cleaned it up, its still early to see what the engine can do.
we have been using old engines from ps4 to make ps5 games, this will change for the next set of games. All the other features you talk about are new aswel and we will start seeing games take advantage
Think of God Of War Ragnarok as the end of the launch wave of games,(cross gen) it may of been a long first wave but covid did hinder all releases.
Just think we haven't had the first true made from the ground up UE5 game yet.
Media can't talk about it apart from in the pc space which they are. Consoles are different as many features you mention are only a limited version of them at the moment.
@peewee78368 definitely but atleast it runs much better than the hell that was ch3 s4.
I started playing during ch3 s3 which ran perfectly fine on all platforms. Then a season later I could only play on ps5 as the switch version and ps4 version ran so poorly.
Seems like ch4 s1 is somewhat tolerable again.
But TBH I mainly play on ps5. I only play on switch when in bed and only on ps4 when I visit my parents for a weekend or vacation.
Haven't played this since the PS4 early access in 2017, so it looks improved since then!
Don't think I'll return though, unless it will have that rumoured VR compatibility.
@Olmaz calisto protocol is ue5
@nerd7 You need to check again. Its UE4 on Calisto Protocol.
They have used a couple of UE5 elements in the UE4 engine though, which helps explain why it looks great
@rjejr Yup, the details in this new chapter looks insane. Fn finally looks like a proper AAA game. Also can't wait for Creative 2.0 to be used on these insane graphics.
Fun Fact: The Chapter 3 End live event was made using Creative 2.0
@get2sammyb The new map does look great! All the orange and white looks great on the PS5 with UE5 and Ray Tracing now added.
It’s definitely a huge improvement. I played about 10 matches yesterday.
I can tell it’s taxing my PS5 just a little bit harder. I play at 120fps and whereas before the update the frame counter never dropped below 115fps it’s now dropping as low as 98 to 105.
Thankfully you don’t feel it because the framerate is so high in the first place and the VRR on my X90K cleans it up anyway. I can only tell because I have Fortnite’s framerate counter enabled.
I’d say the color depth is my favorite improvement. The colors just pop now so much more than before. And the game has a TON of active grass textures now. It’s everywhere.
I think tonight I’m gonna knock it down into 60fps mode just to try it out again. The main thing you lose in 120fps mode on Fortnite is that it drops the base resolution down to 1080p and then resamples back up to 1800p quality. In 60fps it runs at a much higher base resolution (I think around 1440p or so) and then resamples to 4K quality.
@nerd7 I don't think it is. Still UE4, even if a late iteration of it.
@OrtadragoonX If you’re playing at 120fps you also lose Nanite, Lumen and the improved shadows. These features are only available at 60fps.
@VivianXD2464 Besides looking great, I haven't seen any sign of the first person mode everyone kept saying was going to be in there. Nor have I seen anyone mention that it isn't.🤷♂️
Could still come, but I don't think it's there now. I'll never play it but if it's just another mode I don't care. I never build but I still play build mode b/c it seems a part of the game. And gives me something to shoot at. 😁
Still haven't tried it on Switch or PS4 to compare - PS4 is on a 1080p non-HDR tv so it won't look as good regardless - but I can't imagine the switch doing a good job w/ the snow, dirt or sand the motorcycle kicks up. Sometimes I can't even see anything it gets so cloudy.
@rjejr Fortnite doesn’t have HDR so playing the PS4 version on a non-HDR TV won’t make any difference
I’m about to blow your mind.
I was playing Miss Pac-Man yesterday!
@Angelus3K "Fortnite doesn’t have HDR"
That's weird b/c I thought I saw it but now that you say it I may have bene thinking of TLoU2 which I started Saturday night and it had an option for HDR on and off so I turned it on, pic looked a bit better.
But even if Fortnite doesn't have HDR on PS5, that TV is 2 years old and the PS4 TV is 13 or 14 years old, and while I wont' say it's washed out, it certainly doesn't look as nice as the new TV. Even if I could set Fortnite to 1080p on the PS5 it's just going to factually look better.
Thanks for the info though, always good to know. 👍
@nomither6 He don't be such a baby I can play alone and go to friends lonely boy. 🤪
Looks great the game i dont like the gameplay but thats alright we all have a different taste.
@WolfyTn Just wait until you upgrade to an OLED! You'll never look at or want to go back to LCD/LED screens ever again. Those panels will seem inferior (because they are, tbh).
@nomither6 Yikes. Talk about coping lmaooo.
@ArashiKageTaro I have a Samsung 55’’ Q70A.. did some research before getting it and apparently it’s suppose to be better overall compared to OLED so I chose that one instead.. that ‘burn-in’ had me worried
@ArashiKageTaro define coping
Thanks for that.
I’m gonna knock down the framerate and see if the visuals make up for the loss in fluidity.
Fortnite looks absolutely phenomenal on PS5! IDK if it's just me but the game 'feels' smoother than what it was last season. I was afraid there'd be frame rate dips but nope, it's a solid 60fps no matter how chaotic the action gets. It's a little jarring when I visit my little brother and played the new season on his OG Xbox one from 2013 and damn it's not even close to what's available on next gen. Happy gaming ✌️
@WolfyTn I get the concern about burn-in, but the new tech in these LG OLEDs, especially from the C9 and up are up-to-standards enough that you needn't worry about burn in. Unless you keep static images on the screen for multiple hours at a time or watch way too much CNN or Fox News. As far as QLED better than OLED tho? That's demonstrably false. I'm sorry but you just cannot beat true, inkly blacks and infinite contrast. Sure, the C9, CX, C1 may not have the best peak nits for HDR, but it's absolutely well-known that OLEDs are superior. Okay, lemme step off this soapbox. As long as you're happy with your purchase, that's all that matters at the end of the day!
Hopefully one day, OLED tech will be good enough where burn-in isn't even a concern.
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