Grand Theft Auto 5’s colossal 1.64 patch is available to download now for approximately 5.3GB, and it brings a bunch of new content, features, and quality of life updates to Rockstar’s unstoppable sandbox release. Most notable is the addition of new story content in GTA Online, and you can learn How to Start the Los Santos Drug Wars through the link if you’re planning to dip into that.
But it’s not the only new addition! There’s a new business in the form of the Acid Lab, which can be purchased upon completing GTA Online’s aforementioned First Dose missions, as well as eight additional vehicles, including the Överflöd Entity MT which can be upgraded by Hao’s Special Works on PS5 specifically. And you’ll find tons of fresh cosmetics, consisting of both clothing and tattoos.
Then there’s the addition of ray-traced reflections in Fidelity Mode on PS5, as well as a ton of quality of life improvements, such as the ability to filter the contacts on your iFruit smartphone and perform even more previously unavailable activities in Invite Only lobbies. Rockstar has also bumped the payouts of some GTA Online businesses, making the multiplayer mode’s economy more consistent overall.
We’ve included the full list of patch notes below, but we’re curious whether this will convince you to return to Los Santos. Let us know in the comments section below.
GTA 5 PS5, PS4 1.64 Patch Notes
New Content in Grand Theft Auto Online
- The Los Santos Drug Wars update adds new Story Missions, Freemode missions, a new business for players to manage as well as a range of experience improvements — including visual, economy, and creator updates.
- The Freakshop:
- A new social space has been added, allowing players to launch new First Dose Story Missions, store and modify their new Acid Lab Business, purchase and modify Mk II weapons, as well as other social activities
- Six new 1-4 player Story Missions have been added
- Five new Fooligan Jobs are available through the new phone contact “Dax” after completing First Dose - Welcome to the Troupe
- Acid Lab:
- Once players complete the First Dose and steal the necessary lab equipment, they can install it in the rear of the new MTL Brickade 6x6 vehicle and unlock access to a new Acid Lab business
- Players will be able to request and drive their Acid Lab while in Freemode
- This Acid Lab will operate in line with existing businesses, launching source missions to gain supplies that will be turned into Acid product for players to sell
- Acid Labs can be given custom names
- Includes the Maibatsu Manchez Scout C, which can be requested in Freemode and is used to deliver Acid Product
- Vehicles:
- Eight new vehicles (including the Mobile Acid Lab) have been added:
- Överflöd Entity MT (Super) – with HSW Upgrade available on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S only
- Declasse Tulip M-100 (Muscle)
- Zirconium Journey II (Van)
- BF Surfer Custom (Van)
- Annis 300R (Sports) – with Imani Tech
- Declasse Tahoma Coupe (Muscle) – Available for all players to claim for free from December 16 through December 18 as part of The Heists Challenge Reward, then available to purchase for the standard price starting on December 19
- MTL Brickade 6x6 (Acid Lab)
- Manchez Scout C (Motorcycle)
- Eight new vehicles (including the Mobile Acid Lab) have been added:
- Cosmetics:
- Hundreds of pieces of male and female clothing and accessories have been added to clothing stores
- A new female hair style has been added
- 39 Unisex tattoos have been added
Experience Improvements
- Contacts can now be hidden from the phone through a new Phone Contact Favorites option in the Interaction Menu
- All Agatha Baker Casino Story Missions at The Diamond Casino & Resort can now be launched with one player
- Bicycles can now be requested from the Mechanic
- Reduced the time taken for newly purchased vehicles to be delivered
- The ‘hide all’ option in each Map Blip Options category has been reintroduced
- Players no longer need to complete Hao’s Intro Race to access the HSW Upgrade Service and mods (PS5 and Xbox Series X|S only)
Visual Updates
- Ray-traced reflections have been added to Fidelity Mode for both PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, adding detail and contrast to the game world. This allows for vehicles, characters, and more details to be shown on reflective and glossy surfaces
Economy Updates
- GTA$ and RP rewards for Smuggler’s Run Sell Missions have been tripled
- Participation rewards for these missions have also been increased
- The High-Demand Bonus has been applied to Vehicle Cargo Sell Missions
GTA+ Updates (PS5 only)
- GTA+ bonuses and Gameplay Accelerators– Match and Heist bonuses available to GTA+ Members will now be displayed on Landing Page tiles
- Improved visibility of Bonus Payouts – GTA+ members will now see the bonuses they are receiving as a result of being a Member at the end of activities
Creator Updates
HSW Creator (PS5 only)
Players now have the option to create HSW Races, a race type limited to HSW vehicles
- Existing Races can also be converted to HSW Races
- HSW vehicles are available in all Races that have the HSW capable vehicles selected, with an option to disable HSW mods in the lobby before the race
- In HSW Races, the stock vehicles that are available will have HSW mods applied to them, rather than applying them yourself in Freemode
Race Creator
- The RC Bandito is now available as a special vehicle type in the Race Creator
- Wrench health pickups are now able to be correctly collected when the vehicle appears to be damaged
- PS5 / Xbox Series X|S Only: Players can now place up to 300 props in the Race Creator
Deathmatch Creator
The Deathmatch Creator is receiving updates to Play Area, Eligibility, Spawning, Scoring, and other general updates
Play Area
- Active play areas will now display visually when they are shrinking
- Shrink Time
- The time to control shrinking play areas is now set to minutes and seconds, this was previously set to seconds
- An option has been added to shrink the play area over the duration of a Deathmatch.
- Shrink Conditions
- A new option has been added to swap between time remaining and time elapsed to delay the start of the play area shrinking
- Team Score and Players Remaining have been added as new conditions to start shrinking the play area
- When setting the size that the play area will shrink to, a visual representation of the final size is now displayed in the Creator
- A new option has been added to each play area that makes out-of-bounds spawn points invalid for player spawning. This keeps players spawning within their active play area throughout the Deathmatch, rather than respawning and being out of bounds again
- A new cylindrical shape has been added for play areas. Players can set the height and radius for this as they wish, and spherical bounds are also still available for use
Modifier Set Eligibility
- Eligibility will see the addition of new conditions to check and the ability to become scalable with lobby options through the percentage check
- Conditions
- New condition – Lives
- A Modifier Set can be applied to players based on the number of lives they have remaining
- New condition – Killstreak
- Kills earned within a single life can be used to trigger a Modifier Set change. The Modifier Set is lost on death and players change back to their most relevant modifier
- New condition – Lives
- A new Comparison Type option has been added, allowing players to check a percentage or a specific value for the Condition set. Available for Score, Time, and Lives Conditions
- This also allows the use of the lobby settings to change these values and the condition check to scale with them
- This was previously only specific values
- Limit Spawn Protection Time - A new option has been added to Combat Settings to control the amount of time players are invulnerable after respawning
- Modifier Restrictions - A new menu has been added to Spawn Point placement to allow you to restrict players from spawning at that spawn point if they have a specific Modifier Set active
- When respawning, players will now have the last weapon they were using equipped if it is still in their inventory
- When making a Deathmatch that only has one life available, the number of spawn points required only needs to match the number of players that can join the Deathmatch
Modifier Set - Scoring
- Death Score – Players can now set score to receive on death within a Modifier Set
- +/- score when dying
- As well as +/- score when dying to melee or a set weapon group as a bonus
- For example, you can leave Death Score at 0 but set Melee Death Bonus to -1. In this case players with that Modifier Set active will lose 1 point when being killed with a melee weapon
- The Maximum number of Modifier Sets is now 25 (up from 11), allowing players to add even more customization to their Deathmatches
- Team/Free for All only options are now greyed out when locked to a specific type of Deathmatch. This is to help reduce the number of potentially available options. So, if a player locks their Deathmatch to Free for All, Team-related options will become greyed out and unable to be used
- Added an option to clear settings from the Default Modifier Set in the Manage Modifier Set menu
- Modifier Sets can now have a name given to them, from a selection of 58 preset descriptive names
- This is done in the Manage Modifier Set menu, press X/Square/Del on the Modifier Set in the Modifier Sets menu
- Option to select a Modifier Set to test in Test Mode
- Selecting this will stop your Modifier Set from changing during the test
- Forced Test Modifier Set - A new option has been added to the test menu that allows players to select a specific Modifier Set to be used when entering test mode. When using this option, players are locked to using that Modifier Set for the entire test. Modifier Sets will not change when using this option
- Disable Friendly AI – A new option has been added to the test menu that allows players to enter a team deathmatch test on their own. This will allow players to test their Modifier Set transitions without friendly AI also contributing to things like score that may cause a Modifier Set change.
- A HUD element has been added to test mode that shows the players’ current Modifier Set, so they can easily tell which Modifier Set they are currently playing with while testing
- The damage modifier option for Throwables within a Modifier Set has been removed
Ambient Settings
- Lock Shops – A new option has been added to prevent players from entering shops when playing Deathmatches
Game Stability and Performance
- Fixed multiple crashes that occurred in GTAV
Matchmaking & Networking
- Fixed issues that affected network stability in GTA Online
- Fixed an issue that resulted in CEOs not receiving money when completing Security Contract – Asset Protection
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the GPS route not appearing during The Contract - High Society Leak
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to modify bicycles inside the Avenger
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to mod their Thruster vehicle inside the Facility
- Fixed text issues that appeared during Biker – Customer Bike Delivery
- Fixed a texture issue present on Nightclub Troublemakers
- Fixed an issue preventing players from progressing after destroying the final signal jammer during ULP – Asset Seizure
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to enter a survival lobby when attempting to launch a ULP mission
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to leave the High Stakes Roulette table
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to enter their garage after purchasing a new vehicle
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Franklin appearing twice after completing Security Contract – Recover Valuables
- Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies not pursuing the player during Security Contract – Vehicle Recovery
- Fixed an issue that allowed griefing during Security Contract – Vehicle Recovery
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not progressing after killing all of the hitmen during Security Contract – Rescue Operation
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the player’s location being displayed incorrectly on the mini-map while inside the Casino parking lot during Data Leak – Nightlife Leak
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to see where to deliver the phone during Data Leak – High Society Leak
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not progressing after killing all targets during Payphone Hit – Hit List
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the target’s helicopter being destroyed abruptly during Galaxy Yacht – D-Day
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t launch activities after completing Prison Break - Finale
- Fixed a UI prompt issue when players entered their Thruster inside the Facility
- Fixed an issue that that resulted in players not progressing after defeating all enemies during The Doomsday Scenario - Finale
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Agent ULP not moving during The Bogdan Problem – Setup – Rescue ULP
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ torsos disappearing whilst opening Van der Linde treasure chests
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being kicked from arcade machines unexpectedly
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in lobbies if the host quits
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving directions to Buzzard locations during Cayo Perico – Disruption – Backup Response
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map when being caught during Cayo Perico – Scoping - DJ
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in an infinite loading screen after completing Lowriders – Point and Shoot
- Fixed an issue that resulted in scores being given incorrectly during Judgement Day matches
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the timer not decreasing when the runner manually respawns in The Vespucci Job (Remix) II
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase a customer’s Bike from another player’s Clubhouse
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Motorcycle Clubs being unable to launch the same Contract missions at the same time
- Fixed an issue preventing players from picking up LD organics collectibles while on Freemode missions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the doppelganger spawning while spectating another player
- Fixed an issue with the container door that prevented progression in Special Cargo – Underwater Cargo
- Fixed an issue prevent players from entering enemy boat vehicles during Special Cargo – Underwater Cargo
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing control when another player joined as a spectator in ULP – Cleanup
- Fixed audio issues with footsteps during ULP - Extraction
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to see where the tech pickup was if a player died while carrying it during ULP - Intelligence
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not progressing if they quit while in spectator mode after dying in Survival – Industrial Plant
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being refunded a bullet for getting a kill in Big Shot VI
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in a lobby when entering ULP – Counterintelligence
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a significant delay before the mission briefing dialogue began when playing ULP - Intelligence
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in a loading screen after entering the Mobile Operations Center
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to launch missions from the Terrorbyte while in a private session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able enter Franklin’s house from the roof
- Fixed a misleading prompt seen when attempting to store a new vehicle in a full garage that could result in players unknowingly deleting owned vehicles
- Fixed an issue that resulted in bar patrons not spawning inside a Clubhouse after completing a Resupply mission
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some available Contracts not appearing when inside the Clubhouse
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being warped outside of their office and falling to their deaths when trying to sit at the computer
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck between Casino guests
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck in the gunner seat of the Half-Track vehicle when another player drove it into their Agency
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players purchasing certain mods for the Declasse Lifeguard while inside the Mobile Operations Center or Avenger despite them having no effect
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck inside an Auto Shop after accepting an invite to an invite only session
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ personal vehicles disappearing from the LS Car Meet when another player starts a private takeover
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players entering a broken instance of the LS Car Meet
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to sit next to each other inside the Agency
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to stop drinking whiskey from the bar inside the Clubhouse
- Fixed an issue with lighting reflections inside the Luxury Autos Showroom
- Fixed an issue that resulted in suspension mods being available for purchase on the Blazer Lifeguard despite those mods having no effect on those vehicles
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to purchase Low grip Tires for the Duke O’Death or Insurgent vehicles despite the tires having no effect on those vehicles
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Feltzer vehicles becoming dented after entering the Mobile Operations Center
- Fixed an issue there the players’ custom Ardent vehicle was not available in Sports Classics Races
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Benefactor Stirling GT’s doors opening from the wrong axis
- Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicles reaching a higher speed than expected after being damaged
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some vehicles not appearing on in-game websites when sorting by price from low to high
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being given credit for daily objectives despite participating in a Featured Series Job
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons hidden inside a Gun Locker reappearing in the player’s inventory
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the removal of Sea Races and Parachuting Jobs which prevented players from earning the ‘Numero Uno’ Achievement/Trophy
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player hands being missing from weapon reload animations while in first person view
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly told they have no existing GTA Online character and being taken to the Career Builder page
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Subscribe’ prompt not updating to ‘Manage Subscription’ after a player became a GTA+ member
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some stats being reset after rebooting the game
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Community Series not being present for Quick GPS in the Interaction Menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Associates being unable to request a Dinghy via the Associate Abilities menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Ammu-Nation blips appearing in unexpected locations on the map
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to continue purchasing Throwables after reaching max capacity
- Fixed an issue that resulted in mods purchased for the Pistol Mk II would be unequipped while using the weapon workshop
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Organization members not becoming assassination targets after being terminated
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to launch an empty playlist
- Fixed an issue that resulted in scrolling text on a blimp not moving until a race had begun
- Fixed an issue with camera clipping while driving the Greenwood in first person
- Fixed an issue that resulted in Meteorite snacks persisting longer than expected
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving no information as to why they could not accept an online invitation before completing the Story Mode Prologue
PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5
- Fixed an issue that resulted in blocked players’ Motorcycle Club emblems remaining visible on phone invites
- Fixed an issue with PlayStation 5 specific audio corruptions
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players without an active PS+ subscription not receiving invites to Online Jobs while in Story Mode or the Landing Page
PlayStation 5
- Fixed an issue that resulted in player spawn locations not updating after being changed when exiting to the main menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck inside the Avenger during The Bogdan Problem – Finale
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players briefly being able to use their weapons after leaving the party during Cayo Perico – Scoping – DJ
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to rotate and zoom their view while repairing a vehicle inside the Auto Shop
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players becoming stuck on a loading screen after accepting an invite to another player’s Mobile Operations Center
- Fixed an issue that resulted in text in the HDR calibration screen to be cut off when the language was set to Traditional Chinese
- Stability improvements have been added for ray-tracing in applicable Graphics Modes
- Fixed various issues that resulted in vehicle doors and trunks behaving unnaturally when viewed in the Editor
- Fixed an issue that resulted in vehicle lights not being visible while exporting a video in the Editor
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Knife appearing in the wrong weapon category inside the Deathmatch Creator
- Fixed an issue that resulted in AI enemies spawning in and doing nothing if too many modifiers were present inside custom Deathmatches
- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place helicopter starting grids over water inside the Air Race Creator
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the mini-map and pause menu map disappearing after testing an Air Race
[source support.rockstargames.com]
Comments 34
It just is another example of how scared they are of making GTA6 and are still leaning into the money making of GTAV.
GTA Online is such a cash cow for them. So much for single player!
Oh naww...but I thought you said you cancelled everything to focus on GTA6. Why not something new for RDO then, though I don't even play it, it's just SP for me, but we have fans looking forward to that.
And for RDO, sounds of drum roll followed by Sad Trombones, free all you can eat cans of beans, 50% off of all the stupid clothing you don't want to wear, and still no private lobby option. Thanks Grinch Starr.
Long list of fixes is cool but why is breaching into Franlin's house an issue that needed fixed??? Open the interiors already, geez.
Overall this update looks interesting and gives me a reason to play GTAO again. Thanks R*.
So another immense bloated patch tht will keep sayin need do even whn im on ps4 and only play offline single play.
@feral1975 GTA 6 will be an inevitable flop because of how much they’ve invested into a 10 year old ps3 game
remember , there wasn’t a single ps4-made GTA game while the ps3 had 2 , and the ps2 had even more . smh .
The new Ray Tracing looks fantastic but i do wish RDR2 would get this love as well.
@feral1975 GTA6 is being made we know that for a fact due to the mega leak of it. End of the day if we got GTA 6 last gen then we wouldn't have got Red Dead 2, even with mega crunch R* games of these scales take years and years to make hence the one R* game per gen.
@nomither6 If we got GTA 6 last gen then no Red Dead 2. GTA 6 will be the biggest game this Gen it ain't flopping.
Not sacrificing 60fps for 30 especially when gta at 30 really feels janky just like mafia remake does meanwhile ghost recon wildlands 30 feels smooth.
Very disappointing that they do this much work on the Online, but don't touch single-player mode at all! Makes you think RockStar just hates single-player, even though they're known for making masterpiece single-player games.
Wish at least they would put out an update half as big as this for RDO... what a joke.
@WallyWest flop as in , it won’t be better than V . i doubt it .
and funny how the ps3 has 2 GTA’s and Red Dead huh
The ability to customise your phone contacts list is probably my favourite thing from this update. No more panic scrolling looking for Lester's number so he can get those cops off you when you're cornered.
I'm looking forward to tucking in to this update. Hopefully the new characters aren't annoying.
@NinjaNicky The point of the game is stealing cars, not blowing them up. The clue is in the name.
I read throug this a few times but couldn't see the changes to "previously unavailable activities in Invite Only lobbies." Anyone spot those?
@nomither6 Yeah because games nowadays are way easier to make then PS3 games 🙄 Fun fact two different studios made GTA IV and Red Dead 1 while every studio made Red Dead 2 and is making GTA 6. Clearly you know nothing about game development though considering you think Red Dead 2 was as easy and quick to make as PS3 games.
@NinjaNicky Don't worry, it was sarcasm. But you're still wrong. The title is spot on if you use it in its full rather than the abbreviation version.
Grand Theft Automatons.
I never said they weren't attempting to make 6, just that they're obviously still not letting go of the money making potential of V.
Wow ...How exciting.
This game will literally never die.
@XOF Meanwhile me and a lot more folk would even pay for SP content.
@WallyWest I bet you also believe that Valve stopped making games because they are waiting for technology to improve, and absolutely not because Steam was raking in huge piles of cash.
I feel sorry for the people still stuck tweaking the same game for the take two overlord 😬
So it's not a lot of GTA besides the online in the last generation I wont could the upgrades as a game.
Wanted the ps5 version of GTA 5 but there's no upgrade option & I'm not paying more than £10 when I already own the PS4 version
@nomither6 GTA 6 will be a flop? LOL. K.
@WallyWest the thing is , i don’t care about it , it’s none of my concern & i’m not a shareholder . i don’t think about none of that when i buy a game , only how fun and good it is . COD games from 2 generations ago was a whole 7-10GB and yet it’s miles better and ***** on any 50-100GB COD game from today and past half decade and ironically had more content than some newer CODs.
MK9 a game that’s not nearly as big (in size) and grandiose as MK11 , yet it ***** on it too and has more content . The communities only been begging for a MK9 remaster for years now . or how about the amount of times people complained last gen about sequels/additional games in a franchise having less content than their 7th gen counterparts . Halo Reach and Halo 4 have more content than both halo 5 and infinite combined , two xbox 360 games that aged great . Marvel vs Capcom 3 vs Infinite , SF4 vs SF5 , Tekken tag 2 vs tekken 7 , Sonic unleashed and generations , gears of war 3 vs 4 and 5, i could go on . My points is those extra chunk of GIGS are a waste clearly and it feels like a regression . GTA6 will be all fluff and no debt .
and i never said games now was quick and easy to make , don’t put words in my mouth .
@PushAltF4 you can’t comprehend hyberbole ? LOL K .
@TheArt Same. SP content is where it's at, but we all know it just simply doesn't make enough money as Online does... it's sad, really.
@Thumper Facts support me here. Red Dead 2 had every R* studio working on it for years with i sane crunch. Also GTA 6 was restarted a while into development and its a big reason its taking so long.
@nomither6 MK11 has way more content then MK9. Halo 5 has more content then Halo 4. Street Fighter 5 as it is now has more content then SF4 ever did (SF4 was actually pretty baron in its base form). Sonic Gen and Unleashed? Frontiers is bigger then them. Gears 5 has more content then any prior Gears game, in fact i'm currently playing it and i'm amazed at the level if content it has. All that said none of that has any bearing on GTA 6 so why bring it up? GTA 6 will at the very least be on the scale of Red Dead 2.
But can they make it as good as previous installments especially V without certain key members?
It's not assured, so that's why they're still relying on GTAV
@WallyWest that’s not true .
ultra street fighter 4 has more online modes , replay channel , online training etc. and gears 5 has more content then 3 ? oh my god
u know what , agree to disagree . gta 6 will be less epic than 5 , they’ve wasted all their efforts and energy into 5 . watch .
@nomither6 Yeah Gears 5 has more content then Gears 3 if we go by both versions complete editions. I got both of them on my Series S so its easy to compare, hell Gears 5 even packs in a semi "open world" in its campaign and a NG+ mode what gives you a stupid amount of options to customise it with.
Can we not get a red dead 2 ps5 patch please, that's all I want, and gta 6.
I dont care for gta online. I'm all for single player.
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