Update: Hot on the heels of this announcement, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now available to wishlist on the PS Store. You can't pre-order yet, however.
Original Story: There’s no new trailer, and the window was always heavily hinted at by developer Insomniac Games, but Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will officially launch Fall 2023. Sony, strange as its promotional cycles tend to be these days, confirmed the news in a PS Blog post mere minutes ago. “Let’s kick things off with some exciting news from developer Insomniac Games confirming the release window for the web-slinging sequel,” the platform holder wrote. “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on PS5 in Fall 2023.”
Creative director Bryan Intihar added the following statement: “What a year it’s been for PS Studios. Here at Insomniac Games we’ve been in absolute awe of the work of our peers. Congrats to everyone on a successful 2022 – and here’s to next year being just as exciting as we continue to get Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ready for release next Fall.”
As alluded to above, there isn’t a new trailer, footage, or screenshots – despite expectations to the contrary. But the date should be enough to have fans salivating. It’s going to be an epic 2023 for PS5!
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 55
It's happening!!!!!!!!!!
Also I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that wolverine is planned to come out in 2023 as well... insomniac is insane if that's true
Great to see. Hopefully we get something a bit more than a blog post soon though.
@Earthbound28 Wolverine won't be out in 2023, suspect that will be 2024 or later
Yeah, I wouldn't expect Wolverine until later.
How is only one game from Sonys WWS that we knew was going to release next year automatically make it an epic year next year? There's literally nothing else announced from Sonys studios next year.
Speaking the unpopular thought here: Hope Sony is not rushing things. I would totally hate to see an incredible game only to find a half-baked final boss and a poorly made ending.
@Ken_Kaniff I'm pretty sure he's speaking in more general terms. There's a LOT of exciting stuff releasing in 2023.
@avatarian I think compared to every other publisher and barring Days Gone, Sony aren't really ones to rush a product
@Earthbound28 That was Microsoft attempting to try and make the Activision acquisition appear more acceptable using the argument that Sony have more exclusives. Wolverine has no release window.
Someone better call the FTC. Sony releasing this as an exclusive isn't fair to Switch and Xbox owners.
The ps blog link dont work anymore. Goes to page that cant be found. Did they retract?
@Grumblevolcano ah thanks for the info
@Yaycandy The link is wrong (the zeros are missing), the correct one is:
Hook it straight into my veins!
Kind of expected this tbh. I'm just curious as to what they have in store going up to fall.. I can't imagine they will only have one Sony developed exclusive for next year.
Excited for sure. Just in time for my birthday like the first Spider-Man game! Hopefully my playthrough of this one isn’t as laughably buggy thanks to a dodgy hard drive 😂
DAMN !!! it better be big ! we’ve been waiting a century for the next game , if it’s taking this long i want a 40hour campaign, venom playable, the whole state of new york explorable, and 2 years of DLC support or the games a wash .
now i’m being entitled
No PS4 version! Wow Sony I’m shocked! It’ll get a PS4 version at last min as PS4 is for life!
@nomither6 lol I've always wanted to take spiderman to Niagara falls
@Earthbound28 oh man that would be fun , throw a boss fight in there too , lizard maybe ?
Hate to be a Debbie-downer but apart from the narrative, this is the one big 1st Party series that I’m struggling to see how they can keep things fresh. I’d imagine it’ll be Manhattan again… and will play almost identically.
I am a huge Spider-Man fan but I don't know how much exited I am, excluding the fact that the game will have a PC version too.
They sort of messed up Spider-Man by changing the actor and made Peter seem younger that Miles. But why why why in all those iterations we need Miles. I am so bored by him, he is one of the blandest character that has the mantle
The exceedingly rare instance where I'm instantly buying on day one, reviews be damned.
I’m not getting my hopes up just yet - there are bound to be delays announced next year (always are) and this could be one of them.
I hope you can swing around the Statue of Liberty this time though.
Awesome! Now we need another banger title or two from Sony for 2023
@Tasuki You know that this & the Activision deal aren’t even remotely comparable. So why even bother making the comment.
Cool more spiderman video games is always welcome.marvel spiderman is a amazing game.so fall 2023 is cool.word up son
Next year is going to be amazing!!!! That is of course if it releases next year. So excited for it already!
Because…(looks back at the historical releases from Sony over the past 20 years)…it’s Sony.
Insomniac was, by far, one of the best gaming acquisitions in recent history.
Calling it now, Spider-man 2 will aim for a launch on or around September 7th to celebrate the five year anniversary of the first game.
@colonelkilgore idk why people complain about this. thats spiderman, may be a little side stuff in another area would be nice. but if you expect it to take place outside of the city thats where spiderman is. you don't play games for the story?
And the games just keep coming... it is simply amazing. Day 1.
I got the Platinum on Spiderman but could not bring myself to finish Miles as I was tired of the gameplay loop by then to be honest. Hopefully this one changes things up or I think il wait for a sale one day
@Fight_Teza_Fight He's been stirring the s*** for a bit now. It's amazing how someone can go from a mod to a troll.
Yeah I’m not impressed with the fake timed exclusives they are trying to pretend are real exclusives. Don’t see myself buying any game on PlayStation 5 except Spider-Man and maybe SF6 only because of friends.
@lacerz totally agree. Insomniac seemed like such a good deal compared to the massive price of bungie. A better studio also imo.
@lacerz This is not the Sony from the past 20 years.
@Shad361 Agreed, I can't stand when people name those off like they aren't going to be everywhere in six months to a year. Spiderman is probably the only thing I'll buy from them next year as well. No interest in there timed exclusives or this soon to be flood of live service games coming. Third party I believe is going to save next year especially WB. I'm highly interested in getting Hogwarts Legacy and Suicide Squad if they review out well.
2021 was awful but 2023 is ridiculous. I'm sure there's at least one big release every month.
@AdamNovice Yes it’s a bit weird knowing that he would know better than most not to antagonise an online community.
What a year 2023 is shaping up to be. Death Stranding 2, Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy XVI, Silent Hill 2 Remake, and Final Fantasy Rebirth. And many others I can’t recall atm.
Nice. After Wanted: Dead, this is the game I'm most hyped for. Insomniac's first Spider-Man effort is one of my top 5 favorite PS4 games and Miles Morales was the first PS5 game I played on launch day is still one of my favorites for the system even if it is more of a side story than true sequel. Very confident this will be another terrific Spider-Man outing.
Launching great exclusives. Using their resources to benefit multiplat games. They’re a lot better than the rest.
Can you play as Venom? Played Spiderman Remasterd and finished with 100% including the DLC. Didn't play the miles game as I was already burnt out and didn't want to do that all over again in the same exact city.
Awesome news, the first one and especially Mile Morales on PS5 are exceptional. I might have actually made dint in my back log by then 😂
Only started playing the first one last week. Loving it so far.
You can rely on insomniac to deliver, and without subjecting their workers to the 'crunch' so many of their rivals rely on. A 3 year dev cycle for a game of this scope is impressive, especially since we can rely on it being relatively bug free and offering 'cutting edge' gaming,
Whatever else you think of Sony, they know how to manage studios to deliver cracking games, and as a player of games, that's all I really want them to do.
My money is on a Spiderverse. Miles Morales barely scraped through, having so many similarities with the first.
I can't see anything other than the Spiderverse ramping things up.
Throwing new villains etc into the mix just won't cut it because Spider-man will still be doing the same stuff; swing, thwip, fight, acrobatics, and no matter the settting or villain, that will only be fun and engaging for so long before it gets a bit rinse and repeat after the games we've already had.
I couldn't get through the Miles Morales stuff because it just got way too same-y. My hopes are not high for Spider-Man 2 to be some sort of revolutionary departure from the first one and a half.
@uptownsoul to be fair, at the time I wouldn't have trusted Microsoft with Marvel games. This was going back 2014/2015.
I guess the jury is still out whether they'd have done anything in 2021/2022 with Marvel, but Insomniac are superb with Marvel. I say let them do whatever Marvel IP they want to do after.
@Luigia I doubt it, this game hasn't been in development as long as Horizon: Forbidden West and God of War: Ragnarok.
If they do announce a PS4 version I will be speechless for a few minutes.
@KidBoruto they’ve already betrayed we believe in generations and backtracked games like GT7 onto PS4. Sony are addicted to PS4 and just won’t let go until 2030
@Luigia PS4 games will surely stop after 2023-2024, at least from the big AAA studios anyways.
@KidBoruto I can’t see it happening as PS4 is a cash cow Sony don’t want to let go of, as they don’t believe in generations 😂
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