Capcom has now confirmed Monster Hunter Rise will be making its way to PS5 and PS4 on 20th January 2023. Priced at £32.99/$39.99 and available to pre-order now on the PS Store, the PS5 port will be enhanced with new options. You'll be able to select a 4K resolution at 60 frames-per-second, or drop the visuals to 1080p in exchange for 120fps. Now get a taste of the monster-hunting action in the trailer above.
When Monster Hunter Rise releases on PS5 and PS4, it'll be updated to version 10.0. The huge Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion will then arrive in spring 2023, which features a new story campaign. While PS5 and PS4 players will be able to matchmake with each other, general crossplay and cross-save won't be supported. Therefore, if you've played the game on Nintendo Switch or PC in the past, you'll have to start over again on Sony's systems.
The game only adds to an already packed release schedule, but will you set aside 100 or so hours for Monster Hunter Rise? Sharpen your blade in the comments below.
Comments 42
But Nintendo funded it!! It’s impossible!!!
Super hyped MH is one of my fav series ! I put in 700+ hours in World/Iceborne after putting it down , glad 2023 is starting out with a bang.
Trying to juggle Witcher and this with a full time job should be fun.
Good price, but too many games!
I'll play it on Gamepass with a friend. 1080p 120fps will be my preferred choice!
thats a great price as mh one of best series out there. but its on gp so Sony will lose out
I'll be picking this up
Not my thing. I will wait for MHW2. Everything else is not for next gen imo.
Ughhh....I'm having trouble finishing games!! So many game not enough time! Looking at Crusader Kings which will take a huge amount of time. Finishing Far Cry 6 and God of War...won't have time for Monster Hunter.
With this and Hogwarts I'll be set for the year I think xD
Looks like it’s digital only?
Crnt wait to play for free on gamepass what a win that is
Way way too many games.... But please keep them coming
I'm kinda afraid to pick this one up tho, since hacking my 3ds I put in hundreds of hours into 3U. These games seem like they're all massive time sinks and I still have 4U, Gen, and World to play through. I'm not even done with 3U yet either
Wow. Monster Hunter Rise, Exoprimal, Resident Evil 4 and Street Fighter 6 next year? Capcom's got a really big 2023 coming next year.
@awp69 I guess Nintendo monthly checks to keep it exclusive bounced.
@awp69 I'd guess Nintendo and Capcom agreed that Rise would come to PS/Xbox in exchange for the next gen MH coming to Switch 2 (or whatever it's called) the same day as the PS5/Series X|S versions.
Cute of them to not include sunbreak. I don’t know if I’ll get this I had a little fun in world but the game was just too repetitive and with no story or characters to carry me through I gave up after like 15 or 20 hours
@stvevan that won’t matter one bit except for people who own both consoles
This would be perfect for PS Plus Extra!
no crossplay? that should be a requirement anymore. No reason to segregate players in MP.
@dark_knightmare2 I kinda struggled with World on my first playthrough, I was on again off again, spent like 2yrs before beating it at 203hrs or so. On the 2nd run though, it clicked, felt more fun because I know the basics now, went 113hrs nonstop, the hunting and crafting loop was so enjoyable, the weapons, armor, monsters, they all look uniquely beautiful. The incredible well animated moves set available exclusively to each weapon, 100s of unique armor and weapons makes you disregard any feeling of repetitiveness. I'm on break now though.
200+ hours into the game on my Switch (incl. Sunbreak). It's very different from other entries in the series (less simulation, more arcade action), but still an incredible experience overall, and I can't imagine not having access to stuff like Palamutes and Wirebugs in future games. You feel like medieval Japanese Spider-Man.
Not doing a bundle for the game+sunbreak is a crappy move on their part.
Since I already own it on PC I'm not going to spend extra money on this, will wait for Wild Hearts instead.
Woohoo! Thought it wasn't going to be available for the PS4.
Have over 300 hours on the Switch version so yeah i shell stick with that and no way i'm re-buying all the DLC again.
Does anyone know if there will be a physical version of the game?
@Athrum Only the base game is coming in January, with Sunbreak launching on those platforms later in 2023.
Now, why they're only releasing vanilla first instead of holding both until they're ready and dropping a "complete" edition is beyond me, but once Sunbreak is out they'll have a bundle, like they do on Switch and PC.
The crappiest thing about no Crossplay is that Capcom sent out a survey asking if players wanted it BEFORE Rise came to PC and released a statement 11 days after the survey went out saying they already looked into it throughout development and, nope, it couldn't be did they even ask if we wanted it to begin with knowing full-well they were never going to add it?
I'm real happy for everyone that now has the opportunity to play this awesome game. It's very fun and has just enough different but familiar from World
£32.99 for a new AAA game in 2022... wait... what? You have my attention.
@3Above Would like to know this as well.
@GeneJacket This way they can charge you an extra 40€ for Sunbreak
I was burnt out on the series when I played World, having played since PSP, material gathering all over again albeit easier was too much. Hopefully after a hiatus I'll want to jump in.
I have both a PS4 and an Xbox Series X, but this game is coming out on Game Pass the same day it launches on PS4 so I might as well play it there.
Ah I already bought it on PC. A bit too late for me.
Already have it on PC... but great news. Just being able to have both MHW+MHR in one collection is a bonus.
Discounted price on Day 1 is good news also. Full price for ports of old games is crazy.
N.i.c.e. monster hunter world 🌎 is amazing. I l💖ve that of the best games ever Hunter rise looks amazing also.word up son
I'll wait for the complete package and buy it then there are way to many games in 2023.🤣
I played 800 hours of MHW and I still need to start up the new game. 😭
@awp69 I'm really wishing I could get a full refund on my Switch copy...its still factory sealed but sadly past the point of return.
@EaglyTheKawaiiShika I ordered my Switch version a few months ago from GameStop of all sites, so I'm def screwed lol.
Why are cross-saves and cross-progression available across Xbox and Windows platforms but not PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles?
@EaglyTheKawaiiShika Oh my copy arrived within a week or so. I just meant there's no way in hell I'll be able to return my copy.
GameStop has a 14 day return policy and it's been many months now
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