It’s Christmas! Well, actually, technically it’s not anymore, right? Nevertheless, Sony’s still in the festive spirit, and it’s announced January 2023’s selection of PS Plus Essential games right on time. Those of you who were paying attention in the lead up to the holidays will recall this roster leaking a few days ago, but now it’s official. Starting from Tuesday, 3rd January, 2023, you’ll be able to download:
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS5, PS4)
- Axiom Verge 2 (PS5, PS4)
- Fallout 76 (PS4)
This is an undeniably strong start to the year, with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order arriving just head of Respawn’s sequel. We were massively impressed with this character action game when it first launched, describing it in no uncertain terms as “one of the best Star Wars games ever”. There’s been some crackers in the sci-fi series over the years, so that’s high praise.
Axiom Verge 2 arrives with a similar acclaim: it’s the successor to one of the best indie Metroidvanias in recent years, and if you enjoy that style of classic side-scrolling adventure, then you’ll be right at home here. Lastly, while Fallout 76 was considered a bit of a critical disaster at launch, it has improved a lot over the subsequent years, and is genuinely worth checking out these days.
So it’s a strong start to January, then. Also of note is that PS Plus Extra subscribers will be able to download the PS4 version of WWE 2K22 from Tuesday, 3rd January, 2023 as well – although the native PS5 edition won’t be part of the service. Nevertheless, there’s a little bonus there for subscribers to Sony’s higher tier.
What are your thoughts on this lineup, then? Are you happy with the selection now it’s officially confirmed, or a little nonplussed? Will you be re-upping your PS Plus membership in 2023, or are you planning to let it lapse? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 43
Another great month! Bizarrely enough, Essential’s updates seem to have been better than the two higher tiers since they launched.
Does Fallout have a single player or is this one just co-op? Always seemed to be the latter on release
Meh. Maybe the Star Wars thing, but feel like I have to watch the films…Might let my service expire when my current year runs out. Unless they add VR games I just don’t think I’ll get much out of it. This is after playing lots of games on Extra that more than justified the cost so far, so not complaining, might just subscribe for every other year (again, unless they add VR games, which will take a huge amount of my spare time again when PSVR2 releases).
@itsfoz there's a lot of single player stuff nowadays, well at least I've heard that from YouTube videos.
I'll definitely give Star Wars a go. Been holding off on that one.
Stoked to autopop the Star Wars plat on PS5 and play Axiom Verge 2. Fallout 76...meh
Eh. I already own/platted Fallen Order, don't care for Axiom Verge, and couldn't get into FO76. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
I bought axiom verge 2 when it first came out, was very disappointing.
@Balosi Ah cheers for heads up: I’ll give it a whirl then!
Strong month I guess. (Not a Star Wars fan but great win for those who are)
@itsfoz Its always online and you will be put into a world where other people are also playing but you can play it on your own if you wish its just you will come across others as well.
This is a really strong month. Fallen Order is perhaps the best Star Wars game since KotOR and Axiom Verge 2 is a 9/10 solid indie. Fallout 76 has improved a lot, even though I still wouldn’t call it “great,” but it’s a fair enough addition with two other solid titles. Doesn’t do much for me personally, but I’m happy for those that get to experience these titles for the first time.
Microsoft saw Sony complaining about no Bethesda games on PS+ so they decided to give them Fallout 76💀
@WallyWest Understood thanks Wally!
AV2 was super disappointing after the original, what a shame!
Had a quick read on it, looks like they removed boss fights and shooting. Sounds like quite a different beast, unexpected.
I know that's a joke, but I found it interesting Bethesda games keep coming to PS+. I think these deals were hammered out long before Microsoft took Bethesda off the board.
Have SW . No interest in the other two.
For everyone asking about Fallout 76, I played in July/August and got kinda hooked. Overplayed and gave it a long break before I go back to it. Had surprisingly good amt of fun. Did most stuff solo. You can even join a public team for free fast travel and perks but none of the actual joining up with people. Ask me if you have any questions and I’ll get back to you later.
@LieutenantFatman should say “he” rather than “they” given it’s by and large the efforts of 1 man, which is why I feel bad saying how much I disliked the sequel, but I don’t know what went wrong!
A pretty bad start to 2023. Hopefully extra/premium are better.
Never been into Star Wars tbh like so many are. I mean the movies are decent when they come on TV I'll give it that. Fallen Order however has always peaked my interest with the Uncharted comparisons and a sprinkle of Demon Souls without the brutal difficulty?. And now with its sequel around the corner could be a good time to get on it. It's been very tempting to grab Fallen Order in recent months given how it's been 80% reduced for some time now, dodged a bullet
Cool, 2 out of the 3 games I almost bought recently, so a very good month for me.
I can see how that wouldn't be for everyone, I'll stick it in the maybe list.
Fallout 76 really brings it down, I own all three games too. This is a good month for ppl who dont have these games.
Balls. I bought Jedi Fallen Order from the Playstation Store in the sales on Boxing Day.
@Deoxyr1bose Deathloop is also in Extra at the moment too I think
Very kind of MS to be giving PS+ fallout considering all the problems sony are giving them over the activision deal.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the standout AAA title here, and it’s great that the PS4 version gets a free upgrade to the PS5 version. It’s a beautiful game on both systems, it’s well made, and everyone should give it a try—even non-Star Wars fans.
That said, I got lost on where I was, where I was supposed to go, and how I was supposed to get there. I became frustrated with a couple of the puzzles, and I made it roughly 35-40% of the way through the game. After setting the game down for a week or two to play a different game, I realized I needed to clear up space on the PS5 to install a new game that was just being released: Sniper Elite 5. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a large game, so it was the one that got the boot. At some point I’ll re-download and give it another go, but, honestly, I haven’t missed not playing it.
I’d give it a 7 out of 10 for what I played. Gorgeous graphics, silky smooth gameplay and exciting set pieces make for quality entertainment, but for folks like me, who have a piss poor sense of direction and don’t want to spend more than 5-10 minutes to work through annoying puzzles, it was enough for me to temporarily throw in the towel.
Already have the Star Wars game, got it when it was super cheap. Not my thing but appreciate how good it is for that sort of thing. Metroidvania ain't my thing either but might check out Fallout 76 now it's had a world of patches
If Bethesda wants to continue supporting Fallout 76 on PlayStation. I hope they release a 60fps patch, or even a PS5 version.
Axion Verge 2 someday, long time I don't play a Metroidvania. Jedi Fallen Order was a day one game for me, I recomend for any action/adventure fan. Never saw a Star Wars game that sells the fantasy of being a Jedi so well. Quite accurate. And the game IS canon to the movies, shows, comics etc. Must play.
Nothing for me here. Again.
Sounds like a solid lineup unless EA and/or Bethesda decide to pull a lasting E-8210604A on the Russian PSS and leave me with the only offering I'd have no reason to get on PS4.😜😆 But hey, as a still rather peripheral SW fan, facing this policy now would at least feel like a comparatively lesser oof than if I had actually managed to renew back in September for NFS Heat only to have the DW Read experience with it instead. Time will tell soon enough.
EDIT: being me, I managed to forget that Mass Effect is also EA, and that one eventually got added fine. So my wariness may be unwarranted here.😅
I know AV2 didn't live up to the original for a lot of people, but I'm still excited to play it and find out for myself. It's been on my wishlist since it came out, so getting it for "free" is definitely means this month is a winner from my perspective.
I played Jedi back when it was on Game Pass, and also own it on PC from when it was free on Origin about a year ago, but won't say no to claiming it on PS5 as well. Hopefully a lot of people play it and then get the sequel when it comes out. I would love to see Jedi become a robust series in the franchise!
Fallout 76 I have access to on Game Pass but I've never been into any Fallout games let alone the "worst" one, so, this one is whatever to me.
Pretty good month overall!
An online only game , another star wars game & never heard of the other one 🙄
Another great month. I’ve said it before but PS+ has greatly increased the quality ever since they dropped the quantity
I've never played Fallen Order yet, but was probably going to buy it for $7.99 during the latest PSN sale. Now I don't have to.
@palmab Nah I doubt it. More than likely this deal was in place before the acquisition.
@Rafie Seems unlikely that they plan so far ahead regarding ps+ to be honest. Fallout 76 has a subscription plan and microtransactions for people who really get into it, games like that they want to get out to as many people as possible.
@Uncharted2007 oh are you in for a treat! One of the best game of this decade, Star Wars or not!
appreciate Fallen Order being on the list but i just bought it for almost full price...
I already own Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order physically, but will happily claim it digitally along with Fallout 76 (and never never play it since I avoid multiplayer).
Zero interest in Axiom Surge but happy for those on the fence about trying.
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