As an added bonus for veteran Street Fighter stans, those of you who own and have played Street Fighter 5 will unlock Street Fighter 2 Turbo in the upcoming Street Fighter 6. As we reported on previously, you can play emulated arcade games in Capcom’s anticipated sequel, but the aforementioned classic will be reserved for those who played the previous Street Fighter title on PS4 and link their Capcom ID.
It’s a small extra but it’s certainly not to be sniffed at: Street Fighter 2 Turbo is one of the greatest fighting games ever made, and while there are already multiple ways to enjoy it on PlayStation platforms, it should provide a nice change of pace between intense online bouts in Street Fighter 6.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 32
Wow Capcom keeps giving. What I like is that both RE4 and SF6 are 70 euros in psn and include both PS4 and PS5 versions. They did the same with Village and gave the RE2 and 3 upgrades for free. There is no PS5 tax in Capcom games which I really like.
Can you play the emulated games online though?
@belmont it’s a shame ps4 is still getting games though
@nomither6 Is it though? You can find PS5 consoles rarely here but they retail for 750 euros. I have friends that cannot afford it but I can still play SF6 and Diablo 4 with them. I am lucky to have bought one for 509 euros near launch...
Growing up, I was a huge SF, MK and Tekken fan but I haven't played either game since maybe the PS2/3 days.
Hopefully you can play Alpha 3 in it too
Can't beat free. I'll take it! SF6 is going to be so awesome. Can't wait!
Hmmm is this a Sony exclusive feature?? Better call the FTC to have them file a lawsuit, because this is unfair to Xbox and Switch owners.
I got SFV but I don’t remember having Capcom ID
@evildave333 that is the standard formula for dlcs in fighting games and tbh SFV was one of the few ones that let you acquire characters, stages and some costumes with the in game currency, so you could really get a sizable amount of them for free.
@Far_Cide I hear you and I’d say treat yourself to MK11 and it’ll make you smile. Honestly it’s that good
@Feena grinding=selling your time . i rather sell my money than grind & the amount of grinding you had to do to unlock characters and stages was terrible.
@belmont its a shame ps5 still has shortages too . its still not somehow ok that the ps4 is like a leech at this point
Maybe it’s just me, but I kinda feel like sf2 should always be included in every street fighter game
@nomither6 it more easier to get ps5 best buy just had a bunch yesterday
I'm looking forward to playing 10% of this game at launch !
@nomither6 I would love if you could go in a store, give 500 euros and get the PS5 and I would very much like to leave PS4 back in this case. However, with the scarcity of PS5 and this 750 euro bundle force it is true that many people will be slow in the upgrade progress.
@evildave333 To be fair all modern fighting games have this issue. I only got the new characters, no costumes and only when they were discounted, which was usually before all the characters were released! The only game I got characters when they released was Battle for the Grid.
This does not change the fact that, to my knowledge, Capcom and SEGA are the only AAA publishers that have not raised the price of their games while giving both PS4 and 5 as a cross buy option.
@Tasuki it is, since sf5 was a playstation exclusive.
It is stupid that Sony keeps paying 3d party developers to withhold features or entire games from other companies services, while in the mean time starting a law suit because they are afraid Microsoft will give them ‘inferior copies’ of a game.
@VatoLoco47 my favorite SF game. I was disappointed with the collection as the arcade version doesn't have the world tour mode like the ps1 version did and also doesnt support 3xP and a 3xK mappable button.
Nice, i love how SF6 is a complete 180 on SF5's launch.
@evildave333 I played SFV for like 3000hrs and I never paid for anything lol...Most of everything I wanted could be unlocked with playing a lot
Turbo was a big turning point in gaming. As in turning around and going home; suddenly we could sate our SFII addiction from our own homes instead of the arcades. And we never left them from there
@evildave333 brah, you mirror my thoughts exactly! I'm sure we will both be there day one on SF6, but yeah, it sadly turned into a guessing game and the skill of spacing/reading/yoki and solid fundamentals got loss in the setup play. It's frustrating but, at the end of the day, it's all entertainment. If its not for us anymore, it just isn't. I'll always give the next SF a chance...we getting old man '0) lol
I prefer Ultra Street Fighter 2 The Final Challengers on Switch instead. I bought 2 copies for local wireless play support. Besides, I'll wait on Super Street Fighter 6 or Ultra Street Fighter 6 or whatever they will call it with all the DLC included before I buy it...
@Friendly Exclusivity for individual games, or merely features within games, is very different from buying a gigantic publisher with multiple developers under it's belt.
@Thumper it’s just changing hands. Sony could have gotten a 10 year deal for CoD too. I doubt they have a 10 year deal for CoD now.
In my opinion, Sony is afraid for nothing. They’re the current market leader with a lot of studios themselves, even with a lot of fps competing franchises. Or they could revive Ghost Recon or any of the other Tom Clancy franchises within those 10 years.
Most of Sony’s deals result in exclusivity (or the feeling of exclusivity) for entire franchises too. Such as street fighter, final fantasy, tales series, … They even bought EVO which makes them the console to go to if you want to be in the competitive fighting scene.
All in all: Their outcry just feels very silly after their own purchases and exclusivity deals in the last years.
I love me a bit of Street Fighter, but boy howdy do these 3D entries look like crap! (With this being no exception) It's like a bunch of Play-Doh Gears Of War characters slapping each other around
@nomither6 it really depends - you could get a lot of fighting money in little time finishing the story modes and survival/trials for all characters. And of course if you were playing online the currency tended to pile up. Doing it on purpose could be tedious but hey, I would like to have the option to get at least some of the dlc for free in all my fighting games, so kudos to Capcom when they are due.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Yea the lack or world tour and survivor mode was a real disappointment. Maybe will get lucky and have it appear in PS Classics
Nice extra, thanks Capcom!
@VatoLoco47 exactly that. I ended up loading the ps1 versoion on to my snes mini and now i can play it with my 8bitdo arcade stick.
Nice one! I have it on ps1 classic mini
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