A newly uploaded PS Plus Premium trial allows you to sample the first hour of Gotham Knights. Anyone subscribed to the highest tier of PS Plus can head over to the PS Store and start downloading the client, allowing them to experience the fantastic opening cutscene and the introductory gameplay sequences of the superhero experience on PS5.
This is just one in a number of recent PS Plus Premium trials, which includes a two-hour demo for The Last of Us: Part I to coincide with the TV adaptation's release. For a list of All PS Plus Premium Time Limited Trials, click the link.
In our Gotham Knights PS5 review, we praised the game's story (which you'll see a bit of in the PS Plus Premium Trial) and its combat systems and investigation sequences. Landing on a 7/10 rating, we had issues with the controls at times and the barren open world. Will you give Gotham Knights a go via PS Plus Premium? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 36
No thanks. I'll keep my time.
It's no where near Rocksteady's Batman titles. The storyline is interesting enough, but the gameplay tries to be both a step up from Arkham games whilst simultaneously trying to be them and it suffers for it.
Trial? Not a catalog?
I just don't know how you arrived at your score of 7.I kept going expecting the game to improve but it just wasn't fun and the controls were terrible like you were walking in quicksand....I would recommend to no one,not even a dc universe fan
I will do this.
I had fun playing co-op with my brother. I think people should give it a chance.
It's actually a pretty fun game.
I’ll wait till the inevitable 60fps patch.
Started it yesterday, and cant get into it at all yet, going to carry on a bit more but so far not loving it. At least this trial will help ppl on the fence about it.
I would do it but a single hour isn’t worth the download time.
@ChronoBreak777 There is no reason to believe the devs are working on a performance patch they have said nothing of the sort
Does anyone know how big is the download? I don't feel like waiting for hours for it to download only to play for an hour and be done.
EDIT: Oh wait, this is for PS Plus Premium only. Nevermind.
The hate for this game confuses me. The story is very good. The 30fps is really the only issue I had as it caused things to feel a little clunky at times. Combat is a touch slower than Arkham games so if people want to gripe about that I can see that.
@daleaf it does start a little slow, it by case 3-4 you’re not into it then probably just not the game for you.
Thanks but no thanks. Would rather play one of the Arkham games again.
Its a good game and its worth a try. I think people are upset because it didnt live up to their expectations and it plays @30fps. Personally i really enjoyed it and i'll go mop up the trophys i dont have yet when i have time..
I'll probably give it go. I was waiting for a deep discount or PS Plus before picking it up, but I'll try the trial. I've watched gameplay and I'm okay with swimming in a seven - I'm just a big Nightwing mark and think I'll have to at least give it a go at some point.
@ChronoBreak777 same. I have it on series S, still holding out hope.
I'll pick up a copy when it drops down to $20.
Hopefully, it will have a 60fps patch by then...
I'll wait for this to come to ps plus... on the essential tier 😉
Still not interested.
The game is no where near as bad as most people here who haven't played it yet make it out to be.
I say give it a shot, the story is pretty good and the combat isn't like the arkham games but it's still good.
Although only for 1 hour? That's really dumb.
Lol ha ha ha ha ahhhhh ha ha ha ha seriously an hour hahahahaha an hour they say geez
Seriously why not give it 1/2 the game. I dont get some demos these days ps1 ps2 days we had demos we played repeatedly my fave one was resi 2 over and over again. Lol an hour keep your game. If its on sale for £8 or so I'll get it.
Not a fan of having trials in the most expensive tier... I'd try it, but I'll stick with my extra subscription, thanks.
It's to detract from the fact they keep forgetting to give us additions to the classics library.
Nice, been a bit curious about this game so its nice to get a trial. One hour was a bit short though but I guess its enough time to find out if its for me!
Not sure where all the hate for this game is coming from. I get that it’s not for everyone but I can certainly say that I have 100% completion on the trophy stack and at no point was I ever bored, over it or tired of the game. It’s by NO means a bad game.
@DETfaninATL its because its cool to hate and to be seen as one of the herd who cant be seen to like something that others dont..its really sad..
@RawnDawn i put the game on hold because 30fps is unbearable and i made a mistake getting it on ps5 instead of steam . they really need to patch in a 60 frames update , playing in 30fps is too uncomfortable nowadays
@Sequel the game is optimized that bad huh
So one hour of gameplay isn’t a trial but a demo. A demo is a marketing tool not a feature. Really publishers should be grateful that potential customers are prepared to engage. Sony are attempting to monetise marketing activities as a ‘premium feature’. Don’t reward the cynicism by engaging.
Two weeks ago I went back and did a full NG+ run of GK, even going through the Heroic Assault mode (the last two floors of which are absolutely f'ing miserable escort missions), to get 100%.
I'm at near 100 hours with the game and can say with absolute certainty that having anyone play the first hour of this game is going to do far more harm than good. You need a good couple of hours just to get used to the needlessly convoluted control scheme.
And, FWIW, for anyone saying they're waiting on a 60fps patch...don't hold your breath breath. It can't even maintain a stable 30fps on Series S at 1080p, without the forced ray tracing of the PS5/Series X versions, and even on high-end PCs suffers from massive frame drops, constant shader compilation stutter, and the worst pop-in I've ever seen in a modern "AAA" game.
@nomither6 just lately i'm finding that my whole 60fps or nothing argument has gone out of the window. If a game is 4k@30ps but the frame pacing is implemented properly then i can put up with a smoother 30fps but there are not too many out there. Gotham knights was pretty smooth for a 30fps game even with the drops whilst riding that bat cycle thingy..its not perfect but its better than most.
@Northern_munkey i dunno man , that’s great that you can ignore it , i’ve just gotten so used to better frame rate over the years and gotham knights gameplay and clutter doesn’t do the 30fps any favors . if the patch never comes i’ll just rebuy it again on PC , i don’t mind supporting WB Games .
How many gigs download to play for one hour?
Lmao...for a freaking hour. What a joke.
No thanks! I'll keep on waiting for the game to drop down to $20 New, or free with PS+.
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