If you can believe it, Little Devil Inside was announced for PS5 two and a half years ago during the console's very first showcase. Revealed alongside other indie hits like Bugsnax and Kena: Bridge of Spirits, it is one of the very few titles from that event that still hasn't been released. Perhaps the more concerning aspect, however, is how little of the game has been shown. Case in point: this is only the fourth article we've ever written about the mysterious experience.
Following its PS5 reveal in June 2020, it wasn't until October 2021 that we heard from the game again, confirmed to be part of a State of Play presentation. The star of the show, it was handed a 2022 release window. Of course, it has never materialised. Developer Neostream hasn't issued any sort of update on the title's whereabouts after a full 14 months of radio silence. And, to be upfront, we've contacted the studio on two different occasions to try and learn more, but never received a response.
The thing is, though, those interested in Little Devil Inside are used to this radio silence by now. While the game was revealed to the masses in 2020 in the aforementioned PS5 event, it's actually been knocking about for nearly eight years. Originally planned to launch for PS4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Wii U, a successful Kickstarter campaign saw Neostream receive over 5,000 backers in May 2015, garnering AU$ 306,515. Those who pledged money then had to wait until 2017 for a new trailer, and then Little Devil Inside wasn't seen again until Sony's big showcase.
Most PS5 players have waited for the game to materialise for two and a half years, but fans who committed cash to the development of it have been waiting for almost eight. Will 2023 be the year for Little Devil Inside? It is incredibly difficult to say.
Comments 37
It looked pretty shaky last time we saw it. I HOPE that the developers took that feedback constructively and went back to improve the games performance and possibly other aspects.
It's out there chilling with WiLD and Deep Down...
Visually, it piques my curiosity. I especially loved the little train station shown off during its last showing. I'm just not sure if the gameplay we've seen so far is my kind of thing.
@3Above And Pragmata as well
Has that dinosaur thing been released yet either? The high school one.
Maybe it's just a VERY small developer. I'm talking like 10 people small. Scope creep is a dangerous thing with a small work force
Oh yeah, I remember this one. Figured it had just come out at some point and I missed it.
Removed - unconstructive
It looked so neat and was excited to play it but guess time will tell if it ever comes out.
He's hiding out in the Abandoned forest.
It's kinda creepy how I was thinking about this game today. Felt a little sorry that it isn't out yet. I hope we get to play it, it looked neat.
Yea these developers are clearly in over there heads. I question if this will ever release.
Looks really cool but it’s starting to get the vaporware vibe. Really hope not since it did seem pretty original overall
@nessisonett Nah, but they did put out a trailer recently saying it'll be out this year.
I really loved the vibe of this game. Hope the team can finish it.
I backed Ghost Song in 2013 and it released autumn 2022, and that's fine. There's no rush in getting a game because there's always something else to "hold you over".
It probably has to do with the reaction it got during the showcase, the take away was that it didn't look as good as the original trailer.
So they probably went back to the drawing board for certain things.
Didnt they also have to spend time changing some of the characters due to backlash?
It looks good. Honestly it's too short of an experience to take this much time in development (nearly 7 years)
Little Devil Inside is the type of graphics I'd love to see original 90s Resident Evil trilogy running in. Obviously with more realistic looking playable characters and without Little Devil Inside bird's eye view. Capcom would never do this though considering its already fully remade 4 games with two of those playing nothing like the originals of which Capcom truly don't care about. Original Street Fighters get re-released many a times and 1943 gets hundreds of re-releases meanwhile the original 90s RE trilogy completely ignored for over 20 years
@pyrrhic_victory Oh Pragmata, how I long for an update.
I’m still excited for The Little Devil Inside. I’m betting it’s going to be a PS+ title at some point this year. No idea what to really expect from it, but I’m looking forward to finding out.
I didn't realise the project started in 2015. I've lost hope then
@pyrrhic_victory I forgot about that one!
@JudgeDredd at least that one has a release window, Summer 2023
It's probably waiting for Sony's next showcase to show itself again.
I'm convinced it's vapourware at this point I know a lot are really looking forward to this so I hope it's not I know the struggle I thought Lost Soul was vapourware until the other month đŸ˜…
Hopefully still in the works and not gone the way of Beyond Good & Evil
I remember the reveal, I remember the kick-start. When I saw this article I said "oh yeah, that game". See you in another few years...
I have faith. Just forget about it for a while.
I can't say I've ever even heard of such a game. How many people were following it?
This game has always looked interesting to me, but yea it’s been silent
I remember putting this on my wishlist at one point then it disappeared from it. Hadn't thought about it again until this articcal.
Along with this what ever happened to that game Pragmata, wish listed that as well and have heard nothing else since they announced it was pushed to 2023.
Looks awful & is cancelled
The original Kickstarter went live 8 years ago, with a promised release date of 2015 (on Wii U even). So I'm used to the waiting. I want it to be good, rather than rushed. Another year or two isn't going to hurt.
They are a small team, and updates are sporadic, but that was always the case. At least they have a stable funding through Sony now, so I don't worry too much.
@RBMango It's mostly going to be a third-person action game, mainly focused on hunting monsters, dragons and other fantasy creatures. But instead of a large sprawling open world, they have this miniature top-down map you use to travel between locations. I'm not certain if that was always part of the plan, as it came to me by surprise in the PS5 showcase trailer, but it could be a good compromise between wanting to create a large scale world and handcrafting each location. It reminds me a lot of old school JRPGs actually.
Why is this marked under news if you have nothing to report on lmao
@Nyne11Tyme Still, why the silent treatment. Not looking good.
@nedbvai It's not cancelled though and actually looks pretty good. This game has been teased since 2015.
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