Update: The long, long awaited fix for Assassin's Creed Syndicate's flickering issue is available to download now. It's just a small update for the PS4 version of the game, but it should squash the aforementioned graphical bug when you're running Syndicateon PS5 via backwards compatibility. Huzzah!
Original Story: Wow, it's actually happening: Ubisoft will deploy a patch for Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS4 tomorrow (that's the 23rd February) which will finally fix the game's flickering visuals when being played on PS5 via backwards compatibility.
In case you don't know, the London-based adventure suffers from an annoyingly frequent graphical bug that makes buildings and other environmental assets 'flicker'. That is, going from being properly shaded to fully exposed, over and over again in quick succession. Many would argue that it makes the game borderline unplayable at its worst, as it can be highly distracting.
This problem has been in place since the launch of Sony's current-gen system, with Syndicate being one of very few PS4 games that have notable issues when they're running on PS5. Better late than never, we suppose!
Assassin's Creed Syndicate didn't exactly set the world alight when it first released all the way back in 2015. In fact, it almost helped bury the franchise before Assassin's Creed Origins came along and revitalised the formula. However, the more 'traditional' Assassin's Creed blueprint has regained popularity with fans over the last few years, with the series' more recent instalments opting for an open world RPG structure. As such, games like Syndicate are being appreciated all over again.
Will this patch tempt you back to a quick Syndicate run? Hit up London's rooftops in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 50
FINE! A! LEE! I've been waiting on this so I can rush through and play the exclusive Dreadful Crimes questline and be done with this game.
I still think that this is the best Assassin's Creed.
Unity at 60fps or revolution!
(Never a fan of Syndicate but another example of Ubisoft, for all their faults, putting in the effort of managing their back catalogue.)
Finally, would love it if it also comes with an unlocked framerate patch to allow 60fps
This reminds me I bought the Jack the Ripper expansion and never actually started to play it.
Finally! I've been waiting to do a playthrough on PS5
F yes! Good stuff Ubisoft! Syndicate is an excellent entry in the series so I'm super happy to see this! Now how about some Mirage gameplay for the State of Play tomorrow!?
For real though they didn't need to this which just makes me appreciate it even more. Thank you Ubisoft!
This is great news! I had more or less given up on this.
The PS4 Pro/PS5 is the best console platform to play Syndicate on.
I might be able to retire my PS4 soon.
Like as above I had given up on this happening. Such a fun game and any chance to play as Evie Frye on my PS5 - I'm gonna take it!
Yeehaaa finally
yeeeeessssssss finaalllyyyyyyyy
I had fun but I finished it and I never going to play it again to much repetition.
A patch that makes it worse because now you can actually play it.
We were better off when we couldnt lol
If you like this game, more power to you but I'm not touching it ever again with a 10 meter pole, by far the worst AC game in memory
@LordOfTurnips hey hey now that's unitys title !!
Underrated AC. So many of us were just burnt out by the formula by then.
Its a close battle but I'm willing to give the title to either lol
I'm currently playing this one on PS4 (reinstalled the old console just for it) and even got the platinum last weekend. There still some things to do, the DLCs (that are a good amount of content). But, congrats to Ubisoft, Syndicate is a great Assassin's Creed, one of the best.
Now, AC1, we are waiting...
Great game, a shame they never fixed the save data incompatibility between physical and digital editions. I'm tempted to play through again as the PS4 Pro patch upped the resolution nicely.
Finally. The last AC I didn’t play.
I am so happy at this unexpected news! I did wonder if something would happen after the last Valhalla patch went out, and dead pleased it is!
I think that both Unity and Syndicate are completely underrated as they exist today.
The launch challenges with these games were totally unacceptable(Especially Unity) but these days both are great experiences.
Looking forward to playing it in 24 hours hopefully....
Wow, that is just lazy. They have known about this problem for years and yet continued to sell it in that state.
Could unlock the frame rate while they're at it. Unity, too, even though that game can be played at 60 if you just don't update it ...like, at all.
I actually loved Syndicate - it was a blast.
But I'm done with it and don't expect to go back. Too many other things to play. Nice that they fix it so other people can give it a shot, though - about time!
@munkholt I concur
This was always one of the best ac games. I would say it’s the third best in the old style after only ac 2 and brotherhood
@evan23 unity runs better but I still think it’s an absolute bad game. The co op is horrible and ruins missions when trying to play solo,main story is bad and there’s no likable or memorable characters besides maybe the red head whose name I can’t even remembe I think it was Elise. The combat also sucked and the parkour was barely any better. Beautiful graphics and location though
@freddquadros ***** they would have to remake Ac 1 because that game absolutely doesn’t hold up it’s bad
@LordOfTurnips lol hyperbole much. It’s the third best old school AC after 2 and brotherhood.
@pharos_haven I enjoyed the Jack the Ripper expansion a lot. Way more than I thought I would. I liked Syndicate quite a bit overall though. I don't feel like it overstayed it's welcome like Odyssey and Valhalla did.
@dark_knightmare2 like i said dude, if you like it, more power to ya, i just happen to think those are the worse ones in the franchise, let alone the " old school" ac games.
I replayed Brotherhood when the ezio collection came out on ps4 and i'm not too big on that one either.
But thats just my opinion, right? I genuinely like that you like these games and I'm glad that they patched a pretty bang up game so more people can try it.
This is great news. One less reason to keep my PS4 Pro hooked up after I get a PS5. While I'm certainly grateful and satisfied, I can't help but wonder how hard it would've been for them to add an uncapped frame rate option while they were working on the patch.
Wow I actually didn't think it was going to happen, planned on borrowing my brother's PS4 after I'm done with The Witcher 3 just to play Syndicate and it's Crimes DLC that I bought a long while ago, happy!
Ouch… never use the word tomorrow in a headline since the meaning will change when the day ends.
Finally. Shame they didn't take this chance to bump both this and Unity up to 60fps though, that said i may redownload it and have a replay.
I'm usually a person that can appreciate other people's opinions but most of you are just dead wrong.
This is the worst AC game, probably even worse than the RPG trilogies. This game sucks, embodies MTX, grind and repetitiveness and that awful Ubisoft open world formula. I hate it so much
@dark_knightmare2 I never played, and I comited myself to play all of them since 2021, and AC 1 is the one I couldn't play for the lack of a PS4 version. So, I would accept whatever comes.
@Savage_Joe Exactly!! Unity has many problems, and Syndicate fixes almost all of them. It plays so much better!!
Actually customers have not been able to buy it off the PS5 PSN store. I'm not sure if that will change now that the game works properly but they didn't sell it at least on PS5 up until now.
You know what, fair play to Ubisoft for supporting their older games. Its easy to dunk on them, but equally i think it should be applauded how much they continue to iron out bugs in titles, well beyond what you would expect. Like they are unlikely to sell loads more copies now, so could have brushed this under the carpet.
Presumably this will be coming to PS Plus Extra soon?
I really enjoyed this one myself. Evie Frye was great.
@Rob_230 It's already there, since a few months ago. They repaired the 2 Chronicles AC too, India and Russia.
I just sold my copy to gamestop a few weeks ago...
Great news 🗞️ indeed….Being a London boy I loved this game..it was wild running through the streets I know so well in victorian times..Now I will go back and plat it an finish up the dlc stuff…never thought I would be praising Ubisoft for anything but cheers for this.
Syndicateons away!
@WallyWest @Vil @munkholt Hopefully we'll eventually see them go back and unlock both Unity and Syndicate's framerates.
Guess there's no 60 fps patch included
@Ashina I was reading this assuming it already was 60FPS.
Disappointing if it's not 60FPS and unlikely to come anytime soon if they've not included it in this patch
@Toypop Hmm fair point, maybe I won't wait for 60 fps patches then.
I'm still at the beginning of AC3, so I'm in no hurry.
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