In the latest twist in the ongoing Beyond Good & Evil 2 development debacle, managing director and studio head Guillaume Carmona has reportedly left Ubisoft Montpellier, and the studio itself is being investigated by French government labour authorities.
As reported by Kotaku, the staff at Ubisoft Montpellier were informed last week that Carmona was no longer at the company. This comes as the studio faces a local government investigation by the Inspection du Travail due to an abnormally high number of employees experiencing burnout and taking sick leave.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 has been in development, in some form or another, for longer than literally any other video game ever. Amidst staff shakeups and public sentiment being that this project is probably never happening, it's worth keeping in mind that BG&E2 is still not technically even in full production, which has to have an effect on employee morale.
A spokesperson for Ubisoft told Kotaku that "the health and wellness of our teams is an ongoing priority. Given the length of the development cycle with Beyond Good & Evil 2, the Montpellier development team is undergoing well-being assessments through a third party for preventative measures and to evaluate where additional support may be needed."
Carmona, who Ubisoft had employed for almost two decades, had reportedly been absent from the studio since the start of the year, and a reason for his departure was not given, with legal confidentiality cited.
What do you think of this most recent turn in the ongoing Beyond Good & Evil 2 development saga? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 24
They should just cancel it already. Besides it being something no one wants from a BG&E sequel, its obviously just a money sink. But Ubisoft just loves their vaporware.
I stopped caring about this the second i saw that first trailer. Just scrap it. We'll always have the original.
Dude what is going on over there?
I don't know anyone who played the first game let alone wanting a second. Ubisoft is like a WWI airship zeppelin captain promoting the lighter than air properties of hydrogen while dismissing the fact it's flammable. BG&E2 is going down in flames.
This is never going to be released huh 😕
Just remake the first one with all the cut out content and kill part 2. Ubisoft one of the worst companies with Activision Blizzard.
Seriously, just drop the game. Its way beyond what anyone wanted from a sequel to the point its not recognisable as BG&E any more. Part 2 really didnt need to be so difficult. The building blocks were already there from the first game
Was there many people who actually wanted this? Not yet met any1 in my life that enjoyed the first one let alone wait on a part 2, which won't come or when it does it will just be scrap anyway, just like skull and bones will be/ is, played the beta of that trap can material, gonna be bad,
Incoming full buyout on Ubisoft after they finish there AC projects
The first game was amazing. Zero interest in what the 2nd looks like.
@Total_Weirdo Just make some games that are not liveservice and your problem is solved even EA has seen the light.
All they had to do was make something along the lines of the first game. Just look at Psychonauts 2... it literally just expanded on the first.
This just seems like a bloated project without a singular vision. It probably should have been killed off long ago, but now Ubi has poured so many resources into it and don't know how to get out of this mess they made.
@Rob_230 Yep,100% this! We could've just had a great single player game of Jade going after P'eyj & fix the primitive camera of the original game with a God of War style modern day one....but no, we had to get a live service based MMO thing with swearing gorillas & a maybe a sequel,maybe a prequel in name only!!😑🙄
Absolutely loved the original game but the sequel has been in development for so long that a whole generation of younger gamers are going to have no clue about the original and so any hype that there was has now died off. It would take a miracle at this stage to pull this off and resources would probably server better elsewhere.
Honestly this going "Duke Nukem Forever" levels of crazy. I am sure that if this game ever is released, it's going to be a huge letdown.
Honestly I'd rather see a modern 4K remaster of the original game.
Live service mmo? I genuinely thought this was going to be a standard single player RPG, and I was mildly interested in its 2035 release date. The comments section has taught me something today
Stick it on a pirate ship and sink them both together 💣
Let AC hold them
Ubisoft is in shambles.
I think it's right to assume we will never get a good Rayman game from them ever again.
And so the Ubisoft downward spiral continues.
Because of the terrible workplace environment - due to mismanagement that led to all the abuse allegations, with project leads being the worst abusers - Ubisoft is bleeding talent, with no one to replace them because nobody wants to work there anymore. They’ve had to cancel more projects than what they have in development. They’re doubling down on Assassin’s Creed projects, hoping to make at least some profit, with that series’ popularity. Then they have these ghost projects like BG&E, Skull & Bones, and the Prince of Persia remake that they’re afraid to cancel because of how much money they’ve already sunk into them.
It’s time for Ubisoft to just call it quits. The only games they are putting out are ones that nobody wants, or ones that are just rehashes of ones they’ve already made. This will end with them getting bought out by Embracer, Tencent, or Amazon, for a price way below what they would’ve been worth just a few years ago.
They were already on their way to this end, the pandemic just started putting the nails into the coffin.
They’ve got some good IPs.
I figure Tencent will snap them up. But it would be weird to see Sony put in a bid.
Loved the original, was looking forward to the sequel when it was first announced. Now, I’d rather they just scrap it. All these years and it’s still not even in “full production.” They’ve been overthinking how to go about the sequel. I remember hearing part of the problem with the original was they put too many genres together into one game and it confused gamers. Stealth, action, driving, platforming… if they simplified what they wanted to do for the sequel, it should have been an easier time coming up with an outline and creating the game. Instead they’ve wanted to take the game in so many different directions over all these years. No wonder it’s a mess over there.
This looked to have a lot of potential. Shame
Remember when BG&E2 originally looked somewhat closer to the first game? Good times...
Now? This whole mess makes me almost wanna forgot the Beyond Good & Evil IP was even a thing, sad.
They should just entirely scrap the project and move onto another new IP.
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