Update: The Like a Dragon: Ishin! demo is available to download now on the PS Store, but only PS5 users can play. There's no PS4 version on offer like there is for the full game. Your save data from the demo won't carry over to the paid version.
Original story: A Like a Dragon: Ishin! demo focusing on combat looks set to hit the PS Store tomorrow on PS5, PS4 barring any funny business. The Twitter account Aggiornamenti Lumia has picked up a pre-release tester on the Microsoft Store backend, which suggests a release on PSN is also on the way. It's said to be 2.94GB in size and is out on 16th February 2023.
That is just one day before the early access version of the game releases, bundled in with the Digital Deluxe Edition for an extra £5/$5. You also get a load of armour sets and resource bundles alongside the earlier launch date. The normal version comes out for PS5, PS4 on 21st February 2023. We'll be sure to update you once the news of this demo is made public.
A full PS5 review from Push Square is on its way, but we've already shared some first impressions based on a preview event last month. "The thing that’s drawing us to Like a Dragon: Ishin at this point is the series’ very unique blend of serious and silly; much like its immediate peers, this game recklessly zig-zags from dense political drama to outright tomfoolery. Seeing all of that in period garb only heightens the ridiculousness of it all," we explained.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 30
Already got it pre-ordered so I'm good.
Like I need a demo to know if I want a yakuza game😂
Why is this paying for early access now becoming a thing 🤔 seems most games are doing it (yes i know £££). But given alot of games need patching at launch, it feels like people are paying to become beta testers. Dont really get it.
Pre-ordered and pre-loaded so I don’t need a demo.
If I can transfer a save from playing the first bit of the game though then I’ll play the demo.
@Grimwood exaggeration at its finest.
@Grimwood. Say no to drugs 💉 ok.your brain is fu🤔k up.you are pushsquare hater.the yakuza games are amazing.word up son
Surely you jest! They've been making these games since the PS2 generation and it has become more popular than ever.
It's okay if it doesn't appeal to you personally but to to say there has never been a good Yakuza game? That's just blasphemy.
Already pre ordered physically long time ago to maintain my full physical Yakuza collection. No need for a demo as I already know I'll like it a lot. Yakuza Dead Souls being stuck on the PS3 I hope it gets the same treatment in a few years, maybe after the next mainline Yakuza game, make the shooting less clunky and a much smoother Dead Souls game overall
@Grimwood bloody hell do you actually like anything? When ever u comment on something its all negative. U need to lighten up a bit mate or get a new hobby as you clearly dont like gaming! Its not healthy being negative all the time. The world is **** enough as is.we game to switch off and enjoy something.
@Grimwood. Probably not the best idea to trash talk the Yakuza games on this site.
Day one buy for me, don't need a demo. Easily my favorite series after Resident Evil.
@Grimwood Troll gonna troll.
But seriously, if you don't like the games and have nothing to add to the conversation, why login, click the article title that's clearly about a game franchise for which you don't carer, and comment what you commented?
May I suggest a better use of time? Like playing more than a couple of minutes of a Yakuza game that can take 40+ hours to fully complete?
Anyways, can't wait! Probably my most anticipated title of the year.
@Grimwood not everything has to be so grim. A bit over the top and silly can be fun and good for the mind. I love the seriousness and grim world of something like TLoU but I also love having a laugh with grown up Yakuza gangsters in diapers and taxi races
Nice! Can't wait to try the demo, will it be released on all regions? Judgment demo was only released in Japan from what I remember
@Grimwood Sounds like the Yakuza games are just not for you. I have all the main Yakuza games and love them all.
@Olskeezy Same, probably my most anticipated game of 2023.
I’ll probably try the trial of this one. I’m probably going to buy it down the line. But this will cement if I buy it earlier rather than much later. I’m loving the demo features. I remember the days of the demos on PS1 discs. Such good times
Will already be playing from midnight on 17th, but nice for those to dip in early who didn't pre order or got the standard edition.
Yknow I’ve never played a Yakuza game. I tried Judgement (from ps+) for about half an hour and really didn’t like it.
How indicative is Judgement of Yakuza games in general? If I disliked that, is it a fair bet they aren’t my thing in general? Can’t help feeling I’m missing out on something cos they get a lot of love!
(Open question cos there are clearly a good number of people who’ve played a lot of Yakuza games!)
When's the reviews?
@Grimwood I agree with you 100%, but don't forget that some people are looking for exactly that.
I'm hyped. Will likely start this after I'm finished with the Dead Space Remake.
Thanks, downloading now 🙂🙂
@Totheteeth You may not care for it but there is a demo so give it a try. The newer Yakuza games play nothing like this or Judgement anymore they are full-blown turn-based RPG probably one of the weirdest ones I've ever played and loved its wackiness
To be clear, this is a very limited demo which pretty much throws you in the deep end in a couple of battle scenarios with a whole bunch of trooper cards and no real explanation of anything: it's not like the demos we got for 6, Kiwami 2 or FotNS: Lost Paradise.
Hard pass on the demo, I'll just wait until I can get around to both buying and playing the full game.
@Grimwood oddest take I've seen on here
Wasn't expecting a demo!
I'm on this like a yakuza on a hostess.
Please be good. Please be good. Please be good. 🙏
@Totheteeth I've played all the Yakuza, twice, some 3 times. (different versions of PS2/PS3/PS4) 😄
You could say I like them. Played Judgement one and two and Like A Dragon, as well. Even that PS3 game I can't remember the title, Bionic something.
From that viewpoint, it is safe to say if you didn't like Judgement, you won't like Yakuza.
There are minor different gameplay things, but the overall feel and structure are the same.
While it is an aquired taste, the movements are antiquated, the layout and city are still very PS3 at best, it's always the personalities, humor and stories that come together above nearly all other games.
Although it is as Japanese a feel as it gets, which means that particular humor isn't for everyone.
And Judgement was so great, it's definitely not your thing.
While I wonder if maybe, if you already own Judgement, you shouldn't try pushing on longer than 30 minutes to see if it doesn't click with you, at least if it were me, but it's likely a safe bet you should steer clear unless it's a freebie with Plus.
In fact....I think Plus had one of them for free the monthlies this last year or so.
If you had Plus, you can try any of the Yakuzas out of order, you don't have to go 0,1,2,3, etc. and you won't be lost.
They're all self contained, for the most part other than a line or two reference.
Sorry they weren't for you, but it was nice to see someone ask about them in such a polite way, such as "not for me", rather than the "these suck" type of vibe.
But my longwinded answer wraps up to, if you didn't like one, you won't like any.
Also, I'll add that I get on my phone so sporadic, I never tend to see the notifications and return to threads to answer, just so it's not thought I'm ignoring someone, and I'll add a you're welcome. Hope I helped! 😁
@burning_as_souls Ha - thanks. I tried Judgement because it’s free on ps+.
I think it was that sense of ‘antiquated’ movement and map design I was finding annoying very quickly. I think maybe these days I want games to grab me a lot quicker than I used to. In honesty I have tried to get into a good few games in recent months and discarded them alarmingly quickly.
As you say - certainly not going to go down the trashy ‘these games are dog’ route. Would really rather not identify myself on a forum as totally braindead!
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