The Ultimate Ninja Storm series returns this year with Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections — one game that includes all characters and select story moments from throughout the entire franchise. Sounds like one heck of a package, doesn't it?
By our count, that's over 124 playable ninja, topped off with a bunch of brand new fighters as well. We don't quite know how this is all going to come together, but the official press material makes it sound like everything will be combined into one title, as opposed to this being some kind of collection. Connections is coming to both PS5 and PS4.
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Comments 4
That was one of the few disappointing showcases of the State of Play. Really, in 2023 a barely changed rehash of games that go back to 2008 on the PS3?
A new game reframing the whole Naruto/Boruto story, with modern graphics and gameplay would have been nice (a little bit like they did with Lego Star Wars : The Skywalker Saga).
@ShogunRok I’m thinking it’ll be a separate story and adventure mode like UNS4- with Ninja Storm 4 gameplay. Play the entire story leading up to Boruto. Cut out the fat & bring the older games up to standard leading into Boruto.
If there’s a separate adventure/mission mode were you can pick out your own team regardless of storyline I’ll be in.
This just feels like a lazy recompile to sell the game as ”new” again. Everything they showed in the trailer is exactly the same as it was in every previous Storm game, same boss fights, animations, graphics. The only difference I noticed is that it will be 60fps now.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I'd love for this to be the case, but I fear it's going to just be a lazy cash grab in the end.
I also find it unlikely there will be any upgrade path for Legacy owners, paid or free.
Which would be a shame for me since I paid full price for the PS4 collection and still haven't touched it yet.
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