It’s been over 18 months since the last proper PlayStation Showcase, and you count the number of announced first-party projects from the platform holder on one hand. After a low-key State of Play, many are wondering just what the eff the manufacturer is thinking? Well, according to industry snoop Jeff Grubb – who’s been consistent with this message – the company’s saving its good stuff for a proper livestream later in the year.
“Sony itself is saving its own actual good stuff for something else which is what’s happening here, they're saving their good stuff for the PlayStation Showcase that's going to happen before E3,” he claimed in a YouTube video. “It was supposed to happen last fall but they kept pushing it back because their developers weren't ready, but now those developers are ready, they’re going to have a massive show that really sets up the second phase of the PS5.”
This seems fairly likely to us: the PS5’s stock situation looks like it’s been resolved, and at some point the firm’s going to have to announce some new games. It does raise questions about the purpose of State of Play, though: as we pointed out in our reaction article overnight, it doesn’t really feel like the manufacturer considers its own broadcasts to be worthy of major first-party announcements. And if that’s the case, then we can’t help but wonder why the format even exists.
Nevertheless, the prospect of a major PlayStation presentation being approximately three months away is exciting, and given it’s basically been playing hide-and-seek for well over a year, we’d expect it to come out swinging here. Expectations will certainly be sky-high – let’s see if it can deliver.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 62
Seems less like a rumor, more like a:
Well duh, obviously.
Now can we get a price for releasing in <60 days HFW: Burning Shores please.🤑
@LN78 Haha, to be fair to Grubb, he's been saying the same thing prior to yesterday.
Developers not ready?
Or they were not comfortable to make big waves around Activision acquisition talks?
The format exists because sites like yours cover them and hype them up. That is the entire point. We wouldn't be talking about the PSVR2 stuff hardly at all without attaching those trailers to a dedicated show that people will make time to watch - for better or worse.
If Sony says they are showing stuff off, even if it's 3rd party, people obviously tune in. They may be left unsatisfied after but they still watched and discussed.
"what is the format for?" To give game updates, it's not that hard to understand.
cant really do a worse one tbh.
why didnt the end last nights along lines of 'summer SoP featuring.....' kinda screen.
@LN78 no need for damage control. We know spider man showcase is coming at some point. When it happens is the rumor.
@LN78 Does seem like it but he was saying the same well before yesterday's State of Play.
Sky high and swinging? Some fantastic Spider-Man wordplay there. Whether it was intentional or not!
To me this is a little concerning about the state of PS first party studios. We had a brilliant 2020, and Sony has released some great games in the years since, but things have been too quiet for me since. We cant have a situation again where there is 18 + months where they have nothing to say or show. Things need to be spread out better, or Sony needs to get more teams on board - either by (as is rumoured) having more than one game in development per studio, or through further acquisition. We know that games now take a ridiculously long time to develop (wasnt the talk that games entering development now would be for PS6?), so the more teams Sony has on board, the more resilient they can be in the face of increased competition.
This isnt a comment on yesterday's State of Play btw. Sony set expectations ahead of the event so even though it was ultimately disappointing, people can't argue Sony lacked transparency. This just goes back to the communications issue we've been talking about since PS5 launched
I think this is pretty typical from State of Plays (and Nintendo Directs). The big announcements are in the summer show while the early show is pretty weak. The state of play in March 2022 was headlined by Ghostwire Tokyo and Forspoken, the first party stuff was saved for June.
This begs the question why have a show at all but it seems typical from all 3 consoles lately, small show now, big show in June.
Hopefully it features a PS5 slim announcement. I usually wait 2 years before upgrading but I’ve been holding out this time. Fortunately there’s not been a must-have new gen only release yet (imo), but Spider-Man 2 will change all that.
People been talking about a showcase for the whole 2022. I was told they weren’t doing one because of god of war. Corporate Slaves will always move the goalpost for Sony and give them a pass for basically anything. This company in my eyes is completely costing off of the PS4.
@KaijuKaiser yet 95% or more ps5 owners dont have PSVR. So that 30mil+ thats left would like to see some stuff.
I'm just worried (for myself!) That this will just drive up the hype for the next showcase to silly heights, only to be let down again. Not that it's Sony's job to cater to me personally, but it seems so rare that I really think wow that was an amazing announcement, and I'm pretty easy to please, just ask my masseuse
Hopefully Sony has some great stuff cooking away behind the scenes, but I'm not going to get my hopes up until more concrete info is revealed.
@Robbirtles i'm confident it will be excellent, with a few games no one expects. Sony know the importance of the next big show, which really will be the relaunch of PS5. I think it will be exciting 🙂 i just hope it doesnt leak beforehand and drain some of the hype
@KaijuKaiser I do agree. I think Sony has been burnt too many times with the early reveal, and they have really moved to that 'show the game 6 months before release' model, which does help to generate excitement and keep it high through to the eventual release
I actually don't mind the current model of State of Plays generally being for 3rd party and 2nd party stuff while the 1st party reveals are held for the showcases. It helps set expectations for me on a general scale.
State of Plays have had major 3rd party reveals in the past (FF7R, RE3R, SF6's first real trailer...) and while Suicide Squad doesn't look too promising that's not really the State of Play's fault and it was still a game people wished to know more on and that was delivered.
Overall I'd just like a bit more communication for Playstation in-between presentations but the actual presentations themselves I generally have no issue with.
@LN78 Agree. It was mostly a snooze fest, but there was a little for me.
Tchia continues to look lovely and was announced as Day 1 PS+ Extra, RE4 Remake also, and a few others like Before Your Eyes looked OK.
But Avengers 2.0, sorry... Suicide Squad ticked almost every box on the "warning/avoid" bingo card. A lowlight.
Sounds like they know everyone is disappointed, so they're pulling the "that wasn't the REAL show" move.
@Shad361 Yeah, I too fear the PS4's success made Sony really lazy and complacent this gen. They got some decent hardware innovations, but they need the software.
Careful, Sony. Show too many compelling future products and they’ll authorize that Activation deal. Remember — you’re a struggling company that can’t compete with an impending monopoly. 😉
PS Showcase, subpoena deposition. Same thing basically.
@JayJ That much was a given, but I think the hidden subtext is all their effort going into changing horses to be a late entry in the GaaS party having a tangible effect on output. They've been so busy chasing the big money and planning to re-tool the brand into a different thing for a different (more profitable) market, they kind of ignored the optics of just being silent. I'm sure they have some stuff coming, but it's going to be lower key and more spread out than most are used to from the past.
I can agree with this. I dont think they want to blow doors off with ABK deal going on. Plus consoles are selling like hotcakes out there
Yes we overdue some juicy reveals but I actually think if some big juicy reveals were shown last night, then the rumoured bigger Showcase later this year will only end up decent at best or just average. This means the bigger Showcase we've all been wanting will/should now be a lot more juicier overall?. I said this yesterday that these huge Triple AAA games from 1st or 3rd party takes a super long time to make these days, they'll be ready when they're ready. Yh patience sucks sometimes but patience is needed given how long some of these big games take to make
@get2sammyb Hot take: good announcements are coming eventually 🤯😂
I mean if games are shown far to early like 3 to 5 years before they actually release, there'll still be loads of complaints saying why reveal it far to early when it's nowhere near ready yet
Do the kids still say copium?
Yes, we have Gran Turismo, God of War and Horizon, but Insomniac has been doing the heavy lifting this “generation”…which is a term that needs to be scrutinized. Do we really have generations now, or are we more akin to PC now, as in minimum and maximum setting requirements?
Regardless, I’d like to know what to look forward to. I’m not asking for a CGI, no gameplay, trailerfest like Xbox pushes out, then doesn’t release anything for years. But something that will release within the next 12 months would be nice.
They will have a show around E3 time and will have a few games coming this year mainly spiderman 2 and TLOU factions. Sony aren't Microsoft, they won't go over a year with no big releases, they are obviously focusing their attention on the PSVR2 for now since it's just released and in a few months we will see the main games.
I kinda expect this year to be light on first party releases. A lot of their studios have released major titles from 2020-2022, so it’s natural that there’s at least one down year. I only really expect Spider-Man 2, TLOU multiplayer, and one smaller title. It makes sense as to why they want to highlight 3rd parties. Even if they aren’t first party or exclusive, there’s a lot of upcoming games that fit the Sony demographic that can fill in the gaps.
Smells like damage control here. Anyway, yesterday's show was BAD. With that being said, I truly hope sony to get back on it's feet big time.
@LN78 Grubb is pro-Xbox though
Damned if they do damned if they don’t. That’s the price of being the bad guy
@NEStalgia This kinda thing is why I feel I might struggle to really get a whole lot out of my PS5 this gen, it definitely feels like it might be destined to being sidelined as a secondary console until some real killer apps come along that aren't just more of the usual. I mean PS+ Extra apparently has some good stuff on offer, but GamePass is really standing out as the best service with the most consistently improving offerings. I mean I remember what it was like waiting around forever for my PS4 to have some decent games, and with games this gen taking even longer to develop, it's hard for me to really get hyped for much.
@rjejr I’m really hoping it’s not $30 bucks as previously rumored, that’d be half the cost of the game…
I wouldn't be surprised with this Sony if E3 comes and goes and they don't do any showcase. Lol
Would be nice but not holding my breath, Sony are unpredictable nowadays and Grubb got Zelda wrong anyway (WWHD and TPHD are still not on the Switch). I do think we'd get some 3rd party news and Factions 2 at least though, with the latter given to Geoff Keighley.
@IOI "it’s not $30 bucks"
Game was $70, so $30 would be less than half. 😉 I hope it's $30 b/c I'm afraid it will be more, and that's why they're not telling us.🤑
If they’re saving the ‘good stuff’ for closer to E3, was yesterday’s showcase ‘the bad stuff’ ??
Not worried, there are a lot of games in development. I wouldn’t mind some updates on how those are going. Maybe some returning IP’s! And PSVR2 ofc. I really want to hear about some stuff regarding ND & SP. After ABK is done, they can concentrate back on themselves, like Ninty always does!
@JayJ In fairness, such a tiny percentage of the market owns two out of PS/XB/PC that it's effectively a non-existent market. So "I don't have much to play on my exclusives console" isn't a real issue for 95+% of the market, and those of us that are multiplat are always going to end up in that disappointing "drought" period on whichever console is our "exclusives" machine.
For someone with XB + GP as the primary, the PS exclusives are going to be really far and few between this gen if you're not into the GaaS push, and doubly so if your'e not into the Square timed exclusive stuff and "weeb" games that aren't contractual exclusives but you know will never come to XB. (And even a decent amount of that does come now.)
OTOH, for someone that has PS5 as the primary, especially if they're not interested in playing GP indies, XB exclusives have been basically non-existant so far, it's been drought since launch minus FH5 until HiFi. But I think there will be a glut over the next, maybe 3 years, before the next drought starts.
I think it's just the reality of being multiplatform in the modern age, and to a degree is starting to make being multiplatform less meaningful. Otherwise we just know what we sign up for and know "the other console" won't get a lot of use, comparatively, but we'll be glad to have it when those games we want arrive.
For MOST console owners, the exclusives are just extra games in the list along with Elden Ring, Hogwarts, AC, etc, etc, etc.
I kind of luck out in that XB is my third party primary, but because I'm also a big VR fan, PS becomes an almost equally massive to the point my "primary" will end up somewhat ignored at times, so both will get heavy use limited more by available time than by available content intended for each.
Right now Switch kind of ends up my "other" console, but I tend to use that in the outdoor seasons as primary, so they all get major use, just not all of them all of the year.
Hopefully we'll hear more about the "slim" PS5, the external Blu-Ray drive or whatever it's being called.
@IOI do you regard that as expensive now games are £70 because I don't,10-12 hours of high quality dlc for that price is fine with me
I sure hope so!
@JayJ @NEStalgia I totally agree, i mean my PS4 and PS5 is a God of War and Last of Us console basically. I buy it for those two games and then pick up a few other exclusives and thats it. My Xbox is my daily driver and Switch is Nintendo exclusives as well. So 2 out of 3 of my consoles are just there for the few big games a year or sometimes not even 1 a year. Nes knows this cause we have had lots of controller conversations, but for me it comes down to not liking Sony controllers and loving the layout of the Xbox controllers, it has nothing to do with the brands. People that think i am a fanboy for preferring Xbox over PS, fail to realize, i am not a Microsoft user, my whole house is Apple and Sonos products. And LG Oled’s. Xbox is the only thing Microsoft i support. I used to love Sony TV’s and i still do mostly, still own one in the bedroom, but Sony has continued to release high end TV’s with only two HDMI 2.1 ports compared to LG’s 4. Cost more for only a slight improvement in color accuracy, that after i change the settings is to the naked eye gone. So this isn’t a brand decision and everything to do with controller preference. But i still love owning all 3, and feel good to support the whole industry the best i can, cause all 3 offer something really great and different, but it’s the overlapping that i agree with NES on. When that happens it can be a dry year for one of the two consoles. I got spoiled on PS5 cause in the same year i got Last of Us part 1 and GOWR, the two reason i own a PS. So last year was great for my PS5 but now it will mainly just sit there until they have something that catches my eye. NES this is the part you reply, then why did you buy the $200 edge to sit? And i would reply cause i am an idiot? I dont know hahaha. Metroid Prime remaster has been my most played and loved game of 2023 so far.
I'll believe it when PlayStation themselves finally announces the showcase. Even then though, I'll still be skeptical of any big 1st party updates/reveals until the livestream starts playing.
@rjejr Forbidden West actually was $60 USD, if you bought the physical PS4 version.
I'm also hoping like @IOI though, that the Burning Shores DLC costs $20 or less.
I'm not going to hold my breath a showcase will even happen, let alone that anything that interests me is shown. Still, I can hope that the Uncharted 5 rumors are true. Everything else I'm waiting for is years off though.
@KidBoruto For $20 in 2023 all you could probably get is some horse armor. Destiny 2 is charging $60 for an expansion DLC AND $40 for the season pass, so $100 my kid just paid. Since there is no season pass or microtransactions in HFW they can use that as an excuse to charge $40. 🤑
And if you'll excuse my mansplaining:
"Forbidden West actually was $60 USD, if you bought the physical PS4 version."
It doesn't matter at all that the PS4 version only cost $60, the PS4 version isn't getting the DLC, only the PS5 is getting the DLC and that cost $70. I can't imagine them putting out an expansion that only costs $20 in 2023 for a $70 game. And for those people who did buy the PS4 version for only $60 THEN upgraded for free, well they already saved $10 so they can pay the $30 for the DLC.
Frozen Wilds came out 6 years ago in 2017 for a $60 PS4 game and that expansion cost $20, inflation alone is going to make that $30 in 2023. And whatever Brexit is doing in the UK.
At this point I'll be ok w/ $30 and they don't charge more for people who bought the PS4 version and upgraded for free. I could see it being $40 b/c the PS5 game was $70 and this DLC is for that game. If it was only $20 they probably would have told us back in December when they told us the date. 🤷♂️
Less than 60 days now, they have to tell us eventually. 😝
Sony puts has itself always had very good and very average years on and off.
They heavily rely on their in house amazing AAA blockbusters to create the hype for PlayStation.
They started year one great
Year 2 amazing HFW, GT7 and GOWR.
Year 3 will probably be quiet apart from Spider-Man 2.
These games take time and cost lists of money.
@rjejr If the Burning Shores DLC releases at $30 USD or more, I'll be waiting for a dirt cheap sale in a year or two.
@KidBoruto Yeah, I'm still waiting for a GoW: Ragnarok sale, maybe this Black Friday, after I finish Horizon, Zelda TotK,Pikmin 4 and Ghost of Tsushima. I bought Horizon for $30 so I suppose it wouldn't make sense to pay $30 for the DLC.😂
So yeah, I usually wait, except for Nintendo games b/c 6 year and a day old Zelda BotW is still $60.🤑 I think Pikmin 3 is still $60 and that game will be 10 TEN years and 8 days old when Pikmin 4 releases. So might as well pay it now. On the bright side I bought $100 of eShop credit for $90 then bought 2 vouchers, so I'm getting $70 Zelda and $60 Pikmin for $90, which is a pretty decent $40 savings, like 30% off, so day 1 works.😁 Though I do prefer physical but can't have everything.🤷
@rjejr Nintendo games never going on sale is a myth. BOTW and Super Mario Odyssey can be found for $40 New during Black Friday and Christmas sales.
Same goes for the rest of their lineup.
@KidBoruto "going on sale"
1. Going on sale twice a year for Christmas and BF still leaves 10 months out of the year they aren't on sale. 🤑
2. It's not about "going on sale", it's about lowering the price. Nintendo used to have "Players Choice" and "Nintendo Select" games 3 or 4 years after a console launched where the FIXED price of the game was $20 or $30. Not a SALE price, the normal price.
Zelda BotW is now 6 years and 2 daysold. Mario Odyssey is 5 1/2 years. Zelda really should have had a "Complete Edition" that included both the DLC and the amiibo unlock wolf companion for $60. That wolf companion was great and I bet a lot of people buying the game the past few years don't even realize it's in the game code. Some people buying it for $60 may not even realize there's still a $20 expansion to get a green line on the map. 🤷♂️
Then there are games like 1 2 Switch which probably never should have bene $50 in the first place. Splatoon 2 has bene replaced by Splatoon 3 and I think it's still $50 or $60. ARMS is long forgotten, give that another life as a $30 Select.
Nintendo is the Apple of gaming, people talk about the lack of lower prices b/c it's true enough, especially when compared to the competition.
@rjejr Yeah I do get what you mean, it's a shame Nintendo decided to discontinue the Nintendo Selects line/brand.
I'll happily pay $40-$50 for their games though, the quality is worth it.
@KidBoruto They do have the quality. May take them years to put out a game but I can’t recall any Nintendo 1st party game being a Cyberpunk broken mess of a situation with people looking for refunds. Suppose that’s worth a few extra $.
@rjejr Exactly, it's pretty rare for Nintendo games to release as buggy messes.
Last time that happened was with Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
@KidBoruto "Last time that happened was with Pokemon Scarlet & Violet"
Gamefreak, still 3rd party, still making games for the 3DS and porting them to Switch. 😂
@rjejr GameFreak is actually a second party developer for Nintendo.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/game-freak-inc/3010-2534/
@KidBoruto Thanks for the clarification. 👍 Now if anybody can actually explain what "2nd party" means. 😂
I'm still sticking w/ my origianl reply though, Gamefreak may be 2nd party, not 3rd, but it still means they aren't first party so their "quality" or lack thereof I don't hold against Nintendo. Maybe I should, but I don't. 🤷♂️
@rjejr Fair point there!
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