Sony had said that it aimed to ship 18 million PS5 consoles during the current fiscal year, which is scheduled to end on 31st March, 2023. That’s a bullish figure, which would have required it to ship an extraordinary 5.2 million units during the current quarter. But the company’s feeling so confident in its manufacturing pipeline, that it’s actually increased its guidance to 19 million units.
That means that the company now expects to ship 6.2 million units during the current quarter, which is just 900k less than the 7.1 million units it shipped during the previous three month period ending 31st December, 2022 – which, of course, included key holiday shopping windows such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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In fact, assuming it achieves its target, it would beat any of the PS4’s records for the same period by more than double. To put the numbers into context, the PS4 achieved a fourth quarter high in 2014, when it shipped three million units. Obviously, the Japanese giant is running a massive marketing campaign right now, celebrating the fact the format is finally readily available.
Assuming Sony is successful with its aims, the PS5 will have shipped near to 40 million units by the beginning of April, and it looks like the platform holder is not going to take its foot off the gas in 2023 either. This is shaping up to be a genuinely ginormous year for the new-gen console, assuming the organisation can successfully keep the hype rolling.
[source sony.com]
Comments 17
It's nice to see this generation finally getting off the ground. I've had mine since June 2021 and have really enjoyed it. There's plenty of questionable AI choices that they've made from launch through now, but it's still been great to have a PS5.
This tells me Sony has something up its sleeve for this upcoming quarter. Surely, they are not expecting PS VR2 to boost console sales by a considerable margin. That must mean there are some games coming up, some of which we don't know about, no doubt.
An absolute beast of a console, I've been playing quite alot of PS4 games on mine lately (specifically Dirt 4). The other night I fired up Dirt 5 as I hadn't played it in over a year.
The difference in quality graphics wise is absolutely night and day. It really pops in comparison
Spiderman 2, Final Fantasy 16 and the Horizon DLC (which I think will give that game a well deserved second wind) are going to push the sales of this thing through roof.
@Gazray @TheCollector316 I don't think it means there's games we didn't know about coming. There's multiple big games starting with Hogwarts that will drive sales. There's huge pent up demand they're just trying to fill. This is for units shipped so it includes companies like Amazon and Walmart just loading up their own warehouse supply for the first time, that's probably a million units each just to supply the warehouses and retail shelves to normal stock, not necessarily units sold, but inventory available, and stacking up for Spiderman 2 which will see that inventory deplete. FF won't move THAT many consoles, I suspect most of the kind of player that would buy FF already bought their consoles. Hogwarts and Spiderman are the big hardware drivers on tap.
Happy to have had mine since day one and I'm glad so many others will finally be able to enjoy it, too! Now, let's see more generation-exclusive games finally 😆 😉
@NEStalgia final fantasy is going to shift this machine in Japan big time, its basically that country's Madden/FIFA/COD
personally I hope people pass on Hogwarts, considering whom profits from it. (I know this wont happen!)
@KeldorTheCursed For real that's been my only problem so far 😅
Usually sales are higher Q3 (Christmas) than Q4 (Jan-Mar) but with the console no longer supply constrained in most areas who knows. Sounds positive.
The way Sony's marketing currently looks very much like it's setting up for an event. So that event's contents will probably be what pushes PS5 sales further.
@Grumblevolcano That would be awesome I'm really curious to see what Bluepoint has been working on ^__^
@NEStalgia what?
amazon etc will not be stocking up on ps5s for a potential release 9months away.
that makes 0 financial sense.
@stvevan Not specifically for that release, but stocking their NORMAL inventory they would normally carry for consoles (I.E. what they'd have stocked on PS4, X360, etc.) I'm just saying that that release will deplete a lot of inventory again.
For online only, it's a little harder to predict. Typically it's cheaper to buy in bigger bulk so they buy huge of anything popular at once, though warehouse space has been overstocked which was a problem last year so who knows.
For B&M chains like Walmart though, they need on shelf inventory in every store, plus online inventory, so there's a lot of units required to fulfill NORMAL shelf availability. Walmart for example, would need 100,000 units just to have 20 on the shelf (total with no resupply) at every retail location, just in the US alone (which is less than half their worldwide stores.) Obviously they need a lot more than 20 per store total.
Remember large retailers likely have backorders of units they've previously ordered but have yet to be delivered to them that Sony's still fulfilling. This is units shipped, not units sold to customer, so we're talking about supplying distributors and retailers orders with outstanding backorders as well, not necessarily at-the-moment consumer purchases. They're still selling out faster than they can get them in, for the most part, with existing pent up demand, so I don't think it necessarily indicates some new unannounced game they expect to unveil that will push hardware. Hogwarts alone is a massive hardware seller, much moreso than almost anything else until Spiderman, and that's even if they DID have some unannounced thing.
@Gazray It'll be an uptick, but it's DQ that's traditionally a bigger deal in Japan. FF has popularity there, but it's not THE big one there like it is more in the West.
Plus this FF looks more like a Western audience focused game than Japanese game. IDK if that'll affect its sales there or not.
@CVCubbington This guy gets it lol I agree.. I gave up on Switch Themes years ago.. I really hope they don’t pull a Nintendo
@KilloWertz this generation should be over 120 mln units off the ground on the Nintendo front alone.🤔😅 We may well be a a couple years away from Gen 10 by now, not that it will stop PS5 from selling until Sony curtails its appeal with PS6.
Maybe HBO’s The Last of Us is boosting console sales. Sales of the PS5 game are up 230% since the show first aired.
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