It looks like Rocksteady fumbled its big opportunity to sell Suicide Squad: The Justice League this week, as the response to the release has been abysmal at best. A widely-shared Forbes Contributor op-ed ran with the headline that the PS5 game looks like “live service hell”, and frankly we’ve seen a similar sentiment all over social media.
Considering this is the next title from the award-winning – and, frankly, highly regarded – Batman: Arkham team, it’s a frightening fall from grace. Fans are absolutely aghast that the release requires an Internet connection even in single player, but perhaps worst of all, they can’t believe it’s following in the footsteps of the notorious flop Marvel’s Avengers – with a less recognisable cast.

While we thought the gameplay looked frantic in a fun way in the latest State of Play, many have pointed out how bizarre it is that characters like Harley Quinn and King Shark are both wielding firearms, when their fighting styles should probably revolve around melee. It’s also been noted how the combat encounters appear to devolve down to shooting purple orbs.
The release is already being compared to a big budget Agents of Mayhem – a game which was glimpsed in Poundland mere months after release. While we’re reserving full judgement until we’ve tried the title for ourselves, we imagine Rocksteady expected to win over gamers with this week’s showing. If anything, we think it’s done more damage than good…
Comments 154
Shall be the biggest flop of the year and can imagine Rocksteady are already thinking of a way out of the hell hole. Expect this to have support for a maximum of 6 months.
We all said Suicide Squad needed a really good showing after the live service leaks, and this was not it.
Pre-release impressions count for so much in this industry, especially when it's a big budget release. Otherwise it's just this slog of an uphill battle to try and get people back onside.
It's not a game that I ever had much interest in.
Still, I'm hoping Sony and the teams they have working on live service titles are paying attention.
(I'm sure they are.)
I was lukewarm, at best, on the game prior to the reveal and that was mostly because I thought it could be better than I was expecting. The game looks exactly like what I expected, so I definitely have zero interest in it now.
I cant beleive they spent 8 years of development for this
I wonder what the like/dislike ratio on YouTube is like...
They call it suicide squad cause you see the trailer and want it have never existed.
And I cant believe how many bad games are bring released in last couple of years. Just rubbish…
I mean it looks absolute rubbish to say the least. As i said before, the fall from grace from Arkham Asylum to this is massive.
One of the big problems for this game is thay they have bizarrely been allowed to spend 8 years making it. When they drew up some of the concepts, im sure it felt quite fresh, but now so many games are doing the same thing - and many of this ilk have already been sent to the gaming graveyard, so any of the innovations have already been seen 10 times over by now, leaving us with what looks to be generic and uninspired gameplay at best.
I felt like I was watching something like Fortnite with some DC skins slapped on it, that's probably harsh on Fortnite as that looks quite fun to play.
I just don't know what they were thinking making some jumping 3rd person looter shooter nonsense where you predominantly shoot purple blobs and increase "gear score"
Removed - unconstructive feedback
The amount of quality developers and great game ideas being dragged through the mud just to see if there's a Fortnite skinner type explosion out there is so sad!
The "live service" market is cornered, anyone still chasing it is after fool's gold!
@Majk_SVK I think some of them pass a point where they know they should just cancel it but have too much invested. So, everyone goes all Emperor's new clothes in the company, and tell each other it's a good game.
@get2sammyb Captain Boomerang there with his iconic Legendary Lexcorp 5000dps sniper rifle
@tselliot …basically either that or publisher just straight puts it into Gamepass or PSplus…
It will be interesting to see if the furore from us enthusiasts is matched by the masses. Sometimes it isn't, and they MUST be banking on that as it was impossible they weren't aware of the "Avengers 2.0" discourse before.
For me that showcase was like a winning bingo card of everything I DON'T want in a game. Live service, Check. Looter shooter, Check. Battle pass, Check. In-game store, Check. Weapon levels, Check. What looks like several in game currencies, Check.
I'd say i'm disappointed but we already knew right?
@get2sammyb "It's Boomerangin Time!"
They spend millions on Batgirl movie and cancel because they said it was unreleasable and they have a dud on their hands. This game either needs this treatment OR delay it again and fix it into a proper game, no live service, no loot etc. unbelievably bad
I think Rocksteady's only chance of having this not be a huge flop is to delay for a year and try to fix it. Might not help but, It's not looking good.
That picture does a great job capturing the entire situation. 🤣
@themightyant I’d like to add ‘multiplayer through and through but mention single player once to keep those who play single player campaigns lulled in’ to the bingo!
@ShogunRok It's woeful. The gameplay is completely at odds with the characters. Where is the Rocksteady that realised one of Batman's greatest strengths was FEAR and implemented that so brilliantly.
This game seems so wide of the mark. You could drop in any generic character in their place.
Such a shame as the cutscenes, and general premise to 'Kill the justice league' are brilliant.
When I first heard about this game, I imagined flying around Metropolis as superman and I could definitely live with that , but then it was to be centred around the Suicide Squad. I still felt it would be good as Rocksteady have been quite consistent with the DC games. Then they showed the first cinematic trailer and I still felt hyped about it. Fast forward to the State of Play and I have lost almost all interest in the title. I am not interested in buying a game only for it to die 6 months later and be usless and I fully expect it to falter very quickly. If it ever gets patched to allow it to be played offline then I would buy it, but only to support the last game that featured the unbelievably iconic Kevin Conroy as Batman.
Captain Boomerang using a gun, King Shark not using his teeth, Harley using a ranged weapon that isn’t toy related. Need to be online. Giant purple hit boxes, why not use giant red exclamation marks? Why are villains trying to be heroic? Shouldn’t they be trying NOT to do the mission correctly?
@itsfoz Good call! The reality is it's almost impossible to make a game to satisfy both single player 4 player co-op. The size of the levels need to change, the enemy AI needs to change, the enemies move set's need to change, the crucial game balancing needs to change if you are playing as 4 people, compared to if you are 1.
The last is more feasible but the others are hard without basically creating a second game.
It's not as simple as just adding 3 more players to the same map.
If only all Marvel crap, especially the movies, would receive that negative outcry
Everything wrong with most modern AAA releases and this live service future we keep hearing about belongs in the bin
@PenguinLtd I have the same thoughts as you and it really bothers me that sony my favourite publishers are going all in live service!I say no thanks and if it continues I will play vr on pc and nintendo games and the rest can go f... themselves....45 years of gaming and its coming to this🤯🤯
@get2sammyb I really thought this new gen would see a push for better ai and more interactive worlds but we're getting this crap it seems
It's genuinely depressing to think Rocksteady wasted a decade on this. Arkham Knight was one of the few PS4 games I pre-ordered and paid full price for. Their Batman games were just that good.
Such brand disillusionment. You can even see the drawn-out lack of enthusiasm in the product whenever a Rocksteady rep opens their mouth. Why not shelve the project ala "Batgirl" and pick up the pieces?
With this and the 2 films, I think people need to stop trying to make Suicide Squad a thing.
And to think this garbage is what they've been doing in the 8 years since Arkham Knight came out what a bloody waste 😑
Thank god I wasn’t the only one. I watched it live and thought it was absolute dross but haven’t checked what the discourse was. For a second I thought I was becoming jaded, but glad everyone else thinks it’s *****.
Avengers received quite a lot of flak too. It's not really a Marvel vs DC thing here. It's the live service nonsense being shoehorned into a game that live service stuff just doesn't fit. That's the issue at hand here.
wonder if Sony can drop marketing deal so doesnt look like they have anything to do with it.
I don’t actually know because I don’t follow the staffing of development studios hardly at all … but … I do wonder how many of the key players in the inception and development of the Arkham games are still there working on this bs…?
They took a property with distinct colourful characters with unique abilities, and turned it into a generic co-op hero shooter. The Avengers at least tried to emulate the differences between the characters.
It’s easy to tell that this project was greenlit a decade ago. Since then, we’ve had Anthem, The Avengers, Fallout 76, and Babylon’s Fall. All games from great developers - BioWare, Crystal Dynamics, Bethesda, and Platinum Games, respectively - that tried to ride the live service gravy train, when they were best known for crafting huge single-player experiences. All failing to pry players away from Fortnite, Destiny, and FIFA with sub-par games.
Add Rocksteady to that pile now. Arkham Asylum revolutionized the action/adventure genre with a surprisingly good game based on a licensed property, a highly influential combat system, and a high bar to clear for cinematic AAA games to follow.
And now, they’ve made a generic online co-op hero shooter. I wish game publishers would learn from other’s mistakes - heck, even their own mistakes. There’s a world where a game like this would break through and be successful, but that world was ten years ago.
Obviously been in development along time back when everyone was jumping on the live service trend aka cash grab....
Shame that such a good developer has wasted so much time that could of been put to use making another great story driven single player game
It's a disaster waiting to happen and nothing will change it now. They are better off cancelling and using the assets for a new project. This is a travesty from a studio known for It's great single player games.
Would have just been better off remastering the Arkham games. This looks like an absolute steamer. They will lose alot of money and alot of fans with this one.
It was a dumb quib every 2 seconds or so for the entire trailer. I expected more from Rocksteady. This feels like a soulless corporate "games as a service" game. Removed from my wishlist.
I'm tired of the Superhero stuff now, under the DC and Marvel banner at least. Being always online is a big nope from me also.
I have rewatched the gameplay a couple of times in an attempt to maybe "warm up" to it; but every time I see it I just can't help but feel disappointed.
Rocksteady did something amazing with Batman. The company managed to make you "feel" like you were Batman. Everything fit.
This feels...generic. Like there doesn't seem to be any difference with the characters since it's all guns. Every character should feel like their own. You should be filling the shoes of that character.
And when it comes to missions, there should be times when each character has something different to do rather that fits the character rather than all shooting at the same thing.
I am fine with the brighter setting and more humorous vibe, I just feel like there is no soul to it.
I don’t know what to make of it. I just wish they had made another single player Batman game instead tbh.
This feels like a waste of a talented studio.
with this and Gotham knights its the end for batman games warner will just shut the studios.
I'm not going to lie and say I think it looks awful or anything. Just very, VERY uninspired, boring, and desperate. It looks even worse after how poorly stuff like Anthem and Marvel's Avengers went down.
And this being Rocksteady's first game since 2015 is just sad...
I don't blame it. The once great dev has sold out their fans all to chase quick money from live service. There is absolutely no reason this game needed to be always online. And it means it will shutdown after a year when it fails
It's very sad to see they went from the Arkham games to this. I always thought it was strange that Rocksteady was working on this while WB Games did Gotham Knights.
It should have been the other way and if Rocksteady had done Gotham Knights then they could have done a much better job. It could have been a lot like their Batman games.
Going to get it since I'm a fan of DC but why SS?
Like I get it why they did it with all the movies and all but so many more options were available for them and they instead make a shooter...
Better run good on launch and have a good story.
@FinneasGH yeah, I didn’t like either Suicide Squad movie but some people rave about the Gunn directed one. I think he’s really overrated though - GoTG Vol.1 is the only great film he’s ever made. The others are just alright.
I'm so glad I watched the presentation, as I'd have just bought this game otherwise 😬😬😬
I had faith in it until seeing it in action. But it looks like a complete headache of a game 🤯
I have absolutely no interest in live service games after playing destiny since 2013 , I got sick of it. I've bought thr latest expansion buy thst will most likely stop . Its very strange considering how well the arkham games were to this monstrosity. I get Sony want to earn thr money due to how well gtav have done but likely ely skipping on this, I never touched the avengers either.
Just imagine if Rocksteady had spent 8 years on making a mature, atmospheric, single-player Superman game
Maybe the minority. I like the fluidity they show. And I really yearn for good co-op games to play with my brother. I will still wait for it, as live service game prices tend to drop quite quickly or become free depending on how well they do.
@Thumper Superman or the Flash games are difficult to make unless you take away some of their abilities. Smallville-style powers limit might work though. Wonder woman or maybe Aquaman games might be easier to make. I am interested to see how EA will make the Iron Man game.
This really doesn’t look good for them. I avoid live service games as much as possible.
@get2sammyb You can install a browser add-on to reveal the dislikes. The ratio is currently 6.9K / 29K
It’s baffling they would show or make something so similar to that of Avengers, when it clearly did not capture gamers long term. Live service games are going to ruin the industry for awhile.
@get2sammyb need to hunt this down but I seen some use some plugin that re-exposed downvotes in YouTube videos (it seems what YouTube did was hide the element, not eliminate the code behind it.)
Even as a big DC fan i'm skipping this, it looks awful and somehow feels like Avengers but worse. Other then performances from the cast nothing about it sounds or looks good.
It seems like a Publisher decision - Make a game we can sell at FULL AAA Price, Sell LOTS of cosmetics, additional characters etc to 'grind' out and doesn't need to be 'complete' at launch because they can bring the rest over time...
I was feeling quite pessimistic about this game. It looked like it could be Warner Bros equivalent to SE's Marvels Avengers and so it wasn't on my list of games I expect to play at (or near) to launch. All this showcase did was confirm what I feared and convince me its not worth considering for purchase, maybe not worth considering even if it does come to a sub service (PS+ or GPU) because I don't really want this from a DC game.
This was a punch to the gut! I was so excited to see this one, Rocksteady were a dev you could count on...
This looked like everything I hate in modern gaming. Which then got me thinking about Playstation & how they bought Bungie for this sort of rubbish, & the amount of live service games they are currently working on.....doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
People saying that they wish that so many publishers would stop chasing this but these publishers have already decided that it's worth it. Even if it means that they would have to let employees go if it flops, even if it means the company goes under. The dream of lining up the CEOs pockets with cash is the name of the game. Those who have shareholders, are definitely pushing for it. So we are going to have a graveyard of developers fail in the end and some will be disband. Playstation's devs aren't immune too.
"The release is already being compared to a big budget Agents of Mayhem – a game which was glimpsed in Poundland mere months after release. "
A game this publication scored 8/10.
This was one of the worst previews I've ever seen of a game. At least games that flopped like Anthem or Avengers, while there was concern heading into the game, neither looked this bad.
Delay until the fall and bundle an Arkham knight remaster to it.
Wouldn't give them a big hit still, but could save their launch.
@-Sigma- Theres a massive wave of sony first party live service games coming. It's why they doubled teams at all their top studios. Last of us 1st.
This is just not appealing at all. The Arkham games were great, even the WB Montreal developed Origins really isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be. This game should have been more of the same. With so many characters to choose from in the DC universe, it’s bizarre that they went down this route.
Who are live service games marketed at these days anyway? I can’t many imagine many older gamers have the time to devote to this model of game. They require regular stints to gain anything from them, which isn’t always realistic with other life commitments.
The sad fact is that most of these games die very quickly without support. It’s only the solid games that have a lot of investment in them that succeed. I’m just not interested in any type of live service game at all. By the time I have a chance to get round to them, support will be lacking to non-existent.
It’s also interesting that Assassin’s Creed is shifting back to a more concise framework for its next game. 100+ hour games just aren’t that appealing to some. Single player adventures running maximum twenty hours are perfect for a certain audience and I certainly hope we don’t see the day when there comes a decline in those games being developed.
The suits behind big companies chasing an ever decreasing market and money pool will never not confuse and amuse. Live service games that aren’t ftp are almost all going to fail. Making games like this that have a literally shelf life shorter than a generation is just a depressing vision for the industry.
Would’ve loved to see Rocksteady go back to something like Arkham Asylum with a new or even original ip. Truly was a special game, has there been a metroidvania like it since?
I don't understand the aerial combat in Suicide Squad. Everytime they showed combat the characters were zipping around in the air while shooting. Looks way worse than Gotham Knights.
Good thing they have Hogwarts and mk12 to cover them this year
I don't get the hate tbh. I reckon this will be like the division but with a decent story. Obviously I'll hold back until reviews come out. But give it chance. #79 comments and 90% are band wagon jumpers and the rest I don't think are sure what the suicide squad story is even about outside of the 2 so-so films
They deserve the negativity. They hid this was a live service game till just months before release. Nobody wants these lifeless Destiny clones anymore. I guess a few developers will have to die off before they start to learn their lesson.
A live service hell seems like the best way to describe this. After seeing the gameplay I was completely put off. From Harley Quinn and King Shark jumping ridiculously high for movement. To the stupid power ups for you to harness the power of other villains. To the dumba@# extra costumes for the characters. This could have been a dark fun ride, but looks more like Rocksteady tried to cram Destiny's loot system and Fornites gameplay in an Arkham style world and I for one am glad it's getting the negative feedback.
What a fall from grace. Rocksteady can do so much better.
@Thumper Superman game would be no fun, he’s too powerful, who can he fight other than one or two bosses? That’s part of the problem Avengers had, generic robots and people in suits, made you feel weak. That’s part of the reason Batman is so good.
You either die a great Developer, or live long enough to see yourself become EA
It's sad because I think it looks fun. It's not what I expected or wanted necessarily, but it looks fun. I had an initial issue with King Shark using a gun, but then realized I'd probably be frustrated having to switch characters when an enemy is flying or high up. You can still play solo, and the pass is for optional cosmetics. And Borderlands 2 I think had the always online stuff and wasn't really an inconvenience. I know it's different, but may be something the team wanted to try out. They've had a long development on this game, so there probably was higher interference, but also they probably got to really think what different they wanted to do.
I hate to say it, but I really hope this flops hard. Developers and more importantly publishers need to receive the message that live service isn’t where many gamers want the industry to be and the only way to speak to the industry at this point is for these types of games to flop spectacularly. Elden Ring, GoW, Tears of the Kingdom, etc. show that sales come from solid titles that focus on good gameplay and immersive worlds.
Is anyone really surprised? I knew this game was going to be garbage since they first showed it off. All we wanted was a single-player triple A batman game, but NO, let's cater to the Gen z audience instead with our fortnite-like game 🙄
I wrote this elsewhere online, but I'll share it here:
I’ll be honest, I actually like looter shooters. So seeing a new one with some nice graphics from a big name developer? Kind of exciting. But do I want this from a Suicide Squad game? From Rocksteady? Not remotely.
Beyond my general excitement for a (possibly) entertaining popcorn game with my buddies is that a GOOD Suicide Squad game likely won’t ever be released after this. (Maybe ‘good’ isn’t the right word… a TRUE Suicide Squad game, I’ll say.) And what’s extra maddening as a fan is that the PERFECT template for their brand of shenanigans was already laid out by THREE different franchises: Mercenaries/Just Cause, and Ghost Recon Wildlands. Not *****’ DESTINY or THE DIVISION.
You could take the general template of “elite squad dropped into a foreign country” (aka Wildlands’ backstory) and tie it to Amanda Waller needing the Squad to upend some sort of government. Have it go meta and the bombs in their heads allow Waller and her team to LITERALLY control the character (aka YOU the player). Have the team gripe about someone pulling their strings as they banter.
Go ahead and use that template and the unique characters of the Squad to fix one of Wildlands’ biggest complaints: its squad controls. Add in some better tactical controls that allow “Waller and her team” to dictate exactly where the Squad members go to set up cool tactical opportunities in-game. (Set King Shark on a door for rushing in, while Deadshot sits back and snipes, etc.)
Then you add in the destructive capabilities and on-demand payloads of series like Mercenaries and Just Cause, all explained in-game by Waller funding the operation, and you have a MASSIVE amount of 4 player chaos that can play out across a giant open world.
Sell traditional DLC a la extra storylines that introduce new playable characters and you’d mint money while avoiding the live service BS this game is laden with.
It’d be a day one buy!
I couldn't imagine this Suicide Squad coul be an Arkham level of quality game but i trusted Rocksteady because they showed us with Batman how good they are. But now i don't think that anymore
The day they said it's going to be 4 player coop online I knew I will skip it.
It course it was, it looked boring with no substance. Just dump a whole clip on a enemy and reload do it again with a special grenade here and there to make spicy it up.
For Rocksteadys sake I hope it doesn't turn into another Marvel Avengers type poopfest. It's not looking good is it. Does start to make me wonder what a single player open world/linear Suicide Squad game be like, similar to their 3 previous Batman games, I guess we'll never know now. Suicide Squad is all about a squad and gaas online games are about having a squad of players so I get it from that point of view. I don't know man, I mean I wasn't getting this game anyway but it's Rocksteady, who have given us 3 top tier single player Batman games I thoroughly enjoyed. Sucks to see
As big DC fan and even bigger fan of Rocksteady's work I will be skipping this completely, I don't even feel like buying if it was under $20.
Looks awful and has everything I hate about current gaming, I will choose to remember Rocksteady how they were before this game.
I caught the last few minutes of the stream for this and it seemed like they put a lot of work into the voices and animations and stuff but I have zero interest in these “open world” types of games anymore. They’ve all become so boring to me. I wasn’t planning on buying it anyway so it’s really no harm no foul for me.
Delay incoming!
@ShogunRok I don't know how a "really good showing" should have looked like. I mean the game is what it is, flawed by design, any other representation would have perhaps bordered on false advertising. It's just so awfully tone-deaf.
@darthvirgin Metal Gear: Survive also got an 8/10. I know because that's the last review I ever read on here. Lmao
@themightyant They could do a good Superman game the same way they did a great Batman game. Take Superman out of his element. Having a small part of it take place in Metropolis where he is fighting someone like Doomsday or Brainiac, and then after that maybe Lex Luthor tricks him into the Phantom Zone where he'd be trapped with all the super powered bad guys he's imprisoned, and then he is trying to survive or break free from it. That at least adds a lot of tension, and puts Superman into an uncertain vulnerable place many people haven't seen him before.
Every game that requires internet connection for single player deserves to fail miserably.
Hello Diablo IV ... what a joke!
Ah, cool, look...another game people have just universally and preemptively decided is The Worst Thing Ever™ not because it looks bad (it doesn't) but because it isn't exactly the same thing Rocksteady did previously.
I hope this game flops so these companies learn a lesson
@ShogunRok I know, right? It's not as if they could have given him an entire spectrum of customisable boomerangs, , between 2 and 4, each with x number of power slots - say they're a gift from Lex, or nicked from Star labs or something, anything. Maybe even link them to a skill tree. But no, they spend 8 years to-ing and fro-ing between board meetings with developers and accountants on assessing the market, forecasts and margins.
Another problem is flying, how you gonna do it?
I mean, if you fly into a building it's suddenly stop?
@LN78 I pre-ordered ForSpoken at GameStop and was able to swap for Star Wars Jedi Survivor no problem. i guess it all depends where you pre-ordered from. i was so hyped for this but now i'm out i think.
"Articles" like this contribute to building a hate-cult for the next targeted game, wheter you like it or not.
This is what many of us have been raising alarm bells about for several years now. Those of us that love the medium of gaming and in its prime the PlayStation platform and its contributions to it; however, can be objective enough to level warranted criticisms when we see it.
I see the trajectory of Suicide Squad as a microcosm of the course Sony is attempting to walk. Here we have a game that is a decade too late to the live service gold rush that ultimately only resulted in less than ten games still legitimately profitable and preying on those that continue to "play" them.
The actual gaming community, whom I view as vastly apart from those that play FIFA, COD, Destiny, Fortnite, Genshin, etc; have largely expressed their discontent with the GAAS model. However, those other individuals whom do play those above mentioned titles are vast enough that these corporations want a piece of the pie, not realizing this separation between gamers, and live service adopters. Don't get me wrong, I understand there is overlap but I assure you there are a massive amount of gamers out there whom the manipulative addiction forming habit of engaging in software merely to chase cosmetics and randomized loot, via systems designed to continue on indefinitely and over long periods of time in order to maximize profit over time ratios; just doesn't fool us into. We see these systems for what they are and frankly find it insulting that these people think us shallow enough to fall for it.
So now we have Sony, also ten years late to this form of predation, announcing they have 10 or more live service games in the works. Thats it, aside from the marketing a few weeks before the releases of Horizon and GOW2 and a few others, we have literally heard next to NOTHING from Sony regarding a first party roadmap aside from their commitment to this garbage predatory software scheme.
As we have seen, most dont land, because most are trying to apply this scheme to game genres and types that were once the playground of the actual gamers. In the end we will all suffer for it as Playstation players, because the once stellar reputation for first party games will be muted for most of the remainder of the PS5 lifecycle due to this very late and doomed to fail live service focus.
Sure, we will have some third party bangers, and eventually get iterative sequels at the end of the system cycle from the first party studios essentially making the same game over and over again.
However, this monetization nonsense has to stop, especially the shills trying to charge full retail price for titles that are essentially created using the free to play GAAS model of predation.
There is no sense in celebrating record sales and profits for Sony, when they have openly stated nothing else but a commitment to finding ways to prey on the gaming community for the foreseeable future.
We must make our voices loud every time another one of these "Suicide Squads" is revealed. Let these corporate talking heads, whom most have never really gamed to game in their lives, know we are over this garbage and are extremely unsatisfied with this forceful and destructive Terra forming of gaming in the name of predatory recurring profit schemes. To not do so is literally a vote for your own victimization and a validation of the intellectual level these shills believe you operate at.
@Hayter As they should.
Listen, expressing objection to this form of predatory software is crucial. I don't condone childish hate speech against developers, but I absolutely applaud those that express their meaningful discontent with a situation as a collective community and movement.
History has proven that without such, change doesn't occur.
@GeneJacket While I get where you're coming from and I do think we need to wait for the final product, I don't think people are disappointed because it's not a new Arkham game.
I think people are genuinely disappointed with what they've seen of this so far. I don't think that's entirely unfair until they show us more.
I can't be the only one looking forward to this? It looks pretty good, and from what they showed at the State of Play, I'm convinced even more I'll like it.
Will the reception be as icy when Sony starts unveiling their’s? Haha we got 10 of these bad boys headed our way.
I dont want a game supported for a decade I just want to play a bloody finished game. Rocksteady im so disappointed just cancel it and release the Batgirl movie.
@get2sammyb I'm not dissapointed I just want a game not new job like every liveservice game ever released. And i do hate lootershooters with a passion is Rocksteady a new Ubisoft studio?
The things that leaves me more flabbergasted about this is that Sony studios seem to be following this trend as well. We already saw the leaks of the Fortnite-Horzizon game and we know that they are making 10 (10!!!!) GaaS.
I never cared enough to install this plugging before but installed the Dislikes in Youtube extension on Edge, and went through a few of the uploads for this video. Here are some of the up/down votes:
So... the reactions are not good at all, and they know it.
Does feel like this could be achieved in Fortnite.
The level of engagement with this article suggests there is a lot of interest in it to me...
Watched the trailer...very meh.
Sure did make Guardians of the Galaxy look amazing tho! I'll play that instead, with better combat, no battle pass or online requirement. I'd bet my house SS gets delayed. No way they wanna go up against Zelda and then Diablo 4 in June.
I don’t think it looks terrible but I also don’t think it looks good. The premise is pretty cool. I’m 0% for co-op games, especially 4 player ones. Arkham games were known for being amazing single player games. They honestly should’ve just made a Justice League game or blank vs. blank being whatever Justice League characters and have a Civil War-esque set-up caused by the death of Batman. It would’ve shown the entire world consequences his death had while also having multiple heroes/villains go at it. I dunno, sounds like something that could’ve been fun. Maybe I’ll get Suicide Squad when it heavily discounts for a weekend. I typed this while walking a dog so I bet it makes no sense haha
To be fair, Harley Quinn does use firearms quite often in the comics, animations and live-action. Not sure if I've ever seen King Shark or Captain Boomerang using firearms, though.
At BEST it'll be like Gotham knights. At worst it'll be like Avengers. Either way it's going to be another poor showing for DC games. This just makes me even more pessimistic for Sony's apparent desire to go the live service route too. Just please don't.
what happened to Rocksteady to make such generic game? Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League feel like a generic mobile game.
@Hayter Yes, i am sure we should be very concerned about the hating on predatory game models meant to psychologically take advantage of players and their wallets by delivering addicting generic and unfun experiences showered in micro-transactions.
What a shame. Truly, i feel so sorry for the Bobby Koticks of this world. Poor guys. 🙄
When rocksteady start making this a couple of years ago live service games are all the rage, but now they're dropping left and right. This feels like a game made by wb the publisher, not by rocksteady the developer.
Damn can't believe it was made by the people who made Arkham Knights itself. Happy that I didn't preorder it like I ordered Gotham Knights. Not gonna repeat the same mistake that they did.
I enjoyed it just because of how terrible it was. It was actually pretty entertaining. Won't play it, but will watch streams for sure.
@LN78 This comment wins the internet today. 😂 🤧
The Unholy Trinity of GaaS. 🤦♂️
Using Forbes and social media for (over)reactions to something aren't the best places to look for positivity.
@Hayter I get you mate and agree. It's a cesspit of negativity which is how Push Square is now viewed on almost any other forum I engage with - most people won't come here any more.
But look at the engaement, its what lots of people here want now.
TBF, this games showing was super bad, with it almost revelling in showing off exactly what nobody wanted to see, so this type of thread was always likely with this audience regardless of editorials actively seeking the response.
Its hard to see a way back from this unless they have more game and systems hidden than they showed..
I'm a huge Arkham fan and this game has hit all the wrong notes for me. To me this is Gotham knights, avengers and Anthem all rolled into one and not a good one at that. Like someone said already, RockSteady gave us The Arkham trilogy and it was great, it was gritty, dark & violent with epic exploration and awesome Easter egss and the villains were fantastic with stealth and combat being so good to play and this Is what I was really hoping would be coming with this game but nope, we get what seems to be a loud in your face, colour popping, purple mass shooting 3rd person shooter with DC skins, This is so far from what RockSteady has been known for that I think thier followers will leave in droves. I'll try this game but my hype has gone ice cold and not in a great Dr freeze way.
Tbh it's not the live service stuff that's the issue .the real issue for me is it's gameplay it just doesn't look fun everyone shooting like it's a Fortnite game each character looks the same
@Titntin i have to agree with you..after spending a week facing the wall in the naughty corner i gave it serious consideration if i wanted to continue using push square at all but i've met some really good people on here and i like the discussions we have even the ones that go a bit pete tong..not sure about this game at all to be honest and there are much better options after my cash this year so maybe when its on extra or drops under a tenner..
@Hayter 👍
After the let down of Arkham Knights- a possibly fun game, but not really what people wanted- this just looks like an even further step in the wrong direction, aping the live service model that people are increasingly falling away from. They pioneered a great combat system, and then they give us lots of jumping and shooting...
@Northern_munkey I'm glad you stayed around my freind, people like you are the reason I still come here and interact! Have a great one..
@Titntin thanks 👍
@Northern_munkey glad you stayed around bud, for what it's worth I do like your presence on here.
Didn't you buy gotham knights btw? How'd you end up liking it? This really does seem to be going the same way even though I digged the showing thursday
@Cherip-the-Ripper i did and i really enjoyed it inspite of the very minor issues that were blown out of proportion. I've never been a fan of the suicide squad to be honest and i thought the movies were a poor attempt at trying to have their own deadpool type of movies. Hopefully the game turns out to be good.
@LN78 yo that's dedication right there 👏 🙌
This is exactly what I was thinking the entire time I was watching the SoP. 10 years ago all these great developers thought this was going to be the next got trend. They were wrong
I still think Rocksteady should make a TMNT game.
Seriously hoping that between this, Avengers and others, that this is the beginning of the end for the live-service gold rush. Sick of potential great games being frankensteined into fortnite because... money.
I remember a similar level of outrage when Respawn showed Apex Legends for the first time. That worked out just fine.
I still recall a while ago, all the voice actors PR, stating, "Just you wait what we have in stall. Back when everyone was hoping it would be a new Superman game. They really led us to believe this would be something amazing.
I hear it's online only, even during single player... It's no Batman, that's for sure. It looked like DC Fortnite.
anyone paying attention from the first gameplay reveal knew this was going to be bad so the latest footage was certainly expected. blame shouldn't be placed on rocksteady entirely, though. they are dictated on what they can and cannot do by the publisher that owns them afterall... this includes the service model and all the junk that comes with it... simple as that. two founders from rocksteady left the company late last year which is telling of the situation going on over there. originally, the team was working on a superman game. presumably, after years of development hell, it was cancelled. wb has become one of the worst gaming publishers around and gotham knights proved that they have no interest in traditional, single player expereinces any longer. we are at the mercy of sony to cover the superhero genre as nobody else has the desire to do it right — not that there were many good examples in the past outside of the arkham series and the odd spiderman game from activision. not a big loss, we have spiderman 2 and wolverine to look forward to from insomniac.
It looks like a Crackdown re-skin. Nothing more.
That's a shame, coming from such pedigree.
It's time to say goodbye to always online games. Let's face it, even Diablo 4 is going to be online only plus it seems like Redfall will be as well. What a screw up.
Vote with your wallets folks. Don't pre-order if that game you're interested in is online only. Hurt the companies who are taking game ownership straight out of YOUR hands and still making bank.
The State of Play killed my (admittedly, already low) interest in this game entirely.
What if the game actually ends up being fun though? Isn't that the end goal for a game? Something people enjoy playing. I know it's a departure from past games, but sometimes that ends up being a good thing. I love Destiny 2 and I can't imagine it being any better or worse if they took the live service features out. It is just a genuinely enjoyable game that I can come back to on a periodic basis.
I can say I have absolutely no interest now.
I had a small interest in it when it was first announced a long time ago.
But the SOP killed any interest I had in the game. I already have a full time job. I don’t need another one just to get some progression.
Do a sonic the hedgehog movie fix and delay the game and try to salvage it, but all the investors and shareholders would never allow that
@JonTheGod funny, i thought the same thing. characters seem to be airborne half the time.
I do question Sony's push for Live Service games. Then you realise they make a lot of money from half finished products 😢
I feel sorry for SONY now because they are going to get slaughtered when they show their 10+ Live service games :-/ Maybe ND one might be good but it seems no one likes or wants them really especially us PlayStation Fans who just want AAA normal amazing Exclusives like SONY normally do. Hmm, I will go and hide when SONY show them then(call me when it's over)
They peaked at Arkham Asylum and I have 'steadily' liked each game they made less and less since then.
How the mighty Rocksteady has fallen...I won't touch this game until it's on sale for $20 New, or free with PlayStation Plus.
When they started on this project, 8 years ago.. All they could think about was the all those King shark cards they would sell. Reminds me of the rush to MMO's 15 years ago. You would think dev's would have remembered that blood bath before they started spending everything they had chasing the live service dream. I guess not many game dev's are History majors.
You must have forgotten about Skull & Bones. I feel like it's going to take a tremendous blunder from any developer to beat that as worst game of the year.
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