The recently rebranded Hitman 3 (with the trilogy now collectively known as Hitman - World of Assassination) might be the last time we see the heroically impassive Agent 47 for a while. Developer IO Interactive confirmed that the series would be taking some time off while the studio focuses on its now deep-in-development James Bond game.
In an interview with Eurogamer, the chief creative officer and co-owner of IO Interactive, Christian Elverdam, says that "right now a major, major new Hitman game: that's a little bit on hiatus."
Elverdam continues, explaining that "we're building another agent fantasy [James Bond] that's also taking up a lot of our time. But obviously we'll come back to beloved Agent 47. He's still very much in the heart of this company."
It's lucky, then, that there is so much work already waiting for aspiring assassins, with the monstrous Freelancer update likely to keep you busy with the many and varied approaches available to budding operators.
Will you miss Agent 47 while he takes some much-needed R&R? Avoid detection as you make your approach to the kill site, AKA the comments section below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 19
Shame. I’d much rather see a new hitman game personally
Damn, I was hoping they would update the VR mode to support PSVR2. It was amazing on PSVR1, but the controls let it down massively. The new Sense controllers would fix all of that.
On a positive note this may be the james bond game thats actually worth the entrance fee..every one since golden eye have been crap to average so far. Here's hoping.
If 007 winds up being anything like a Hitman game I'd be totally fine with them letting 47 rest for a while. There's still a wealth of content among the world of assassination for me to sink into anyways.
@PlatinumKing We got three of them along with a freelancer mode
@SoulChimera Agreed, it seems there isn't too much work compared to the payoff, the game would be massive for PSVR2!
Well there’s literally hundred of hours worth of content in the world of assassination trilogy and a rogue like mode that doesn’t end so I’m not fussed at all, wouldn’t be surprised if the James Bond game is a Hitman reskin!
@PlatinumKing We haven't had a new 007 game in nearly 11 years. Hitman has been on a steady streek for years, it can spare some time off.
Bond should be fun. I hope they're looking to the older films and what have you for inspiration. I want disappearing cars with machine guns hidden behind the headlights, watches that can saw through things, exploding pens, eye glasses that can scan for intel, that sort of thing. Silly as Hitman can get when you set things up right, it's much more grounded than Bond.
I'm actually quite cool with this. The Hitman trilogy has been fantastic (even though I didn't play Hitman 3, it looks excellent) and I'd hate to see the IP become stale like Assassin's Creed for example.
A 4 - 6 year hiatus will let IO Interactive work on other projects, and in that time, I'm sure they'll quietly prototype new ideas on where to take the Hitman IP.
A well deserved rest 47...
Hitman slaps the sleeper on me like nothing else. And that sound when you’re being spotted grinds my gears, so glad they’re working on a bond game instead this is fantastic news
Hitman is my favourite franchise of all time... When I'm not playing racing games always return to abit of sneaking about as 47.... Usually late at night... There is such replay value to every level and now the freelancer mode just adds up to years of gaming.... I can wait for more Hitman....
@EVIL-C sure because we just HAVE to have a James Bond game right??
@PlatinumKing If one is a fan, of course. Duh.
Good! About time this dev tries to do something else. Was beginning to think they were a one trick pony.
Very disappointed, I don't have much interest in 007. They don't even need to make a new Hitman game, create new levels and sell them as DLC
I don't see how they can top WoA anyway - neither the second nor third installment topped the Hokkaido map for that matter. But hey ho, WoA has so much content, you're only allowed to complain once you unlock every last challenge.
@aj21009 They never said they wouldn't they said a major new title of hitman is on hiatus. they can still build or add to this existing one.
Great news personally! I'd love to see them eventually create a brand new IP/series too.
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