Update: A Long Climb Ago is now available in Dreams, following a small patch. Once you have the update installed, you'll be able to play this new game, which is currently front and centre in DreamSurfing.
Original Story: For those of you waiting for Media Molecule to make its next game, know that the studio has taken to releasing smaller scale projects within Dreams itself. Labelled Mm Originals, the team has already brought us one or two new games since the creation suite's arrival, including Art's Dream, the day-one adventure title. As it so happens, Media Molecule's latest effort is out tomorrow, 29th March 2023.
It's called A Long Climb Ago, and you can see a thorough explanation and demo in the above livestream archive. Essentially, this is a combination of falling block puzzles and side-scrolling platformer, all set to a charming, storybook aesthetic. Playing as a noble medieval knight, your job is to reach the top of a large castle in order to stop a catastrophe.
In each level, you swap control between dropping blocks to build a pathway or clear an obstacle, and then back to your character to then traverse what you've constructed. It's a novel idea, and of course, it's presented with Media Molecule's usual wit and charm, with great visual flair tying it all together.
The last Mm Original in Dreams was Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale, a dungeon crawler playable in co-op. We also know about Tren, an impressive-looking simulator about a wooden train set. There's no word on when that's due, but it's safe to say this is how the developer is pursuing original projects for the time being.
Will you be checking out A Long Climb Ago in Dreams tomorrow? Clamber into the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 19
I wonder if it will have trophies like the last game they released
Its been years since i last played this so i really need to jump back in and see how far its came.
A long climb a…no.
Ps5 update... mm?
@BeerIsAwesome which just adds to the frustration! I'm sure MM are working on something, maybe an update but we need an announcement. This game / engine / medium is amazing but I know many people that are waiting for a PS5 update before they purchase.
Or they can actually make a brand new game and leave Dreams to the community! It's time for Mm to move on from this.
@Juanalf I'd love to see them create a normal game and not a creative platform next... they're a talented team after all.
@theMEGAniggle One thing they could do make a Native PS5 Version then Added it To PS Plus Extra.
@theMEGAniggle @Jswift56 I’m in the same boat. I’d like to pick Dreams up myself, but only if/when it gets a native PS5 patch. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty of stuff in my backlog to be getting on with. Which reminds me, I really must get around to finishing Sackboy: A Big Adventure already!
Perhaps this will give us the answer to the age-old question: If a tree falls over in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
I'll play it for sure.
I still think a MAJOR mistake is not including this with EVERY PS5 or in PS+ or similar. Reduce the barriers for potential creators.
Media Molecule - just proving that the PS4 is "4 the players".
How about doing some new stand-alone games, MM? Been a long time since LBP1 & 2 so how about a new one or a Modnation Racers reboot?
MM is such an odd standout from the rest of the studios at Playstation Studios. How are they making money right now? Dreams didn't hit very well and LBP has been long dead. The entire situation around that studio is such a head-scratcher. They just don't seem to have any direction at the moment.
@The_Pixel_King @Areus their games are stupid fun and are packed with all that charm PS4 & 5 have been missing. A PS5 & PC release of Dreams just makes too much sense and all we've heard are crickets
I'm sure they are working on something but they were the reason why I got a PS3. I do not want them to go under, I love MM, you guys need to drop something, please.
That Bat Adventure had some horrible game play mechanics, unless I’m thinking of the Halloween thing?
I’ll give this a go since Mm made it, I’m kind of burned out on Fortnight after a year.
@Korgon That definitely confuses me, Dreams was a commercial failure anyway you look at it. So how are they able to live off a failure that doesn't sell and isn't really making Sony any money?
@BeerIsAwesome then that will absolutely kill them. To release a game that late in the PS4 lifetime and then not update it for next gen is just a stupid decision. It's like creating the Vita only to abandon it to fail. MM have done a great job so far but something needs to happen and soon. This game will lose all excitement if they just sit on it and don't update it.
Yeah I'm sure the next game will be a platformer or even a different genre entirely and it'll have beautiful visuals and tight controls and that charm we all love
@BeerIsAwesome I did acknowledge the support they have given the game. They've done a great job. When I said update I was referring to a PS5 or PC update. My bad.
The concept is way too great for this to only last a few years and then fizzle out because they couldn't make the jump to more desired hardware. I know they've been working on it in some form since 2012!
Like others have said, I think this silence is simply because something is coming. Many in the Dreams community have speculated this for months though, so it could well be nothing.
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