Given that Sony already teased this PS Plus Essential update during its State of Play broadcast last month, this selection of games doesn't come as a surprise — but it's nice to have confirmation all the same!
So, just to recap, March 2023's PS Plus Essential lineup is as follows:
- Battlefield 2042 (PS5, PS4)
- Minecraft: Dungeons (PS4)
- Code Vein (PS4)
There's certainly some variety here. Obviously Battlefield 2042 hasn't been the most successful multiplayer shooter on the market, but this PS Plus inclusion could breathe some new life into its take on futuristic warfare.
Meanwhile, Minecraft: Dungeons is a fairly standard dungeon crawling action RPG that supports local co-op for up to four players. Could be fun if you've got friends to play with, or if you're looking to sit down with your kids.
And finally, Code Vein is a pretty solid Soulslike with a stylised anime aesthetic. Although the level design leaves something to be desired, the combat's punchy enough to keep things interesting. At least, if you're into punishing difficulty and ridiculously oversized weapons.
All three titles will be available to add to your library and download from Tuesday the 7th March.
So, what do you think of March 2023's PS Plus Essential games? Let us know if you'll be giving any of them a shot in the comments section below.
Comments 37
Really curious to see what's other games will be on Extra because right now the line up is great. Also here's hoping premium is great again.
No interest there, but got a load last month I’m really interested to play but have no time / VR is better. So, almost a relief.
Not a great lineup it has to be said
EA is really trying to shove BF2042 down everyone's throat huh?
Not interested in that at all.
Already have Code Vein, and not interested in Minecraft. Bit of a miss for me.
Minecraft: Dungeons is quite fun - had some pleasant evening with this one. It does lack some depth and variety, but is a good entry point for ARPGs and Diablo-like games.
I wouldnt buy BF but I would play it, so I'm glad we're getting it.
Minecraft is always something to play with the fiance so thats also pretty good.
I already own Code Vein but I do like it, so thats also good.
Overall its a good line up imo. Maybe not something everyone will like but cmon, you didnt even have enough time to play the top tier ***** that came to Extra, so no time to complain, go play Ace Combat 7!!!
I am not interested any of them However extra/premium tier is getting better so overall I am happy with Sony!
Kinda a week month with the essential games. Might give Minecraft Dungeons a try since it looks fun. Even if Battlefield 2042 is free with PS Plus, I have zero interest in playing it.
But I have to say, the extra games are quite good this month so far. Tchia looks really interesting, so I'll have to give it a try.
not enough narrative driven games
great month imo though
A monthly PS1 RPG for Premium please!
Nothing for me, but satisfied with having time to clear up the backlog! Will add Code Vein, and maybe dip into it one day...
I might give code vein a go at some point, but I was massively turned off by the character designs and what I heard about the combat when it first came out.
Worst month I've seen in awhile
Hoping for more good classic games this month.
I have to say tho, with Extra and Premium getting more attention i fear that sony is going to "games with gold"-fy the Essential Tier
Battlefield 2042 is a good solid online shooter and seeing as its part of your sub you would be mental to not try it. Code vein is pretty cool too if you like souls type games. I've got no interest in minecraft at all.
Lackluster month for me personally, but with the awesome games of months past on both essential and extra, I guess that's okay
Can't speak to it's current state, and I will never, EVER put that game in my PS5 again, but BF 2042 was utterly broken at launch to the point of being rage-inducing, and was the most frustrating, unenjoyable, horrendous experience I've ever had playing a videogame in over 14 years of playing!
Pretty great month for me. Code Vein is exactly in that territory of been on my wish list for a while but never bought it in a sale. Now I get to try it in full.
Minecraft Dungeons is meant to be great and Battlefield 2042 for the memes
Code Vein has been on my buy list for a while now but I never got around to spending money on it so this is a nice surprise.
mebe check out code vein but pass on the others
I own Code Vein I just haven't played it yet, I have tons of game's I still need to play. Battlefield I'll try I wasn't going to buy it seeing as they took out things that made Battlefield Battlefield, but thankfully they've added the classes back. I'll try MD at some point not really big into Minecraft it's one game I haven't played based on the look of it.
A varied trio. That's like saying a blind date has a good personality. This list is an outdated joke. If it weren't for online and cloud saves, I wouldn't even bother.
Battlefield 2042 is not worth your time. The games from Extra and Premium this past month are much better options.
I went back to Battlefield 2042 late last year before their biggest overhaul. It was already transformed into a very good BF. So I suspect it's even better now.
I didn't carry on because I'm not really a multiplayer sort. I used to be, long time ago, and I do like them every now and again. I thought BF2042 was still good though so I would recommend to those who like shooters.
At least I can finally pass on a month. If I didn't already have enough games to play, at least Extra is solid this month.
@PegasusActual93 Much less content. But it actually feels like BF so I liked it just as much.
Initially I avoided it for a while like you, then I found a copy for like $10 so I bought it.... but I didn't like it. Then I went back to it months later to find it completely transformed. Finally it felt like BF. I had to re-learn the maps, that's how much it changed.
They've just had yet another big overhaul on top of the aforementioned incremental changes, so I would give it a go if you're on PS Plus. It's essentially a different game from what it was on day 1.
There are some 2023 reviews on youtube so take a look.
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Rainbow Six Extraction
Tchia (Day One game)
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
This was announced during the state of play or whatever it was called 😁
@Ravix yeah but that's not the entire slate of titles just the big ones.they usually have a few smaller titles
Played Code Vein for like 15-20 hours I think. It's really good but there's one particular level so awful it stopped me from playing. Have yet to return but the game was awesome up until that point lol.
@Americansamurai1 fair enough, thought you'd maybe not seen the extra announcements, these are still great additions worth hyping again anyway 😁
Yeah, I'd love to maybe see some of the current sale games added, not sure how likely, but the sale ends March 15th and there's a few potential future psplus candidates included in that, I'd speculate.
I think I've got 2 months until my resub date, I was thinking of cancelling and just buying some more games, but then I started playing Judgment! 😁 The sheer value I'm getting from extra is insane, it's the perfect service
@Ravix Yeah saw the state of play, here's hoping we get a showcase soon. Yeah extra is a great supplement maybe buy 3-4 big games a year and have extra and your good to go
trash month this month. Oh well. Still trying to beat Hitman and The Evil Within without throwing myself out the window
Naively thought they'd be something for the VR2 adopters. I guess this highlights a lack of stuff at launch as there should have been a bundled package ready to go. An experience, a world's, an astro playroom.
It's a disservice to the hardware imo.
And this isn't a dig at the trials and demos which are awesome, I'm a big fan of those. I just think something small for the people that buy it early to enjoy is a pretty low ask.
I've seen Code Vein on sale so many times, but didn't think I'd have time for it. Now it'll be in my library and i won't have time for it!
Only Code Vein is worth playing imo and I already own it.
I'll go ahead and claim Minecraft also, zero interest in anything Battlefield.
@LordOfTurnips since they did away with the singleplayer aspect of the game but are charging full price, I agree.
I know multiplayer is a big part of Battlefield, but to me it's something I do after I've finished the singleplayer game.
I will happily play this for free, though. I will not be buying any "battle" passes, coins, gems or whatever else, either.
EA, if you want the release price for a Battlefield game out of me, you need to include a singleplayer aspect.
Its also worth mentioning that Extra this month will be lit
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