Developer Falcom has released a new batch of gameplay screenshots from upcoming action RPG Ys X: Nordics. This is our best look yet at the next adventure of Adol Christin, and everything looks as slick as you'd expect. While the graphics themselves are a bit rough by today's standards (what's new for Falcom?) we can already picture this being a fast and fluid combat system.
Speaking of which, the studio has also published some details on how battles actually work (as translated by Gematsu). As previously confirmed, Ys X features two playable characters in a 17-year-old Adol and newcomer Carja. Adol is still swinging a sword, while Carja makes do with an axe and shield.
Combat is built around swapping between the two characters to extend combos and deal extra damage. Meanwhile, well-timed dodges — a Ys staple — can lead to powerful counterattacks. There's also a 'combination mode' in which you control both Adol and Carja at the same time. Your typically quick movement speed is reduced, but you can unleash stronger techniques, and you can even block incoming hits before striking back with a crushing blow.
As of right now, Ys X is targeting a 2023 launch in Japan — but it's yet to be confirmed for a Western release. We imagine that'll happen down the line, once the game's available in Japan. We're probably looking at a 2024 launch here in the West.
How do you think Ys X looks? Bring a sword and an axe to the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 23
Looks great!Love the Ys games so looking forward to playing this at some point in the future.
I love the art style. Much prettier than the previous two games in the series.
Was really enjoying 9, but then got sidelined by Hogwarts then VR2. Need to get back to it though. Might just take a few months. Then I have to play 8. Then Ishin…it’s at times like this I feel my mortality.
It looks good, but what I always admired about the Ys series is how it always improves incrementally with each release. This just looks like Ys 8 again. And it's what I was expecting when I heard the devs talk about how this was designed for the Switch
I'm still looking forward to it, I just can't help but be a little underwhelmed so far
Played VIII recently and loved it. In the future I will dive into IX, and them this one!! Great series!!
I really like the style they have gone for here. Its obviously better than we've had before, but it doesn't stray too far from what we love about the series.
Another one to look forward to!
Still looks bad, same as YS VIII, but I'm sure the game will be very good, and I will buy it.
Loved the art style! I can´t wait! But still not sold on the character clothes, this game taking place after Ys II, where Adol still had his armor, it´s weird seeing him with that 90's teenager outfit. haha
Ys has a devoted fanbase that I don't understand. Everybody raved about 8 so I gave it a try and was underwhelmed in every way. Repetetive combat, uninteresting exploration, PS2 visuals, generic anime characters with annoying voices and dialoge. I've tried to understand the love, as I enjoy Happy Console Gamer on the tube. But man, I'm at a loss.
@sentiententity couldn’t agree more. I was very disappointed with 8. The combat was a slog and wasn’t a big fan of Adol. I couldn’t commit more time to it. I’m sure the story gets better and people have justification for loving it. Just to me, it felt generic
Looks good. I tried to get into 9 several times and for some reason, that game, the ugly dungeons, and its poor performance in the city always put me off. This looks like a return to form!
May not be a huge graphical upgrade but the new artstyle definitely does help quiet a bit. Excited to see where this one goes! And to hear the banging soundtrack, as per usual.
@sentiententity Well, you won't be able to like every single game just because someone else does. Not more to it really. But at least you gave it a shot so you know to steer clear of future titles which is totally fair.
I've got a couple of these ys games in my download list ,I bought on sale a while back ,might start one in a couple of weeks when I finish octopath 2 ,oh wait resi 4 is out soon,forget it.
Love the art style. Hopefully the music is as good as ever
I’ve always liked how the Ys games have looked. I know they’re not technically amazing, but they have a charm to them and this one looks too be no different. Can’t wait.
Looks pretty good to be honest. Have this on my radar now.
The art has definitely change a bit but is this game using the new engine they developed for the trails series
Well I never played any Ys game. But this post made me buy Origin to start my journey. There's only like 4 of them available on PS5 but that's plenty enough and from what I found, there isn't a huge necessity of playing them in order!
Oh man... i still have to play 8 and 9 and this is already coming. Falcom is pumping.
@Enuo Closer inspection will reveal that the combat changed and seems to be a pair of characters now rather than 3. The graphics are much improved cause of it.
But, i daresay that if big expensive graphics is what you want from Falcom, you will be disappointed. They focus on story and gameplay and it's honestly why i love their games. Of course, they are a modestly sized dev too.
@ShogunRok Do any of the Ys games have English voice acting?
@KidBoruto Yep, Ys 8 and 9, the two most recent games, both have English and Japanese voiceovers that you can choose between. If I remember right, some of the older games aren't actually voiced at all.
@ShogunRok Oh nice! Thanks for sharing, I may check out them.
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