As had been accurately rumoured earlier in the month, FromSoftware’s surprise sequel Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon will lock-on to PS5 and PS4 from 25th August, 2023. That’s a lot earlier than expected, but the title’s looking pretty damn polished in this brand new gameplay trailer, which leans heavily into the classic Armored Core gameplay loop.
It’s worth noting that despite the developer’s more recent rise to fame, it’s plotting a more traditional experience here. The press release expands: “Featuring highly mobile and highly customisable mechas, [the game] will put players in fast-paced battles where they can make full use of offensive and defensive manoeuvres on both land and in the air to overcome foes.”

It continues: “To be the most successful and profitable mercenary on Rubicon 3, players must master rapidly changing combat distances, using the environment for protective cover, and omni-directional battles to overcome challenging enemies and situations.”
The game’s looking and sounding good, but we are interested to see how newcomers take to it. The last Armored Core, for example, launched a little over a decade ago on the PS3, and received pretty middling scores overall. Nevertheless, it’s clear FromSoftware has been given a much bigger budget for this entry, so it could catapult the series into the mainstream for the first time in its 25 year-plus history.
Comments 37
Cant wait to play this, these guys can do no wrong in my opinion.
I enjoyed these kind of gameplay segments in Nier Automata but I can't really imagine playing an entire game centered around mech combat. I am a huge From fan but I don't think this is for me at all
Cool trailer, but never really enjoyed Armored Core gameplay. I'm open minded to this one, but doubt it'll be a day one for me.
I can't get excited for this. I was bored watching the trailer and it was only two minutes long. Giant mech things just don't do it for me.
Graphics and world design look cool, but the mech action looked way to hyper for me personally. Think I'm too old school, but I like my mechs, big, slow and looking like they weigh 20 tonnes.
That trailer does look really good.word up son
Well that looks awesome
Another game that will be cool but run like crap
Number one! Mech it so
I always wanted to get into Armored Core growing up. This will definitely be my first. Looks amazing! I respect how different it does look from the rest of their more recent titles and if anyone has earned my trust in the industry, From is near the very top of the list.
Can’t say the trailer did anything for me. The mechs looked too small and nimble and the environments were dull.
So happy to see Armored Core make a comeback! I don’t care much for the Soulsbourne games and with how successful they are I had just about given up hope that From would ever come back to this franchise. Daemon X Machina was ok as a spiritual successor but something about it just felt off to me. Here’s hoping this is a return to form for the Armored Core franchise
I want more details of the gameplay; however, it seems to be a third person shooter like the other games but with improved cameras and amazing bosses. This actually looks pretty good and From software never disappoints. I'm looking forward for this game.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. I enjoyed armored core back in the day, but I know the gameplay, customization tedium, and UI are very outdated by today's standards.
I hope they utilize this as a sort of soft reboot/re-imagining and modernize it a bit. The tone and look of this already gives me some optomism for that.
If so I'm all in.
This looks trash besides the combat. FS should stick souls games.
Here's a developer q & a link with some details if anyone's interested
Another overrated FromSoft game incoming. The way people talked about Elden Ring, I thought it would be the second coming of Jesus. It wasn't, but it was a good game.
It is the second coming of jesus.
August is gonna be such a great season with Baldur's Gate 3, Sea of Stars, and ARMORED CORE 6 within the span of a week. Old Feelings + New Games = Beautiful Gaming.
When the first trailer dropped at the game awards (?) I was very intrigued by this game...never new much about the series mind you.
Like some of you though, this trailer didn't do it for me at all. I'm sure there will be some fun action and over the top story telling, but something about it just wasn't clicking for me.
Also not a fan of the visuals - all very grey? Not interesting to me from an artistic perspective.
The trailer had me in the first half. The mech designs and combat looked cool and interesting.
But as the trailer progressed, it all started to look the same, with dull, grey environments. Hopefully this gameplay footage is just based in one area, and there will be more variety in the full game.
Either way, we won’t have to wait long till we find out. That August 25 date is surprisingly soon.
@Impossibilium @Alstil Fromsoft has only 3 color pallets, medium gray, dark gray, and medium brown. The last 4 games have been brown, and the one before that dark gray. It's a burst of color to go back to medium gray.
OTOH, I's billion dollar 300 ton walking death machines waging total war in dystopian hyper-industrial-militarized civilization. It would be kind of weird to be waging total war in emerald green pastoral settings with vibrant neon metropoli in the background
@Darthmoogle I agree about DxM, I can't quite place what was off about it, I did enjoy it, but it felt off. Any Gundam style mech game focuses on a lot of flight, but I think DxM was designed so you were basically just a fighter pilot and not a mech pilot at all. You just spend most of the game flying around shooting at distant targets you can't really identify.
@Serialsid I'm a big fan of the old FASA MechWarrior games, but a lot of that is just the difference between J-mechs and W-mechs. J-mechs are always influenced by Gundam and are more focused more on their flight propulsion and mobility but with similar loadout type features like western mechs. The J-mechs have always been more fighter-jet inspired. Western mechs are mostly Battletech inspired and rooted in 20th century military hardware concepts and based more on battle tank inspiration.
From a fiction perspective, western mechs are cooler being giant walking skyscrapers, but the Japanese versions are probably more science fantasy future realistic, for future combat machines and more in line with military miniaturization, focus on air superiority, tactical strike teams etc. The Battletech idea seems more suited for old school large military sieges.
To be fair, the most recent new Mech series from the west is Titanfall which has mechs much more similar to the Japanese idea there the things can basically do hypersonic dashes and stop on a dime, etc.
I'll forever have a soft spot for Battletech/MW though. That's my original.
What makes me feel more obsolete is all the comments about "I'm not sure I like this as much as Souls but I'll give it a try." To me Souls is the weird experimental phase and this is back to meat and potatoes for From
The question for you and @Loamy is if you guys remember Starseige or not? Never felt as good as MW or AC to me, but it was unique and fun, and occupied kind of the happy middle ground between the slow and lumbering Battletech idea and the fast and nimble Gundam idea.
You obviously haven't played Kirby and the Forgotten Land. This is the apocalypitic palette I was hoping for LOL
@Loamy It's pretty ancient at this point yet not a stone cold classic like the old FASA MW games. It probably doesn't hold up well if it's even able to be found anymore. It was published by Sierra, idk who even owns it anymore. Sadly it was supplanted by Tribes the online shooter spinoff.... Exactly like Titanfall and and Apex
It was cool though. Also a fun Mark Hamill performance!
@Alstil 😂 😂. .....I did play it.... 😆
I'm surprised no one mentioned similarities to the Zone of Enders series. This looks like a lot of fun, defo on my list of games for the year.
Geez, how big is their team?
@Loamy It's old, it's campy, but.....I still loved it Still have the box and all with the cool flip up front panel from the days PC games came in big boxes, and that one was bigger than most. It was more story driven and less technical than MW, which was a strength and weakness. It doesn't hold up like MW2 does, that thing is legendary, but it's waaaaay better than MW4!
Elite caption guys
I'm pretty excited for this game
The environmental artists deserved a break after Elden Ring.
I always look forward to Elden Ring dev’s next release
Looks absolutely amazing! God, I feel like I’ve been waiting for this game to come out for so long, can’t believe we’re finally getting a new Armored Core! Definitely spotted some cool new mecha designs in there too. The whole vibe of this trailer gives off some souls-atmosphere vibes as well. Even though they aren’t changing the AC formula, they’ve obviously learned a lot and grown from an artistic standpoint. August 25 can’t come soon enough!!!
Count me in, ready and waiting.
I dabbled in Armoured Core games in the past but never gave the time dedication required.
This however does look interesting; fast paced mech combat is right up my alley. Plus I’ve been having a bit of a renaissance in the genre since dusting off my PS2s.
I need this games soundtrack NOWWW
I cannot wait to play a modern AC game, Everything here looks great! Like a lot of people I'm started to get a bit tired of the cross gen stuff, but I imagine this has been in the oven for a long time.
@GorosBat YES! Synth Metal vibe check: PASSED!
This won't be a day one purchase for me, not that big of a mech fan.
However depending on reviews and story length, I may pick this up in a few years for dirt cheap.
I do admit the trailer was dope/awesome though.
I've never played an Armored Core game before. Is the gameplay similar to mechs game like Gundam or Zone of the Enders?
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