Konami's plans to return to releasing big and proper games took another step forward today as the firm has announced its relocated to a new studio in Osaka. Under the slogan of "Creators First", it's designed to help the company achieve "sustainable growth in the next 50 years". The building is kitted out with motion capture equipment and sound studios, which will surely help its efforts to bring back Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, and Castlevania.
In addition, Konami is also constructing a "next-generation R&D center" in Tokyo and is due for completion in 2025. "We have taken various steps to promote management emphasized on human capital, improve employee engagement, and enhance its competitiveness," a press release states. "In order to achieve further sustainable growth in the significantly expanding 'entertainment' field, Konami Group will strengthen its product development capabilities and continue to provide products and services for the next generation." Employees' base salary was also raised last month.

While two of the currently revealed projects are being handled by external teams (Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill: Townfall), Konami has already revealed major efforts to bring back the Silent Hill series. Silent Hill F is also in production, and there could be more to come if rumours are to be believed. Furthermore, heavy speculation suggests a new Castlevania title is in the works and a Metal Gear Solid revival is planned for the coming years. Most notably, a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is rumoured for 2024.
Are you happy to see Konami gearing up for big new game projects instead of pachinko machines? Let us know in the comments below.
[source konami.com]
Comments 33
Dance Dance Revolution for PS5, please...!

Konami seems to be slowly rising from the ashes. But I think we’ll have to wait and see how well the Silent Hill games turn out before we can completely announce their resurrection. Fingers crossed 🤞.
Konami was everywhere in the past, I remember booting multiple games with their logo even in the Super Nintendo era. They have lots of IPs to explore, hopefully everything works out!
Wish they would release the MGS HD Collection again. It’s been 9 months since it was taken off the digital storefronts. Would love to see it available on PS5.
Edit: multiple spelling mistakes. autocorrect sucks.
They used to be absolutely top tier developers. MGS, Suikoden and Silent Hill alone blow most other devs out of the water, but then they also had other very significant games ranging from Castlevania to ISS to DDR. Then all the arcade-type classics like Contra. Then quite unique stuff like Zone of the Enders and Boktai. Then they had all these much more obscure hidden gems like Azure Dreams on PS1.
Why does nobody every mention Goemon? SAVE GOEMON!
Konami coming back can only be a good thing regardless of their past. They have some of the most beloved gaming IPs in the business and anything is better than them just sitting around collecting dust.
This makes me so happy, can't wait to see Konami at work again alongside the other greats like Sega, Squareenix and Capcom.
@Anti-Matter Where are you gonna put that in your house?
No mention of PES (efootball) huh😥 oh well
I hope this leads to more AAA great games for us gamers. They have great IP’s, if they can bring them into the current set of Consoles and PC’s they should be in great shape, there is plenty of money in the industry right now. But they have to make great games in order to achieve that financial success. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more of where this goes for Konami.
Yea we needed Konami to come back with MS eating up what's left of the third party publishers.
Konami was my life back in the SNES/Genesis and then PS1 era. They were my favorite third party developer by a mile. So many greats like Contra: Hard Corps, Contra III, Rocket Knight Adventures, Castlevania series, etc.
I used to rock my official Konami T-shirt and Hat Combo all the time when I was young. And when I got my first cell phone way back in 2003 my message tone was the Konami jingle for forever.
I really hope they can make a comeback.
Let's hope this works out because they were just hoarding IPs for years.
Maybe we might actually see some amazing franchises reborn. Gradius, Contra, Parodius, Castlevania, rocket Knight, and for me personally Axelay 2 still waiting lol 😆 😄 still I won't hold my breath.
This stuff has been in the works for a while, good to see the fruits starting to come to bear.
@Axelay71 I would actually cry if Parodius got a new game or re-release!
@NEStalgia Goemon Pachinko machine. That's the best they can do. Take it or leave it.
@SplooshDmg I'd take it at this point!
Though, Goemon Erotic Violence Pachinko.....IDK....I'm seeing bad things involving Ebisu that I would rather not see.
@Zemo55 likewise my friend, imagine a new installment on PS5. I would cry if Axelay 2 actually got made. Absolutely love the Snes game the trouble is they would probably ruin it so its probably best left alone.
@NEStalgia Did you just Rule 34 the pachinko machine in your mind brain?
@SplooshDmg Konami rule 34'd it years ago with the Castlevania Erotic Violence Pachinko (their actual description......)
Now Rule 34'ing Ebisumaru....that's a nightmare of my mind's own making.
@NEStalgia I actually remember that, now that you say it. So, what's a guy gotta do to get Castlevania Erotic Violence: The Vidya Game?
@SplooshDmg Well..... There's your survey option under "other"
@RenanKJ 'Even' in the Super Nintendo era?!?!? That was arguably Konami's most prolific and successful period ever.
This is encouraging. I wish to see Konami return to form and re-discover their roots. Hoping for SH2 to be a success. 🙏❤
"RiSe fRoM YeR GwAvE!". Mhhmmmmmm, check please!
DDR, Coded Arms (give me a roguelike shooter like you did on the PSP for modern platforms please roguelikes are a trend that while I don't care for as much I did Coded Arms), Love Plus, Thrilldrive outside of that arcade period to get a Burnout like experience. Give me your niche games Konami please.
I wish they relaunch Metal Gear and its a big success just to see the look on Kojima's face X...D
I guess it's safe to say no one needs to buy Konami! They have realized they can make money in more things than just gambling
Wow, does this mean they might actually make an effort with PES, sorry, "eFootball"? That game could be fun but my god Konami are trying their hardest to make it terrible!
Fingers crossed this is all leading towards official announcements of Metal gear Solid 3 remake news, and a new Castlevania as well. Even if that's also a remake too.
I personally see this as poor for us gamers... Konami shot itself in the foot then cut off its hand alienating its best and most talented employees. I could have only wished they had declared bankruptcy and been bought off by Sony. Imagine they could put Kojima and Sony's best hard at work on a next generation Castlevania game that would best God of War. Pity , really is hopefully they crash soon enough for a PS6 launch Castlevania.
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