Killzone 2’s trailer intro sequence is iconic. It was part of the infamous original E3 demo which turned out to be smoke and mirrors, but was later replicated in a re-reveal trailer for the final PS3 game. And now Dutch developer Guerrilla Games has paid tribute to it in a trailer for Horizon Forbidden West’s expansion Burning Shores.
While it’s not an identical recreation, the scene starts with a shot of clouds, before the camera pans across to Aloy flying her mount, and then hangs over the scenery. It’s extremely similar to the Killzone scene, where protagonist Sev and his unlikeable ally Rico are shown flying into Helghast territory. And studio director Jan-Bart Van Beek has confirmed the similarities on Twitter. “Well spotted,” he said.
We love little touches like this, but it has left us itching for some kind of Killzone 2 remaster – it was easily one of the best shooters on PS3, and a rare example of an FPS with both outstanding single player and multiplayer modes. We love the Horizon series to bits, but we hope Guerrilla can find a little bit of time to squeeze in a Killzone project in the future.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 19
Well at least they haven't totally forgotten about Killzone. Perhaps there is hope!
I hope for a Killzone project that can also be played in VR. Sony needs to use their FPS IPs to produce game that can be played both flat and VR.
I still think that E3 is what started the ball rolling to the end of E3 lol. Tell me back then that that studio would one day make Horizon and I wouldn't have believed you.
Not so interested in a KZ2 remaster myself. We don't need endless remasters of everything masquerading as new games, and that game really wasn't particularly special, the intro was the most memorable part of it, the rest was a fairly generic brown PS360 era shooter. I'd written Guerilla off as a second-rate-at-best studio back then with KZ. When they original E3 Horizon trailer came up and I saw the Guerilla logo appear I pretty much zoned out for the show, and then was shocked with first robodino appearance and was shocked that I came away actually interested in a new Guerilla release.
I did enjoy Shadowfall, the game was short, half-baked, and even more generic than KZ2, but the gameplay definitely elevated a lot from the prior point and click games. But in hindsight the whole thing was probably a test pilot for Horizon so it stands to reason.
@NEStalgia Your history with Guerrilla mirrors mine in some ways. Outside of Killzone 2, I never liked the Killzone series (I hated Shadow Fall, especially), and considered Guerrilla a very weak studio compared to the other ones under PlayStation's umbrella. Even today, Killzone 2 and Horizon: Zero Dawn are the only Guerrilla games I consider special in any meaningful way. Horizon is cool and all, but I worry that they're going to run it into the ground at some point.
Nice to see the studio acknowledge their roots
Whilst I don't think the Killzone brand will be resuscitated anytime soon, I very much enjoyed the first game and thought Killzone Liberation on the PSP was also a fine game.
Given that Sony needs an FPS in its arsenal, surely it has to be a toss up between Killzone or Resistance if they want an existing IP? I'm not too hot on Socom, but I guess that would be in the mix too
16 years later, I will still go to bat for the KZ2 campaign. That entire journey was just chef's kiss. Such a shame they changed the writing team and delivered a much less memorable, much more generic story for KZ3.
KZ2 as a whole was peak PS3 for me, I think. Really sad I couldn't get the Plat done before server shutdown. Both the base and DLC maps were fantastic. Beachhead's probably my fave map, best level in the singleplayer is The Cruiser. Something very awe-inspiring about those ISA ships, vertically positioned in the atmosphere above Helghan.
Got my fingers crossed for a new Killzone being one of Sony's many live service projects. Ideally one that reboots the series so we can forget about 3.
I would love to see Killzone make a come back, I fully believe what killed Killzone shadow fall was it being a ps4 launch game. There wasn't a big enough player base to keep the game alive. If the game came out 4-5 years later it would of been a success and sold over 10 million copies easily. But then again shadow fall flopping is probably what made them move onto Horizon Zero Dawn, so maybe it was a good thing?
I can‘t see any recreation besides clouds
My life is also a homage to killzone, as I walk about ,and you also walk about in killzone.
@LIMA yes,it is nonsense
@LIMA Fortunately the studio director can and confirmed it was there.
Shadowfall was weak, kz 1-3 however, some of my favourite shooters ever. Playing kz3 on the hardest difficulty with a friend using the move sharpshooter and a projector, one of the best gaming experiences.
@UltimateOtaku91 I think it was the CoD PS marketing and exclusivity deal that caused Sony killed off all their FPS/TPS franchises.
@RBMango Yeah. I love horizon but... The main trilogy and vr game are great but then the TV show, mmo, multiplayer game...... It's way too much of a good thing.
I wish they’d pay tribute to Killzone by making another one.
I’d prefer if Sony’s teams had two concurrent franchises they alternated between. Kind of how Insomniac did back in the PS3 era (alternating between Resistance and Ratchet) and Naughty Dog until recently (alternating between Uncharted and TLOU).
In my ideal world, Guerrilla would alternate between Horizon and Killzone games.
a slap in the face
They both have clouds. Yes, they are almost exactly the same except being totally different. I'll never get this minute back of my life...
Always nice for a game company to pay some homage to their past work.
@ActionPanther if you don't enjoy the side quests...here's a bright idea don't do them
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