It's been a shockingly busy few days for Persona fans. In case you missed it, supposedly leaked Persona 3 Remake gameplay footage went viral across the likes of Reddit and social media. The incredibly short clip shows party member Yukari summoning her persona and unleashing a flurry of magical arrows — and generally speaking, the animation and model quality looks good enough for it to be a legitimate leak.
Naturally, this footage has sparked a whole lot of debate regarding the rumoured remake. Previous rumours have all stemmed from industry 'insiders' — the classic "trust me bro" approach — making them difficult to fully believe.
However, with the 'leak' blowing up across the web, proven, reliable sources have started to weigh in. Gematsu is one such source, stating on Twitter: "While we cannot verify the footage itself, Gematsu understands that a Persona 3 remake has been in development at Atlus for several years." If Gematsu says it's actually happening, then it probably is.
And then it gets even juicer. Twitter user @MbKKssTBhz5 caught a recently registered website domain named — and it's listed under the same provider as the official Persona 5 Royal site.
In short, it's extremely likely that Persona 3 Remake is the real deal. Now, it's just a question of when it'll be announced — and for what platforms.
What do you want from Persona 3 Remake? Await the Dark Hour in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 39
Why do i get a bad feeling Microsoft will be waving their money at this just like they did with the remasters.
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm excited for this but yeah I was thinking that too, hopefully it's not a situation where it's only on PS4 but Xbox gets the current-gen version lol
Is it as real as the 3D Mario collection or is it as real as the Switch Pro?
I don't mind if its for xbox as well. Can't wait! Obviously its done from a different team than Persona 6, hope there will be announcements for both soon
@Razputinman Or worst and playstation misses out altogether, although Sega seem to want all their games multiplatform lately so worst case scenario would be a short timed exclusive which I can wait, but I doubt sega would even do that with xbox due to the abysmal xbox sales in Japan, no one would be playing it lol. Also can't see them missing out on the switch since its the main platform on Japan.
Hopefully it's multiplatform on the same day and with the same parity on versions.
Yes, I'm really interested in this
@UltimateOtaku91 I don't have problem with that as long as it's still available on playstation console, gamers can buy it or play it on gamepass.
@wiiware Being on gamepass isn't a problem, it's the fact Microsoft paid to have the next gen versions exclusive, so there wasn't a PS5 version for playstation players who supported the games from the beginning, but there was an xbox series X version...
Sega chose money over loyalty.
creativity is really gone in the current era. Just easy money remakes. that gamers seem happy to gobble up.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner people want quality,most of the recent remakes have been quality. nothing more to it.
I really tried to like P5.. I tried so hard.. even pushed through 5 hours on it.. I couldn’t do it.. waaay too much dialog for me.. doesn’t help I am completely uninterested in anything anime (besides Pokémon).. but for those who enjoy it, I hope they do P3 some justice.. remakes these days have gotten lazy
I hope that Sony doesn't make this an exclusive
@GrimReaper Not up to Sony, it's up to Sega.
@UltimateOtaku91 Oh you sweet summer child
Persona 3 still to this day is my all time favorite game in the SMT franchise. For how good it is, the gameplay does feel outdated compared to P5 and was hoping one day, the game will get that P5 treatment. I guess now's that time. C'mon Atlus, announce the remake already.
I'm not going to get excited over rumours, but I'd certainly love for this to be true. Persona 3 has a great story and characters, but the game could benefit from an update.
Definitely needed with the whole strange situation concerning FES and Portable. Now to tell my poor wee brother that he’s put 40 hours into FES and now there’s a remake likely coming 😬
you will be lucky if that’s all they do, and not do the same thing Sony did to FF7R.
Honestly I think this is all on Sega/Atlus. Yes, MS likely paid for it, but Sega/Atlus accepted it without a second thought (also for the PS3|4 ports) because of the huge PS4 install base and those versions being perfectly playable on PS5, and P5R already not selling that well compared to P5's original release. Why invest the resources on a third PS release of P5 when their second one didn't really move that many units?
@Razputinman best way to announce it would be to announce persona 6, which will be a ways away, and then say something like "But to tide you over in the meantime..." would love a persona 3 remake as I never finished it and only played the portable version
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm pretty sure money and loyalty are synonyms in this industry. The 'real fans' are expected to just go play the game wherever it exists, if they can't be bothered to do that, then they were never 'real fans'. It just sucks when the shoe is on the other foot. Right?
R.I.P. SMT 1, SMT 2, Devil Summoner 1995, Devil Summoner Radiou Kuzunoha 1 & 2, Persona 1, Persona 2 who need more remake than Persona 3.But at the same time ill take it lolz..
Perhaps we will hear something at the rumoured PS event? Or even Xbox’s showcase
This reminds me of that time when a leak shot of Lapras in roaming the seas with a trainer on it's back was questioned, and some said it was fake. (You never know....) I welcome the possibility, and I gotta say, the camera angles she does with the bow seems legit. I would play this game. They need to make this remake more dynamic like this. (I notice some questioning the bow, and how it looks like a certain thing to another game...and to that I's possible to bring in the bow from that game to this easter's possible.)
My god I'm excited by the idea of a true definitive version of Persona 3 since none exists at the moment. The content of P3FES and P3P plus the graphics of P5? Sign me up.
This will cause Mass Destruction to my wallet.
@Loamy The common perception is that the deal was renewed/extended with the launch of Intergrade.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah that's kind of suck, I remember persona 4 version series x is better than ps5, because the game is only ps4 port rather than next-gen version like series x.
Well it just shows that for publisher is all about short-term money rather than rewarding loyal persona gamers (which mostly on playstation). Let's hope persona 3 remake is more like persona 5 royal ps5, which is next-gen version rather than port.
I wouldn't mind Persona 3 Remake happening. I find Persona 3 the hardest to play as FES can be slow with the gameplay and getting tired in Tartarus happens very easily, and while Portable has enhancements it's not the same. A P3 remake that adds QOL improvements to the base game of FES sounds great, and if they even add the Portable side of things to the game then we have the best version of Persona 3
Still far and away the best Persona game. Would welcome a remake of it for sure.
Though with this comment section, i'd laugh if it ended up as a Switch exclusive.
People saying that Microsoft payed Atlus for the next gen remasters exclusive seem to forget that, Microsoft doesn't require a fee for a next gen update because of smart delivery like Sony does.
Getting a one year deal of persona 3 remake would be a huge boon to Xbox sales in Japan not sure of other demographics
we just got a remaster so it is not needed. i would remake persona and persona 2 instead since those are games that most people have not played are in the most need of quality of life updates.
On the one hand, the impression I got was that it was the roughest of the three recently released remasters, so I get why they may want to smooth that one out, but on the other hand, surely there are less costly ways than a full-blown remake?
I dunno, just seems like an odd move, especially when the first two games could probably actually use the remake treatment.
Cool! I'm in! It does make sense to make a definitive version with better graphics that merged all different versions into one.
I wouldn't say no to a new ending after the epilogue. Sorry, i like good endings. 😋
I don't know why people are acting like this is an Xbox thing. It's like you want to see it die like PSO2. Was far too late by the time it came to Playstation.
Make no mistake though, this will come out on playstation and/or switch eventually even if MS were to pay for an exclusivity deal.
This is a japanese company. Xbox only is not a viable release in japan. Sega needs to make money and there is no way the xbox fanbase embraces JRPG's. They never did. All of them sell way worse on it. So, i advise to not go crazy and be patient. No way MS will pay SEGA the equivalent of millions in sales and the game have measly sales with an Xbox only release. It's lunacy to think so.
@UltimateOtaku91 If MS is involved it will just be a Gamepass day 1 release and nothing else i expect. A timed release would be throwing money away as the fanbase is on PS and Switch and not Xbox.
so, when can we pre-order ?
@UltimateOtaku91 “ Being on gamepass isn't a problem, it's the fact Microsoft paid to have the next gen versions exclusive, so there wasn't a PS5 version for playstation players who supported the games from the beginning, but there was an xbox series X version...”
Which game do you mean? Persona 4’s re-release? I feel like I am out of the loop here.
Y’all really changed it, 🤭 FA&FO
If this does turn out to be real, fingers crossed we get a native PS5 version!
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