Sony has quietly hiked the prices of PlayStation games on Steam in seven countries worldwide, with titles like Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Days Gone, God of War, Returnal, and more affected.
First spotted by Chairmanchuck over on ResetEra, and confirmed by PlayStation LifeStyle, the countries in question are primarily located in the Americas but also include both China and Japan, which kind of throws out our initial regional theory. You can see the increased price ranges below:
- Argentina: 4199-5999 Pesos to 8499-9999 Pesos
- Canada: $59.99-69.99 CAD to $64.99-79.99 CAD
- Chile: 32000-39500 CLP to 35000-42000 CLP
- China: 279-379 RMB to 345-414 RMB
- Colombia: 159000-194000 Pesos to 184000-219000 Pesos
- Japan: 4900-6490 Yen to 6490-7590 Yen
- South Korea: 45880-58800 Won to 52800-62800 Won
The firm is yet to make any kind of announcement regarding the increase, but we imagine it will, as our PC cousins don't seem terribly impressed. Are you affected by this increase in prices? Explain the global economy to us like we're five-year-olds in the comments section below.
[source resetera.com, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 64
Money, money, money, money!
Payup PC players
People are complaining about Nintendo games never dropping in price. At least they don't raise in price lol
Oh well, what a pity.
Jim Ryan's ringtone:
(Cue sarcasm/irony fanfare) Ahhh the old smug pc master race starting to feel the pinch like all us poor console peasents..
Lol they're raising their prices on PC while their games bombing there?
No idea what their pc strategy is or if they have one anymore.
@NinjaNicky I agree, look at Bayonetta Origins it's a good game but is it worth £50? Hell no, and then there's the multiplayer games Nintnedo release that cost £50 but are missing content that you have to wait months to recieve in updates. Yet PlayStation release high quality finished games with next gen visuals and features and cost of development is easily three times the amount of switch games. Yet people moan that PS5 games cost more but they would gladly pay £50-£60 for games running off a mobile chipset at 720p 30fps at best 😑
Some of those new prices are still £15 cheaper than what they are on the PlayStation store. The highest Japanese price converts to £45 in UK, before that it was £38. These countries are getting bargains compared to what we have to pay in the UK.
@NinjaNicky LOL, beyond ignorant and stupid on every conceivable level. The amount of effort that goes into something like Mario odyssey, breath of the wild, Metroid Prime 4, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Bayonetta 3,to name a few, are well worth comparable pricing. But alas, this is a Sony hardcore site. 🤷♂️
@NinjaNicky What kind of BS take is that? Why shouldn't games like BotW, Super Mario Odyssey, TotK, Xenoblade etc not be worth more than 40€/$? I rather spent 60€ on those games that are actually good than 75-80€ on games like Forspoken, Horizon Forbidden West etc whos only thing they are good at are the graphics
@NEStalgia You are severely misinformed if you think the PS games are bombing on PC, they’re among the absolute most successful single player games on the system. Most of them don’t have massive launches(because they’re old games with less built up hype) but sell consistently week after week.
Something like God of War, which launched last January as a 4 year old port, has sold 4.3M copies according to Steamspy already. That’s more than big games that have launched on Steam Day one like Resident Evil Village(3.22m), Deathloop(941k), Ghostwire Tokyo(408k), Forza Horizon 5(2.32m), Plague Tale Requiem(262K), Guardians of the Galaxy(304K).Also much more than other late ports like FFVII Remake Intergrade(427k). Also a newer big release like Dead Space is at 524k since release and it won’t get close to GoW’s 4M in the same timeframe. That’s 4 Year old port GoW remember.
Even Day’s Gone, which had a muted launch and is not well received has creeped up to 2.24M sales. Out of the big games Uncharted had the worst launch but it still sells consistently every week and is already at 442k in 6 months(more than the lifetime sales of some big day one games) and will continue selling at this rate for years.
The Playstation games on PC are making tons of money consistently every month, and they will still sell in 10 years because that’s how PC works.
Though raising prices is never good news, there shouldn't be too much of an issue.
If you usually buy games on Steam at full price, then your wallet is already well garnished and don't really care.
If you wait for promotions to buy your games, then it won't impact you, just wait for a price you consider affordable and that's that.
Also, for smart PC gamers, there's the 3rd (and best) option - get your games from cd key sites. Cheaper than full price even at launch, and even more so after that. If you buy it during a promotional period - heh, even better.
It may sound like a commercial, but it's just an (unsolicited) advice : )
Make use of it, or don't... the choice is yours.
@ChrisDeku Completely agree. Good post. By and large all the big Sony games released on PC have done exceptionally well. Not sure where the idea they are bombing on PC comes from.
While it's true a couple have had poor launces in terms of quality, most have been excellent, in fact Digital Foundry frequently use them as benchmarks of what to do with a PC port and how to configure settings. (see Alex Battaglia's video on the state of PC gaming for example).
Raising the prices of new games I can understand. But old/already released games? Jimbo is at it again. Luckily, I buy all my Sony games on PC on key reseller sites.
BeerIsAwesome wrote:
That's not really true either. I understand the temptation to state this but we REALLY need to remove the idea that porting to PC (or another platform) is either cheap or easy, it isn't either. It costs a lot of time, expertise and money to do well.
Of course it's less than making a game from scratch, and yes they will be wanting to turn a profit, but it absolutely isn't "basically just pure profit".
@DrGonzo one port was terrible, that's it
@Northern_munkey Not quite true.
PC master race have the option to pirate Playstation single player games ( this price increase might lead more PC gamers to do so,lol), so no, they still have the advantage.
@rachetmarvel you must have missed the intro music...
@DrGonzo Brilliant comeback, you don’t have any actual counter arguments, but you could at least try. Make a sport of it.
@rachetmarvel That’s like saying console gamers have the option of stealing a disc from a shop. Yeah, everyone can do illegal things, but that shouldn’t be considered a pro.
@ChrisDeku That's a wack analogy.
1. It's like comparing ripping or "pirating" music online, to that of stealing a CD in a shop. Similar yet two different things all together.
2. "Pirating" is how we archive some older games.
So yeah, it's 100% a pro.
@Northern_munkey Pardon?
@rachetmarvel Yeah one is stealing and one is slightly more socially acceptable stealing. You understand that pirating a copy is literally stealing according to the laws of most countries?
@DrGonzo What in the world are you even talking about? Resident Evil 4 is a game by Capcom, and Forspoken a game by Squaresoft. What does either have to do with Sony? Or what do they even have to do with each other?
@rachetmarvel my comment was meant to be taken with a pinch of salt hence the cue sarcasm/irony fanfare bit...no worries👍
@DrGonzo Those games released day one on PC, they’re not “PlayStation Games”. They were never ported, but were developed on PC concurrently.
This entire article is about video games made by Playstation Studios, not games that happen to also be on Playstation as a format. The price increase talked about here is about games made by Playstation Studios. It doesn’t include games made by Capcom or Square Enix which Sony obviously doesn’t have any control over…
You’re talking about games that aren’t even covered in this article and that have nothing to with Sony.
Nintendo is also jacking up the prices.
Switch still costs far more than it should ($350).
Tears of the Kingdom will cost $70.
Just a reminder: raising prices is a common practice on Steam, especially if people are changing their store region just to capitalize on some cheap games in certain regions.
But then again, some people like to go ape mode once they see the name Sony, they don't read, nor research, just complain and go "unga bunga Jim Ryan unga bunga".
@mariomaster96 Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
@NinjaNicky "No Switch game should be over £40".
Wow, what a terrible take. You've missed out on some of the best games ever made if that's your opinion.
@BeerIsAwesome and despite that and the help from PC port experts Iron Galaxy they STILL made a big mess of the TLOU1 PC port. Should give you an idea how hard this is.
BTW wasn't trying to come down hard on you specifically or anything, I usually agree with your posts. Just trying to explain that porting games is not easy at all and trying to stop people pushing the idea that it is simple, when it isn't. Especially porting AAA console games to PC, with PCs infinite hardware options. To do it well is a LOT of work.
Not sure about the other countries, but Argentina (next-door neighbour, as I live in Brazil) has been suffering with over 100% inflation a year. The price hike is, unfortunately, totally justified in that case.
"our PC cousins" link got me hyped for a 5th Hookshot website!!!
@mariomaster96 yes they have theyre gonna charge $70 for their low quality garbage games instead of the traditional $60
Unlike other publishers, sony game is expensive here in indonesia, even nintendo new zelda totk (physical) is less expensive ($50) than new sony 1st party games ($70). Playstation physical 3rd party games usually less expensive like nintendo games too.
@Randinator123 Tears of the Kingdom = low quality garbage
Sure lol.
As everyone knows the only thing important in a video game is the graphical fidelity and nothing else, who cares if the game itself is good or not /s
Greed has been Sonys motto this whole generation. I bet if they raise game prices again on console another 10 dollars fanboys would say nothing
@ChrisDeku Yes, GoW has had a good run, but the rest of those numbers really aren't spectacular. We're talking about games selling in the "hundreds of thousands" like it's an incredible achievement and comparing against games like Ghostwire and Guardians that (despite being great games) have had disappointing sales across all platforms. Then there's Uncharted and Sackboy that really performed poorly.
Sure, I'm sure it's making money more than losing money, but a price increase, on Steam of all platforms, doesn't jive will with the numbers as even your post shows.
OTOH, I'm surprised about such a low number on FF7R, I would have expected that to have done extremely well on PC.
@RonnieL There are still tons of people who damaged controlled and and made excuses for it though. There are people who literally support Sony like they are their parents and not a billion dollar corporation,and it’s embarrassing and does damage to gaming as whole.
@Shad361 greed is part of all corporations welcome to capitalism.
Really puts that ABK complaint that Microsoft maybe might possibly someday raise their prices into perspective.....
You have zero need to pay Steam prices. You only need Steam to activate/organize you game
I rarely buy games directly on the Steam store. It is PC not a console, you can shop around Digital stores.
This doesn’t affect me very much, because I buy my PlayStation games on PlayStation . . . where they are already $79.99 to $89.99 Canadian (at launch anyways).
Which is one of the main reasons I wait for sales. I’m long past caring about playing the latest and greatest games when they release. I’ll enjoy them just as much when the price drops lower, with the added benefit of having the game patched up as much as it’s going to be.
And with the way games frequently go on sale on Steam, anyone who wants to pay less will have plenty of opportunities.
@C25CLOUD and this acceptance mentality is exactly why nothing will change. Enjoy the inevitable $100 because people on console except anything.
@BeerIsAwesome Reading between the lines of Naughty Dogs posts on the TLOU1 PC port I suspect, and it's only that, I have no proof, that they tried to do much of the porting themselves without really understanding the specific difficulties and complications of PC porting. Particularly the fact it's not fixed hardware unlike console/PlayStation, lots of the problems seem to stem from that.
I struggle to believe Iron Galaxy would have made many of the obvious mistakes that were in that TLOU1 PC port considering their long history of great ports to all devices. PC to Console and Console to PC including some miraculous ports to Switch. They are great at getting a lot out of limited hardware, which is the opposite of TLOU1 PC port which is power hungry.
But as I said it's only an assumption, I may be 100% wrong on that, every project is different.
@ChrisDeku because they’re the absolute best games. A lot of PC only gamers won’t have played them.
@mariomaster96 y’all nintendo zealots still using that tired graphics excuse in defense for how mediocre nintendo is ?
it’s not 2009 anymore , nintendo is terrible for a multitude of reasons. rather have M$ or $ony be the only ones left over nintendo . the bias for nintendo is honestly insane .
@blockfight he’s right . imagine paying full price for glorified 2010 games for a glorified 2011 portable . let alone i don’t think there’s ever been a handheld game that costed $60 either .
Surely THAT will help the games sell even 20% of the adjacent PlayStation release's DAY 3 sales numbers???
No, the games would be lucky to hit that after day 1000 on sale lol, which makes you wonder why they even bother wasting the developers' time and resources on such unfeasible nonsense.
@DrGonzo Eh thats Capcom and Square Enix still waiting for that point?
@nomither6 some of the best games I've ever played are on Switch. I own all 3 current platforms, love all 3. The games I've bought full price were more than value for money. Put close to 200 hours into Breath of the Wild alone and barely scratched the surface of what the game had to offer.
I get people like different things and that's fine, but to flat out say that all Nintendo Switch games aren't worth it basically makes you sound like a 1990's fanboy.
Man money has a lot of dumb names.
@BeerIsAwesome To be clear their post didn't specifically state that "all future games they make will be coming to PC and PlayStation concurrently", though that MAY be the case, but it did say they would be planning for PC during development, rather than treating it as an afterthought.
Personally i'd expect any multiplayer/live service titles like Factions to probably come Day 1 to PC where a larger playerbase benefits both the PS community but also Sony's bottom line. But I still expect single player Naughty Dog games to come to PS first. But that's just my guess.
It is the Sony way...
The biggest hurdle for console to PC porting is memory management. The way a game’s memory needs are mapped is completely different from console. A console typically gives a developer a huge pool of super fast system memory that they can move around in accordance with the game’s demands. All console memory can be video memory when needed; it’s fast enough and has the bandwidth.
On PC, you’ve got to be very careful with memory management. Because there is a huge difference in terms of bandwidth between your video memory and your general memory. And I think that’s at the core of why TLOU Part 1 is so bad on PC. The developers clearly didn’t understand how to revamp the game for a strict segregated memory environment.
I fully agree.
The way the game abuses memory makes me think that Naughty Dog, who have little to no experience with modern PC development, did most of the work on the port.
It also explains why the game’s textures look worse than the PS3 version when set to medium. They really didn’t know how to optimize the game for 8GB and below cards. Which are the majority of cards in use.
@OrtadragoonX Exactly. That's why I suspect this part was handled by Naughty Dog, who are new to PC ports, not Iron Galaxy, who should know all this from their storied history of PC and other ports.
EDIT: Snap. Simul-posting
Iron Galaxy would have done a much better job with the port. They understand that the way you build a PC game is to optimize the hell out of it for mid-range gaming hardware and then scale it up and down.
Naughty Dog probably assumed every PC gamer is rich and runs a RTX 4090 paired with a top of the line 600 dollar CPU. Because that’s the only way the game runs like it is supposed to.
Breath of the Wild is still my favorite open world game of the entire console generation. It got so much right.
It’s even a pretty game. On any platform.
I don’t get the hate for Nintendo. They make some bangers.
@OrtadragoonX Can't wait for Tears of the Kingdom, in just 3 weeks!
Artistry >> Graphical Fidelity and Gameplay >>>>>>> Graphics
Plus on exactly the same page on the Iron Galaxy stuff.
@rachetmarvel And if they do it to much they will stop porting the games so we shall see.
@NinjaNicky no issue with waiting for games to go on sale. I do it all the time myself. There's very few games I buy day 1 anymore. Tears of the Kingdom will be a day one purchase for sure though.
RIP, won't be long before this eventually affects US Steam as well.
@mariomaster96 Fair point, at least digitally anyways!
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