Craig Mazin, producer of HBOs excellent The Last of Us adaptation (and Chernobyl), has made it clear that anything is possible in Season 2, giving us all some food for thought. MAJOR SPOILERS for The Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2 to follow!
In an interview with Esquire (thanks, VGC), Maizin made some interesting comments that we might want to try and keep in mind when Season 2 comes out. He suggests nothing is off-limits in terms of the script and that co-writer and Naughty Dog co-president Neil Druckmann is completely on board, stating: "This should be fairly obvious to anyone by now, but I don’t fear killing characters. But the important thing to note is that neither Neil nor I feel constrained by the source material."
Now, veterans of Naughty Dog's games know what happens at the start of The Last of Us: Part 2; that newcomer Abby brutally kills Joel after a chance encounter near the beginning of the game. It's shocking, obviously, and extremely violent. HBO is never one to shy away from uncomfortable scenes, but we can't help but wonder how the show will handle the notorious moment.
Pedro Pascal, who portrays Joel in the show but has not seen the scene in question (but does know what it entails), said that it "wouldn’t make sense to follow the first game so faithfully only to stray severely from the path" when asked what he thought the plan for his character was. Bella Ramsey, who portrays Ellie, says: "If [the scene] does take place in the show, I don’t know that I’m emotionally ready for it."
Like Pascal, we can't imagine the storyline deviating wildly, as much as we might want it to for the characters themselves. But it does sound like the fates of lesser characters could be altered if the writing duo feel it appropriate. What do you think of Maizin's comments? How closely do you think the HBO show will follow the game? Rewrite history in the comments section below.
[source esquire.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 42
No way they gank him.
Let them follow the game.
Since the show was announced I've been eager to watch the same hilarious hysteria that gripped overly sensitive gamers reach millions of TV viewers who developed an emotional bond to the duo.
It will be glorious.
I hope Joel death is more brutal in the show than it is in the game.
Just keep ma boy Joel alive for half of the season, that's all I ask 😭
@PhantomMenace84 This was the exact thing that I am expecting them to do. An with them saying the is an expansion of the game by including stories that they didn't have time for in the game.
Queen got a mean swing xx
This is the same network that aired Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, and other shows that were well known for killing off main characters suddenly. I think viewers will handle it a lot better than the man children did with the game.
He has to die or there's no way they can tell the Part 2's story.
I would prefer they just ignore most of Part 2 script and do their own version of it, if people want to watch Joel die so badly they can just replay the game.
@PhantomMenace84 It's 4 Years Between The First game and the 2nd.
I imagine they’ll add in back story and flesh it out a bit and have him die towards the end of season 2, penultimate episode. Leading onto season 3 being the bulk of the second game.
Can it be more grisly than his death as the Red Viper of Dorne
@Juanalf yeah that’s not happening chief. He’s getting popped
If Joel doesn't die then the story wouldn't be the same. There's no other person in the franchise whose death would impact Ellie this much.
I'm one of those people who had to pause the game, cry my eyes out and then return to the game when Joel died. I didn't want it either, but his death gave us one of the best stories I've ever experienced. So the showrunners better not deviate from the plot.
The whole point of the second game was that it was about the pointless need for revenge and what Ellie and Abby lose in their pursuit of it.
It would either have to be a completely different plot to the game or it would be a complete disservice to the whole story.
@XOF This all day and all night. If Joel’s death didn’t cut you up you’re dead inside, but if all you came away from the game with was being angry they killed your favourite character you don’t understand what good storytelling is.
@FinneasGH that would make sense to me.
If there's one thing they could have done more of its flesh out the relationship between them both. To cut it off so quickly in the second season wouldn't really make sense.
I think the second season following them and seeing her find out what happened, THEN showing the death, could really handle the whole thing well.
Whatever they do all we'll hear is a bunch of moaning about how it follows the game too closely, or it doesn't follow it enough. The moaning generation.
I think it'd make more sense for TV if they show the flashbacks before his death. Show the space museum thing, some other original stuff of a similar nature, then them growing apart (the section when Ellie's a bit older and is with Tommy, using the rifle) and then get to Joel's murder about ep 3.
@Matroska The thing is, by having the flashbacks after Joel’s death it softens the blow for the audience, almost as if he’s not actually dead.
Tarantino told a great story once about when he was pitching Pulp Fiction to studio execs. They couldn’t believe he wanted to kill off Vincent Vega halfway through, but then they found out the structure meant he was technically alive at the end of the film and they were happy again 😂
@HUMPERDOO I hate flashbacks ,I also hate prequels and films that start at the end for 5 min, then say 2 weeks earlier ,they just annoy me ,maybe to much 😂
As there was a time jump between TLoU1 and TLoU2 of (I think) 5 years, I'm hoping that the second season will focus on events during that time period. There is no reason to dive headlong into the events of the second game, when they can legitimately fill in that period of time. Also, if they go straight into the second game in the second season, they will need to age Ramsey to get her to look the part, which is something that is rarely done convincingly.
I still haven't seen the TV show as yet, as I've decided to await the 4K boxset, which I have on pre-order. I'm hoping that there may be a few bits cut from the TV show that make it into the boxset...
I hope someone at PushSquare can see issue with the headline “Joel’s fate” if you are trying to avoid spoilers.
@tallythwack I hear ya 😂 Those things are generally overused or implemented poorly, it’s true. But they have their place if they’re done well. The Godfather Part 2’s a good example. Most of the film’s a flashback and it’s arguably better than the first.
Exactly, there must have been something happen in that time. It's just that for the development of Ellie's character, it had to skip 5years.
@koffing not necessarily. Fate doesn't necessarily mean dead.
@Zisssou Rabble! Rabble Rabble!
"Alright people, what are we rabbling about now?"
Yeah I don’t see how the events unfold in Part 2 without that pivotal death, it fuels everything.
I wouldn't mind a deviation from the game. Abby can beat Joel into a coma and ellie can go on her revenge spree. Everyone is happy.
The change in fate will be a baseball bat instead of a golf club.
Please I watched the bill episode,they took a walking tank and made a love story. I wanted to see bill v raiders not bill watering flowers 😂 but hell I love Ron Swanson 😍, I grew up on 80s action shows. Meh this show is soo not for me.
I'll just stick to the game.
Was a mistake joels die in the game will be on the show. Just saying because everyone feels the same. Must live . Actually the show could be about others caracters.new line etc
I hope they make it as depressing as the game
Joel dying in part 2 was a big mistake (of many) so I say retcon it and keep him alive in the show.
@Fiendish-Beaver I believe Bella Ramsey is currently 19, so she is as old as Ellie in TLOU2 therefore no need to age her.
I do agree the second season will probably spend a few episodes filling out characters from Jackson and Ellie's realisation of what happened to the Fireflies at Salt Lake City. However Joel has to die as depicted in the game at some point, as the murder is the motivation for the entire bloody revenge only begets more bloody revenge tragedy that is the story arc of TLOU2.
This is what I am hoping too. I want to see them build a life. Perhaps make Joel's death the end of Season 2 and then 3 would be Ellie's journey.
Fair enough, I didn't realise she was quite so 'old', @DixyViking.
From the comments by the cast, especially Pascal himself, it definitely sounds like they respect the source material. Regardless of my personal opinion of the games (not a fan), nothing makes me happier than a responsible and faithful adaptation. While it’d be fine to have a season or two that fills the time between part 1 and 2, Joel has to die. Otherwise they’re just pissing off the same people that made the show such a hit.
Can’t wait to fall in love with Abby again.
I don’t hate Joel as much as in the game though.
I have a lot to say about this but I'll try to be concise.
I think the emotional impact of TLOU is so powerful because you spend a LOT of time as Joel in the first game. He's essentially the main character until, he's not.
There's so many momements of bonding with Joel and Ellie that you control as the player, his death is something most don't want, even if they understand Joel is a bad dude. It's a bad dude you have ownership over.
For the show, I think showing more of who Joel was, him smuggling coffee and goods, settling down and becoming the normal Joel you see at the start of the show pre-outbreak is important. To me, that's why I love Joel. He's a character that has been in both worlds, and throughout the journey you can see why he's messed up. All of it isn't his fault, and to some degree he's a product of surviving this long.
The show needs to establish that and make up for the fact you don't spend as much time with these characters on the stick.
Long story short, golf club scene should just be 2-4 episodes in, and establish Joel under better circumstances, is actually not a bad dude, but continue with how love turns into hatred theme and his demise nonetheless.
@PegasusActual93 Maybe if they rewrite it so it's less contrived and actually fits Joel's character.
Please, please don't kill Joel! I love Pedro Pascal and the character he plays! What an amazing actor!
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