Perhaps we should have predicted last night’s PS Showcase would disappoint when Sony opted to open with the irritatingly named Fairgame$, a multiplayer competitive heist game from the recently acquired Haven. This title has been criticised for looking like generic Ubisoft fodder, but when you consider the team is made up of ex-Ubisoft Montreal employees, including founder Jade Raymond, perhaps that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
While it’s obviously far too early to draw any conclusions from a CGI teaser trailer, we’ve been struck by how uncharacteristically tone deaf this title appears to be. On the PS Blog, creative director Mathieu Leduc describes the PS5 and PC release as a “modern-day Robin Hood” style affair, where you “trespass inside forbidden locations around the world, fill your pockets like a kid in a candy store, and unravel the nefarious plans of untouchable billionaires”.
The kicker appears to be that while robbing the rich, you’ll have to put down fellow peasants, as this is a PvP game where you’ll presumably be facing off against rival pickpockets to secure the spoils. This all strikes us as incredibly tone deaf in 2023, especially during a cost of living crisis. We appreciate the game’s probably not trying to make any kind of political commentary, but the premise rubs us the wrong way.

And the vibe on the title’s secret website is no better. Visit the URL and you’ll be asked to enter a secret code, which is hidden in the game’s trailer. You can then effectively sign up for a mailing list, but not before telling the developer which billionaire needs a “spanking”. It’s all needlessly edgy, garish, and frankly makes us want to gag.
Of course, in addition to all of this is the fact that, conceptually, the game looks just about as dime a dozen as you can get – hilarious considering it’s all about stealing from the super-rich. In terms of art style it’s almost identical to the upcoming Hyenas, another game which has been staunchly criticised for its forgettable direction – and it’s not a million miles away from the dozens of other impending shooter copycats, like XDefiant et al.
There’s also a hint of irony to the fact this is a live service game, and something cringe-inducing about the very real reality it’ll likely lean heavily into microtransactions – a great way of sticking it to the billionaires, eh? Look, we hope the game ends up great, and obviously we’re not going to draw any firm conclusions from a teaser trailer. But as far as first impressions go, this game couldn’t have got it more wrong.
Comments 113
this game is DOA im calling it now.
no one wants this from a Sony 1st party studio
It's a spectacularly stupid concept. A bunch of poor people murdering each other to steal from a rich person. Colour the whole thing up in Ubisoft Chic and what have a you got? A game that will have its servers shut down a year after launch probably.
This will be Havens one and only chance with how quick Sony is about closing Studios. So...yeah shortly aftef Release we will hear about Haven being shut down lol
One half of me says I see what you mean, the other half of me says we barely know what it is. It's just been announced for goodness sake.
Yeah this trailer did not win any favors for Haven studio. The heavy emphasis on the "stick it to the man" vibes is very (and I hate to say this but...) cringe inducing.
Hopefully it was just a bad reveal trailer and the final game has something more to offer but I'm not really into heist shooters at all personally so I can't say I'm confident in this one.
@bkeswick While I do agree the jury's still out, when you announce a game the onus is on you to communicate the vibe/tone you're targeting. And I think they did a terrible job!
@Korgon Don't hate to say it. Cringe is 100% the word.
@get2sammyb Yeah there's something distasteful and lousy about it. But I also know live services tend to get bashed anyway.
Yeah, I’m out…
I agree on this. It's a terrible reveal.
What they showed does not at all reflect what Jade Raymond was saying about this game.
I can't imagine they were hoping we would take her words in to account for context when watching it.
Either way this was the one thing showed last night that made me raise my eyebrows for the wrong reasons.
Removed - inappropriate
One of the worst trailers last night. Can't believe they led with this (and are letting this concept move forward)
Yeah your right. And that title? Fairgame$? That's borderline a crime against humanity!😄
Lowest point of the show, for me. Couldn't agree with Sammy more.
Seems like a big day-one flop for the PushSquare readers, myself included. I hope Sony can at least make their money back before shutting the studio down.
This reads as an opinion piece lol. I’m indifferent but find it curious that there are essentially two titles with the same style of gameplay. This and Marathon are squad based looting PvP games. No one seems bothered by Marathon tho….
You can feel the stench of Ubisoft from this game. This studio does not fit in with Sony's first-party stable at all.
This game is DOA. How did Jade sell this game as something innovating is beyond me. The presentation to Jim and Hermen must be something in the line of:
@shafedog247 People must be confused about Marathon or something, right? This does not seem like a remake of the original, more of an entirely new concept with the same name. Don’t worry, people will become more and more disappointed as we get closer to release 😅
Edit: seems like Concord might be in the same vein as well 😢
@Shepherd_Tallon I agree it doesn't to jive with the way the studio was talking about innovation and creativity. Maybe they meant their development tools or something but it all looked a bit off. Like I can see the appeal of Concord despite no gameplay due to been made by ex Bungie devs and seems to have a vibrant Sci-fi look. This though seems very jarring.
The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Always. It's time to do something about it!!!!*
*and by do something about it, I mean keep powerlessly taking our licks while we try out a Robin Hood-esque game.
and this is why sony's whole live service shtick is worrying.
we had only 4 PS studio games on a PLAYSTATION showcase,and 3 of them where live service,that looked bland and told us nothing at the same time.
phase 2 looking VERY lackluster.
Wonder what happens if all of these live service titles completely bombed? I mean why make 12 live service titles, half of that would have been more manageable.
Not trying to make a political commentary you say!? Of course it is! It’s the generic, civilisation destroying, community dividing, anti capitalist tosh that is so common they likely thought they were on to a sure fire winner. Probably placed less emphasis on the gameplay than their political message.
Insanely tasteless. Really don’t get the trend of massive megacorps making the most grim, vague ‘anti-capitalist’ cringe compilations that somehow all look the same.
Come on guys, let's steal from Elon Musk, I mean Elliot Moore. Armed robbery and killing other people doing the same thing as us is all chivalrous stuff when the target's a rich dude.
Can this be finally the game that makes the media close the lid on Jade Raymond?
I have never understood the fascination with her. She's been surfing the "creator of the Assassin's Creed franchise" title (which is fairly debatable) for 15 years now, but when you look at her resume, I really don't see anything incredible... unless you count the Mighty Quest for Epic Loot in 2015 a hit big enough to carry her "fame" for 8 years...
I guess for $ony microtran$action$ are Fairgame$
@jdv95 Disagree with that, you could make the argument with Fairgame$ looking bland but Helldivers 2 showed off what it was about and Concord at least looks like it'll have a vibrant artstyle.
I spent most of the trailer's runtime trying to match it to one of Ubisoft's IPs, what a horrendous waste of time. DOA.
It has extremely strong Watch Dogs energy, I'll give you that. But I'd also like to wait to at least see some gameplay before I decide if it's worth trying.
@Olmaz Jade Raymond is known for producing and building studios, she isn't a creative like a Kojima. Her job is to make sure products get made, that's what she's done at Ubisoft and EA and would have done at Google had they not closed down their 1st party studios.
Even a dedicated fansite's tone is decidedly sour today. Interesting time for Sony.
The funny thing is a lot of the staff at Haven studio came from what was going to be Google Stadia's 1st party studio.
Stadia had many problems but all of a sudden it makes sense why they shut it down before Jades team could release this on the masses.
@AdamNovice I had that thought about Concord too. I know what those devs are all about so the teaser was enough to give me a buzz.
Fairgame$ on the other hand is one reveal from last night that needed more than a CGI teaser.
It really does look like an Ubisoft game, which I guess makes sense given the team that are making it.
Then again, maybe we're looking at it wrong. There's probably a demographic out there who loves that Ubisoft style stuff and loved what they saw of this. 🤷
Personally, I'm confused by it.
I have a feeling the old reaper is grabbing his scythe sharpening it looking in Haven's direction 😅. Seriously though this is what got Sony to acquire an unproven studio before they've released a single game what ever they're smoking, snorting or injecting STOP IT GET SOME HELP!!!
@Cashews Oh the tone is often sour here 😂😂
No offense 💖@get2sammyb
I love this site please don't hex me
Remember when they said that Haven was doing something innovating?!
@KaijuKaiser I was laughing out loud seeing a diverse cast robbing vaults from rich people
@get2sammyb really think firewalk has the worse trailer of the show. It didn't even show what kind of game it is. We can at least tell what kind of game haven is making, doesn't look good but we still at least know.
Just looked awful didn't it.
An ugly child spawned from Watchdogs 3 and GTA.
Puked in my mouth.
@AdamNovice let's agree to disagree.
the way they handled those reveals felt like an obligation they had to do because they bought those studios.
heck we had to learn what concord is in a blog post. they did not even bother to tell us it is a pvp shooter during the actual reveal. felt rushed.
Clearly not aimed at my age group (that's fine), but trailers like this, do make me feel old
Even with no footage, the gameplay loop sounds antiquated, while the concept itself is complete cobblers and I wouldn't be surprised to see this go free to play.
So I wasn’t the only one who thought it was a Ubisoft game.
@jdv95 That part I agree with, I'm just saying that at least a few of them didn't at least look bland.
The cgi trailer didnt show nothing.and that was the first game sony shown.which was weird.where was bluepoint games.or give me a resistance collection.or sly cooper collection.word up son
Tone deaf and even more fatally looks like an Ubisoft game. Dead on arrival.
Please keep in mind you have not seen anything other than a trailer while those involved with the game have seen so much more. That doesn't mean the game will be good, but Sony is clearly projecting the game to make more money than it cost to make (or they wouldn't make it) and is impressed with the studio (or they wouldn't have acquired it).
@playstation1995 With Summer Game Fest less than a month away, I am hoping that’s where all the 1st party titles will be revealed and this showcase was stuff that didn’t make it and Sony decided to do a showcase just to quiet the complainers about a lack of reveals.
Terrible execution if that is the case.
After hearing how Haven had a innovative project that looked interesting and got Sony to buy them before releasing a game... this is absolutely underwhelming
It looks like someone pitched a concept and they just went with it, not really actually sitting back and assessing whether this is any good or what anyone wants. It looks like Teen Watch Dogs.
Perhaps let those ideas gestate for a bit?
"Modern day robin hood"
So it's literally just Hood Outlaw and Legends but as a shooter? Good to know that Sony automatically saw this as innovative, I guess.
I'm not the biggest fan of Sony's recent output but I recognized that the ps studios logo probably meant it was going to be a really high quality title. Then this showed up after that logo. And that one other game in the showcase too. What were they thinking lol
The concept of a big corporation putting out a PVP game where lower-income people fight to pick off rich people and whatnot is gross. Maybe Sony should produce a 'bumfights'-branded fighter next.
I'm in if we get to play the rich as a faction and slaughter peasants by the truckload. Not for money - but for sport.
What on Earth does a cost of living crisis have to do with this? It’s super cringe, but that sounds look you’re looking to be offended extra when the cringe is already more than strong enough.
It’s edgy and makes no sense, but quite frankly, this should just gone with (or at least a more clearly) hinted idea that the Theives are just greedy masquerading people.
I’d also just rather go play Hood which is honestly decent fun was something different. It also wasn’t so cringe inducing lol.
"This all strikes us as incredibly tone deaf in 2023, especially during a cost of living crisis. We appreciate the game’s probably not trying to make any kind of political commentary, but the premise rubs us the wrong way."
Got to say, using that point, I think the constant release of Call of Duty during the Russian invasion of Ukraine is also incredibly tone-deaf. Does that also rub you up the wrong way too?
@Olmaz Jade is the definition of “It's who you know, not what you know”. With over 20 years in the industry with multiple years spent at Sony, EA, and Ubisoft… She has enough contacts within the industry to fund any idea and studio she wants.
@Shstrick agreed and suddenly this type of game is dropping all over the place including in VR. Ghost of Tabor is excellent by the way.
Its the year 2023, why are we still releasing cinematic trailers for multiple player games, especially shooters. They tell us nothing, they never hype, they're non announcements.
The problem with this game in particular is that already people think negatively about it due them thinking it looks like any old ubisoft game and others are saying it just looks like that upcoming live service game "The Finals"
All Sony did by showing that cinematic trailer is make this game harder to market for themselves.
@AdamNovice I know she's a producer, but she's always credited for the Assassin's Creed franchise in some way, for some reason.
But even as a producer, how can anyone think she's even close to be successful when she hasn't produced anything for 8 years (!) and when you look at all the games she's been part of since Assassin's Creed II, it's hard to find anything if not good at least original.
She reeks of corporatism and of these suits we all know that sell themselves very well but are, in fact, not good at their job.
It’s the dollar signs, it has to be… that is the only reason that Sony would buy these guys up. When they said they were going to invest heavily in Live Service games, I baulked at that straight away. Sonys first party studios have been built on incredible gaming experiences, but mostly all single player. I think they should just leave Bungie to do the live service things and get on with what has made PlayStation great, massive single player experiences.. I also think that they should have only bought Haven and Firewalk if their new games had been unfathomably successful, but at least this will very quickly show them that this business shift will be a complete waste of time and money. I wonder what Sony of Japan will think about that.The best way this can go is that is hardly anyone plays the game when it arrives and shows Sony that the direction they are heading in is fruitless.
This isn't wrong but it isn't news it's an opinion. Putting "News" so people read Sammy rants (again) is just as boring as how the game looks.
@TheCollector316 Maybe Sony needed to wait before revealing this super bland CGI trailer which felt like a Ubisoft GAAS games (only game that has succeeded is Rainbow six siege for Ubisoft)
I swear when Haven first talked about this game it was sounding more like a Playstation home style community title.
Not some Beyond Good and Evil 2: Sony Edition. Same vibe from the trailer and subsequent information you've provided.
I won't write a game off before seeing it properly and making a proper assessment- but it has a steep hill to climb and doesnt obviously fit Sony's portfolio.
@Ralizah Seriously???? You are looking into this WAY too much. You realize marketing teams develop these ideas too? And people like you and I make up those teams (not the rich corps).
Can't be too surprised when you hire a bunch of ex Ubisoft employees and they make a Ubisoft game 🤷 I will be upset if after this game bombs they are allowed to continue to exist while other wayyy more talented studios like Japan Studio stay buried.
Please Sony, ask yourself, did watch dogs leave a lasting impression on the gaming landscape? Is it or any of its contemporaries considered beloved classics or massive money makers? (which is in odds with fairgames messaging)
Pull the plug. cut your losses and do some soul searching for crying out loud.
@Eh-Locke. Yeah they could of started with a game with a gameplay trailer.yeah they should have some first party sony games in there.word up son
I find this article way over the top so if its a hard time you cant do anything with the topic?
I just wish publishers would realise that Live Service games are not a genre. You need to look at all the misses before getting excited by the dollar signs of the hits.
@PhantomMenace84 Conservative ***** would suck too, right?
How is this classified as a news article & not Soapbox?
@Juanalf And in the end nobody bought the games so who is at fault here? It's not a charity they are here to make money let's be real here.
If you're look at how money is made with games that are as deep a puddle who can blame them. Fortnite is making so much money with so little effort.
COD makes so much money with remakes that are aggressively monetized and copy and paste games it's almost painful to watch.
While fantastic games like a Shadow of the Collossus, ICO, Gravity Rush make peanuts to that with probably a lot more investments.
@Ralizah They better not even bother with Bumfights if there’s no dentistry minigame.
I'm not the target audience for this. No interest in multiplayer only games. It sounds absolutely dire.
But but Sony looooved the concept from Haven. Was going to change the gaming world lol. Co-op PVP heist shooter doesn't scream original or ground breaking in any way. Jim Ryan has managed to keep things quality while being wholly unlikable. If he pulls an "Xbox Don" I will be very said. Dude. Can single handed destroy the brand if he isn't careful
As soon as I heard the first line of the trailer, I thought, um, a game about stealing from billionaires, being advertised by billion-dollar company Sony. This was almost as bad as Square Enix putting out Final Fantasy VII NFTs.
Definitely doesn't appeal to me...
It will be interesting to see how well this does but I don't think it will be 'successful'. Not only is it 'limited' to just the PS5 user base, its also likely to be a $70 game at launch so you asking a 'relatively' small group of gamers to buy into this, get their 'friends' buying into it and hope enough people buy into it to make the game 'work' well.
Its not as if there isn't other co-op games competing - some free to play as well...
@PhantomMenace84 Those comments are likely from people that quite honestly don't leave their houses much. I think what baffles me about the complaints is that these people think the rich corporations were the ones to "create the idea". Like, do you understand how game development works? The people making games are just as poor and overworked as the rest of us lol.
They should have made it meta. I'd like to break into ActiFission publishing HQ and rob Bobby Crotchstick's secret stash to get back my £'s spent on UnderBlotch skins I didn't want to get out of a 'swag-sack'. I'd like to smash my way into EA (Eccentric Amusements) and steal back all the money hoarded from players of FIFA (Football Impersonating Financial Acquisition-engine).
I said it here over and over in 2020 when I was bashing Jimbo and people were attacking me saying that Sony was making all this great content, hit after hit, etc, etc, and I kept telling everyone that we were still living off the projects already set in motion by his predecessors and we wouldn't see what Jim's PS looks like for another 2-4 years.... we are. Welcome to JimStation. I Told you so.
Starting off with the cringy "eat the rich" message was not a good sign. This game was a weird choice for the Showcase opener.
Unless I see some sort of accurate dictation on Marx or Lenin I’m not interested in this sort of subject matter for a game.
I don't mind politics in my media (my favorite anime film of all time is Patlabor II and that movie beats its just-war/unjust peace and Japan is hypocritical political message into you by the end of it) but it needs to be intelligently presented and not rely on simple platitudes. Like “eat the rich.”
Bioshock did it right. It was a veiled critique on Randian ideology and its flaws as well as the lack of control over your destiny in a video game. But they didn’t dumb it down. They presented it in an intelligent way the entire time and wove into the story. Same goes for Xenogears, probably gaming’s best take on religious fanaticism ever told.
And like I mentioned previously, Patlabor II is an absolutely genius movie. And the politics of its creator, Oshii, are on full display the entire time.
Basically political commentary can be done in media, but there is a right way to do it (Patlabor II, Bioshock) and a wrong way to do it (whatever this nonsense game is and She-Hulk).
I think you might be giving this game more attention than it deserves.
It obviously isn't for everyone so, as always, vote with your money folks!
@LazyLombax While I totally take your point, do you genuinely believe this is that game?
It's a game man. Comparing it to the cost of living crisis? Really? 😂
You also missed out the most obvious comparison to it. That being the upcoming game 'The Finals'. Quite literally a multiplayer PvP heist game..
This game looks a generic and uninspired multiplayer. Is as bad as the Suicide Squad for me. I hope this game fails very hard.
Good lord that looks garbage. I'm getting more and more worried about the future of games, developers seem to be filled with people that have zero creativity, or any clue what the word fun means.
Let's just let it fail so Sony can learn the lesson every other company that's tried to get live services to work has learned.
This article is more cringe than the game
Would prefer if you just stuck to what you thought about the actual game instead of the political environment its being revealed in. The two things are better left totally separate imo.
I'm all for the "eat the rich" narrative (see: The Outer Worlds), but this game certainly isn't doing it. It's purely ironic.
@NEStalgia Might as well just sell your Switch now, because you know you just can't wait to get addicted to Foamstars on your Playstation Q. Who needs ink when you can clearly have foam instead? There probably won't be a cacophony of cephalopods, though. You know Square Enix has hit a new low when they're basically just plagiarizing Nintendo. Lol
When I saw it, thought it was Saints Row.
@MidnightDragonDX @Savage_Joe I never saw Saint's Row in it. It was all Watch_Dogs2 to me.
@SplooshDmg To be plagiarizing, though, wouldn't it have to look at least equally compelling? Comparing Haven's game and Square's "I can't believe it's not Splatoon" (but way worse), I'm starting to feel like PS really should buy Square. They seem to be cut from same cloth now of cruddy clone games nobody actually wants, lol.
LOL....WiiU...PQ...PiiQ? I mean I'm someone that has a PS4 and a Series S set up just as a DEDICATED streaming server to remote play on, and I still can't think of why anyone would actually buy a PiiQ. I mean you'd have to be so dedicated to PS that you'd never even consider using any other platform despite streaming being all about not being locked to a platform. Unless it's, like really cheap, like $150 or something, I'd bite. But I'm not seeing less than $250 for that.
Using a dollar sign in place of the letter "S" should have been outlawed long before the turn of the century.
I'm glad people are finally realizing that Jimbo is going to ruin Playstation. Literally no one is asking for these first-party GaaS crap and a streaming handheld device.
100% agreed. I don't see even live service gamers caring about this.
Eat the rich? So they'll be robbing all the sony executive then, I means I'm sure most player that buy this game is less wealthy compared to top sony executives 😕
Removed - unconstructive
Shrugs. A number of my younger cousins are curious about it so for now I think the game knows who its demographic is. People gotta accept that target demographics shift. And sometimes you fall out of them. And if you can’t make a game because inflation and supply chain issues exist, you might as well as shut down all game studios. That is like saying you can’t ever make a war game because there are active wars in the world (I do think you should be sensitive about where you release it though).
@Stormageddon I don't think it's the timing that makes it tone deaf. It's more the fact that the game is about people robbing the rich (okay so far) by killing other poor people trying to rob the rich (not so good). It's like if the story of Robin Hood had him strangling a half dozen old women before he got to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
It doesn't make much sense. The theme and the genre of game are at odds with each other. This would make more sense as a pure co-op heist thing like the GTA online ones or something. As is, it's tone deaf and weird.
@NEStalgia Agreed. Playstation's current commercial and financial success is just riding the wave of the PS4 era. The PS5 era has basically given us 3 things:
1) Remasters & remakes (Demon's Souls, TLOU1, Uncharted LOT)
2) Sequels that were good games but didn't do anything new compared to its predecessor (HFW, GOWR, and probably SM2)
3) Cross-gen
And to top it off we're given a *****-ton of live-service crap. It's not just Jim Ryan though, it's about time Hermen Hulst starts proving himself too. We are starting to see the results of his policies and decisions and between Deviation and Haven it's not looking very good
Chances are it won't be around long. Too many similar titles competing for a slice of the pie.
Nobody has played it yet and already the pitchforks are out.
Good grief.
The trailer was bad, but are we really gonna trash games because of one bad trailer? Nobody played the game yet.
And out of touch? Really? So call of duty is tonedeaf because Russie invaded Ukraine?
Damn overreactions everywhere.
What a cringe article...had to check twice if I wasn't on kotaku or rock paper shotgun.
@get2sammyb that's the thing I think everyone has a totally different feeling to it I sure didn't feel that way I was excited. was more just upset there wasn't any gameplay I play live service games and enjoy them I'm actually probably the only person that thinks playstation needs more multiplayer games I'm sick and tired with the ones out now I need something new
The most im excited to see from this release is to watch it shutdown over the first 6 months to a year.
As much as this game doesn't really interest me, it seems that all you ever do is piss and moan about Playstation and how "lacklustre" they are. I don't know what you were watching because at least 50% of the showcase was actually decent and varied enough to encompass the majority of genres. Sure, I would have liked a little more gameplay in some of the reveals, but the format was standard and what we've come to expect from pretty much every showcase from every console.
Seriously, who took a ***** in your stew?
Oh, I thought Fairgame$ was the name of the developer. I really wasn't paying much attention, looked like extreme junk either way. Why does everything have to completely undermine itself by trying to be both serious and a joke at the same time?
So true. That massive levels of Xbox and Phil Spencer obliviousness on display during this showcase is astounding. Jim Ryan said this week at some point it was PlayStation's greatest showcase ever. Pure and utter delusion and a letdown for fans and the games industry as a whole.
Who will ever believe them again? I always forget to watch State of Plays when they air. Now I won't be bothered with PlayStation showcases going forward. Thanks Jim and Hermen.
@Jaz007 Well, we have to be offended by something, even if we have to stretch to find it.
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