Once you beat Final Fantasy XVI, you'll be able to play through it again with all of your abilities and equipment intact, thanks to a dedicated New Game + mode. But if you really want to dig deeper into the game's combat system, then you might want to try Final Fantasy Mode — an exclusive difficulty option that's available on a New Game + playthrough.
According to Game Informer, Final Fantasy Mode "increases the game’s difficulty, changes monster placement, and remixes which enemies might appear in combat". It sounds like an impressively robust addition, and it could essentially transform Final Fantasy XVI into a massive time sink for players who want to experience absolutely everything.
To be clear, you don't have to select Final Fantasy Mode when playing New Game +; you can simply stick with the default difficulties instead, although we imagine that earlier battles might be a bit easy if you're packing all of your endgame gear.
"The main design philosophy is that the first playthrough is about learning Clive, learning the controls, and then enjoying the story,” explains combat director (and ex-Capom designer) Ryota Suzuki. "The second playthrough, we want to shift that focus – because the story hasn’t changed – to the action."
He continues: "Basically, what we’ve done with [Final Fantasy] Mode is give players controlling Clive the sense that they’re always in danger, that death is around the corner, and that you’ll need to really, really pay attention to be able to clear the content.” Sounds tough, doesn't it?
But of course, this also reinforces the idea that Final Fantasy XVI's combat system will have a lot of depth to it — especially when Clive's unlocked loads of different abilities.
Final Fantasy Mode even makes adjustments to the game's Arcade Mode, which, in the base game, acts as a way to replay certain parts of the adventure and compete for high scores online. Within this higher difficulty, however, Arcade Mode can become Ultimaniac Mode, and it's basically the most challenging content in the entire release.
It's "pretty much created solely for the hardcore players, those players that pride themselves on their skills in action games," according to Suzuki.
Will you be taking on Final Fantasy Mode in Final Fantasy XVI? Try not to get Clive killed in the comments section below.
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[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 38
This game will really be something else. Serious contender to GOTY!!
I know not everyone's down with the action direction for this game, but at least Square Enix got someone as experienced as Ryota Suzuki to design the combat. Guy's work speaks for itself.
Can’t wait to play this, and with a harder NG+ it just adds to the replay value. This game can’t get here soon enough!
@KaijuKaiser both are long established franchises and it would be great to see FF get some of that critical acclaim that TotK has been getting. I think it just may this time around.
Wait. We have NG+ and NG+ FF Mode on Day 1. What is this madness. No having to wait months for a NG+ patch? Crazy times!
It really does seem like its the full package they are giving us which is such a nice change for once. (Thanks YoshiP and his team!)
Very disappointing to read that the story won't change on a second playthrough
So, if I want to experience this game on hardest difficulty I'm forced to beat it once? what kind of modern gaming insult is that?
@Heavy_Artilery Hardcore players might not mind replaying the game, but locking story stuff behind New Game + never goes down well with most people.
I'll try it. FF7R's Hard Mode was the best way to play it.
Sounds like DMC's difficulty modes which is to be expected and I like it for it
@Heavy_Artilery I seriously hope that was sarcasm. Not sure I'm in the mood for another Nier Replicant / FF Type-0 deal on that score.
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Will I be able to break my Diablo 4 addiction by then?
it's so stupid to lock the highest difficulty behind the first playthrough
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If the trophy campaign includes the need to complete this mode I will be happy. If not, I probably won’t play it again after completing the narrative campaign. Too much else to play.
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@CRASH64 agreed, no items made the game way more fun and made MP management a core aspect of it. I like it when difficulties force you to switch strategies.
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@ShogunRok Usually, I would prefer the turn-based mechanic of the older Final Fantasy games but XVI's gameplay looks very fun and polished and I am all for it.
Please make beating this difficulty as one of the trophies to get platinum trophy.
@Master_Rid please don't.
Looking forward to it.
@saffeqwe it's been that way for decades, why change now?
This game makes me feel comfortable to be a PS5 owner in 2023. it seems that I'm still in the PS2 era, with complete and magnificent games that have no patchs nor a "life-service/multiplayer" garbage.
I can't wait. I just want to get lost in this world and fight in big battles.
FF7Remake had really fun newgame+ with the hardmode so I hope its similar to that.
I wonder how actiony the action gets. Either frantic Dante or more Souls?
For the love of god include an option to turn off all the flashing colors during battle. It burns the eyes.
@SurgicalMenace for decades? is it some standard? Not really. Some games use this playthrough lock, some games don't use it. And FF series only started doing this in FF7R (if we're talking about the main series, cuz I'm not that familiar with the side games)
@saffeqwe Not at all. If they made it available from the beginning then it would have to be balanced with the possibility of people going in with no abilities or equipment. Locking it to NG+ means they can be sure that players had at least all the abilities and equipment necessary to complete the game, and they can make every encounter with that in mind.
I think having a basic hard mode for a first playthrough is good (not sure if this game has one honestly), but so is having a "Hey, what if the entire game was under the assumption that you're at peak strength" difficulty locked to NG+.
There are simply challenges that can't be made if you have to account for people playing through without access to certain abilities/armor.
I love this for the replayability. But I am praying it's not required to complete it, to obtain the platinum. I would rather it be an optional playthrough, without the added stress of having to do it, to 100% it.
@Cloud7794 you can balance the difficulty. Like look at Ys games they are harder than any action FF game. But you can still play on the hardest difficulty right from the start. Challenging but rewarding
@ShogunRok @freddquadros @rawzeku @KaijuKaiser I have no intention of replaying the game after beating the story, but I am beyond hyped after hearing all of this!
Not often these days that brand new games don't need day 1 patches and have all of this extra content at launch.
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