Forspoken DLC In Tanta We Trust is now available for PS5 players who bought the Digital Deluxe Edition version, giving them three days of early access ahead of the main release on 26th May 2023. The expansion is a prequel to the main game and sees protagonist Frey journey back to when Athia was at war with itself. "After awakening amidst the destruction of Visoria, you must defeat the invading Rheddig forces in an attempt to save the land."
You'll need to redeem the DLC off the PS Store and download patch 1.020.000 to get going; the former is 6.69GB while the main game update is 1.204GB. With Tanta Cinta by your side, you'll gain access to a new set of powers and "relive the legendary battle that devastated Athia and eventually drove the Tantas to madness". The expansion introduces a new location to explore called Visoria, which is said to be designed vertically, in constant to the mostly flat landscapes of the original campaign.
If you're interested, the Digial Deluxe Edition is currently on sale on the PS Store for £44.99/$47.49 for another two days. You'll also get a digital artbook and soundtrack, and a rare resource kit with your purchase.
While it's not yet confirmed, it seems you will need to have beaten the campaign to access In Tanta We Trust despite it being a prequel. "After bringing peace to Athia, Frey’s journey continues as she searches for a way to permanently rid the land from the effects of the Break. Amid her search, she follows a mysterious voice that leads her into the past." Will you be returning to the world of Athia to take on this new Forspoken challenge? Leap into the comments below.
Comments 23
Ive seen Forspoken for 25 in Currys. Is it worth it for that price?
All aboard the hate train. Choo-choo!
In all seriousness, looking forward to the review. I intend to play it when it's cheap enough.
@Danloaded according to the people who haven't played it, definitely not. Those we've actually played it seem to feel differently, though.
Opinions vary, but it seems to be a 7/10 game that's worth playing at some point. So at 25 quid, it should be worth the asking price.
@Danloaded Absolutely. I really enjoyed the game, myself. Most of the hatred for the game seems to come from people that disliked the trailers and then seemed to love trashing it rather than people that played it.
I’d be down to play the DLC, but I’ll be working through TotK first.
@Danloaded I haven't played it but I'd probably get it at that price. It seems like an ok game at least, combat in the demo could be made fun if you wanted to, and I hear they fixed some of the problems with visuals and performance since launch.
Just picked up the deluxe edition in the last sale. I’ve seen enough people online saying they really liked it and videos of performance improvements to get me to pick it up to try for myself. Gonna have to wait until after FFXVI though, so I’m afraid it’s really going to feel rough in comparison 😅
I'm going to say something that no one else in earth has ever said; I'll be taking a break from Zelda to play Forspoken's DLC.
I like the bizarre and uncomfortable pose the characters are adopting in the promo art lol.
@naruball And yet all of the most popular YouTube reviews of this game such as Angry Joe hate it. It's almost as if what you said about the only people who dislike it being haters who never played it isn't true.
@Danloaded I played through it and would cautiously recommend it if you’re looking for an open world game to zip around. As the PS review mentioned, the best spells, and by extension the most entertaining combat, are locked away in the final third of the game. Still, it managed to create that “I’ll just play a little longer to see what’s over there” feeling for me, which carried through to the credit roll. The magic cats are cute too.
@LifeGirl I’m not sure what gave me a bigger chuckle; that one of the most popular You Tube reviewers is named Angry Joe, or that someone who calls themself “Angry Joe” hates things. Modern life really shades close to satire I guess.
@Amnesiac He's truth in advertising I'll give him that, lol
Happy almost birthday, everyone!!! What a time to be alive 😁😁😁
Idk if releasing DLC content for a dead game is a waste of money or a desperate cry from the developers to “please play our game, it’s fun we promise 🥲”
Or both
@Enuo you’re lying
@Danloaded For me, I got the game back when it came out and played that sucker to death.
The story is fine, but it is choppy. Feels like it was rushed. Not terrible or gamebreaking, but not anything you'll remember like a Last Of Us.
And it's important you go into the options and turn off the talking portion when out exploring. You'll see it.
With it on, there was a lot of irritating chatter, but turned off....problem solved!
Those are the problem areas. The good though is the controls and combat are so good, so tight, responsive and fun, that the combat carries it.
I played every single side part and found every collectable because the actual travel and fighting were so enjoyable.
The main point is, you don't come for the story. Which still isn't terrible, it just isn't great.
If you came for the fun action gameplay, there's some of the most fun to be had in years. I found the gameplay loop to be one of the best in a long time.
Obviously it's just my experience, but if you get even half the enjoyment I did, it's well worth a buy.
90% of the people I ever see dismiss Forespoken never played it or played a few minutes of the demo.
It's a good game with a couple trouble spots that don't ruin the game.
@LifeGirl well, if the most popular Youtubers hate it (especially a guy who calls himself "Angry Joe" who clearly has no reason to hate anything for views), then it simply must be terrible. Flawless logic right here.
@danzoEX or, more likely, they've been working on the DLC for a while now, so not releasing it makes less sense, as it would be a bigger waste of money. Plus, it was part of the deluxe edition. They had to finish it.
I saw some updated visuals they did recently and I ended up ordering a physical copy today. It seems they cleaned it up quite a lot.
@Enuo @danzoEX
Pics or it didn't happen...lol...
We all know that some Youtube channels promote negativity in everything they do just to get clicks. Some Youtubers are positive but have a negative thumbnail to get clicks. Channels like Angry Joe or Michael Does Life started out with integrity but devolved to just ranters on a rant.
In fact, I don't trust many Youtube reviewers and just go with "Before You Buy" from Gameranx. Basic yes but no bull and just, as they say, " just some straight-up gameplay and opinion" and this is why I did not buy Forsaken.
However I will enjoy it when it comes to PS+ Extra in 6 to 18 months
@Danloaded I personally haven't bought or played Forspoken yet, waiting for $20 New price or included at no additional cost with PS Plus.
Waiting for the PS Plus drop and then I may check it out.
The biggest area of negative feedback seems to be the writing of the characters. If you don't enjoy that then nothing can save the game.
Nice that it will be included with the digital deluxe, I should give this a download soon, I have only got up to chapter 6 in the main game so far so I won't be able to play it just yet
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