Out later this month on PS5, Forspoken: In Tanta We Trust promises more magical adventures for Frey Holland. The expansion releases on the 26th May, and places a heavy emphasis on dual characters. The DLC's story actually whisks Frey back in time, to a war that shaped the action RPG's fantasy world.
You can catch a glimpse of In Tanta We Trust in the above trailer, which shows off some new abilities both in and out of combat. We must admit, the environments look lovely, and the particle effects are as impressive as ever.

Will you be playing through Forspoken's DLC? Prepare your spells in the comments section below.
Comments 42
Is it trying to remind us because the game was so forgettable? I played the demo, hated it and deleted it. Hadn't given it another thought until this article.
Whatever people say, it may at least be worth the 22€ I paid for a brand new copy, right?
Also, this DLC must have been cooking for a long time to still be releasing after the bad reception.
@Uncharted2007 Same. I might give it a go when the “Complete Edition” is on PS+Ess in a year or 2 but that’s about it.
"But Why?" - Nowe Drakengard 2
I really enjoyed the main game so I'm actually looking forward to the DLC. Hopefully it's not priced too high which seems to be the norm with Japanese developers.
This DLC looks more intriguing than the base game did to me. I would have enjoyed this plot concept more, whisked back in time in the midst of a war over the whisked away to a land to find her way back home and help a kingdom solve a mysterious threat.
I'll wait for the inevitable Game of the Year edition releasing next year.
I need to finish the main game first.
I'm not sure I'll ever get back to it now. There have been a lot of big released since this one came out.
@Jayslow That Far Cry 6 style
I will eventually get this game and the DLC when I get the time for it. The demo showed its potential, both gameplay and lore/plot wise, despite being far from perfect. I remain interested at a lower price point in the future for both the game and the DLC, digitally.
Looks like more of the same from the trailer. I played the demo and thought it was really bad. But i thank them for the demo, saved me money from buying it. You know its just not a very good game when it has the same metacritic score as Redfall.
This looks good IMO!
Wow, DLC..... When the game and DLC complete edition hits like $25 total I'll probably bite. I just bought Balan Wonderworld for $12. Sometimes tranwrecks are fun for cheap.
I have never played a game with a more nasty, rude, spiteful and unheroic protagonist than Forspoken.
No thanks. I don't want more of her.
Looking forward to this one. And I'm still holding out hope for a new game+
I really liked Forspoken (got the platinum) but I’m not in any hurry to return to it tbh.
Just in time to join Redfall in the conversation for biggest disappointment in recent memory.
I've only played demo, but it was really bland and bad. Also, zero connection to characters..
Oh prequel Dl....oh fluffy clouds !!
Stopped playing this after playing for 4 hours on the day i bought not sure if I'll go back or not.
How much will it cost?
Absolutely no interest in this game. Only thing that brought me here are the comparisons being made to this game and Redfall. Apparently that one is just as bad…or worse.
I'll certainly get it eventually when it gets a decent price cut.
I know people can't resist a hate bandwagon, but the game seems worthwhile to me.
Haven’t started the game yet but it is next after Horizon.
So who wants to bet that new girl will be frey's romantic interest?
You out that base game priced at 20 where it should be, and make the DlC 5 bucks, then I'll bite Square.
@Sil_Am Where did you find it for 22€ lol? Both local retailers and ebay is more than 40 with shipping.
Great game got it day one. I'm sure it's even better now it's been cleaned up more. As I've said before this will be loved like Days Gone once it'd on PS Plus. Playing the demo serves it no justice I could take or leave that. The actual game is miles better
@belmont, Romanian store Altex, but they are now sold out. I guess they just wanted to get rid of the stock to make room for new games like Star Wars.
Funny thing is I asked Square Enix a week earlier on tweeter to discount the game to 30€. It's like somebody is actually reading the tweets, though I doubt it.
Jeez, you guys are a bunch of haters!
Loved Forspoken and I’ll say it every chance I can get. Will I put Zelda and FF16 on hold to play the DLC? I dunno, but I’ll play it when I can!
Well, it can’t be worse than Redfall.
huh, this game really was made by the same team who did FFXV
Rented the full game and really enjoyed it. Place it back on the GameFly list for the DLC.
Traded it in for Like a Dragon Ishin I think so here’s hoping it’ll show up on PS Extra or whatever.
shoulda' cancelled the dlc. it will only lose them more revenue.
I wanna be forgotten
And I don't wanna be reminded
You say, "Please don't make this harder"…
Jokes aside I will one day play this game as I actually liked the demo
For those who are asking why the DLC?, it seems that you are not very bright, the DLC was announced since day one, it was part of Deluxe package, I'm glad that they are going to release it... I've enjoyed this games at 120H mode,, very solid and addictive, I've got the platinum but, I'll do another run with the DLC.
I'll just wait for the complete edition to become dirt cheap in a few years, or "free" with PS+ Essentials/Extra.
@somnambulance If you like annoying and irritating protagonists who say generic marvel dialogue such as, "I juzt did dat" then go for it lol
@Nepp67 Serious question: Did you play through the title? Freya’s dialog isn’t going to win any awards, but it’s certainly not as egregious as most gamers make it out to be. The swearing is over the top, but otherwise it’s an origin story for a new IP with magic as part of the premise, so the majority of the dialog makes sense within its context. And besides, RE4 had some corny lines and we all love it. The game has unique gameplay and combat loop and approach to open world mechanics. The game is frenetic and fun in the best possible way.
@somnambulance "Did you play the game" You really expected me to pay $70 on a game like Forspoken, you're funny. I played the demo, listened to the dialogue for a few minutes, muted it, played it, hated the terrible sluggish combat, and deleted it. After that I watched my trusted reviewers such as Angry Joe and Critikal and saw how terrible and lifeless the open world truly is. Not to mention that Freya is a massive hateful trash character that does not evolve nor is at all likeable in the slightest because she is abusive to anyone trying to help her. To even compare this game's terrible dialogue to that of Resident Evil 4's is laughable. Resident Evil knows that it has corny and cheesy dialogue and embraces that aspect in a good and memorable way. Forspoken does not do that what so ever. What Forspoken tries to do is make the character cuss constantly because "That's relatable" and "Haha she said the F word." Resident Evil doesn't try to include as much cussing as possible.
@Nepp67 Thank you for illustrating my point that you didn’t even give the game a chance and formulated your opinion based on what others experienced, particularly from those that monetize being upset about games.
Forspoken can most certainly be bought at a steep discount at this time. I urge you to form your opinion based on playing the game in earnest. If you don’t play the game, you don’t actually know what Forspoken can or cannot do.
@somnambulance You will never see me buy Forspoken pal. I will form my opinion on my trusted reviewers and especially when both people along with the majority say the exact same criticism. Not to mention I've already watched a stream of it.
"Thank you for illustrating my point that you didn’t even give the game a chance and formulated your opinion based on what others experienced, particularly from those that monetize being upset about games."
Also this is very hypocritical. You want to talk to me about how I didn't play the game and not being able to criticize when you never even watched their reviews and saying they monetize from being upset at games. Angry Joe and Critikal are some of the most unbiased reviewers to listen to, especially Critikal.
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