Yesterday's PlayStation Showcase left a lot to the imagination when Concord was confirmed, a new PS5, PC game from the recently acquired Firewalk Studios. A quick trailer clearly took place in space, but besides that, all else we got was a logo and a 2024 release window. Thankfully, the PlayStation Blog has provided some more details beyond the whole 51 seconds of CGI footage.
Concord is a "PvP multiplayer first-person shooter" set in a "vibrant sci-fi universe" that's based on building connections and social play. "Every time you log on is the beginning of a new adventure and every match is an opportunity for a new story. It’s these ideals that define Concord, its unique universe of vibrant worlds, and its rich cast of colorful characters."
And, well, that's basically all game director Ryan Ellis had to say. He explained Firewalk Studios is still "hard at work on development" and you can follow the team's social media pages for the latest updates. With the PS5, PC title slated to release next year, it's pretty surprising these are all the details we have — and no gameplay either.
Much like Fairgame$, this is a live service title PlayStation fans will be hoping plays a lot better than its reveal has been. Are you interested in the Concord pitch? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 70
"Build connections, engage in social play"
lmao no. I play games to get away from those sorts of social pressures.
Playing with other humans, bleh and blah.
I understand it’s easier to just create a sandbox and let communities make their own entertainment, but I’d rather be led on an exhilarating and constantly surprising adventure thank you.
How difficult is to create a live service game that interest Sony games:
1. Warhawk remake
2. killzone remake or just like apex legends (which is derived from Titanfall)
3. Call of duty/ battlefield competitor—> killzone/ socom
Off topic: feels like Sony is trying multiple GAAS games to see what sticks and be the next fortnite…. Good luck with that as people only have x amount of time to invest.. really miss the ps2/3 era😓
I liked the aesthetic, I probably won't play it unless it's PS+ though
Game been in development since 2018 and not one clip of gameplay.worse trailer of the whole show.
@Sanquine I also dont want any of these.
@Sanquine really wonder what happens to these studios when /if their games complete bomb.
I'll get heat for this but I really hope when these games come out that people give them a chance because if they don't it runs the risk of these studios going to the wall. Sony can't keep relying on single player games forever, they cost an awful lot of money to make and lack recurring revenues after the initial launch period.
Shawn Layden pretty much outlined this before he stepped down that Sony needed to bolster their multiplayer output.
It's frankly depressing that so many were dismissive of these games before they were even announced.
3 newly announced first party titles
Whether those games are good or not, how did they possibly think this would go down well? Perhaps 1 of those in a showcase, but not 3! Especially when it's all the new first party stuff you've got to show.
So why putting it into a Showcase when you need a blog post to actually understand it? Or: Why no short vocal explanation as they do at Nintendo Directs? Vocal explanations are probably not cool enough for a show with blue fancy animated PS button symbols and laser beams.
What a useless cinematic.
Why wouldn't you button down your gd ship if you were going into light speed? Leaving frying pans, burgers around and lockers open? I want everyone crewing this boat to die - right off the bat. If we can kill this crew I may be on board.
I don't get why publishers/devs keep announcing brand new IPs with a nothing telling CGI trailer. Who is supposed to get hyped by that?
Just look at for example Atral Chain, when that got announced it had a gameplay trailer which offered a pretty good insight about what we can expect from that game
@themightyant There are many more to come, says Big Jimbo.
@AdamNovice I get the sentiment, but a lot of people have zero interest in games like this. I played fornite once for like ten minutes and knew there was nothing there for me. I think the market will remain dominated by the first in time games because people have already dedicated so much time/money there it’s hard to justify leaving.
@Max_the_German Tbh I hate the voice overs on Nintendo Directs, it always sounds like a guy talking to you like your a child.
@AdamNovice Nothing wrong with a good multiplayer game but this and the stealing from the riches game just seem to early to show (and feels a lot like Ubisoft). Additionally, how difficult is it to ask the PS community what type of multiplayer they want (I’m really into Killzone, Battlefield Bad company, Socom)
@IamJT I stayed away from Fortnite for the longest time but once they added in No Builds mode I started playing and now it's my most played game this year.
I just feel people need to be more open minded about these things.
@AdamNovice Maybe it’s the best way to tell a very diverse audience within a short amount of time what a new game is about. I’m a scientist, and you can’t imagine how simple the language is on a scientific conference. These are all clever people, but for understanding a new topic within a short amount of time, it is pretty much like Sesame Street.
I think Sony are going to get a huge shock when some of these games fail very hard. Out of all these games they have announced, I bet 1 maybe 2 manage to get some fanbase. Out of all of those yesterday, Marathon is probably one of the only ones I can see some traction. And that's based on Bungies quality.
That tagline immediately followed by the revelation that it’s a PvP first person shooter. They need to stop pretending they’re innovating.
@Sanquine How these games were shown wasn't great...that I wouldn't argue with, it's just more the mentality before these games were even shown.
And while I would love to see Killzone back I can also understand why Sony would want their new studios to create fresh IPs, especially when Sony have or had sequels to Horizon, GoW, Spider-man and Gran Turismo in the works.
This is just pathetic tbh. Who believes this *****? Insert howmanytimeswehavetoteachyouthislessonoldman.gif
"PvP multiplayer first-person shooter" and "building connections and social play" usually just means people trash talk and kill each other.
@AdamNovice Again, I totally get the sentiment. I just think PvP GaaS appeal to a specific audience, and that audience is spoken for. Speaking for myself, these type of games are in no way the reason why I play games. I will hop on CoD for some DMZ or multiplayer once or twice a month, but when I do, I don't engage in the battlepass and I do a group chat with the people I know and thats it. I just wonder what data there is that suggests to Sony that there is a market looking for more games that require such a large time dedication and social aspects.
@AdamNovice The problem is sony's communication is so poor at the moment. When we do get a bit of communication a lot of it recently has been about how many Gaas they want to make. They keep harping on about them but not seen a single bit of gameplay from any of them. If they showed some actual gamepaly from some of these games it would least show what Sony counts as a live service game. Its sony's own doing as why the mention of live service gets a negative reaction.
Sony looks to have copied Ubisoft’s mistake. I can see them losing a lot of money on all of these mp GAAS titles announced yesterday.
Zzzzzzzzz. This is the live service future I have been vocally against. Everyone kept saying Sonys games would be different, don't worry. How wrong they were.
Yikes, this is a while lot of nothing PR speak…
@Sakai We haven't actually seen these games yet, so might want to wait before you start wishing failure on them.
@bindiana The thing is Sony hadn't showed anything before yesterday and people were still like "boo pvp and live service". That's what I'm getting, so many on here are not giving them a chance.
@themightyant not first party, but wasn’t the second trailer for Hell divers 2, another service game and console exclusive with just CGI?
@Tharsman No the second half was gameplay footage with the caveats "Captured on PS5. Mix of gameplay and in-game cinematics. Some angles adjusted for trailer use"
Regardless it just added to the unbalanced showcase.
@themightyant I got crap for being concerned about live service taking over. We got what you mentioned and ZERO single player announcements. Concerning to say the least.
@AdamNovice it will be the same type of live service garbage we have seen fail a hundred times already by many other publishers, with far bigger pedigree in multiplayer than Sony. The cgi reveals were a distaster. They belong in the bin
@themightyant I might have to look at that again but I recall just split frames done from a shooting perspective in between a ton of cinematic angle shots that can’t realistically be gameplay.
I can see it being in-game engine cinematic but still, that’s cinematics.
I actually play Fortnite myself. Only with my friends though. I can’t stand solos.
It’s not a terrible game by any means.
I mean when it comes to multiplayer these days I pretty much only play Modern Warfare II unless my friends are online on Fortnite. If Nintendo would have included matchmaking in Advance Wars 1+2 Reboot Camp I’d be cracked out on that because I love Advance Wars multiplayer. But unfortunately it does not include any matchmaking.
It’ll be forced probably.
I used to turn off cross play on MWII but it was taking too long to find matches. So I had to turn it back on.
Sea of thieves = Great
Halo Infinite = Great
Grounded = Great
Any live service game from playstation, even before we see any game play = Bad
I honestly don't get the gaming community, we all pretend live service games are cancer yet I'd wager 95% us play online games a few times a month, even splatoon 3 and animal crossing are live service games which are also louded as (and rightly so) great.
Its pretty clear the majority of sony fans care about is third person one and done games yet times are changing and Sony will be following Nintendo and Microsoft and start making live service games of you like it or not, wherever you go to game there will be an abundance of live service games.
Nintendo and Microsoft have variety and me personally am glad sony are following suit.
That pitch literally tells me nothing about the game other than it is PVP. See this is why CG trailers should only be reserved for giant well established franchises.
MGS3 could get away with a CG trailer because we all know what Metal Gear is and how important it is. Concord on the other hand? We know literally nothing about it. How can we get excited about a trailer that showed a burger in space? There's nothing tangible there!
If it's a new IP you gotta show some gameplay. That's how Horizon Zero Dawn did it and look what happened? People got interested because they saw something tangible!
@FatalBubbles The thing is I don't think one showcase is proof live services are "taking over" I still expect most of their studios will be making normal games. But to have 3 in 1 showcase with nothing else new to show was a major error and will only bring arguments like that to the forefront
@Tharsman To be honest I don't like it when videos have fast cut segments or cameras in places you can't put it in game and no UI and call it gameplay footage, but some are fine with it. It's not a right or wrong thing, just a difference of opinion. This whole showcase felt a little like that to me.
I think it’s an age thing.
A lot of us grew up on PS1. And PS1 wasn’t a multiplayer centric console. I mean it had some good multiplayer games, but that’s not what sold that console. Single player experiences did. People who were local multiplayer focused bought N64s.
It informs the tastes of an entire generation of gamers.
Me, I like multiplayer. I was playing a ton of StarCraft on Battlenet back then so I’ve always appreciated good multiplayer. But I am extremely picky about them.
@UltimateOtaku91 Not to be that guy again. These games you’ve mentioned from Xbox are from different genre’s. Sony new games are all shooters and PvP
@themightyant even the AC mirage footage was, to my eye, actual gameplay but recorded from a non-game camera, giving it a more cinematic look than it would ever have. I had to watch that trailer like 3 times to realize it was likely in-engine but not the actual player camera.
But again: my biggest issue is overuse of cinematic shots for multiplayer focused games. A single player experience, for me, makes sense being showcased in a more cinematic way.
But multiplier, you just want to get a feel of the action.
@Sanquine Hell Divers is co op, Concord has social elements as well so could be different from the usual shooters, maybe something similar to splatoon and the other game they showed first looked like an payday game with pvp elements to it. So whilst yes they are pvp they aren't the usual battle royale and 4 player mission based co op vs AI games that were oversatuated with.
@UltimateOtaku91 Halo Infinite has a single player campaign.
Grounded can be played solo.
Sea of Thieves took years to become successful, was poorly received at launch.
I persoally don’t care who makes the game, if it’s MP focused with no solo offline play, I don’t care for it (unless your name is FFXIV.)
Even before terrible launch I said I didn’t care for RedFall unless it was playable solo and offline.
It's actually a more interesting one out of the lot. I look forward to getting more detail.
BTW you should make a dedicated live services section to clean up the comments. All this bickering from people who just dislike live services gets old when it's repeated tirelessly under every article. Give them the option of filtering out live services stuff.
There's no market for this stuff anymore! The live service part of gaming is cornered, no one is dropping Fortnite, and the other 17 ongoing games for this! Sony is chasing ghosts! No service game has broken through since Valorant!
I don’t think I’d use the word “great” and “Halo Infinite” in the same sentence.
It’s a good game. And the gameplay loop is sublime.
As a live service experience it’s a disaster. Live Service depends on constant frequent content updates. That’s why Fortnite is so successful. Epic is always dropping new events, changing the map, adding new weapons and content, and offering unique challenges. And uniquely speaking it isn’t predatory on its microtransactions. Most important Epic never makes promises that it can’t keep. People can rag on Fortnite all they want but Epic really nailed how a live service game should be run.
Halo Infinite as a basic multiplayer experience is good. But as a Live Service game it fails hard. They never kept up the updates on a timely fashion. 343 kept making promises and then not following through. And that’s why it’s all but being abandoned now.
What worries me is that Sony has the talent to craft good multiplayer games. But I’m worried that they won’t understand what makes Live Service viable. Fortnite does it well. Destiny, despite being a little predatory with its content, does it well. As does Apex and even Call of Duty.
I hope Sony understands that with live service you have got to constantly drop good content constantly. If you slack up for even a month, you start bleeding players.
Ya know there’s a market that is being completely underserved these days and isn’t oversaturated.
The traditional multiplayer arena shooter.
Call of Duty is pretty much the only name in town these days and while it’s still big, it pales in comparison to Warzone’s popularity. When people say “call of duty is too big to compete with” they are talking about Warzone. The traditional arena COD experience is much smaller. Battlefield generally doesn’t compete in that segment; it’s a wide area objective based shooter. There’s a shocking lack of death match focused smaller arena shooters beyond Call of Duty.
That’s an untapped market that a Killzone multiplayer game could get into. Killzone is a known favorably viewed IP. It had a unique multiplayer loop with its transitioning game modes in the middle of matches and its heavier gunplay and slower movement would differentiate it from Call of Duty.
I don’t understand why Sony doesn’t go for it. I think it would do well. Especially with older gamers who grew up on arena shooters but don’t want to try and break into Call of Duty’s high skill ceiling (it’s a sweat fest trust me).
I’m already getting sick of all these new mutiplayer only games and they just announced them.I know it’s something Sony has been criticized for. However it feels like they took that too much to heart and decided to only show multiplayer titles.
@OrtadragoonX I fully agree, regular good content drops are a must to keep the community engaged. I also think they will have playstation themed content in battle passes/in game store to drive player spending.
Also I'm hoping they get bunjies expertise opinions and help on their live service games before releasing them.
My only major concern with these live service games is what will happen to the dev if they flop? Some of the bigger studios are guaranteed safety but others not so much.
@OrtadragoonX I'm terms of arena shooter then yeah that is a genre that's lacking, I've been having fun with apex legends control and TDM modes lately so I would appreciate more games of that type. But I just don't know if Killzone would be popular enough.
Other genres I can see them working on is MMO's and another playstation all stars fighting game but free to play.
Just to cast my vote, shooters are good. I like shooters. If it has to be live service, make it a shooter. It's also a popular genre so Sony should be happy.
If there's going to be 12 of them, maybe make every combination and permutation of shooters, and I should be able to find at least 1 or 2 I like.
Killzone would do better than a new IP. A new IP is always a risky move.
Killzone is a beloved past IP. The early adopters would be people buying in just to play Killzone again. Then assuming it’s good and the content drops are good and on a regular cycle, word of mouth takes care of the rest.
"Scifi PvP first person shooter"
I swear, if this is the kind of innovation Sony is striving for its live service games, then I'm not interested lol at this point, just give us a live service ps all stars game or a Ps home alternative. Not every live service need to be PvP shooter games.
@Tharsman AC Mirage was a bit of a disappointment to me. I had played every one of the old AC's and all I could see was 90% the same animations and movements so I recognised what was gameplay immediately. This doesn't feel like a "reimagining of AC based off the first one" as they earlier suggested it seems more like a continuation had they never forked off to become Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. Not quite the same thing and definitely less excited than I was. Still it's more appealing that Valhalla to me.
Hard no for me
And this is why Sony are so frustrating we sit there for another hour watching cgi after cgi trailer with no #%$$%##$% context, to then have to wait for yep you guessed it a playststion blog entry to tell us what it is. What happened to shows giving us the info.
Its boring now
This game will be another generic uninspired shooter. Nobody want these games. Sony's current leaders are becoming insane to choose this approach.
It’s going to be crazy to see almost all of these GaaS Sony games die in the next seven years and then watch Sony scramble to correct course lol.
This could be awesome!
I just hope it has some class and PVE elements in it. I liked there are so many little logos on items in the ship that could hint to company logos or different planet logos in the game. I would love to see more photos, and someone do a deep dive on the trailer and future artwork.
If you need a blog entry a day later to tell you what the CGI trailers you watched actually represent, the showcase failed harder than could be imagined. E3 used to have descriptions to set up trailers, and breakdowns of what you watched in concert with the trailers. This new format is just rapid fire pretty animations with no context as to what it actually is and it blends together into one big miasma. You don't know what a game is because nobody told you and you're only watching 2-3 minutes of non-gameplay presentation. It's like searching for "2023 video games" on Youtube and just letting the playlist of trailers run. You have no idea what you're actually watching.
Also, "Build connections" "social play"
This does not compute.
@themightyant I could not be more hyped. It looks like all the advancements of the new engine and models, with the rooftop parkour and multiple infiltration options of older games. The Siege of Paris played a bit with those things, but it still felt like bubbles in a big map.
I’m so looking forward to getting lost climbing buildings to get feathers or what not 😅
PVP, FPS, F2P or paid. The market is saturated at this point. Servers are being shut down for games less than two years old. Let's have some originality people, not just a fleeting payday!
Game will be dead within six months of release.
Who comes up with ideas for games nowadays? It’s monkeys sitting at typewriters having their projects greenlit by gorillas in bowler hats, surely?
Why is there this sudden clamouring to spend millions on forgotten failures? I’d like to think I’m being unfair, but sadly all too many of these projects fail, or don’t even come to fruition at all.
Gamers really can accept something different that isn’t the same as everything else as long as it’s good.
Also, as with the Deviation game, stop trailing a concept of nothing until there is some substance. It’s only going to backfire in the long term.
I’ve decided not to renew my Plus subscription and so deleted all the MP games from my system to save space for some games worthy of my time. It felt slightly cathartic.
@AdamNovice Completely agree with you. I love both single player and multiplayer and although I think 12 live service game is a bit excessive, I think the strangest decision is theses coming out within the same year or so.
Honestly quite sad that people want them all to fail. I actually hope some of them do kick off, I'm certainly not going to judge CGI trailers that showed nothing of the game at all.
Hard pass, not my kind of game.
@Tharsman Glad you are hyped dude. Hopefully get some of that through osmosis
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