There’s no real point beating around the figurative Hyrulian bush we suppose: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the biggest game on the planet, and it’ll probably remain that way until a little superhero sequel called Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 swings by later in the year. Sony, and the rest of the industry knows that, and the platform holder even acknowledged the release on its Twitter account:
It’s not entirely uncommon for rival manufacturers to mention each other’s products, but it’s obviously a rare occurrence, and reserved for milestone releases like this. To be honest, it’s felt like the world of PlayStation has been on pause a bit this week, while Link soaks up pretty much all of the industry’s oxygen.
To evidence that, take a look at the PS Blog this past week: it’s made about 12 posts, when it usually averages double that. Even the release schedule has been quite muted: sure, there’s no shortage of new games to play, but it does feel like most publishers have decided to wait until Zelda is available before putting their titles out. There is, after all, a finite amount of time and money to go around.
It’d be interesting to see the PSN statistics this weekend. Do you think Tears of the Kingdom’s release will have a notable impact on engagement, or do you reckon it’ll be business as usual on Sony’s servers? Someone, somewhere will have access to that information – and we reckon the graph’s probably going to show a bit of an abnormal dip this weekend, which is fascinating really!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 95
I'm still awaiting delivery of my copy. Until then, I'm catching up on some trophies for octopath traveler ii and ys ix
Tears of the Kingdom will definitely be my major game of choice until FFXVI comes out.
You know those nights when you don't realise how late it is until you hear birds whistling outside?
Getting settled in for one of those right now.
Loving this game.
I reckon Final Fantasy XVI could be game of the year. I'm sure TotK is a fine game but I've Just restarted Breath of the wild, as I didn't get far through it when I originally picked it up. So be a while before I play the sequel. Same for Spider-man 2. I loved the first one and MM so fingers crossed it's not just a bigger version of those and does something different!
Never stop with those jim ryan edits lol
@Nepp67 You're welcome!
I was happy to see it. Always nice when the big players acknowledge accomplishments across the industry. Especially one as hyper-competitive as Sony has been.
@get2sammyb OMG Why would you do my boy Link like that?
Don't know how our time difference between us works digitally, but this is time stamped at "Tomorrow 00:00". Cheers from British Columbia.
Mhhhhhmm check please.
May have to literally dust off my switch. Haven’t touched it since PS5 came out.
I would love A Metriod entry on PS5.
I’m happily over here trying to get through all the Horizon Forbidden West side quests. But absolutely if you’re a Nintendo fan and got it I hope you love it!
(a gentle reminder: Let People Enjoy The Thing) 🌟
The funny thing is that the switch is so weak that Sony can make a PS5 emulator. They don't have the balls for it tho.
I need to beat BotW first, which is a great game. But I just got a PSVR2 a weekish ago since it came to retail, and that’s occupying me instead. It’s such a great VR headset:
@Flaming_Kaiser PSVR2 Metroid Prime with haptic feedback would be incredible. It will never happen, but it would be a better platform for it than Nintendo’s system lol.
Not me. I really don’t understand the hype around Breath of the Wild and now Tears being these “perfect games”. I tried breath of the wild multiple times and couldn’t get into it. I even rebought it once thinking maybe now that there’s been some time between my initial feelings on the game maybe just maybe I’ll see the magic everyone else seems to see. But nope it’s not for me. I will go and replay Ocarina or Twilight Princess Instead.
@Jaz007 I would even take a 2D Metriod. Super Metriod was one of my favorite on my SNES.
@Flaming_Kaiser Do you not want a Switch? I don’t the PS5 would offer much for 2D Metroid that a Switch wouldn’t.
This can wait until my birthday in August when it can have the full attention it deserves. So much to play on my PS5, and I'm half way through Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on the Switch, and then there's my Series S that's, um, collecting dust and giving me occasional buyer's remorse.
It's gonna be very fun going back to back with Tears of the Kingdom and Final Fantasy XVI. Big, beautiful, single player exclusives carrying the industry as always. Love to see it!
Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo.
Still have my SNES, my 64, we have 12 switches in the house, including loads of limited editions, and just one oled..
But the wishy washy pastel graphics of the new Zelda that I've seen on the adverts just hasn't grabbed my desire to buy it. I considered the special edition switch but it didn't have the game bundled.
I guess I'll just wait for my ffxvi pre-order to come, and play some really obscure playstation games while I wait like bee simulator.. how times.habe changed.
I don't understand this switch era Zelda. I understand what people like about it, but to me it's felt like Legend of Zelda Nuts n Bolts. I don't play Zelda games for the physic puzzle shrines, I play them for the tight dungeons. That being said, I don't care what people like - have fun!
My dream is one day Playstation and Nintendo join forces and all those Nintendo IPs be on Playstation. 😁
@KaijuKaiser Have you played them? Genuine question.
I just wish some of the weirder part of our community had the same kinda grace.
Its pretty pathetic seeing fans of one company bash a game that actually looks pretty fun just because it isn't on thier favourite machine.
I’m not convinced THAT many people across the whole spectrum have multiple different consoles … do they??
I would imagine it will have at least some impact on PSN use. The 3D Zelda games are one of those series that are just impossible to ignore for anyone who has access to whatever console it shows up on.
No disrespect to the 2D ones but there's no denying the 3D ones definitely get more hype. So far I can see why it's gotten as much hype as it has. I just wish it wasn't on the Switch more than anything.😄 Great game so far though!
I've had a concerning lack of sleep since Friday, because time is just a construct when playing TOTK 😅 Completely sucked in and mesmerized by everything going on in that game.. and on such a little system. In a time where some big AAA releases are unfathomably buggy as hell.. we are yet again reminded why Nintendo has the best rated games of all time 👌🏻
I hope FF16 is Sony's TOTK moment 😏
@get2sammyb Those Ace Attorney ones always crack me up 🤣 Pure genius!
Can someone tell me why these games are so hyped? Is it just because big triple a Nintendo games rarely drop? Or are they really that good🤷♂️
I've been having a lot of fun with the new Zelda, I never thought BOTW was quite as good as the reviews suggest and always preferred the likes of Ocarina and Windwaker but TOTK is a big improvement in pretty much every single way. I suspect I'm going to be playing this for a very long time
Never owned a NES,(&more so SNES,which i suspect I would've liked could I have afforded one despite it & the MD killing off the Amiga),so never got indoctrinated into the Zelda kool aid.
I did buy Windwaker & BOTW on WiiU but never understood the greatest game eva accolades of its Acolyte reviews...copies elements of other games but guaranteed "Essential" on like of Eurogamer....who'll then proceed to nitpick Horizon Zero Dawn & subsequently Forbidden West as "technically impressive,but doesn't do anything new"...when Zelda hasn't done anything new in years!🙄😅
But I'm in the minority,as I wasn't a ninty kid looking at their best games with nostalgia. Ironically actually enjoyed the limited rentals of Alundra on ps1...its not you,its me,I know!😂
I wouldn't say that
I refuse to pay $70 USD for Tears of the Kingdom, waiting for the inevitable $40-$50 NEW sale in 4 years or so lol.
Breath of the Wild eventually became $40 during sales frequently, so will TotK.
Zelda is such an awesome game, been playing it since Friday and really enjoying it
@Totheteeth if you make the effort to come to a gaming website/post then there’s a high chance Gaming is a significant hobby, so many (myself included) own several systems. My Series S and a years gamepass And PSextra totalled £300, when sales come on things it’s actually Relatively cheap for what you get.
Tried BoTW last year played for few hours couldnt get into it at all, but have been tempted to give it another try at some point see if it clicks.
I have a little problem with enjoying BotW. Not many content in that game
I will buy it when Switch two comes out as I'm planning to pick that console up. It will probably be remastered for the console which will solve most of its technical problems which reviews have hinted at and would probably destroy any other game. I will also pick the first game up as well.
I mean, yes. It will definitely affect Sony engagement, as you can't play on both consoles at once, come on Sammy 😅
I know for me my PS5 is a glorified streaming box this weekend for watching the NBA. But at least the CoD crowd and FIFA crowd will still be active, as most of those ain't playing no Zelda games 😬
I really haven't been into Nintendo games in a long long time but the games looks great and lot a fun
If you’re a Nintendo and PlayStation gamer like me - times are good!
I haven't played on the Switch for years, Super Mario 3D World was the last game i touched for the expansion part Bowser's Fury. That has changed since friday, i'm a sucker for Zelda since i got Ocarina of Time all those years back and every new installment is something to celebrate in my book! I got to the point of some serious insomnia, for the last two nights i finally went to bed when the birds already started singing.. I'm totally hooked on TotK, enchanted so to speak and i'm loving every second of it! It is pretty much my dream Zelda game, it builds upon and improves on most things of BotW that were up for debate and the immense scope(the massive cave system underneath the surface is exactly what i felt was lacking in BotW) and the sheer creativity of the gameplay mechanisms make it an absolute joy to goof around with. In comparison i struggle to fully connect with Horizon FW. Despite the new map and superior graphics i have some serious issues really wanting to know what happens next and therefore i have shelved it for an unknown period of time. The feeling of playing the same game as the first one is just so overly present. How different is that with TotK for me personally, i can't stop playing and when i do i'm thinking about it all the time. The Zelda series remains to be the undesputed king of expansive action/adventure games in my book, it's nostalgic, charming, magical and just so much fun to plunge into over and over!(Sry Horizon) I'm a devoted Playstation(VR) gamer most of the time, just not right now..!🙃🛡⚔
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Sure. That’s presumably a microcosm of console owners though isn’t it? Across the whole market I wouldn’t have thought it were THAT commonplace for people to own both…
@Ludacritz I'm also a fan of the tighter dungeon designs and I think TotK has more traditional Zelda type dungeons.
I liked BotW but I didn't think it was this earth shatteringly brilliant game like some did. So at the moment I'm enjoying TotK as well but wouldn't say it's in my favourite games of the year or anything, but that could change the more I get into it.
The overhype for this game is crazy.
Now this is released and we’ve had a quiet PS week; I suspect a showcase announcement this week to coincide with the VERY strong PS subscription additions…
Bought a switch yesterday to try it.
8 hours later - it’s ok - it’s a big open world game.. but not that different to other open world games yet. Fun, sure, best game ever..? Not that I can see yet. The graphics really let it down though, and as I played Genshin (which I know took loads of ideas from it) its quite similar, without the beautiful graphics, cute anime chicks - but thankfully minus any upsell / gatcha
Too bad I've never saw a Nintendo exec or media account be hyped or ar least congratulate for a Playstation game release, Nintendo is a scummy company even towards college developers.
Regarding Totk, I've played and beated Botw and liked it, but it's no doubt and extremely overrated game, as I'm sure this games is as well, but that's just my humble opinion.
Removed - unconstructive
@Comicfreak87 you've been trapped by the hype. Same thing happened to me for the Uncharted 1. The most hyped game of all time imo
@KidRyan The case with Nintendo games is a bit weird. They never get cheap, at least in Australia. Here, even the used copies of famous 5y old titles are only Au$30 cheaper than the original price.
Well, ToTK is pretty much the confirmed GOTY for 2023, of course people would congratulate and even mention this game.
As for devs, I can bet a house most of them are playing ToTK and taking notes on how to improve their own game, one way or another.
@Bentleyma i too don’t like all the Zelda games. But i loved Wind Waker, Super Nintendo & GameCube are my two favorite Nintendo consoles ever and i liked and beat both Zelda’s for those. Breathe of the Wild for me was a little boring and i hated the weapons breaking so easily, not that they broke but broke so quickly. To each their own, we all find certain things we like or don’t like about a game. BOTW just never grabbed me in and i tried my best to play it and find the excitement everyone else was having. Now Metroid Prime remaster, that i heavily enjoyed on Switch.
Ignore me - really frustrated at the lack of explanations, walking round in circles for hours, dying repeatedly etc - my first nintendo game, controls are frustrating and the graphics are bizarre compared to modern consoles. I've closed the game and bought the first one (Breath?) and am trying that in the hope that they explain the systems better.
@Palleon The problem is actually that games like Horizon set the bar so unfathomably low that Zelda, Elden Ring and maybe even Starfield all look infinitely better in comparison.
@Heavy_Artilery you are joking right 😂😂😂
@Mikey856 Sadly Horizon is really that bad
Been playing all weekend and at the 20 hour and other then getting the Paraglider i haven't touched the story. The game is huge.
@Palleon "Oh and let’s not mention how the joypads buttons are the reverse of literally every other game / consoles ever.."
I am guessing this is your first Nintendo console ever...
@WallyWest I got that far in the story and then stopped as I am exploring everything and trying to get all shrines, side quests, and towers done before I get too involved in main story.
I am sure I won't have a choice at some point to progress main missions, but I am definitely trying to avoid it as much as possible.
There is just so much to do and see!
@Palleon Clearly baiting.
@WallyWest Actually just really frustrated and venting. I turned it off and have bought the first one in the hope this one explains better whats going on.
@GamingFan4Lyf It is indeed
@Heavy_Artilery I suspect this was lacking the /s
@Palleon tbf the official controller I bought with the switch is better than the Xbox controller which is like a piece of cheap plastic and loudly clicks as the plastic buttons hit the plastic casing. PS5 is the most comfortable controller I have used by a mile, but this switch one (not the thing on the tvscreen, but the standalone one) is also good
@Palleon No. Horizon is trash imo
I'm not gonna lie, this game is amazing and will keep my PS5 powered off for some time.
I know, copyright shenanigans won’t allow it, but I’d love to see a Zelda x Horizon crossover with Aloy wearing Link's signature green tunic and Link using Aloy's bow or something like that.
10 hours in and loving it.
Botw is the most over hyped game in history. Nintendo fans are just like Disney fans. The game could be garbage and they will still say it's the best game ever. Glad people are enjoying it because the poor Zelda fans have been waiting for a new entry for a long time. Not my thing at all but I am glad it wasn't a disappointment for the fans
@MightyDemon82 my tip to you, just play through the main story, otherwise when getting to tears, you'll be playing something very similar. That's exactly what I did a few months back.
@Heavy_Artilery This comment makes no sense. Microsoft could make a PlayStation emulator too. There's a reason they wouldn't.
@MightyDemon82 lol not happening as far as game awards go. Tears of the Kingdom is already the highest rated game of all time on Open Critic. Final Fantasy games never even come close to a Zelda title and Spiderman 2 doesn't stand a chance either.
@Jaz007 Not many people want VR though and if they did, you know Nintendo would jump on that and beat Sony at their own game. Metroid is fine on Nintendo. I don't know why so many are asking for Nintendo titles on PlayStation. There's more chance of Sony titles going to Xbox lol.
@Palleon So the machines that are sprinkled throughout the area that are working (don’t have red scan lights) are friendly.
Talk to them as they act like tutorial information. They explain mechanics like chopping down trees, cooking, etc. etc.
To resist cold, you need to cook food with an ingredient that provides cold resist (which is in the ingredient description). You will eventually find clothing that also provides protection.
There is also hear resistance, lightning repellent, climbing aids, swimming aids, defense boosters, stamina regens, etc. etc.
The game has a lot of elements where you have to think about the environment around you and use it to your advantage or require using your full suite of abilities.
@Phornix Plenty of people want VR which is why so many games are coming to PSVR2.
Also, Nintendo did do VR with the Labo? There’s even an option ti play BotW in it (not first person, just with it on). It was complicated, sounded kinda terrible, made PSVR1 look like standout VR, and just barley attracted any attention. The fact that you don’t know about while saying Nintendo would do it and best Sony at it says a lot.
So no, Nintendo won’t beat Sony at it at all. They might do it again and improve, but they won’t provide a better headset.
@Ralizah Hey don't knock it, that's the closest Jimbo has ever been to a video game
@Palleon fwiw with Nintendo games in general sequels on the same platform generation are rare, and when they have them they usually represent an experimental and typically challenging leap to build onto the end of the first game. So far does introduce the systems via npcs but it very much builds into botw, and mostly assumes you've played it
But they never go hand holding. Not in a Zelda game other that skyward sword. Figuring things out, like with Elden ring, has been a series staple it only briefly strayed from that with ss and tp.
I'm loving the game but I'm also wondering what took so long to put this sequel out? It's using the BOTW framework and many of the assets. Could the new gimmick powers have taken that long to implement properly?
TotK has been superb. Quite sandboxie so it would be a very different kind of game from the narrative heavy FF and Spiderman, but I get the feeling it will be the one to beat this winter.
Then again, Yoshida can be godlike as well. But he needs another Shadowbringers class blockbuster to have any chance, I think.
@Palleon I mean you're saying stuff what isn't true so its easy to believe you're trolling even if you aren't. Map icons are there as is fast travel you just have to unlock the map Ubi style and unlock fast travel points by doing the many Shrines. I'm guessing you're still in the starter zone? Finish that and you will reach Hyrule proper where the game will then start opening up more.
@Heavy_Artilery I’m sorry In what world are the 960p 25 fps graphics better than horizon? 🤦🏻♂️
@supergurr I am a Disney and Nintendo fan. I vapidly dislike most games Nintendo has put out recently, including TOTK and couldn't be bothered to watch Strange World.
On another note, you're not really all that wrong. But if we're being accurate, most fan bases suffer from this curse. Try telling a Sly Cooper fan that you don't like Sly 2. You will be sacrificed on their alter.
@Mikey856 Resolution and frame rate aren't nearly as important as style and composition. Regardless, Horizon probably does look much better than TOTK yeah, Nintendo has stumbled a lot since they entered into HD development.
Got mine a day early and have played for almost 4 days straight. Back to the real world today but i'll be day-dreaming about Hyrule.
TOTK is absolute brilliance. I’ve been cracked out on it since Friday. My PS5 has been turned off since then.
@Heavy_Artilery It won't be the same. A popular mobile game, Genshin Impact, tried at the start but even they have to forge their own path later on.
Games are essentially art; the form can be replicated but not the essence. This is why many beautifully looking AAA games nowadays feel so empty and boring.
Not really played much Switch lately, although there are a few games that have caught my eye for later in the year. I got my eyes for FF16 and Loop 8 and in the coming month.
Enternights and Eiyuden Chronicle 100 heroes are games I hope will be coming out in the next few months too.
@Palleon I get you completely get you. botw should be better at telling you the mechanics for sure.
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@Jaz007 A Switch is a cool device but i can buy 5 games for a Switch console and I really miss stuff like trophies. Not hating on the Switch to be clear.
I love it whenever the competing companies acknowledge each other in friendly manners.
Almost like Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are all rivals but friendly ones who compete with each other to improve each other.
They consider each other worthy opponents and that's what makes them friends.
The first time I saw this was probably with Sony 4K Blu-rays advertising the Xbox One X/S, since PlayStation would not have a 4K Blu-ray player until the PS5.
Sony films like Blade Runner 2049 and Into the Spider-Verse advertised the Xbox One X/S on their Indian releases.
It's sad when fanboys are arguing against each other, when these competing companies are more like friends who compete against each other for improvement. Improvement for each other and themselves.
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